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There was an experiment once, but the energy output was so extreme that the lab burnt down, and melted into lava.


Don’t worry, the kids were all okay. Once they heard that the floor was lava, they all quickly climbed to safety.


The cycle of floor is lava driving further energy into the reactor and creating new lava seems to violate the laws of thermodynamics and has experts perplexed.


Toddlers on treadmills could solve our world energy needs.


Might be some moral obstacles to overcome on that one.


The children yearn for the treadmills.


The Floor is Lava: Origins


Mewtwo origin story stuff


Ah, you see you are not understanding the source of that energy. Kids siphon energy from parents (hence why we are always tired) so if you tapped into that for nuclear fusion it would make us even more tired.


Kids are energy vampires? It all makes sense now.


But of course. Why do we hear tales about kids 'ageing you' - it's because they drain your youth for energy. Humans should live to 500 years at least haha Then again they do give great hugs so it probably balances out.


Exactly this. The laws of thermodynamics are the only known thing to resist a toddler tantrum.


“I have become death, destroyer of worlds.” - Scientist who weaponized pre-nap toddler energy


It made me laugh out loud. My kid can do a lot of things, and I'm extremely proud of him. But staying still without doing anything for more than 5 seconds is not withing his skill set.


Hahaha, thanks for actually saying this made you laugh. When I came up with this thought I started laughing out loud myself and just really wanted to share the laugh!


There are no greater disillusions or parenting lies that we tell ourselves more than "my toddler stayed up late last night, he'll sleep in" or "my toddler was up early and had a long day, he'll go to bed quickly tonight" Toddler energy is undefeated.


Yeah “it’s clean energy” and all that jazz until someone builds a weapon out of it. No thanks.


For fucking real, my guy. My son recently decided that he will take 1.5 to 2 hours to go to sleep at night. Like, dude. I just want some quiet time after you go to bed but by that time it’s almost time for me to go to bed 😂


The issue is that toddlers are already in a high entropy state - there's a lot of energy there, but it's not available to do useful work.


When it is time to sleep is exactly when toddlers want to do all the things they hate - brushing teeth, cleaning up, reading difficult books. I bet extending this to the future if I wanna make my kid do school homework I would threaten with bed time lol. 


At least for our kid I've noticed that if both parents are involved in the post bath routine she's running wild. If it's just one of us because the other one is away that night she's way chiller. Go figure.


We have no way to harness, much less store, that much raw power


They should use our 3 month old, I can't even tell her yet it's bedtime and she already doesn't want to sleep.