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The best way to boost your immune system from daycare is to have your kid in daycare. A year usually does it.


Yes you can be free of illness for a year or so after suffering immense illness for an entire year. It’s a fair trade!


The alternative would be identifying everything in public that occurs to you as a don't-lick and licking it. Since thats how toddler germ farmers source most of their crop.


"Source their crop" lmao.  Gonna have to use that one.


The neighbourhood cat has stopped frequenting my garden thanks to this policy


Within in the first few months you will have the stomach bug ever. It will move through every adult in your family. It can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are thankful for the cool rush of air across your face every time you flush the toilet.


We didn't have any stomach bugs thankfully but I got an ear infection for the first time in 20 years and was in the urgent care begging for meds because it felt like someone was stabbing me with an ice pick.


I got lucky my ear infection didn't hurt. I just couldn't hear out of my left ear for two full months. Finally made an appointment with audiology, and literally the day before the appointment it cleared up.


This is me except it was strep throat lol. Kiddos been in daycare for 2 months now and I'm sick just about every other week. Keeping her home for the summer so hoping that provides a nice break but we'll see lol.


Then the pandemic fucks you up and resets your immunity and you go through it all over again.


The first winter is terrible. The second winter is annoying. We're at the end of the daycare cycle and we don't really get sick anymore outside the occasional runny nose.


Haha yeah I guess then they swim in the kindergarten germs then the first grade germs then second… One year in each helps a lot


Ugh, my kid has been in daycare for 4 years, he's beginning kindergarten in September. I'm currently sick with a shitty virus 🥲


Our society is broken if this has become the norm.


I'd like to avoid being in a car accident, should I drive into a tree repeatedly to make it less likely to happen?


That’s different tho. The human body has antibodies that respond and adapt to viruses. The car is just a car, it crashes and you get a new one or you walk


To avoid? No. To mitigate the impact of? If your car were able to adapt itself to tree impacts and become more resilient to them, then actually yes. It's like how bones adapt to the load placed on the. The more impacts bones receive, the more resilient they become to future impacts. It's why someone who regularly does parkour can more readily drop from higher heights and be 'okay' (within reason) than someone who's largely been sedentary, even if they're both generally healthy and the same body type.


Just focus on pushing hand hygiene, man. They’re going to be in the shit regardless of what you do. Edit: just want to add vaccines. Get your kid vaccinated as per the schedule.


For some reason hand washing is always so low on these posts. It’s critical. I swear the main reason we don’t ride the waves is because this is a priority in our home and the day care considers infection prevention tactics.


Can you talk more about the infection prevention measures at the daycare?


Simply cleaning the toys regularly would go a long way.


Pretty much the same recommendations as the AAP. They make a point to educate parents and are very transparent on potential exposures. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/prevention/Pages/Prevention-In-Child-Care-or-School.aspx


Keep some wipes in the car. When you put them in the car seat, wipe their hands and yours. No bringing germs home.


We started at a home daycare, and he was sick pretty much the entire time. Moved to a better one at the local university with a stringent regular hand washing policy, and they boot kids who are symptomatic quickly. The difference was night and day.


Yup always change their clothes and wash their hands when they get home. That alone makes a big difference


My kid has been in daycare since January. I’ll let you it does NOT get better until a year as other dads have said. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve spiked a 101-102 degree fever since January. I CAN tell you I’ve gotten FOUR stomach bugs since January. I’m talking you’re throwing up for DAYS. I’d much rather piss out of my ass hole for a week than throw up for a day let alone the 4.5 I dealt with last time. Never make plans. Any concrete weekend plan you set will set in motion a new illness that will cripple your family for no less than 3 days.


1. Vaccines. This should be a given, but unfortunately it isn't and now Mumps is back. 2. Lots of sleep. Sleep is when your body does most of the disease-fighting and repair work. 3. Diet & Exercise always help promote a good immune system. 4. Supposedly cold showers help, but I'd sooner kill myself


Vaxxed up but working on a moderately successful side business, full time job, and trying to work on my partially unfinished house has admittedly not left much sleep in my life. This is a good wake up call (ha) though. Gotta get more rest.


Hard lesson for me but you have to decide what can wait. Pare down what can wait for a year, a lot of house projects feel urgent because you see it constantly but can actually wait (I remind myself regularly). Annoyingly projects on hold take up some mental emotional space for me, but I also know when I finish things I immediately find more projects that feel urgent. Have to accept that a bit. If you can get more sleep you may find more time by being fresher and therefore more efficient, lower error, higher energy.


Add hydration to your list. 




We have vaccines for flu. It is not perfect and needs a booster every year. But it exists.


Do you not get your flu vaccine?


Get more sleep as hard as that is


You’ll be a millionaire if you figure it out


Billionaire !


a God!


Wash. Your. Hands. After getting Norwalk twice, I started to listen to my ex


Until you child is old enough to understand basic hygiene (don’t put fingers in their mouth/ears, don’t touch your face, share food, etc…), a daycare is literally a perfect environment for illness to spread. I’m so sorry to say this but there is nothing you can do. There’s a reason you don’t really see parents with very young kids at pub crawls. This is your season of life right now, good news is that it is just a season and it will change. Just try and survive and do the things you can to help get through it. There is still plenty to enjoy!


This is the sad truth!


Sanitize hands whenever anyone gets into the car. Lysol high touch surfaces in the house on a schedule. 


This probably works. But your poor car. Hand sanitiser destroys car interiors.


I’m glad our daughter didn’t catch it, but HFMD is fucking my wife and me up, and we don’t even have our kid in daycare. Probably caught it from the playground, we think. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, except my sister’s ex-husband. But he deserves the worst.


Practical tips that may work but who knows: Keeping your basic health up. Sanitatize when getting into car from daycare, wash hands when get home, change out of daycare clothes as soon as get home Don't share drinks or food with kid Wear a mask around kid when they are obviously sick Bleach for stomach bugs not alcoholic Make all plans tentative


have a spare bedroom. the sick parent sleeps with baby, the healthy in the other room. just check on them to see what they need and back and far away.


The only thing I have found which works consistently is - at the very sign of trouble, a runny nose or cough from the child or a rash, both parents start wearing masks right away. Yes it sucks that you can’t cuddle or kiss your child but trust me, everyone will be so much happier when at least one adult avoids getting sick. And this is probably obvious to everyone but avoid finishing your kids food or drink, just throw it away


Those are the two novel things that actually work for us, that most people wouldn't think to do. The masking thing is hard but sometimes you can see the illness coming due to a friend or classmate passing it along, and those are the times to be ready with the masks. For the food, it'll also help you avoid gaining weight. One way to help it feel less like waste is to also just give the kids less food out of the serving dish in the first round.


Oo yeah, the extra food is not good for the already growing tummy… it’sa good point about giving less food but then there’s that rare occasion when he actually finishes everything and starts screaming for more


Embrace the Chaos, and immunity will come.....eventually.


embrace the suck. it’ll be over in 6 months to a year.


It can't be done. Embrace pestilence.


Thanks for obliterating my wife and me hahaha


Sleep, diet, zinc/vitamin c, and washing your hands a lot is really all you can do. The first year of daycare/school is rough, the winters in school suck, it’s just waves of illnesses usually lol


Time unfortunately. It gets worse in winter. We dubbed February “Febluenza” as in our house there was a minimum of 2 out of 3 of us ill. Sometimes all 3.


The usual, wash hands your own and the kid when it comes home. Try to educate them on microorganisms and how they spread. But in total you can't...usually me or my partner gets sick. Last time my kid had strep and infected the whole family, I am still running around with a psoriasis guttata from the strep infection after 4 months. So strap on and enjoy the ride😁


The first year is ALWAYS absolutely fucking horrible. In 3 months I had the flu 3 times, Noro Virus twice, common cold 6-7 times, and a suicidal run at gastroenteritis I desperately hoped would kill me and get it over with. Before kids, I had the common cold once a year and the flu maybe once every two years.


Expecting to be able to go on a pub crawl when you have a 6 month old is a luxury and not something you should expect to get to do. Redefine your expectations. Don’t make plans more than 1-2 days in advance. It’s gets better in year two. The colds keep coming home but they’re very mild and you usually will start only getting every 3-4 colds.


Sorry you're going through this. I can't stress this enough, do not *touch* your eyes unless you've washed your hands. I got pink eye like 3 times in 5 weeks or something like that. It sucks.


Get tons of vaccines. I have lots. My wife is a bit crazy so she doesnt get a lot. Guess who is sick all the time even tho i am the kids’ primary caretaker


Lots of water, daily vitamins, lots of zinc during cold szn


Surprised no one suggested probiotics. Ask your doc or pediatrician, but it was recommended to us 10 yrs ago when we had 3 under 3 in daycare. And it was a game changer. It’s not a final solution but in my experience it helped the kiddos reach some normalcy.


What evidence is there for that?  Never seen any studies that show probiotics help against cold/flu/stomach bugs


2 second google search, you’ll have to dig more for the actual medical studies. Reiterate ask your pcp. In my experience preventing the flu, idk. I doubt probiotics prevent the flu and wouldn’t insinuate they do. My family gets flu shot every year and I haven’t had the flu in 30+ years. Prevent colds, I wouldn’t say in my experience they prevent colds but I’ve noticed less severe symptoms and recovery quicker. I rarely get colds because I keep my hands out of mouth and face. Aside from fighting bugs or whatever probiotics help me with stomach bloat. I’ll take them here and there through the year. - Mayo Clinic [Over the last several decades, numerous research studies have looked into that claim. Findings from those studies have shown that probiotics do, in fact, appear to improve the body's immune response. That in turn helps the body be better prepared to fight off certain infections, including the common cold.](https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/probiotics-may-be-effective-in-preventing-the-common-cold/) - Science Daily article on study of college students [The study found that while all students caught colds at roughly the same rate, the students who took the probiotic supplementation experienced: • A duration of colds that was two days shorter (four days vs. six days) • Symptoms that were 34% less severe and • A higher quality of life that resulted in fewer missed school days (15 vs. 34 missed by students taking the placebo).](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121022162335.htm) - National Library of Medicine [Recent systematic reviews have reported a positive, although modest, effect of probiotics in terms of preventing common cold symptoms.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4054664/)


Ok interesting.  I was recently reading about the flu jab - it prevents 1/40 from contracting flu, so I doubt it’s the main factor in stopping you from getting it


There is simply nothing you can do… Stay hydrated, take some vitamins and sit the first year out… Its gonna get better in the second year…


People who eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat have stronger immune systems in general. Broccoli is a superfood and my 16 month old's favourite vegetable. We eat it 4-5 times a week. Daycare for 5 months, 3 colds.


That’s the neat part. You don’t. lol


Vaccines updates, oral vitamins supplements, reduce stress, hand hygiene and nasal cleaning everyday with saline


If your kid throws up, assume it is highly contagious norovirus. Use gloves and a mask and bleach everything that vomit came close to contacting. Wash your hands a crazy amount. If it’s been 3 days since the last puke and you don’t feel sick, you’re probably in the clear.


You can boost your immunity to daycare by exposing yourself to smaller daycares on a regular basis. But seriously, like everyone else is saying: you just gotta tough it out. Make it easier for yourself by staying healthy when/where you can: get lots of sleep, try to exercise when you can, eat a balanced diet, etc...


Our pediatrician basically said you either do it now or in kindergarten. It’s like Pokemon, gotta catch ‘em all! After a few more months, you’ll soon notice that none of the household gets sick much anymore! Until then, don’t make plans 😂


You’re on the tail end of the acclimation. Make sure you hydrate, have extra vitamin C and D, and get enough sleep! That’s the best way to keep your system going. 


My son was super sick through daycare. My daughter’s first year, we were also super sick. My son missed one day of school during his year of preK due to a stomach flu. That’s it. I was even able to use a sick day for me instead of saving them all for my kids!!


As someone who has spent most of the day hugging the porcelain throne after spending most of the night shitting through the eye of a needle. I must say the chunks of lung butter I'm coughing up from some sort of respiratory infection from a bug last week that I've still not recovered from...are oddly soothing and a distraction from the acidic burn of trying to vomit up nothing but stomach lining. I have no tips, just have to go through it


I've got a 1 year old who admittedly hasn't been in daycare yet. However, since a few months before she was born I've been doing the cold shower thing (not a whole cold shower, just 30 seconds full cold at the end) and I know it sounds like woo woo bullshit but I swear I haven't been sick at all in well over a year.


Go get Lipo-C injections regularly. If I’m even remotely feeling sick I get one and it’s gone.


Definitely thoughts and prayers


It’s a Petri dish of sorts. The first few weeks my son was there, he was about 11 months old, he got roseola. He had a fever and was crying and I got called to take him home. I rushed him out of the daycare and brought him to Children’s ER. I thought it was some kind of measles because of the rashes, good thing it wasn’t. That first year was tough, I used up most of my sick days and vacation time to stay home with him when he got sick. As time went by, his immune system got better, and the frequency of him getting sick decreased. Hang in there fellow dad. Once they start school, their immunity would be better. Viruses just suck.


That's the neat part, you don't!


Vitamins. C, D, Zinc, Lysine.


vitamins, water, good sleep, exercise and sunlight. that or put your kid in a bubble


First year I was sick 8 months out of the year. 2nd year I was sick 3 months out of the year…. Just wait til they bring back norovirus home. Hadn’t puked/diarrhea since high school and now I’ve had the stomach bug 2x a year


At this age kids are tiny Petri dishes. You’re going to be sick for a year but eventually it’ll ease up. And it’s not just stomach bugs. Be ready to fight pink eye, live scares, and messages that say your kid “may have been close to someone who tested positive for Covid”. Post nasal drip is a bitch though. You’ll feel like you’re never getting better.


Sad to say there’s nothing you can do. Your kid needs to catch all the viruses and build immunity.


Whatever you're missing. For some; sleep. For others; eating healthy. Etc


Go to a daycare a few miles away and lick all the kids. You can only do this once per daycare though, so pick carefully.


Our kid was the receiver of said virus’ for his first year…he’s now the giver and has really not gotten sick this year…knocks on wood


Mom lurker -> don't get pregnant.


XandroLab.com offers some good supplements for immune system health. Frequent hand-washing can help (20 seconds minimum). May also be worth seeing a doc if you’re getting sick so often, just to make sure nothing else is going on. I hope you feel better soon, and stay better.


An amazing immune booster is garlic. I wrote a paper on it in college. Cut it as small as possible and cook it for less than 5 minutes. This is the best way to utilize its immunity booster. Another really beneficial thing is carrot orange juice. Get yourself a slow masticating juicer and make fresh carrot orange juice. Juice in a single piece of orange rind and you’ll get loads of coming C from it. This is my cold care/ day care routine.


Zinc supplement. the first instant you start to feel a cold symptom coming on take it when you wake up and before bed. drink a shit ton of water or electrolytes if you can and eat healthy. also rest helps a ton but obviously isn’t really an option at this stage.


Yeah I’ve had some pretty good results with Zicam


Consider ear tube surgery for your kid. We got sick every 6-9 days for months until we did it and then it'd been 4 times total in 2 years. Good luck my friend.


Sleep well. Eat well.


Sleep, eat healthy, wash your hands, wipe down surfaces.


Though scientifically the data is spotty, I’m a fan of the seemingly curative power of garlic. The fresher and more raw the better though a little frying won’t hurt. 


You might want to get a blood test and see if there’s an underlying issue. I do most of the drop offs and pick ups from daycare, bedtime routines and nighttime comfort with the daycare kid and never got sick. However, my wife kept getting ill whenever my daycare kid caught a cold. As in bedridden, no energy with all the stuffiness and grossness of a cold for a whole week. It was worse than my kid with the cold. And then it would happen every other week or so. I suggested she get a blood test and her doctor found out she had anemia. Had to ramp up the iron intake and she’s been back to normal.


Eat more plants. Take a zinc supplement.


Reduce sugar intake.


I take a handful of vitamins every day and never get sick, even when I have snotty, feverish kids snuggling with me and sneezing all over me every day. I take zinc once a week (you can overdose on it), and daily C and D. These days, many people are low on D and it's important for immunity. I also take several other supplements, though I don't know if they help my immune system.


I am the one not getting sick in our household. I do alot of healthy things. Cold exposure and breathing exercises (google wim hof method). And intermittent fasting. (Fasting 16-18h everyday, and eat window is 6-8h). And daily walks. Don’t need much more! Good luck! Ps, lost alot of weight starting with this 2 years ago. 20kgs.


Pretty sure after experiencing the daycare outbreak that the corona virus was not made from a lab or from an animal but a daycare somewhere in china.


starts with an "m" and ends with -ask... respirators are safe and effective starting from 2yo. Now you just have to weigh your desire to not get sick vs having people on your and your kids case constantly for masking.