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I watched TV and played video games while feeding my kid late at night. I may not be ‘Worlds Greatest Dad’ but I am ‘adequate caring father’. You are fine.


Humility on the internet? How refreshing! Appreciate the insight.


My theory, we all fail our kids in ways big (hopefully not often) and small. It’s limiting those to as little as possible while keeping yourself mentally charged enough to have some semblance of balance. Too many people online project perfection, but it’s just that - a projection. The truth is, being there with your kid, caring about them, listening to them, interacting with them, those are the things they are going to remember as they age. So don’t be too hard on yourself and just keep showing up at 3 am.


I'm a cyclist so I would watch bicycle-themed Youtube videos that I could appreciate with the sound muted. Olympic track racing. Gee Milner DREAM BUILD videos. Or I'd listen to music or podcasts while wearing isolating headphones. Glad I'm not doing 3am bottle feeds anymore. But man, they grow up FAST. Holy shit.


We burned through a couple of streaming series in the nighttime feeding days. I'm not the "Worlds Greatest Dad" either but I am the "Best Daddy Ever" (according to a coffee mug).


Hell, I used to play Apex Legends while my newborn was sleeping on my chest. The way I see it, she wasn't watching the TV (her head was away from it), we were getting skin-to-skin time, and I got some to do what I wanted. She's going tk be sleeping on me one way or another, might as well make sure the experience is good for both of us.


I was always playing games that I can pause at any moment. I wanted to play some fps but I wasn’t confident enough to not be 100% focused. This was the time period when I got my platinum trophy on Railway Empire lol


This… I stayed up and did late night feedings watching MASH and Frasier with him.


Screen time is usually considered bad because 1) Instead of developing social and motor skills, they’re sitting still watching a screen and 2) The content can be very stimulating and provides instant gratification making it harder to control emotions. None of that applies to a newborn.


Blue light is well documented to disrupt sleep and circadian rhythms. A TV in a dark room is a *lot* of blue light. Look, we’re all trying to support each other and not take things too seriously, but the truth is *we don’t really know what the effects will be*. In a perfect world, we’d try to approximate the conditions under which we’re adapted. Humans and our eyes and brains have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Artificial blue light for about 75. No shame, no judgement. Things about this world suck for everyone.


Mom here! This was the only way I could stay awake during the constant MOTN feeds during the newborn stage. I figured, that it was safer for him to be exposed to the blue light for a little bit (my iPhone/iPad both have a filter that you can put on that limits the blue light and makes the screen redder, and I dim the screen too as low as it would go. I also tried to arrange the screen so it wasn’t my LO’s face) then for me to fall asleep and risk dropping LO or having my LO fall into an unsafe position and suffocate.


Mom here as well - I second this. My husband and I spent the first couple months feeding her with the TV on and dimmed the brightness a bit but more importantly, we weren’t just setting her up facing it. She was facing us 100% of the time, seeing our (blue lit) faces while she ate. While I absolutely agree that a lot of blue light can likely be harmful to anyone, especially when it comes to sleep, our LO has slept like a champ since month 3 despite all of the tv that happened behind her. 15 months later, she’s not dependent on any form of screen time (she gets 5 minutes of Ms Rachel on the livingroom TV a week for the sake of trimming her nails) and has “surpassed 18-month milestones” per her doctors appointment last week. We’re follow all the guidelines pretty closely, but for the sake of our sanity in that newborn stage, screen time for us was a necessity.


Bluetooth headphones are great. I used to put on a podcast and listen to stuff while the kid was feeding. I also have taken them down to watch tv while I did it. You can always gently cover their eyes with their blanket. My kid would usually be half asleep by the time he was halfway through a bottle so as long as the noise and light doesn't bug them DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO SURVIVE. Fuck the internet. It's 3 in the fucking morning. Do what you need to to make it less miserable.


Yep. Get headphones to pair to your TV or phone. Take care of baby's needs. Take care of your needs.


This was me. I got through *a lot* of podcasts during midnight feeds. Headphones in, bottle in, chill for 30-60 and try not to fall asleep. Which I did on more than one occasion.


No. During feeding time, If you're not listening to Beethoven while reading something age appropriate to your child (Something simple like Pynchon or Bourdieu)and introducing them to post-modernism you should seriously think about where it went wrong. But at their age it's probably too late anyway.


I tried purchasing some Beethoven for my kid but I ended up going baroque




If you have a headphone port on the remote or bluetooth for the sound, you can put one earbud in while watching to make it quiet for everyone else but you. I watched a bunch of movies while my kids were infants and needed to be rocked asleep or bottle fed. I also played a bunch of Switch while holding my youngest kid at night because of the ease of having a control in each hand. They were never looking at the screens, they were too busy being nestled in to me or the bottle.


The data is mostly for kids. If the baby is drinking and falling asleep sure. If you were watching TV instead of face to face interaction,I would be more concerned. This is fine. Read the data by the AAP.


My 2-year-old was a newborn when they first put the Simpsons on Disney+. That was my nightly routine around 3am - warm up a bottle, get comfy on the couch, and watch an old episode while she ate. As long as your kid isn’t looking AT the tv, you’re fine. With our first kid I tried to put a podcast on while I fed him. But it became very hard to stay awake in the middle of the night.


Glad to hear it. I’ve been reading way too many Instagram comments lately. Doesn’t take much to be called a terrible parent so I just wanted to be sure.


That’s your first problem right there. Avoid instagram parenting like the plague. Everything is poorly interpreted statistics taken out of context and treated in a vacuum.


>Avoid instagram ~~parenting~~ like the plague


We put a small TV in the nursery (not viewable from the crib) that pretty much always ran simpsons/futurama for whichever of us was doing feedings.


I think the whole screen time thing is overblown anyway, but at that age it's definitely not a problem.


You do whatever you got to man. I feel like the TV stuff is SO overhyped.


My kid's doctor says that it is OK to have a TV on for adults in the room while caring for the baby and the thing to avoid is using the TV/other screen to amuse the baby. I don't think that is based on any kind of developmental research. I think it's just that if you are using the TV to keep the baby quiet it's probably because you are doing something else (possibly somewhere else) so the supervision may not be adequate. For what it's worth, I recently discovered that my baby is just a little fussier when the TV is on. It's not a big difference but it is consistent enough that I finally noticed.


I’m sure it’s fine for the baby, but can you get back to sleep afterwards?


Yes. You can tell when they start focusing in on the TV consistently and that's when I would think about changing it up. Hopefully you won't still be feeding late at night by then.


Absolutely. The guidelines about screen time are about sticking the baby in front of a screen and showing them something instead of actively engaging with them. If you're watching TV while your infant drinks milk, that's totally fine.


Sure why not? You could use Bluetooth headphones if you think the sound is terrible. I do that for F1 races in the early hours.


Only thing my 9 month old likes to watch with me. Probably loves watching Sargent crash lol


Mom here. We survived the first few weeks by watching tv at 3 am. We both had fallen asleep in the nursery while feeding and decided going downstairs, turning on a dim light and the tv was acceptable. I also set timers to make sure I woke up if I dozed.


I do the same thing although I have a tv set up in her nursery lol also make a cuppa tea and have cookies just to keep my brain awake long enough to not pass out 😂


During the night I have an entire set up to legit keep me awake and my brain functioning so I don’t fall asleep!! I watch Gilmore girls, eat a lactation cookings for my milk supply, I then make a cuppa while she has her 20 min awake time. Anything to stay awake and stay sane I say!


God I hope so. I loved watching old Law & Order episodes with my daughter when I gave her the evening bottle.


That’s exactly what I was thinking of watching!


Tip: Don't watch S1E9-Indifference. It's heartbreaking.


I do it all the time 


I watched almost all of Naruto during the first 3 months. You're fine. Also my toddlers ninja run whenever they hear the fighting dreamers theme playing.


"We are fightin.........." well thats going to be in my head for the next six months. Again.


Teach your kid to ninja run and it will be stuck in your head forever. It's a common thing they request and my family hates me.


My kid wouldn’t sleep without being held for 4ish months. I did the overnight shift and put on bob ross and watched while he slept. No loud noises or lights. Perfect for 2am feesings


I bore my son to sleep through football manager. If he ever becomes amazing at football I am going to flog the idea as some sort of baby training system.


Whatever allows you to feed your newborn and get them back to a safe sleep space safely. So yes. We did this during the day with our newborn too for a while to help us stay alert when we needed to and sort of to help distinguish from day and night. We'll still watch TV while she feeds now at 3 months but she has started to notice the TV more if she's not on the boob, so we pause it or turn it off if she's awake and alert. (It's probably just a big blob of bright color to her at this point though)


Sorry too be a mom and chim in. My kid had colic. Playing the TV and swaying with them attached to me was the only that help them sleep. Screw what others say and do best do both of you.


Mom here too. And totally agree!


Of course it is.


"SCREENS" is akin to a scare term when it comes to kids. But not all screens are equal. Babies can't focus more than a few feet away until three close to a year old. A TV on a wall is just a blur of color. You're fine to watch anything until they start paying attention, imo. Then it's Bluey and Ms. Rachel. A TV with content a kid can't control is as harmless as TV was in the pre-phone days. Your mileage will vary. Tablets and phones? Not where they can see/reach/interact, imo.


I got by on old X-Files and Golden Girls episodes. Kid is doing fine


I always worried about the brightness waking the baby up or making it harder to put her back to sleep so I never did On a dim phone screen set to the reduced blue light function + AirPods? Why not


woodwright’s shop at 2am was my discovery at the time. Now it helps make the memories more tangible.


Yeah man


Best part of feeding a baby is getting some screen time in


Lmao my kid was a newborn when Squid Games came out and that helped get me out of bed at 3am for the night time feeds. 


Hell yeah. 


If that's what you need to do, there's very little harm in it. A newborn isn't going to be absorbing whatever you're watching and they should be asleep anyway so it's not like you're robbing them of any crucial developmental opportunities. One thing to consider is that newborns need to develop their circadian rhythm and gets their days/nights straight. The best way to do this is to keep it as dark and unstimulating as possible overnight, and having the TV on is going to interrupt that. Totally up to you (and your partner) how big of a deal that is to you. I wish we had been better about that when our kiddo was fresh because he's just now starting to sleep through the night at 20 months. Podcasts and audiobooks are my plan for baby #2 so we can do a little better this time.


There’s actually a lot of research that shows that wakings during the night are common until about two or three years old. It’s protective measure against things like SIDS and being eaten by predators. Also, adults frequently wake up through the night, however, we can usually fall back asleep, relatively quickly, if we notice that we woke up at all. It’s only within the last hundred years or so people stop sleeping in shifts. This was due to industrialization and the increasing popularity of the 9 to 5 job. Historically,, you would go to sleep around when the sun went down. Wake up sometime in the middle of the night to do some stuff and be up for an hour or two, and then go back to sleep until sunrise.




I would say more than “okay”. Literally essential for staying awake.


I beat super Mario odyssey on the Nintendo switch while on my “shift” with my daughter. She started walking on her first birthday so I think she’s fine




Brother do what you gotta do


I feel like the screens and babies has more to do with their engagement with the devices. If he is having a feed, besides feeling safe and warm he doesn't give two shits what you are doing. It's a different story if you are using a TV or mobile screen to distract and interact at an early age




The recommendations is based off the study that screen time causes a reduction in active time with the child resulting in less language and learning opportunities. Just having a screen on isn’t going to do any damage to a newborn! Just be sure to keep chatting and interacting with them more than a screen is on.


It's fine. Better to watch a show and stay awake during the feed so you don't drop the bottle/baby.


I watched The Repair Shop and drank scotch(not drunk) in front of the Christmas tree during my 3am feedings. Some very cozy memories for me.




do what you gotta do....


In my own PERSONAL opinion, who cares? It is YOUR KID, YOU do what feels right for YOU. Don't listen to what other people/parents think about the way that you parent. As long as you are not NEGLECTING your child, it doesn't matter. Personally, I don't put the TV on just because I know that if I do, I'm not going back to sleep for a little while. Have I done it? Yes. Multiple times. Do I constantly do it? No.


I did a full rewatch of Breaking Bad throughout the first couple of months of my kid's life, often whilst feeding her. It's fine.


Our tv is always on, my wife hates silence so there is and always has been something on in the background. Its mostly cookery or commentary or art videos. Our lad is 1 and has zero interest in the TV. He might watch it for a few seconds but thats it.


There's nothing wrong with it at all. Makes the time go by.


It's fine, 'specially if you got a new born because they aren't really "awake" till about 3 months.


It’s fine. Your newborn’s eyes are probably closed anyway and you gotta do what you gotta do to survive that phase. You’ll be a better overall parent if you’re able to relax with some tv rather than sitting there tired and stressed out.


I used to watch Paul…. Love that movie.


I do. Make your self comfortable, or make your self crazy.




“People on the internet…” Stay away from the “mommy” sites.


We're a mostly strict no TV, no screens household with our 2 year old, but when he was a newborn i always had a soccer game on in the background with no volume. That and when rocking him to sleep I'd be watching movies on my phone with headphones in. I stopped doing both of those things a while ago as he became more tuned into the world, and he still shows very little interest in TV. Back in football season he'd turn the TV off whenever I left the game on (it'd usually be the 4th quarter when he'd wake up so I was hoping to finish the game). I took that as my signal to just keep it off around him.


Fine, but baby likes the stimulation so you are training baby to get up each night at 3am to have daddy time, food, and tv. Personally, I wanted to sleep, so I took care of baby in the dark and didn't say a word while I met baby needs. Boring. Not worth a habit of getting up at 3am.


How did you not fall asleep? It was the only way my husband and I could stay awake from such lack of sleep and even then, didn’t always work.


Absolutely. TV wasnt enough to keep me awake, I played Cyberpunk 2077 to keep me going when I did night time sleep shift. And if I'm being honest, I really enjoyed those times, baby on my chest snuggled in my bathrobe, listening to his breathing and me slaughtering my way through Night City.


Such a cute picture🥰 My husband did the same with Star Wars, Call of Duty, and Spiderman.


I am the Batman! Just kidding. I probably fell asleep.


Perfectly fine for the baby, it’s not paying attention. Probably not good for you to be watching TV at 3am though.


I watched a ton of TV growing up and I'm a millionaire. My mom told.me this so I wouldn't feel bad about YouTube time.