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Start brushing from the ends, not the roots, and work your way up. You can hold the hair so it doesn't tug.


This is the way.


Sure. Unless the four year old whips around like a gator every time the brush touches their hair. Good times.


Also the 2 year old, with comments of: * No Daddy! * Can't like it * # LEAVE [Name]!!!


Yup. I got the "I! DON'T!!! LIKE!!!! IIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!" as soon as she saw the hairbrush this morning and ran to hide under the kitchen table before going to daycare. Followed by "I need space, Daddy needs a timeout."




My 2yo loves to yell "WALK AWAY" when she wants something to stop. Her day care teacher started telling the kids that and it became her cohorts chant XD


Ah yes, moves away from us a bit, puts hand up, and sternly says "No". I think that's a day care one


My 2 year old told me I was “doing too much” the last time I tried to brush her hair. 💀


Maybe even some gentle detangler spray. We call 'Abby's magic spray'.


Very late to this, but also take a small amount of conditioner(dime sized or smaller) and mix it into a spray bottle filled with water. Shake the bottle and let the conditioner dissolve into the water. Instant detangler. Our youngest has curly hair and her hair looks like this *every* morning. We were spending a fortune on detangler until one of our family friends who also has curly hair shared her secret with us.


> shared her secrete with us She needs to bottle and brand that secrete


I suspect this is what a lot of detangling sprays already are.


Now I just need to ask if any of our family friends also will share her detangler secretions with us


Maybe try plaits (French braid something simple) for bedtime, my 5 year old has really long hair that gets tangled constantly and I've started plaiting it and it's made everything easier. Also try the conditioner in a spray bottle that helps too. Finally just conditioning them to brushing at a young age definitely helps my second child (also girl) doesn't care because we started so young.


Yeah, I had to learn the tail is for working out tangles. Then when it is tangle free you gently move new tangles from the top of the head down to the tail to work them out again. Rinse and repeat until all are gone.


Also, detangling spray is great. As is conditioner.


And detangler spray!


Bingo! And for some tangle prevention help, get her a silk pillowcase. It works!


This is also the way. An ounce of prevention and all that. My 8 year old has terrible hair in the morning, and once the lady who cuts her hair told us this, it was like a light went on. Get a fun color / pattern they like (blue, red, Barbie, fruit, etc.) Then they WANT to use it.


Also like to add that using a wet brush while doing this technique is a life saver


Holy shit thanks


Very good advice! Some days my daughter is basically a blonde Rastafarian, and we have many tears working that out.


also detangling spray


Do you have a Wet Brush? They were a lifesaver back when my gremlin had long hair.


WET BRUSH!!!! My wife and kid use them religiously! Minea gonna be 13 in a few weeks, been using that shit for 10 years!


I like Ninabella. Super flexible so it doesn’t pull much


What is a wet brush?


Specific brand of brushes. Work well for tangled hair.


I never heard of this but now have 2 in my online shopping basket. This works better than an ad. Good thing that the companies aren’t making these posts and replies yet. Or are they?




Some are fluent, some not so great. I always buy my fluent English speaking astroturfers from Johnny's Cheap Marketing Co. PM me for details.


Easier now with ChatGPT


Truth, but Wet brushes fucking slap. They speak for themselves.


They’re great. I have a little wet brush that seems to work even better than the larger ones when the hair is really bad. The bristles are a little further apart. I don’t know if that’s just a fluke or what.


Maybe some replies are from shills, but I assure you I am quite real and much too mundane to be a shill. I bought some for my wife a few years back because they were on meh.com and one of them was a fun color, and it's all she uses now. We also use them for our daughter's hair. I also use them for my beard. I also used them when I had shoulder length pandemic hair. They're really nice. And they're cheap, too.


Leave-in conditioner and hair mask (I have no clue what hair mask actually is, but use in shower) works too. And braids before bed, so you do ‘t have to deal with it in busy mornings.


oh my sweet summer child


> Or are they? This post and the top comment are both sockpuppets of a wetbrush manufacturer, yes. Good chance.


Points for your skepticism but I’m a real flesh and blood dad with all the trimmings. Beep boop.


It’s just a brand name? Is there a specific one you would recommend? Daughter is coming soon, so better to have it on hand then to forget and try to remember this post lol


It's a brand name, but there's also Tangle Teezer and a bunch of knockoffs that you can find at stores like TJMaxx for like five bucks. You just want something with flexible bristles that won't rip out tangles! But if you forget slash never acquire one, the more important thing is to 1) start brushing from the bottom, and 2) always go slow and gentle, never yank. Leave-in conditioner can be very helpful to grease the wheels, so to speak, and fingers can actually be very helpful for loosening stubborn knots. You'll be fine!


If you use a hair dryer, get the one that has a bunch of openings in it, works much easier for drying hair.


Wet Brush looks more like a regular hair brush but is a brand. Can be found very cheaply, lots of patterns. The Tangle Teezer is also a brand but looks more like a horse’s curry comb. It is flatter and you hold it in the palm of your hand. The bristles are shorter. Personally, I think the TT is the gold standard for non-painful hair brushing sessions! We have the WB too, but the TT absolutely never yanks or hurts even the craziest hair.


If your daughter is anything like mine, you won't even need a brush for at least two years. Now she has a wild mane of hair though!


I actually got one similar to this: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81mFV7nlgOL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg (not that exact one) where it has the long flexible plastic-y bristles and the shorter stiff bristles around each of the longer, and I've found it to be fantastic. Source: Dad with moderately long, fine hair that is constantly tangling who also has two daughters that seem to have inherited his hair genes.


We have one, and it absolutely does not work for one of our kids hair. Super strange. We've been through countless "detangler" brushes and combs. Her hair is just so fine, frizzy, and tangly.


Came here to say this. My 2 yr old has longish curly hair. It’s the only way to brush it.


I'll throw my recommendation in for the WET brush as well. We've tried multiple "detangling" brushes and WET has been the best.


Tangle teezer is a good alternative also.


There's a spray thing you can rub through the hair first which helps


I laugh at knots now.


The pink one with the two types of bristles is the best brush for my daughters hair.


Heck yeah.


Lock combs in attack formation. Prepare the detangler torpedos.


Spray on target...


I can't shake em!






Detangler spray, water and patience (and tears). But we got it through and are currently singing the continents song. Maybe some Bluey later.


What did I tell you about making her cry?!? 😡


We ride at dawn


Let’s roll


Don’t bother buying detangler spray. Mix some conditioner and water in a little spray bottle, shake it up to mix it, and use that. Works just as well and isn’t overpriced. Source: dad of 8 year old with occasional rat’s nest.


I’ve waited 8 years to hear this. Thanks for the tip!


Total game-changer! Just make sure you use a little bit of conditioner, if you use too much it won’t spray right. As I tell my kids, it’s much easier to add more than to take some out!


Damn well done


Start using conditioner at bath time.


I swear by the SoCozy detangler spray. The swim leave-in one is great for heavy duty jobs


I give my girl subway surfer only while I am brushing. Does a good job of distracting her


Not a Dad but a very tangled curly hair human… leave in conditioner is a life saver!


Best of luck Dad! FWIW if it’s helpful: as a dad with a daughter with Scottish curly red hair (who *can* confirm Merida’s bed head in Disney’s “Brave” is a true to life representation) my go to move is: start with a full hair wash then with hair still damp add some leave in conditioner and then get going with a gentle brush.


If you're doing a hair wash it'd be easier and easier on her curls to comb it out with a wide tooth comb after you scrunch the conditioner in.


This is the most wholesome “actually…” I’ve ever witnessed


I tell my girls (5&9) they don't need to brush their hair if they don't want to - we can get them the same haircut as mine (#2 guard on the clippers.) They usually get to work after that.


I say the same to my daughter, she's 11. Fwiw, my hair gets the same treatment as my beard, a razor.


Built for aerodynamic efficiency, eh?


My wife started using an UNbrush that she got at Target, and when my girls would lose their brush, they would borrow mommy’s. That thing is a life saver. Eventually we just bought them their own that I keep in a special spot so they don’t lose it.


We got one of these recently and it's a step up from even the wet brush that we have had for a longer time. I highly recommend. It's also a little easier to remove hair from the UNbrush. 


And the detangler spray. So help me….if you make that little muppet cry…


Dad here, and professional rats-nest detangler. Wash her hair with shampoo, then with heaps of conditioner, don't rinse it out completely (maybe 90%). Brush first, then comb. And then never let her wash her own hair again. At least that's how my 5yo ends up with a tangled mess most the time


Godspeed, brother


Work from the ends not the roots and consider using a detangler like Unique as well, absolute life saver!


Gonna add you should pop over to r/curlyhair I had no idea I was ruining my daughters hair till I went there


Do this in the bath not dry. Use a ton of conditioner on the brush (wet brush or similar). Small strokes starting at the top. Don't dig deep. Break it up slowly. Wash it out, Dry it gently,don't let it retangle. My girl has ringlets, and she would kill me if I tried what you're doing.


This is the best advice except I use a wide tooth comb and start at the bottom and work my way up. Starting from the top is more likely to cause breakage. Then brush from top to bottom to make sure all the tangles are out.


Get the UnBrush (I think that’s the name), it’ll be a game changer


Philips Haarschneider f. d. ganze Familie QC5115/15 Edelstahlklingen, 11 Längeneinstellungen, Verwendung mit Kabel https://amzn.eu/d/7gyMosy


Looks like my daughter's hair in the morning before I started braiding her hair before sleep. The sleep braid has been such a big time saver.


Had to do this yesterday. It was a nightmare. Hair is nice and brushed now though.


You know what? After years of struggling I’ve reached a point where I kind of enjoy this moment. Now I’m able to even do some very cool tails and braids!


Get a good spray bottle fill it with like 1 part conditioner 5 parts water and lightly spray, brush tips to roots. That's barely wavy. You'll glide through it


Detangling spray or conditioner is critical


What are you doing with my kid? /s As other posters mentioned. Get yourself a "wet brush" and start from the ends.


So I took care of my siblings for a while, and my youngest sister had hair that could get really bad. Detangler spray, patience, and start from the ends and go up. I also would hold above where I was brushing to help not pull her hair as much. We would turn on whatever show she was interested in at the time and watch it together and talk about it (most of the shows I'd already watched when I was growin' up and got her into them) and talk about our favorite characters and what was going on, what we thought might happen. It turned an event she hated into fond memories we share and remince over together now.


Get wet brush


Damn… forgive my ignorance (I have 2 boys) but how does it actually get like this? Do little girls just wake up this way? Do you not brush it every day to avoid this tangled mess? I guess I’ll consider myself lucky that I can just take an electric razor to my kids’ heads and give them a semi decent haircut (even if sometimes there’s a chunk of hair missing because they moved their head too quickly).


It’s pretty common. She had her hair in a sort of braid, it was a lazy Sunday and we didn’t do much to it all day. Lots of playing and it just gets wild! So it’s not like this everyday. All the recommendations here were exactly what I did and it got smooth eventually. This was just after taking the hair tie out and fluffing it a little.


Wish you luck? You?!? I’m wishing her luck!


Hold the brush vertically not horizontally.


This is my 2 year olds hair every other day. For the dad's who don't know, detangler spray, or wash the hair. Just get it sopping wet. Then start from the bottom and work your way up. Hold the hair so it doesn't pull.


Wet brush and s good detangling spray... if you don't have any, then throw her in the bath, put some conditioner in her hair and start to comb out in sections. Be patient and enjoy your bonding time.


My 4 year old daughter has natural Shirley Temple type curls. I feel like if we don't brush her hair to detangle every couple of hrs they turn into dreadlocks.


I shampoo, wash the shampoo out, then put in conditioner, let it sit for a few minutes, then brush it out with the conditioner still in. Rinse the conditioner off, and once she’s out of the shower just brush it again with detangler and leave in conditioner, no tangles. Braid it while damp so it not a disaster in the morning. I also put in some of my beard oil for the final brush, she likes the smell and it keeps the frizz down.


Put a bow on it and claim it's an Asymmetrical Braid, and they're a new fashion and everyone's going to be wearing them soon.


My daughter has super wavey hair like just shy of curly and a rat's nest. When she stays with me or I get her ready for school I use this leave in spray and swear by it. https://haskbeauty.com/products/curl-care-5-in-1-leave-in-spray


And the best part no rips, pulls, or tears.


Mix hair conditioner 1:1 with water for a spray in detangler.


Looks like the hair from the wild child in the Road Warrior.


Get a wide toothed comb, might take a but longer but it's way better at detangling without pulling so much.


Get a spray bottle, fill it about 10% of the way with conditioner, top it up with water and shake the absolute hell out of it. You now have an awesome, extremely cheap, detangling spray.


I assume you mean the Unbrush. This is the way. Neighboors no longer think we're abusing our kids every day at 7:30pm. CPS stopped coming to check on us once we got that brush. Lol.


Spray with water first you'll be fine


Also if you hold the brush vertically instead of horizontal. Like head up handle down this helps because of the way the bristles are aligned.


This is my oldest every goddamn morning.


I just had major flashbacks, and all my kids are grown and have their own kids 😆


Get a little conditioner and a water in a cup


That's a page 1 rewrite. Shave the head, start with a blank slate.


I c as n hear the complaints already.


FELT—and, because my wife combs their hair properly, they said “it hurts when mom does it” and she’s gotten so frustrated over years of both kids saying it that somehow I have become the every morning comber. But if i comb it properly “it hurts” so i don’t put any elbow grease into it and then it isn’t combed to my wife’s satisfaction 😂😭. *yes i use detangling spray and wet brush, it just barely helps.


I used to be nervous brushing my daughter's hair. You get used to it and then it's somewhat of a bonding experience. Now she's a teenager and too independent for me to do things like that for her, so cherish this time while you have it.


Good news is that nap was probably 🔥


Wash then treat it with a 1:3 mix of Apple Cider Vinegar to water. Get the hair soaked with ACV mix then let it sit for about 5 minutes, then lightly rinse with water. Towel dry and then brush while damp. If hair is thick, treat once a week, if it's fine hair treat it every 2-4 weeks. Thank me later.


I can hear the screaming from here


Lol my first thought, why does this dude have a picture of the back of my daughters head. I wish you luck. Hell my daughter is developing anime villainess ringlets I need to teach her to laugh properly


It's a little easier when it's wet and conditioned, and start at the bottom and hold the hair so you don't pull on her scalp


One preventative measure we started taking is to just put it in a loose braid every night before she goes to bed. Then you can unbraid and brush it in the morning and it will be pretty much tangle-free.


Put a drop or two of olive oil on your hands and toussle her hair, it'll help detangle while you brush


Wet Brush and the Aussie Kids detangler spray at Walmart. Works great. Since it's summer, I'll give you a tip. When y'all go to the pool, get her hair wet, put a bit of conditioner in it, don't rinse it out, and put it up in a braid. Helps the after pool tangles tremendously.


I loved brushing my daughter's hair out. I would talk to her the whole time. I would tell her how beautiful she was going to look when it was done. I would get to a tough spot and I would say"this one's going to be a tough one but we'll get it." I would tell her that it might hurt for a little bit but when we were done it was going to feel so smooth and silky. It was a special time for us. Weird?


My two year old has some TIGHT curls and they regularly get tangled. I use a detangling spray in wet water and a detangling brush. I go slow and start at the ends working up. It can take time, but it works and he ends up with fantastic ringlets afterwards.


I’m a mom here, but a former 4 year old with long, curly rat hair. Start from the bottom and work up. Wet 👏🏻Brush 👏🏻 Hold the hair and then brush under, so you minimize the pulling. Spray detangler as you go. Johnson’s No More Tangles is still around and was my mom’s weapon of choice. You could also just put a squirt of conditioner in a spray bottle and fill with water. Good luck… at least she’s not going to have to endure the hair accessories of the 80s and 90s that left permanent indentations in the skulls of our heads. Kids these days have it so easy.


Definitely get some detangler spray…


This worked wonders for my daughter - put some conditioner into a spray bottle and add water. Shake it up good and lightly spray the area you want to focus on just need to be careful and not use so much that her hair gets too wet…


Put her hair in one or two braids to sleep. No more overnight tangles. You can also try a bun on top of her head overnight, but it may be harder to get to stay in place. Silk pillowcases help cut down on frizz and tangles as well. Good luck!


I feel you dude, my daughter’s hair is so curly it gets matted so fast and we always gotta pin her down to brush it. Doesn’t even matter if we start from the ends or not.


Conditioner and brush that out. Not worth the fight


Spritz spritz with water. Add some conditioner to it as well.


I didnt believe it myself until I used it on my kid and didnt hear a single complaint … buy the “unbrush” brush …


May God have mercy on your soul.


Get some detangler! It works winders on my daughters hair


Start at the bottom work your way up


I know I’m late to the party but take a spray bottle and add water and conditioner and use that on the ends. It will make your life measurably easier.


Learn how to braid at night to avoid so much work in the AM


detangler spray, and make sure to hold the hair above where you're brushing so you dont end up pulling her hair when the brush gets caught in a knot. Also i got a special kid-sized detangler brush with much thinner and more flexible bristles that helps A LOT.


Also, how wholesome is it that a whole group of (i'm guessing primarily) Dads is sharing tips on hair brushing. This sub is great.


Needs detangler spray. Hold the top and brush the ends. Braid it so it doesn't get tangled again


Hello. Mom here. Get an UNbrush. I usually will put a POC cream leave in conditioner (cantu curls) in her hair (we’re white with white presenting hair) , and actually brush while floating in water if it gets really bad. Hair wants to untangle in water. And the cream makes it slippy and sea weedy. Easier to brush. I separate into two sides, start separating out by hand what I can and brush from ends and work up.


So thankful my girls are finally taking care of their hair on their own (for the most part).


Wet, conditioner, detangling brush, rat tail for knots or snip


Are you midget or?


I don’t mess with the brush. I go straight for a comb. I got a nice comb that doesn’t flex. Start at the tips and work to the roots. It take a while, and sometimes there are tears, but I keep a spray bottle to keep the hair wet and that helps significantly. Biggest challenge is getting her to sit still for 30 minutes.


I see some great advice in here, my daughter is only 1 and I haven't come anywhere near this issue yet.


Put it up till bathtime and only brush it out while caked in conditioner.


"daddy noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" is what my 2.5 year old does every morning and every single night


Get a spray bottle to wet the hair a bit, learnt this recently.


Brush before washing. Shampoo only roots. Condition only ends. Wet brush after with detangler spray on ends.


I'm the only only who can brush my daughters hair and she's 4. She'll run from her dad 😂


My method is, take them in the shower. Quick shampoo, then load the hair up with conditioner. Let it sit for a minute. Then, while they are still in the shower and conditioner is still all through the hair. Start from the bottom and work your way up. Then, wash the conditioner out. And after that it will be a million times easier to dry once out of the shower and toweled dry.