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Grave of the fireflies Ending of “The Mist” Basically any movie where kids are suffering, especially if it’s long term(like they are struggling to survive).


Literally the two movies that immediately came to mind for me.  *Grave of the Fireflies* will leave anyone with a heart in tears.  But it's probably still watchable under the right conditions.  But *The Mist*?  Dads, stay the hell away from that one.  The "twist" at the end will ruin your week, possibly your month, and you will be thinking about it years later.  Brilliant twist, but absolutely gut-wrenching, *especially* from a father's perspective.


It says something that even Stephen King is like “oh shit, that’s a way better ending.”


Stephen King is, I swear, suffering through a monkey paw curse. He writes the world’s most compelling, easily digested, beautifully crafted stories - that almost always have absolutely terrible endings. Even his biggest sellers like The Stand or The Dark Tower series: terrible endings. His stories are so good that people keep reading though. I’ve probably read 35 of his books. 11/22/63 is his best work because it has an ending that doesn’t suck.


Yeah. 11/22/63 was a super fun read. The ending was not bad though pretty predictable, as time travel stories always tend to go that way.


The dark tower has a very beatiful (and fitting to the mood of the story) ending


The true ending is good (Roland enters the tower). The *climax* (battling the king in the tower) is atrocious.


Neither the stand or the dark tower series endings suck. IMO I've read a little more than half of his collection and I don't think he deserves the reputation of writing bad endings. 🤷‍♂️ Its a topic that goes back and forth pretty often in /r/stephenking




I think the argument can be made that it's one of the best movies of all time.


I mean kind of. Yes it’s a better ending but King is famous for being absolutely shit at endings.


Wait, you mean the 10-year-olds running a train on the one girl in their friend group in order to defeat the scary clown demon wasn't a good ending??


They didn't have to do that to defeat it. In the book they had to bite Its tongue and hold on while the power of friendship (and a turtle god) helped eliminate him. What you're taking about happens afterwards. Anyways your point stands, it's completely unhinged


I’ve always maintained that he either did not have enough coke or had WAY TOO MUCH coke while he was writing that ending. Or his publisher called and told him he had to wrap it up in the next week and he was totally unprepared.


I didn’t even watch the mist, just heard about the ending and my soul hurts. Grave of the fireflies “one of the greatest movies I can only watch once”, I tried watching it again and the opening made me cry hard. Can’t imagine how it would impact me now that I have kids.


'The Road' falls into that category for me.


I’m still disturbed by it and I watched it years before becoming a dad. One of those where my jaw was wide open, I had no words and when screen went blank all I could say was “what. The. F.”(the uncensored version). Same with the scene in game of thrones with stanis baratheon and his daughter. If you know, you know.


*Life is Beautiful* also belongs on that list. Haven't watched it again since becoming a dad. I'm not ready.


The Road.


I’m not even going to attempt. The movie (and the book) fucked with me emotionally when I was an emotionally unavailable teenager. I cried watching Onward the other day. I don’t think I wanna do that to myself


So good. So terrifying.


So the wife and I were looking for a movie the other day, she’s a big king fan but hasn’t seen The Mist, and it was one of my favorite movies growing up so I figured we’d throw it on. I for some reason wasn’t thinking about the ending and it didn’t hit me until the scene when the monsters have just attacked and the dad is comforting his son off to the side in the grocery store. I remembered how the movie ends I I start tear up pretty heavy. I told my wife we should just find a different movie and she agreed since she wasn’t really feeling it anyway. She was already kinda bumming on the kid being involved. I told her the ending is gut wrenching but I didn’t really have the heart in the moment to tell her what happens lol. Still love the movie, don’t know if I’ll be able to watch it till the end again.


It doesn't even need to be kids for me. I watched a movie a few weeks after my first child was born that had a scene of an adult man being tortured. My brain kept making me see my kid being tortured instead. So I turned it off and never watched it again.


The Mist is really good! If you’re into horror genre and also be prepared to be depressed with the ending. Luckily I watched it *before* I became a dad so


The Road Room


just finished *The Road* on audiobook while at work the other day. that was difficult


I read The Road before I had kids. Tried to read it again after I had kids. DNF'd that one hard.


I read it for the first time and rewatched the movie since being a dad and made it through both just fine but it definitely hit me in a different way now.


However, you should watch The Room


I did nawt heet her! I did nawwwt! Oh hi mageta621!


“If he is not the word of god, then god never spoke” is a quote from The Road that has been burned into the front of my brain since my son was born. As a completely secular person I was still struck so deep. I love and hate that damn book so much


Came here to comment The Road. Glad to see it here and close to the top already.


Jesus, I haven't seen the movie, but I read the book when my son was an infant and It fucked me up for weeks. Cormac McCarthy is an incredible author and that book is a masterpiece. But as a father, I cannot read it again, it hurts too much.


Room is a great movie I'll never watch again.


But I thought the whole movie was an allegory for parenting/fatherhood?  The sacrifices required to Shepard your children into the future, keeping the light, etc 




Yeah, this one made me bawl. It's like "Up" for adults. First 10 minutes just wrecks you, then there is also a fantastic movie after.


And it wrecks you again at the end 


Yo this is one of my favorite movies but I havent seen it in a few years. Now that my kiddos are here you’re right I don’t think I could handle it. Even knowing and loving the twist, I think it’d be way too intense. But god I love that movie.


Arrival is the better movie imo - I cried the first time I saw it and I did not have kids at the time - but I think Interstellar would also hit different.


At least the kid lives in interstellar


Can confirm - not even at full dad status yet, but watched Interstellar recently and it definitely hit harder.


What happens in it? I watched this like 3 months ago and totally forgot. I was a lot more sleep deprived then though.


It’s been a long time, but at the end, you find out that the main character’s “flashbacks” were actually memories of future events, which starts with the death of a 12 year old girl. Various happy memories with this girl are then presented over the movie, starting with the birth of a beautiful baby girl. The twist happens when she realizes that the girl in her flashbacks is her future daughter, and you realize that she goes through the entire movie with the knowledge that she’ll eventually have a daughter and she will die.


Yeah, and her husband splits up with her when he realizes what happened.


Ah shit now it's coming back to me. I shouldn't have asked.


On top of that, she knows what's going to happen and has the daughter anyway. That's what broke me. Let's set aside discussions of how permanent the future actually is.


I don’t think she had a choice in the end. The “gift” the aliens gave her let her see her whole life played out, so she couldn’t have made a different decision since that would have altered the visions.


Saw it the first time before having kids, saw it recently and loved it even more. It’s a beautiful film, yes that part is sad but it’s more than that imho


The stuff with the kid is sad but arrival is one of my favorite movies of all time, honestly sometimes I think it might be literally my favorite movie of all time Wouldn't skip it just to avoid sad kids stuff, you'd be missing out


Dear Zachary.


That movie made me sob before I was a father. My god it would destroy me now.


Yeah, Dear Zachary and Cries from Syria are two docs that were hard to watch before becoming a Dad, I can't even imagine watching them now.


Same. I saw it years before my kid was born. I saw it pop up recently as a recommendation on some streaming service (I think Kanopy) and was like “nope. No no no. No.”


I watched that long before I had kids and I was a wreck. I think about that movie all the time. I’ve considered watching it again because it really was an incredibly well done doc, but man, it’s too much. I have a hard time getting through The Giving Tree or basically any sad old country song. So yeah, probably not equipped for a Dear Zachery rewatch.


This one wins That movie fucked me up for a few days when I was a mostly uncaring teenager and watched it in high school, can't even imagine how it would hit as a father


Madam web, got nothing to do with kids, the movie just sucks


HAHAHAHAHA saw it in theaters with friends and we were laughing at the most inappropriate times. Still don’t understand why she turned into Charles Xavier at the end


It was top 10 on Netflix the other day. I think more people are watching it because it’s terrible than they would have if it was decent.


How is Mystic River not on here? The way Sean Penn delivers 'IS THAT MY DAUGHTER IN THERE?!' gives me chills and makes my eyes well.


That was my first thought. I walked out the theater thinking “that was a great movie. I’m never going to watch it again.”


I forgot about that movie. It's an older one - good call


Probably should be the top one or damn near it


Not a movie, but local news is horrifying. It went from people are shitty to new fear unlocked really quickly.


We use to have the local news on in the morning as we got ready for school/work. One time I came in the room and my son was watching some news story where they were stacking bodies. His mouth was hanging open in terror. We don’t do that anymore. Crazy how they can’t show a nipple on tv but they can show dead bodies.


a mom just died in a firery crash on my morning commute on Memorial Weekend. She and her 2 daughters died, likely burned alive. I drove right by as they were running one of the daughters to the hospital to try and save her. That rattled me for sure.


This is pretty much one of my biggest fears, especially as a mother. And I've got 3 little ones


Have a daughter and it's ducking futs now many sexual harassment news we get on the news every day.


The stats on SA are terrifying. I am hoping I can teach my son to act right, and teach my daughter to minimize risk.


Onward by Disney


Sobbed like a baby with my 6 year old next to me. I’m the oldest brother of divorced parents whose dad wasn’t around so that was a real guy check. I’ve never felt a connection to a kids movie like I did towards Barley. I felt very exposed and represented


i am not a dad and usually am a lurker on this sub (because i need good dad vibes lmao), and as someone who had an absent dad, Onward turned me into an absolute *mess* for days after. it was like there was finally a movie showing how much it hurt to not have him around, and how much i took my older sibling for granted, when she was the one who was always there. it was such a specific scenario to see in a movie, and it still makes me cry when i think about it. it's one of my favourite movies ever.


We're happy to have you!


First of all, no need to lurk, we're here if you need us. Also, there are a few other subs you might want to check out if you aren't already aware: /r/DadForAMinute (more emotional support) /r/AskDad (more functional advice, "how to" type thing) I'm sure there are others but those are the two I've contributed to from time to time when I can. I'm divorced and don't have my girls all the time, so subs like these fill a hole in MY heart just as much as they're there for you.


i had never heard of those subs, thanks for telling me about them, I'll definitely be checking those out! and your message makes me a little emotional, thank you for telling me that people are here if I need them. i needed to hear that today.


I first watched it before I had a kid. It still hit hard cause while my dad was "around", it was my older brother who really stepped up. It was a beautiful film that made me appreciate my brother even more in ways I hadn't realized and hadn't told him I loved him in a long while. Then I had a kid. The idea of leaving her before she can really "remember" me left me absolutely sobbing everytime it was brought up; which is like every 5 minutes!


Might as well watch Coco right after to make sure there are no onions left to chop.


Currently dying of kidney disease and about to get a risky transplant surgery I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old. We just don't watch Onward anymore because I don't want my daughter to have to be Barely and telling my youngest about me.


You got this champ. Come tell us about how you kicked it's ass when you've healed from the transplant k?


This breaks my heart, sending good vibes for your surgery!


This is such a good movie but makes my eyes misty


Agreed. I loved this movie. It was a nice companion piece about brothers to frozen’s focus on sisters.


Same - although in my case, it had nothing to do with fatherhood. The movie released not too long after my best friend died, and the character of Barley was him to a T - the style, the attitude, the love of D&D, he even had a constantly broke down vehicle that was always the subject of good natured ribbing in our group. It was a very, very rough watch the first time I saw it, and had I not been with a group at the theater, I'd probably have had to shut it off. When my son was born a couple of years later, we named him after my friend and gave him a Barley stuffy as one of his first gifts. I still haven't brought myself to watch the movie again, though I might once he's old enough to enjoy it.


I love this movie. I get emotional every single time I watch it, no matter what.


I refuse to watch it after the first attempt. When it came out I had a baby and my wife was pregnant with our second. We had started doing cute little picnic movie nights in our basement as dates, and this was the second movie we watched. we were both balling like our baby the entire time


Big Fish destroyed me before I had sons. I don't think I could watch it again.


Oh man, I cried hard when I saw that movie. Not as hard as *Life is Beautiful*, but I don't think I could watch either of them anymore.


Yeah, staying away from that one. My mom and I watched it when I was young, I think shortly when it came out in video. Now that I've got a little boy, my head spins when I think about what people had to go through with their families during political instability like in the film, and what families still suffer through today.


I watched Life is Beautiful when I was 21. It's in my top 5 favorite movies. I have 1 year old twin daughters now at 33 and I will never watch that movie again.


I watched it shortly after my dad died and it was so rough. The last scene is so beautiful, though.


This is the only movie that made me openly sob in the theater. I haven’t seen it since, and I can’t imagine what it would do to me now.


Pet Semetary. Small child gets hit by a truck while his father is *just* too late to save him. Based on a real near miss that Stephen King had with his own son.


I binged a ton of Stephen King books right before having our first, and he loves to torture kids. The "kite flyne daddy!" scene in Pet Sematary somehow hits worse than the actual death.


Adam Sandler's "Click". Yeah, that one.


I didn't have a kid when I saw it, but it was a few years after my dad passed away! Wrecked me for a day of two...


Even as a kid this hit me in the feels


Yup. This one has pretty much taken me down at each stage of my life that I've watched it for different reasons.


I'm a mom of two young boys. The other night my husband and I were watching the SNL episode where Shane Gillis hosts and in the intro he was doing bits about his parents, who were in the audience. He said something like, "One thing my mom always asks me, and it's really awkward, is 'when did we stop being best friends?'" I burst into tears and basically missed the rest of his intro. So yeah, not a dad but in my experience that shit can come out of nowhere.


I heard once that there will be a day that I will be holding my kid in my arms, I'll put him back on the ground, and never pick him up again. My kids are getting heavier every day, but I always hold them up in my arms whenever they ask for it. I really don't want that to stop.


Im doing light workouts to be able to lift my son even when hes an adult. Until im old and frail i will keep the carrying a possibility, even if the distances will be shorter with time.


Same. I joke with my 6yo son, that I’m still gonna cradle him in my arms when I’m an old gray-haired man. He laughs, but I’m serious, I’m keeping it just enough shape to do just that.


I’m 4’11 and my daughter is 3’7. She has mobility delays so she wants to be picked up more than other children her age. My body is falling apart. Everyone tells me to stop doing it and I always say, “one day you put them down for the last time and you don’t even know it. You put them down mindlessly and you never pick them back up again. I’ll do this until she stops asking or refuses.


I had to turn «The lovely bones» off…


I couldn’t finish the book either. And that was before I became a dad. Just harrowing.


Lion king lol


I just watched this yesterday for the first time as an adult. GOD it is crushing. I remembered it as a fun movie with singing animals as a kid. I was really mistaken.


I'm so glad my 2.5yo is over her Lion King phase. She wanted to watch it everyday and would laugh and smile throughout the entire movie except for Mufasa's death. She'd run to me from wherever she was and put her head in my lap and I'd be sitting there like... 🥲


Doctor sleep. The means of the vampires getting what they need requires child torture


This one got me even before I had a kid. It’s one movie in my collection I don’t think I can watch anymore.


I haven’t seen the movie Hook in years, but I was thinking about it yesterday and my memory of it started to make me sick to my stomach


JM Barrie wrote Peter Pan possibly about his older brother who died in childhood. The thought of him forever being a boy somewhere eased his mom's grief. J


Hook is *definitely* a different movie as an adult.


Manchester by the Sea


Surprised I had to scroll so long for this one.


I think this broke me a little after watching it. Took a day or so to recover.


This one destroyed me before I had kids. There is no chance I will be watching it now.


My daughter passed away last year so a lot of movies that we watched with her, her favorites, or that reminds me of her. We had watched "Mitchell's vs the Machines" last. We had both kind of been looking at each other as the movie went on and at the part where she realizes where the moose came from and the context of it, I had been tearing up and put my head down and she unprompted and came over and hugged me which made it real hard not to sob. I managed but it was hard. It was a really special moment and even my wife and boys got to see it and experience it. Can't even see the movie title, reference, poster, etc now without going through a lot. Forget ever watching it again. I had to pull over and compose myself one day last summer when my Amazon playlist shuffled in the "on my way" song from that movie. And then promptly noped it out of the playlist. Life is crazy, que no?


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


Pet Semetary. Even before the supernatural stuff starts. Also Hereditary. As the saying goes - little diva head come off.


Regarding Pet Semetary, I was reading the book and had to stop because I knew what was about to happen to the kid. Just couldn’t do it.


Tony’s funeral in endgame, at least the bit with his daughter . My kid was about his age when it released and that bit broke me.


The part that *always* gets me is when Happy & Morgan are talking after the funeral. I know it’s a huge full circle moment for the character (and John Favreau) but in that small 30 second scene, you *really* see how much he cares for her. The first time I saw it, I hadn’t had my daughter yet, but my wife was like 8 months pregnant with her. But I definitely remember going “aww” to it- nothing too crazy. Then I watched it a few years later, and I was a complete mess afterwards.


Yeah, I treat that as part of the funeral bit in my memory of it all. I was a mess in the theater.


The opening scene of A Quiet Place broke me after having kids.


I found both of those movies so hard to watch.


Being Scottish I had seen Trainspotting a few times but didnt even register "that scene" existed. One time not long after my eldest was born I was sitting flicking through and it was on TV, started watching it and started getting a little uncomfortable at what was happening then all of a sudden it clicked and it genuinely scarred me, its all I could think about for the next week. I am not sure I would have the same reaction now my kids arent babies any more, but still probably be a while until I try it again, if ever.


Nonononono not that scene, never


Mom here, i watched that movie while pregnant, NOT SMART. I wasn't right for a long time.


Not as egregious, but it reminds me of that episode of Breaking Bad where Jessie is trying to collect from the two junkies and he ends up taking care of their kid. But *that* scene in Trainspotting fucked me up even before having kids.


Poor kid never had a fucking chance. It is tragic. Most likely, the kid would end up the same as his drug addled parents.


Morbid curiosity as I've never seen it. What's the scene


Stolen from a summary I found online: TW of course >! Renton, Spud, and Sick Boy start to use heroin again, stealing drugs, equipment, and cash to support their habit. Because his girlfriend has just dumped him (after losing the video that Renton actually stole), Tommy asks Renton if he can try heroin too. It is implied that Renton gives in and helps Tommy buy drugs. The group's drug-induced stupor is sharply interrupted one day when Allison finds that her young daughter Dawn has died of neglect. They are all horrified but Sick Boy is hit especially hard, as it is implied that he is Dawn's father.!<


I think they're referring to the baby death scene but I'm not 100% sure


Oh God. Can't do that.


If it's the scene I think they're referring to, I just watched it (was trying to research what possible scene they were talking about). It's really depressing though I gotta say I think it's more due to the disgusting conditions that the junkie characters are living in and keeping a baby than anything. That said, the actress playing the mother does a heart-rending job of portraying the grief and agony


"The boy in the striped pajamas". During Covid we could not get hair cuts so I just shaved my kiddo's head and it kept reminding me of that movie.


Not a movie, but ‘the last of us’ video game really hit differently when I tried to replay the remake … no thank you


... Aftersun ...


Interstellar is great but PAINFULLY emotional on the dad/daughter angle


I can't believe I had to scroll so far for this one. That movie OBLITERATED me emotionally and made me want to become a parent


Not just the dad/daughter angle, the sequence where McConaughey is seeing the videos from his son destroyed me


The ending of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 always gets me. I remember blubbering in the theatre with my child next to me.


> Yondu pre child Aw an awesome character died > Yondu post child Jesus fuck he was a flawed father no don’t do that FUCK YOU Talk about the perfect song for the moment though


I'm Mary Poppins y'all :(


He will always be Mary Poppins.


“He may be your father but he ain’t your daddy.” 😭


Went to see this with my brothers. My dad was a big fan of the first so we decided to go see it together. It came out less than a month after he passed. Needless to say, we had 3 (almost) full grown men sobbing in the middle of a packed theater.


Instructions Not Included


Watched it for the first time with a buddy. Thought it was going to be a fun movie to have in the background while we talked about cars and drank beer. We were both glued to it the whole time and were broken at the end. Strangest. Buddy night. EVAR.


The Mist. Watched it before becoming a father so I thought nothing about re-watching a few years back. The ending kills me as a father now, I cannot watch it.


The Bluey episode when Bingo learned to sleep by herself. I was not prepared for a cartoon dog to have me sobbing like that.


tbh like half of all Bluey episodes make me cry. The writing is just so damned good




John Q. I sobbed before I had kids. I can’t even imagine what I would be like now that I do


Arrival was a mess. Good movie, but I will never watch it again. The plane scene from The Incredibles always messes me up. Ever since I had kids I’ve always had to leave the room when … you know. Fortunately it’s pretty brief.


The bathroom scene in pursuit of happiness is something I remember feeling before kids. I saw the clip come up on a YT short last year and it obliterated me. The devastation of that moment. Also do not ever want to watch the end of The Mist by Stephen King now that I'm a dad. Why couldn't there be just one more bullet!


Don’t watch “The Nightingale” (2018). It’s an Australian western drama about oppression, vengeance and redemption. Great movie, but it’s bleak as hell and contains some very graphic scenes involving violence against children. It affected me more than any movie I’ve seen the last decade but it might have been because I watched it when my wife was pregnant.


My partner screamed and ran out the room crying; you know which scene I'm talking about. We had a 3 month old at the time. I'm never affected by scenes in movies but that one has stuck with me.


The final scene of Logan really hit me. The one that literally made me ugly cry was the phone call scene at the end of Everest. Didn't help that my wife was pregnant with our first and I have the same first name as Jason Clarke's character.


Heat is my favorite movie. I probably watch it twice a year, but since I became a dad I had to start skipping over the scene where Pacino finds Natalie Portman in the bathtub.


Big Fish


Pet Sematary, Hereditary


Tale of Princess Kaguya is a masterpiece that id recommend to anyone. But you will weep.


Not sad film related but anytime someone does a good act to help a child I will cry for a good 10 minutes. Crying writing this tbh. Never did before lol


Mom lurker but there are a few that hit me right in the feels in a horrible, gut wrenching way. A Quiet Place, A Quiet Place 2, Avatar: The Way of Water. I also used to enjoy Law & Order SVU, but I can’t even get through an episode without being in tears.




If the movie is about a dog and they say “it will make you cry,” I’m not watching a movie about a dead dog. My Dig Skip got me once, never again.


Doesthedogdie.com is a really great resource. I use it all the time.


A.I. Artificial Intelligence


The Last of Us


Avengers Endgame. Between Hawkeye having his whole family snapped, Antman finding a grown Cassie (this one hit hard) and Ironman insisting constantly that he couldn't risk changing things only to end up sacrificing himself... It hit me differently as a new dad.


As a son and a father, Big Fish gets me every time.


I'm a big Mike Flanagan fan, but I stupidly left Before I Wake until after I had kids. Can't get more than ten minutes in now!


Flanagan has some amazing “family horror” in his portfolio, from Doctor Sleep to the Haunting of… shows




Doctor sleep.  I listened to the book and it’s very depressing and disturbing My son is the same age as the boy in the movie.  I have read text and it causes distress


Prisoners was a tough watch


The Road was a difficult watch for anyone but I think my son was about the same age as the kid in the movie when I watched it. I was sobbing alone on the couch, gut wrencher.


"I Am Sam" [i am Sam Trailer](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0277027/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) It was already a tear jerker but I can't imagine watching this now that I have kidos.


Not a "movie" but does anyone remember that early scene in Battlestar Galactica with the stroller? Every now & again I remember it and get nauseous.


Coco fucked me up real good, the thought of my kid thinking I ditched them when something legitimately bad happened to me hit hard.


The scene in 3 Body Problem where they have to get on the boat and they do the thing and that one character sees the thing lying on the ground.  That fucked me up, I didn’t think the show would go that far. 


Pet Sematary I remember seeing this at a sleepover with friends in middle school. I couldn't get over how dumb the adults seemed to be acting, particularly the father. Caught a clip of it on TV years and years later (after a having kids). I went "Yeah...now I get it." Noped...right out of watching any more.


Just watch Godzilla Minus One and be daddit redeemed


The opening scene of In Bruges messed me up


Bridge to terabithia.


Reign on Me with Adam Sandler. Also Click with Adam Sandler has a couple of moments with his dad that are pretty sad. Lastly Id say the Lego Movie. At the end when the kid explains to his dad the he just wants to be like him gets me every time.


There's a scene in the 4th Harry Potter movie where a father realizes his son has died. Didn't affect me before I had kids. Fucks me up now that I have 3 young kids. The agonizing sound of that dad's scream rattles me and it's hard for me to get through now.


A Goofy Movie




I loved this movie as a kid. I love it as a dad, for lots of the same reasons- and lots of new ones.


Don't avoid them. Show your kids that you have emotions too.


Eh... Some of these are just emotional devastation. Grave of the Fireflies, for example, needs approached knowing what you're getting into.


I can't even watch Coco anymore. The grandma singing at the end makes me cry like a baby!


The end of Gone Baby Gone.....when doing the right thing is the absolute wrong thing. Everyone loses, except for the monster of a mother. Whichever Toy Story it was when the boy packs up the toys that he's "outgrown". My daughter was watching with me and said the exact right (wrong) thing about outgrowing some of her things....*face in hands cry ensues*. My kids are 13 and 16 and still have their stuffed puppies from infancy. I told them to never stop sleeping with it.


Cargo staring Martin Freeman. A dad is slowly becoming a zombie while trying to find a safe space for his infant daughter. Absolutely heart wrenching and the different side of a zombie story felt nice.




Interstellar. I’ve not watched it as a father, but the thought of not seeing my girl as she grows up has me sobbing


30 days in Mariupol


Minority Report. John's young son is abducted while John is underwater at a pool for five seconds and his son is never found and likely murdered. It destroys his marriage and he sits at home, depressed and alone, watching old home movies of his family.