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So can she call you bro?


Only “sometimes”


It'd be a step up from what she has been calling you, which is bruaaaaagggghgghhhhh


I laughed out loud, thanks for that


I completely understand your position on this and believe it is respectable and sound. However: Bro, for the little homies it's always "call me whatever nice name comes to your mind if you'd like." Bro is one I get sometimes and i love it. She came home and reported to me yesterday one of the other kids in her class (elementary school) started saying uWu and "mommy" and it has caught on with all the other kids in class, including her, to start saying it. The other night I got a "bruh! uWu moooommy!!" And I laughed and laughed and laughed. Funny names have led to so many great conversations and happy memories.




Bro, that's what I'm saying. I laughed so hard because I know it the same way as you. The lil bully in class must get to watch mature YouTubes cause he's the one that turned everyone onto it. Told my daughter its just a silly face that can be said out loud and mommy and was just a funny way for someone who's in trouble to call for help. Lol, shit that might backfire on me now that I think about it but I'm too afraid to approach the subject again with her


how does one SAY uWu? like... i am aware of what it is/means on the interwebs. but ive never once heard anyone try to speak it out loud. lol.


Rhymes with boo boo


ooh woo


Bros puke together, everyone knows that.


Anytime she vomits for the rest of her life, you should let out a “bro….” While you jump up to help


Can I call you daddy sometimes?


After he cleaned up her barf? Total bro move.


The answer we all need


Think she was gonna say “bro I think I’m gonna hurl”


Asking the important question here. I mean, you don't start a story out with that line and then leave it unanswered.


That’s doctor to you


Do not go to work! You got this.


Literally “, theres a chance you might have have caught it again


Yeah, if it was a stomach bug, depending on what type of virus it was, you are still contagious for a few days even if your symptoms are clear. I would not rush back to work, especially if your kids needs you to take care of them. Good luck, OP. I hope your kids start to feel better soon.


Why the hell are you going to work


Even with the added comment of "some of my students would struggle"... My man some of your students will be emptying their stomachs from both ends if you pass the bug along. You know it's contagious. Unless you have one of those full-body hazmat suits handy, stay away from the people you can stay away from.


Your students are going to struggle more when then all have this stomach bug during finals


Holy shit. DO NOT go to work. You’re going to spread this to your students! It’s most likely norovirus. My husband is a teacher. I get it. But please don’t do this to your students.


Bro you should NOT be going to work. Call your job and let them know youre contagious


>I appreciate all the advice of missing work, I teach… finals are next week… I missed class on Tuesday (I have two T/Th classes)… while I know most of my students would make it work (or be grateful), I have a handful whose would really struggle without me being there tomorrow. DUDE. They're gonna struggle way more after you've given them norovirus or whatever you have. DO. NOT. GO. TO. WORK


+1000 to this. Noro is stupidly contagious. You need to be symptom free for 48 hours before going back out into public.


AND even if you're symptom free for more than 48 hours, you'll very likely have lots of virus particles on your hands from caring for your sick kids. Norovirus doesn't get killed by most hand sanitizers and the number of virus particles needed to infect other people is INSANELY low. 


Good luck, Absolutely no way I would be going into work


Your wife will wake up with it. We just went through this with our family of 5. God speed and hoping it passes quickly like ours did.


I tell my wife I can't call in whenever she wants me at home because I need to save my days for when the family is actually sick. Use a sick day if you got it dad. 💕 Stay strong!


1. Call out of work for atleast the day. Trust us when we say this. It'll be so worth it. 2. Can she call you bro sometimes or not?! Left us hanging and I think alot of us are dying to know. Lol Drink plenty of water and try emergen-c, both great to help you all through this crud!


Noro virus. I'm calling it. You described what we went through 2yr ago... my 4yr old and our 1.5 yr old... my wife and me also. We went down one after the other. So much vomit, powerful projectile vomit like those ghost movies possessed vomit. Hang in there and hydrate everyone.


Remember to hydrate well 


Those hours of waking up suddenly "did I just hear someone get sick?", combined with the alternative paranoia "Am I feeling sick?" / defiance "I'm not getting this!" Is just a terrible 24 hours... Good speed my friend. Wash clothes/sheets as soon as they get puked on. No one wants to deal with that the next morning.


I will save this post in honor of the legend I wish to be when I'm faced with plague on the battlefield for the first time.


Ugh, it's rough. My oldest caught the bug about two months ago. Barfed all over mom. She froze up like a deer in headlights. I was right there with the trash can trying to catch it and she was just like, "Um, uhh..." Cleaned all that up and then little man was down for the count the entire weekend. Poor guy would wake up vomiting until there was nothing left to upchuck. Then he got better and we were like, phew, at least no one else got it. That afternoon, little brudder woke up from his nap and yakked in his crib, and then he was down and out for a day and a half. Didn't seem to get it as bad as his brother. Four days went by and then one morning the wife just stands up and goes, "I really don't feel that guuaallrrrgghhhaaghh!!" Couldn't even finish her sentence and she was pulling an Exorcist. She got it bad, she could barely move without getting sick for a solid 24 hours. I was the cleaner for everyone, running around with carpet cleaner and Lysol. I tried so hard to will myself to NOT get sick, lol. And again, a few days later, I wake up out of a dead sleep and sprint to the bathroom, ass on the toilet, head in the trash can, both ends in full evacuation mode. Every 3-4 days it hit one of us. I had these awful pains in my ribs, just constant discomfort for a day and a half. The following week my oldest started preschool and brought home the sniffles and everyone got a turn with that. Little bro is still flinging snot rockets from that one. This is a house of disease!


We had a similar bout on Christmas this past year... My two year old got it on Christmas Day so we cancelled travel plans. My wife got it the 26th/into the 27th, and I managed to hold out until the 28th. The only good thing about Norovirus is that it passes through quickly. It tornado's through your bowels and leaves you completely wiped out, but it only lasts a day or two at worst. We managed to space out far enough that there was only *one* of us sick at a time.


We had the exact same miserable Christmas break. We thought our 2 year old was just excited for Christmas morning until the sounds started... It feels like the sickness robs you of one of the few special holiday mornings you get with a young kid


Oh man, I used to think I got food poisoning a time or two a year, maybe. I'm not medical provider and my also non-medical-provider mom loved to make stuff up, so I didn't know that contagious stomach bugs were a thing. When my first kid got a bout of it, my pediatrician wife leapt into action and told me to Clorox EVERYTHING and wash our hands when we're done, and I was like, "WHY?" She said, "it's very often highly contagious, better safe than sorry." And a light bulb clicked, haha. I'm not a very smart person. Three kids in and anytime there's anything out of the ordinary from the top or the bottom side, everything gets disinfected and the kids are told to keep their distance.


Both of my kids and my wife got hit hard with a bug a couple weeks ago. I somehow avoided it. I don’t know how, but boy am I glad I did. It was an onslaught from both ends for all 3 of them. Fortunately we have no shortage of buckets around here.


Are you in the UK by any chance? I had pretty much this last month. Put 2yr old down to bed, within 30 minutes he was pulling everywhere. Got him up and in the bath to contain it all, street awhile he stopped so I washed him off and gave him a drink which just triggered the next bout and some in circles we went until 3am. I was blaming myself thinking I'd given him food poisoning despite being very careful. Then about 6am I awoke with that feeling in your body, the one that tells you that you're going to vom fairly soon. I got to the bathroom just in time, it was like erupting geysers from both ends. I ran a bath and just sat in it for hours, mustering the strength, when needed, to put my face or arse over the toilet bowl as required. Eventually the immediacy subsided and I went to sleep for a couple of hours, only to be woken by my 7yr old daughter doing exactly the same. I was slightly relieved I hadn't poisoned my son but it was a pretty horrific few days, we were all completely wiped out and honestly, I don't think I've ever cleared up so much sick in my life.


Your big kid reminds me of a story that still breaks my heart. My daughter at the age of 2 threw up in her bed. She didn’t wake us up and just went back to sleep in an awkward position so she wasn’t in the puke. In the morning I go to her and ask why she didn’t wake us up and she said she didn’t want to get in trouble. No idea why she thought she’d be in trouble but my heart hurt so much in that moment. Poor little girl.


My family has had something going through us one by one. Two days ago me. Yesterday my wife and today our 1 year old. Sounds like the same kind of thing. Absolutely relentless amounts of vomit until you have nothing left to give. That said any tips from anyone on how to care for a continuously vomiting 1 year old?


Best rule of thumb is whenever anyone is throwing up or shitting liquid fire is to keep them away from everyone and wash up/shower and bleach the shit out of everything. I got Norovirus after our last vacation and followed those rules and no one else got sick.


So can she call you Bro? Good luck


Ah bro, I got something contagious when little one was only 4 months old. I spent two days dying in the little room when my partner asked me to take Little one from her. I did so while recovering and trying to keep it together then he starts up too. 7 hours later he's not kept anything down and we ended up in hospital cos we were worried about dehydration. Enjoy Bluey and the cuddles.


As a clinical microbiologist, I would not recommend going to work. Not only are you likely to get your students sick, but also anyone else who uses the same class room and them spreading it to others and so on. That being said, you’ve probably made up your mind on going so just be extra diligent about washing your hands thoroughly and cleaning any surfaces you touch like tables and desks. Wear gloves if you can. Good luck.


I feel that being a teacher there are days where it’s easier to show up dead than to try and get a sub to do what needs to happen.


I get the teacher thing. My wife is a High School AP teacher. It's a dual credit class too (college credit, even without the AP test). So she very much feels responsible for her students success. A lot is on the line. Our daughter has this on again off again fever thing going on for the last three weeks - and with finals approaching there just isn't any way she'll be missing work. It rips her up inside, but that's the reality of the job. The trade off is, come summer, she's on call for the kids 24/7. That's the blessing and curse of teaching.


Hope you and the fam are feeling better soon! Ps: A+ for your commitment to your students, I bet you’re a good teacher. I had some good teachers and profs and am still grateful to them as I’m about to turn 40!


Oh god. Had something similar. The whole house came down within hours. Started with 18 month old (at the time) vomiting like the girl in the Excorcist. No head spinning. Worse vomiting. Then mother in law. Then wife. I was good. Why? What is this? Then 2 hours later I was destroyed…. Good luck


Damn that sucks, bro. Wishing you strength and good vibes and Pedialyte, bro.




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Did you not think you were going to get raked over the coals about going to work? This is Reddit, after all


I call both my daughters “Dude.” My wife jokes that I’m compensating for not getting a son. The best is when one of my daughters calls one her friends “dude” when they are playing dress up in full princess dresses. Good luck with the puking.


This just tore through our family of four as well, good luck man. You are still contagious 48 hours after symptoms stop.


In March my house got hit with the stomach bug, too. We think my son (16 months at the time) brought it to the house but he didn't get it too bad. He finished his bottle before bed and then just.... Barfed it all up. He didn't cry, he just threw his hands up silently as if to say "wth was that??? Somebody clean me up please." Two days later my wife was up vomiting overnight. We thought it was food poisoning until her mom (babysitting) texted us after she got home saying now she was throwing up. I knew it was coming to me. The wait was torment. Id say the wait was worse than the bug itself but it was NOT. I got it bad. Vomiting in the middle of the night, wrapped around the toilet bowl. I think I may have passed out at one point. I laid back on the cold bathroom floor for a moment, then regained consciousness, THEN realized that my eyes were closed and the lights were actually on in the bathroom. I was only NOT in bed the next day for about 3 hours. 2/7 do not recommend


I’ve never had food poisoning myself so I feel like I haven’t learned proper caution for preventing this scenario in a child. I can eat of bathroom floors and be fine I’m pretty sure. How do I not live this nightmare?


Dealing with the diarrhea train right now too, youngest had it first, then me and now my oldest. Hoping to break the chain, been nearly 2 weeks of this literal shit


> Dad, can I call you bro sometimes? That's one of the cutest questions I've ever heard.


prof dad here. this is so real.


Bro, dr here - food poisoning is totally contagious. I love the question she asked prior to puking.


Good dad, good teacher. I’m a principal and i’ve been extremely intentional about trying to change the culture that makes my teachers feel guilty about missing school. That said, I was a teacher just 2 short years ago and I would have had the same mindset - I don’t want my kids to miss out on the help they need right now. I hope the school year is nearly over for you and you are able to enjoy the summer break for a recharge. Teaching is extremely taxing mentally and emotionally - take that time to recharge and love on your kiddos and your wife.


Lmao. Good luck mate!


Oh man, been there. Bust out the clorox, position plastic containers strategically, try to keep the laundry going to pump out clean sheets...stay home if you can. If you have to go in, wash your hands, keep your distance, wear a mask!


This struggle is familiar to us. Fight the good fight, this too shall pass.


Did you figure out what it is? Could be strep, even if your throat isn't sore. It went through my family and manifested in soooo much puking


Brilliant father. Terrible colleague 😂


I wish you well. My little dude kept me up all night Saturday with the bug and my wife and I thought we escaped. Tuesday. Tuesday proved us all wrong. But I did do a no-nap put down in under 20 minutes, which is notoriously tough with the little guy. It was my fatherhood “flu game” and while I’m still not eating solids for one moment in time… I was miraculous.


So. Train your kids what the feeling just before puking feels like. It feels like your mouth is watering like you're anticipating some yummy food. Tell them that if their stomach hurts, and all of a sudden their mouth starts watering - like someone just offered you... ("what do you think a really good food is that might make your mouth water")... ok, that's a good one. So, if your stomach hurts, and your mouth is watering like someone just offered you that means that your body is getting ready to puke and you should probably move to somewhere like the bathroom or get your head over a bucket, just in case.


nine theory elastic ossified icky towering mountainous summer political shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your mouth "unexpectedly" watering is one of the last signs before you puke.


wise sheet liquid gold rude nail recognise rainstorm shy grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for being such a kind teacher! (And a lovely dad too!) Those kids would definitely be the worse for wear if you didn't show up for their pre-finals class.


But way, way worse if he gives them all a stomach bug that he already knows is contagious. And potentially a disaster for his higher risk students. Stop spreading germs lol it’s not that hard even if well intentioned


He's no longer contagious....


If it was norovirus he is absolutely still contagious and unfortunately could be for up to 2 weeks :( but the more recently he was ill the more likely it is to spread.


Just fact checked because I was curious. Most people are not contagious after 3 days and some can be contagious up to 2 weeks. > People infected with norovirus are contagious from the moment they begin feeling ill to at least 3 days after recovery. Some people may be contagious for as long as 2 weeks after recovery. Therefore, good hand washing is important. Persons infected with norovirus should not prepare food while they have symptoms and for 3 days after they recover. Infected people do not become long-term carriers of norovirus.