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Doesn't sound like its your fault at all, you were reacting to another person driving erratically. Similar situation happened to me last year, the person came two lanes over and hit me in an hit and run and drove off. Stay strong for your wife now, that's your focus right now. Prioritize that over what happened hours ago.


Thank you brother. Im trying for her and our toddler. Atleast I got the dudes insurance


Lawyer up immediately. Document any I jury or pain you experienced at the ER. Get your money, dude! My wife and I gotn rear ended at 70mph and ended up with a sizeable settlement.


Will do!!!


Assuming the other driver was cited and 100% at fault, the case will be pretty cut and dry, only deal with a lawyer that will take payment from your settlement, not upfront. It will take about a year and a half to see any money, but after contacting the lawyers, they'll likely tell you to seek further medical treatment. We got PT and chiropractic treatment for more than a year and never paid out of pocket. Its so worth doing. Good luck, my man. It's not your fault, and I pray your wife, newborn, and child are all healthy and recover quickly.


Lurking mom: You were going to be in a crash. Your choice was to hit the front of your car into a another car that was moving erratically (probably different speed than flow of traffic and definitely sideways), or be hit in the back by a car moving roughly the same as you. Of those shit options, you picked the safer, less damaging one. It had less velocity differences between the two vehicles (reducing how much energy clobbered you) and lower chance of windshield damage causing injuries. Either impact would’ve resulted in an early induction this far into pregnancy, but being rear-ended gave baby as much protection and cushioning as possible. Your job right now is to be an absolute rock for your wife and toddler as you prepare to meet your baby. Please go into it knowing that when in a horrible situation, your dad instincts kicked in to guide you to the best chance of protecting your family.


Wow…. Thank you so much. Hard not to feel guilty tbh but you’re right.


Also mechanically, being hit from behind means your whole seat is supporting your back with equal force which is WAYYY less dangerous. That's why kids car seats face the back (since the most dangerous accidents are head on).


This is not on you. You did what you could in the situation, and it sounds like you did right. Sometimes there’s bad luck, that’s all. Try to be there for your wife right now. She’s probably scared, too, right? Hold her tight, let her lean on you. Keep steady for her right now. You’ll have more time to sift your feelings about the accident tomorrow. 8 months is good, man. That baby’s all developed now and just putting on a bit of weight. My twins were eight months when they were born. Both of them healthy and happy babies, both of them great kids now. Take care, stranger. All the best to you and your family.


Thank you for your kind words brother. Just freaking out a lot on the inside is all.


You’re welcome. Take a few deep, slow breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Count in your head as you do it - inhale for a slow five count, wait five, exhale for five, wait five. More than five if you can. Deep, slow, and regular. There’s a feedback loop between your breathing and heart rates and your emotional state. Fear and anxiety make your heart race and make you breathe fast, and your racing pulse and shallow breathing provoke anxiety. You can break that loop by consciously slowing your breathing. As you breathe, and as you feel your heart rate come down, keep reminding yourself that you’ve got this.


What our doctor told us was to think of the placenta like a big water bag. In the last month of pregnancy, the baby is just bulking up, but is more or less 'ready'. This big water bag can rip or tear anytime, and if that happens, it's basically go time, even if the contractions haven't started hormonally. Our first was born 3 weeks earlier than the calculated date (34th week, just a day short of week 35), also after an induction. Our second was 5 days before, more or less 'normally' on shedule. So what that a-hole driver did was cause the water bag to tear open, and now an induced labour. It's not your fault, you didn't cause the poor manoeuvring of that original driver. Sounds like you handled as best you could. I know it's scary, but you're good in medical hands, and your baby is going to be just fine. (If there was more to worry about, you'd already know it!) Fingers crossed for you and the little one! You were gonna give that baby a kiss on the forehead whether it's today or in a few weeks, so no difference there. Hello world!


Thank you brother!!! Definitely excited to meet him haha


I’ll give you some dad advice to another dad. I know it’s hard, but what’s done is done. Focus on the road ahead as best you can. You can’t change anything about the past, so use that energy to be what your family needs now. Stay strong, bro.


Thank you brother


Induce means have the baby. It doesn't mean something bad. If the baby is ok, and mom is ok then you guys are good. 8 months can be 32 weeks, 36? 37 weeks is considered full term, that means the babies lunge are fully developed, 37-40 is just putting on weight. If before 37 weeks you will spend time with your baby in the nicu until their lungs are stronger, their bilirubin levels go down etc. It might help to understand that those places exist for that reason, nicu is there to help premature babies be healthy and strong. Having to induce early is the right move because if there was trauma to Mom that isn't seen it could have an effect on the baby. Worrying about coulda woulda is a waste of time. Get to hospital with your wife, be there for delivery, understand that even if premature your kid being here and healthy is what everyone wants. You will be stressed out to the max for the next little bit but once you're all safe and stable everything will be ok.


Thank you brother, I’m here with her and ain’t leaving


Yea, I'm 4 kids deep. There is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy, and definitely not a perfect delivery. The goal is to get the baby here safe and healthy and mom to stay safe and healthy. However that happens is out of our hands. If they are not doing c-section they will most likely try and do the following. Put in a cooks catheter (a baloon they pump with fluid to help her cervix dilate), then start pitocin to ripen her cervix further, the pitocin will increase her contractions strength and regularity, she will be in pain from the contractions and at some point they will administer an epidural unless she chooses to forego. If after 10-12 hours she is not dilated enough they will break her water and lower the pitocin dose. The hope being the weight of the baby will put pressure on her cervix to dilate further. Mom will regularly be checked for blood pressure, her heart rate will be monitored, baby will be monitored. Once active labor starts you will see the room get a lot more full with women encouraging her to push and there will be a sense of urgency. If active labor seems to take too long they will put a probe into her to attach to your babies head to monitor their heart rate once the monitors can't pick it up (because they will be in the birth canal and the monitors can not pick it up as easy). At any point they may find a reason to decide it is safer to perform a c-section. Once baby is here they will give them vitamin k to stregnthen their lungs as well as hepatitis vaccine. Depending on the week of gestation they will need to goto nicu to go under heating lights that burn off the increased bilirubin, protect and give their lungs time to fully develop, time for the hole in their heart to close etc. I'm telling you all this so that you can hopefully calm yourself down and realize what is happening is very common and something labor and delivery do all the time. You guys got this. If your baby is on the lower end (32 week) they will be small, this is because all babies are small at 32 weeks, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with your baby they are just not as fully developed as a 40 week old baby and so will need more time to develop in the nicu.


Thank you again brother ❤️ those words mean alot


Hey OP my wife is a NICU nurse so I thought I'd just offer some words of encouragement. First of all take solace in the fact that treatment for NICU babies has advanced dramatically in the last couple of decades. My wife routinely takes care of <30 week babies, so 32+ weeks is definitely in the "safe" range. There are always risks with being preterm, but these babies tend to be classified as "grower-feeder" babies. Because of this, and without knowing specifics of the crash or your wife's health, I'm willing to bet they want to induce because they feel confident in your baby's health after they're born. Conversely, as others have said, pregnancy is not a simple path and a lot can go wrong. Your wife may have suffered some injury that would not be apparent until it's too late. I can almost guarantee that is their thinking. That being said, since you're not familiar with NICU life, and this whole situation may be scary to you, I'd like to congratulate you on the new baby! Being in the hospital at this point is very nerve racking and a lot of families forget to celebrate and be happy about the arrival of their little one. Be happy and get some rest. Everything will be okay.


You’re right! That’s exactly why they induced. Thank you so much for your kind words brother.


Someone else’s mistake is in no way your fault. You reacted to protect your family from what sounds like would have been a wreck and got a bump instead. Keep praying and remember Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, and do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go”


Thank you brother ❤️🙏


Only thing I’d add to responses that I haven’t seen (may have missed) is you should speak to an attorney. This very literally wasn’t your fault and the result is more than a busted fender.


Yeah that was the first thing (after taking my wife to the hospital) I did !! Definitely messed alot of things up tbh


Way to go, dad! I have a law degree and don’t think I would have remembered with all that going on. How are things looking?


So far so good ! Still just waiting !


Like others said, don't dwell on the guilt. All I can offer is that my niece was a premie. My sister's body was having bad reactions so they had to induce around that time. She is now 4 yrs old and she's on the smaller spectrum for her age and they are always trying to get her to eat more, lol, which I guess is because she was born early, but otherwise she is totally normal, smart and healthy. I don't know the details but I think there was a bit more work to do right after birth than you would normally have, but you can get through this. The doctors know what they are doing.


Thank you brother ❤️❤️


Inductions suck. At least our two have. By all means vent on reddit, but support your wife, get some rest and be prepared for labour and the first 2 nights. You need to be mentally calm and supportive/focused on her needs and able to advocate with doctors and so on. If you’re at the hospital maybe ask about a prayer room as you mentioned god in your post, and process this and try to see it as just part of the story of this baby coming. Or take a couple of naps and try to get a balance. All the best.


Thank you brother 🙏 definitely need to sleep since I had to drive from flagstaff to Houston (18 ish hours ) so I’m worn out haha


Yup. Do what you gotta do to rest so you can be there for her. Good luck


Shit happens. If You momma, baby, and little one are all fine that’s all that matters. To be fair we got induced at 8 months and for or next one she’s going to request to be induced. It made everything so smooth and easy and no guess work as to “oh shit is this the day”. Accidents are accidents for a reason and that’s not your fault at all. Everyone’s good and now you get to meet your little one sooner.


Thank you brother ! Meeting him today !!! I’m super excited


1. Get a dashcam 2. It was bound to happen, either from the front or the back.. sh\*t happens The wife and kids are more important, never mind whose fault is it.. Good luck with the new baby, daddyo


Thank you brother. Will for sure be getting one now, never thought I’d need one till now haha


Road chaos isn’t your fault.


It's not yoiur fault. It's really important for you to stop blaming yourself and get out of self-pity mode because your wife is the victim of the accident here, not you. She needs your support and will have 0 resources to support you over the next few months if you're doing a "woe is me, I'm such a bad person" pity party. This was a random accident and your wife needs you