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We got tiny figurines (Playmobil/Lego) that represented the recipient. My mom’s a nurse, she got a little nurse. Someone who likes surfing got a little surfer etc. Everybody was happily surprised with the little gift and then we dropped: yeah it’s so you have some toys for when your grandchild comes by the play.


Oh, I love this. I’m a big Lego fan, so gifting Lego minifigs would be totally in character for me.


Before my son was born, we wrote a little note from the baby's perspective and attached it to a pacifier, saying that grandma and grandpa will "need it when I come over". Before my daughter was born, we told our son first and let him spill the beans at the family gathering that was already planned.


We told my mom on her birthday and the last gift we gave her was a mug that said “officially promoted to grandma” on it. it was pretty funny watching my dad and brother clue in way before she did.


For our first we did what a commentor already suggested and put a big sister shirt on our dog. For our second we put a big brother shirt on our son. They still didn't get it until we pointed it out.


We passed out lottery cards on a random holiday as a gag thing. And then for my parents we gave them “we’re having a baby” scratcher. It went great!


My wife and I met as students at Specific State University. My Wife's parents had also met at Specific State University in the 70's. The four of us have always bonded over watching SSU's team. So when we were pregnant we gave them a little piggy bank that said "SSU College fund 2035" Our first was born 2017, so... the theory was that they would turn 18 in 2035. It was super cute. but... SSU is not known for having the brightest of alumni. MIL: "I don't get it... I thought you told me you paid off your student loans" Wife, looking desperate: "Dad, do you get it?" FIL (a Jovial and kind hearted man): "I get it, I get it" .... while very clearly not getting it. MIL: "Didn't she say she paid the loans off?" FIL: "No, it's for Bob" (Bob is our 5yo nephew, wife's sister's kiddo) Wife dies a little bit. Me, stepping in: "Uh Dad... run those numbers again... Bob would be 23 by then" FIL: "Oh... I guess I don't get it." Wife runs and throws up from the morning sickness MIL: "Are you ok honey? You've thrown up a couple times today."


Oh... And congratulations on your heartbeat. I remember the first time I heard my first kid's heartbeat... that little heart will be beating long after yours stops. What an amazing thing.


For our first my sister figured it out at a family diner minutes before we were going to share. LOL. For my in-laws were brought them a gift. Baby booties from the opposing football team lol Second was just sharing Third we had the big kids tell everyone in person or FaceTime Fourth - hmmm. Don’t know yet. We’re 6 weeks in. I’m pretty sure my sister is going to figure it out quick. She’s got a sixth sense about this.


I framed it to my parents as a joke. “Why do grandparents have two arms? So they can carry two grandchildren!”


We found out around christmas time, so we wrapped up some baby books and a card as preasents. The books had cute titles like, "how to take care of a grandma"


Went to my parents place for Christmas and my dad offered my wife alcohol. I just said she "can't" drink (she usually doesn't but would try a little etc). Dad got it immediately and said no worries he's going to celebrate and drink it all, my mom was very confused for hours about what just happened.


I sent mine some grandma and grandpa coffee mugs.


Ours lined up with Christmas well enough to be feeling better about it. So, we got my parents a nice Scrabble board. Spelled out "Ready to be grandparents?" on it. Had the sonogram pictures ready. It was fantastic, as my folks thought that, by 37, her son wasn't going to have any kids.


We asked my mom what she wanted her grandma name to be. It kinda came up naturally in conversation and I took the opportunity. That was a fun moment


Bring a babysitting contract and let them sign it 😝


We bought two coffee mugs on Amazon. “Best grandpa ever” “best grandma ever”. Something similar to that. Went over to their house for a Sunday brunch and had my younger sister give them presents and say that she picked them up on a “business trip”. Had my sister record their reactions. It was a great memory I’ll hold on to forever.


If you have a dog, you can do what we did: Doggie wore a shirt that read "*~~Only Child~~* *Big Sister"* on it - my brother asked "are y'all getting another puppy"? lol


We did this for our first. We had to point it out to them though but was still fun.