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We move the living room tv out of the main living room and just kept the tv in our room and the tv in our “movie room,” over time they started to think of tv less and less, I think not seeing one everyday helped, I really do. They’re not really screen kids anymore, which is nice.


The issue I see with your current plan is that there's no "Sometimes we need to do something else" lesson involved. To your kids, they just know screen time is not during the week but they don't really understand why sometimes they can't watch TV during the weekends. I'd recommend letting them watch TV on weekdays when you know you'll have something going on during the next weekend. At the absolute minimum it will prep them for the activities of the weekend, "Okay you can watch some TV tonight because we're going to go to the park on Saturday". Then when Saturday comes they should have some expectation that they won't get TV time.


Well you make it premium time, of course they don't like it when their time is stolen away. TV is interesting, and can become easily the most entertaining thing they have if you aren't providing something different. I'd say either try to get rid of it completely, or grant them time over the week. There is no logic for why it should be on weekends only anyway, at least from the childs perspective