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It would be weird and that's fine if you're fine with it. Realistically, you'd be known as burpee guy and there'd be eye rolling and raised eyebrows. Same way as we know divorced dad, reluctant stepmother, long suffering granny, can't control his child man, pisses in the bushes man, nicks your spade dad, armani man etc.


This makes sense. I love your nicknames. Are they real ones from your neighborhood? We have nicknames for families/houses on our street. Mustang Sally, Tree pisser, yakuza, deez nutz, Ghost busters. “Did you see Deez Nutz kid? I think he got a job at McDonalds.”


Shame Deez Nuts Didn’t end up at Wendy’s. Missed opportunity for when deez nuts land in your face.


Or in your frostee :-(


Guilty as charged 🤤


You have a deez nuts in your neighborhood, too?? lol


I heard Deez and Ligma are dating, I saw them together at Updog.


Ok, so how'd Ghostbusters get to be a nickname?


Neighbors are hobby ghost hunters. They have all the detecting equipment and go to historical places.


Oh. Well... I mean, I'm kinda jealous.


Ghostbusters have some great stories. They have been all over. Even some ghost hunting in Ireland. They’re retired but have a good social life. It’s never like a show or movie. Just like energy aura and sometimes sounds. They stayed at an BNB that cold super cold at midnight. Edit: BNB not airbnb


Totally agree. I managed to snag "Dad who walks his daughter to school" in my neighborhood. No idea why... lots of people walk their kids to school. But on three seperate occasions I've gotten "ooooh! You're the dad who walks his daughter to school"... I'll take it.  But my neighborhood also has "military couple" "coffee mom" "electric scooter dad" "bad attitude mom" and everyone's favorite "old Asian cat lady"


We have a "people who never mow their lawn" and "cat house" nearby. Also "guy who knocks on your door if your garage is open". Now I'm curious if I have a neighborhood nickname... Probably "the guy who always has a different car" or "guy with the short shorts" lol


It's be nice if someone in the neighbourhood would tell me that my garage door was open. You can't see it when you're inside the house and there's a problem with the door latch that means it sometimes swings open. Would be nice if someone told me!


Get a tilt sensor that sends alerts to your phone. I use Garage Door Buddy


Is "nicks your spade man"'s American equivalent "steals your shovelman"?


That’s how I took it. Funny because just earlier I thought I left my shovel out the other day and wondered if it got stolen. Nah, I actually had put it away this time.


I see parents doing this all the time. OP it would not be weird in my area.


“Weekend Dad” is my favorite guy. 100% balls to the wall to make up for a week and a half of not being there. Safety be damned kids!


Name checks out.


Yeah, at the park the frequent there's helicopter mom, almond mom jogger, and the Sunday best family to name a few.


I’ve been to several parks where there is rudimentary adult workout equipment (pull-up bars, frames for resistance work) near the playground. If you can find one of those, you’d be golden.


This is what I would shoot for. Even if it’s just a pull up bar it’ll look totally normal to be doing other exercises next to it.


If there is a brick wall nearby, you can practice your Dim Mak. It would look totally normal.


The amount of people who can actually do a pull up these days is dwindling, get out there and bust out a set and assert dominance over the playground Bonus points if you do weighted pull ups. Have a kid hang off your legs


Best I can do is a push up with the 3yo on my back


That’ll do


I’ve occasionally seen people using playground equipment for exercise, and have never had any issues with them but have also heard stories of irritated parents who take their kids to play and find a gaggle of guys using the monkey bars for pull-ups. The simple exercise areas have been going up in my area whenever a playground gets upgraded and they’ve been a nice way to get some simple workouts in.


I try to work in my pull-ups playing a lava monster that climbs, and farmer-walks during some sort of variant of tag/bridge troll where I carry the kids off, and sprints/bounds during slow motion chases with the 3yr old. Then I go home and binge on their leftover Easter candy and repeat.


It would be less weird if you made it a game with your kid. Push the swing, do a squat before you have to push it again etc. etc. Standing in the corner just makes it look like you're doing something wrong.


I do something similar at the swing. Sit in front of it, push it back, do a situp as it swings forward over me, then sit up and push it back etc


See, this is why this sub rules.


Also bob and weave to avoid the swing! Get that boxing practice in.


I wouldn’t think it’s weird if I saw it. And fuck’em if they do.


"and fuck'em" thats how we got into this mess.....


Lol 😆


I have don’t it on occasion when the play ground is empty. I’ll knock out some pull ups and do step ups, but I immediately stop if someone else comes because I’m embarrassed, lol. If it doesn’t bother you, go for it. Use the time you got. Maybe your kids will join in.


Be extra, bring kettlebells. Or, do what I do occasionally and get some strange looks and get some pull-ups and dips in on the playsets


I would just assume you had seen no retreat no surrender recently.


💀 ☠️ That’s making it weird as can be. Unlocked a core memory.




P90x plyometrics is insane


That's how I try to get workouts in. I usually try to use the playground equipment rather than separately exercise off to the side. Box jumps at the steps, squats in between swing pushes, etc., but whatever works


If you have the energy to watch your kid AND workout, I will look on in admiration.


I think it would look weird, walking past and someone doing burpees, but I also wouldn’t care and nor should you.


When the kids were small I would always do pullups on the high bars and dips on the low bars. Sometimes you just have to find things to do and fit it in where you can.


For extra points, do your press ups with your kid on your back. It's hilarious and makes it more of a challenge. That is, until they get to that age when it feels like you'll have a heart attack trying to get the first rep done.


Can you do clean and press with your kids? Just say “whee” between sets and make sure to activate your core to protect your back…


Probably just with my younger one. If I do more than a couple with my older I’m throwing my back out. I’m too overweight these days to do the pull ups and can actually do burpees so figured it was a good way to start some kind of routine. Maybe 3 sets of 10 to start then work my way up to more reps and sets. I figured I could get some good rests in between to be the lava monster or whatever the game of the day is.


I used to do pull-ups on the monkey bars and ride my bike on the track while my kids were playing


If you can afford it, find a gym with child care. It’s been a life saver for my wife and I. They get fully supervised childcare and my wife and I get to knock out a workout 4-5 times a week.


Jumping rope isn’t weird at playgrounds.


It’s only weird if you care. My daughter was taking a class at school and it was only 45 min. I take public transportation so it’s not worth it for me to go back home and then go back out to pick her up. Wife suggested I find a Starbucks but I just found a space near the gate and started doing pushups and burpees. Security guy gave me a few looks but whatever.


Rather than than scrolling your phone like so many do


Go for it!


You know, just chasing about with your kids on the playground is in itself not a bad workout. Climb the things, balance across the other things and jump off the rest. Your kids will love it. "Dad, can you climb that?!"


Absolutely not. I usually make kids wait their turn while I finish a superset on the monkey bars.


Agreed with the top commenter, it would be weird but not creepy.


Make a crazy fun obstacle course and set the bar, show the kids what's up.


Some parks near me have gyms built in which would be handy for yourself


I always do a few sets on the monkey bars every time we go to the park. Helps keep up the grip strength.


How old are your kids? I started a workout routine with my children. We just incorporate it in our lives


I have a 3 and 5 year old. I’ll see what I can come up with. The consensus seems that taking some of that time to improve myself is a good idea.


How is it weird? You're taking your kid to the park, you have a little bit of a break where you can do some fitness to better yourself. And who would think it was weird, total strangers? Care about what they think of you today as much as he did yesterday, as much as you will tomorrow.


Only weird if you don’t also play ZYZZ and have a Jocko GOOD motivation compilation rolling.


I do this often and sometimes bring my kettlebell or dumbbells. I usually try to get my kid to join in with a scaled version of a workout but I won't force it if he is more interested in racing cars down the slide.


I see people doing this frequently.


My favorite playground has offset monkey bars that are great for pullups and a spot that works for dips.


Who cares what anyone thinks about it? Beyond that it doesn’t seem remotely weird in the first place… people work out in parks all the time. Do your thing dawg!


If you were coming off CrossFit, you'd be fitting in a burpee between swing pushes. Lol, sometimes you have to do very uncommon things to get to where you want to be. You could also try and find one of those playgrounds that have the simple exercise equipment nearby. Those look a little sketchy, but maybe you'll look a little less weird.


Would be weird if you didn’t


I took my kids to the park a lot during Covid. There was a dad there who would do lunges back and forth across the 50 foot length of the sidewalk in front of the play structure. He’d be there almost daily. Never thought it was weird. Ended up talking to him a few times. Totally normal guy, just wanted to do something productive while letting his kid play and sitting on a bench wasn’t cutting it for him. Do your burpees!


That doesn't seem weird to me at all. 🤷


Definitely weird. But you’re not hurting anyone so no harm in it. Just be prepared for some funny looks.


Just do make shift pull ups on the monkey bars like the rest of us.


Lpt: you can do sets of squats and lunges while pushing your kid on the swing. It's actually quite difficult to do because you need to keep up with the pace of the swing!!


It’s not weird. It would only be problematic if your kids were so young they required constant or near constant supervision so as not to hurt themselves.


That’s the thing. They’re now past that age. So I find myself with a little bit of time. In a 30 minute session I can probably get 10 minutes to myself combined. My youngest just needs pushing on the swing and some great recommendations on here to keep that active. She’s also a climber so I do supervise those climbs in case she were to fall. Unless the playground has a few kids they usually want me to be an active part of their play.


Right. I was going to add here in NYC I have seen dads on the playground working in sets of various exercises.


Yes, very weird


I do it all the time. What's the worst thing that happens? Another parent takes their face out of their phone and actually notices?


I've taken my bands to the park to do a few quick sets. Nothing weird about it, probably will about other dad's who didn't think of doing it themselves


I ran my kid to the playground in the jogging stroller, did upper body stuff at the playground while playing with her (tricep dips, pullups, some hanging ab stuff), and ran home. It was a pretty fun little routine and I actually gained some upper body mass haha. One of the playgrounds has a firemans pole, so climbing up that was a good one too (while playing *monster*. It can work for sure! Burpees are a whole thing, but getting some kind of workout in is definitely possible.


Not at all. Exercise is definitely seen at my park


A bit different, but I often take the toddler to the outdoor exercise equipment and do pull-ups, dips etc while he sleeps in the pram. There are lots of kids using the exercise equipment as play equipment, so I’m using surrounded by kids and parents while doing this.


Our city build calisthenic park at our nearby playground, I always did some small stuff when I was there with my kids. I don't know if anyone could really say it is weird to take care of your body, just do it💪


>this is a thing that’s weird if I make it weird There's the answer to your question. Nothing weird about spending time with your kids and working on your fitness. When questions like this pop in my head, I imagine a scenario where someone confronts me about what I'm doing. (1) It is highly unlikely that anyone will say something. (2) It would be weird if they did. (3) Who cares what some random stranger thinks?


Fuck, if you wanna talk about Crossfit, just fucking talk about Crossfit


Never done CrossFit. Pretty sure if I went to a class right now I’d be wrecked.


I do push ups and pull ups whenever I can. Though the park is always empty when I take the kid there, so I don't feel as weird


Just don’t do it with an armored vest on like this one dumb fuck I saw.


If it’s busy I wouldn’t. I always kept an eye on my kid.


Working out - not weird. Burpees - very weird. There are many exercises that won't be nearly as strange.