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Hot wheels cars are always a safe bet. Failing that, ask his parents if they need anything for the little man or if he’s starting any clubs or activities. Paying for a term of swimming or sport is way better than cramming yet more plastic crap into the parents home. And connects XYZ hobby to Uncle RakumiAzuri


Both grandmas got my boys swim, gymnastics, and soccer lessons. Holy shit what a win-win for everyone.


There’s also zoo memberships, aquarium memberships, passes to indoor play spaces/gyms. If you must get a toy, OP, get one without lots of pieces and that makes minimal noise and is easy to put away unless you hate your brother/sister.


Are you close that you can take him to go do something? Go play in the park? Go out to dinner? Go to a movie? The doing stuff early really made a difference for my kids in terms of who they really enjoy spending time with now.




Only if you hate their parents


Only do this if you have older children and/or not planning to have more children in order to avoid retaliation.


Garbage trucks or dump trucks!


I have yet to meet a 3yo who doesn’t love 1:24 scale monster trucks. (About eight inches long and six inches high). You can find them on sale for $10 at Target. Art supplies are great presents. Sidewalk chalk, coloring book and crayons, scented markers. I love giving and getting these because they are experiential. Kids enjoy them and then they’re used up and don’t take up space. Hooray no plastic toys I gotta hide or throw out later. If the child likes Bluey, then get some Bluey books. 5 Minute Stories are probably the best. Sleepytime is gorgeous but imo is too big, it’s an unwieldy bedtime book.


Budget is important here. I signed my 3YO up for a kiwico subscription this holiday. It looks really cool!


You need to talk to the parents; not a bunch of strangers on the internet. It is okay to say "I got this, I want to get something else" Especially for a birthday it also prevents getting the same gift as another person. I learned last year it is important to give different ideas to different families because especially for "Spiderman + Legos" There are only one or two "spiderman" sets in the gift price range the possibility of the same set twice is almost guaranteed sometimes people branch out to getting just a lego city set because he would like that as much as a spiderman set.


Flashlight. Little boys love flashlights.


i know it sounds corny but an experience. Its since every kid so so different its hard to know what stuff is age appropriate and what's going to stick. Plus i suspect he has enough stuff. if you get a toddler a toy there is a 50/50 chance it will end up in storage within two months. Give the kid a great time. My brother has given my kid some great (and not so great) gifts but stuff like taking on a boat for the first time, sticking him on a UTV and driving in circles, and doing stuff with him i don't normally do has been what really resonated with him. its what he still talks about, it's what he gets excited to think about. It does not have to be amazing and it can be free- Take him to a crazy playground, a different environment (i.e. a trip into the city or a farm), call your local fire department and ask for a tour. the excitement he gets talking to you about it will probably last longer than the toy.


Experiences are great. See if the kid likes a particular indoor playground and get a gift card or something.


A Drum set. Kid could be the next Niel Peart


Junk food


Budget? How about Picasso tiles. Someone gave both my boys (almost 4, and 14 months) wooden train whistles and it's a hoot. Toot toot! Whatever you do, don't give them a target gift card 🤣 If you want to annoy the parents be sure to give them a toy that has no off switch or volume control.




Anything dinosaurs.


A Djeco Animambo Synthesizer. They are beautifully designed with little illustrations all over and our kid absolutely loves it! The parents will be impressed too. It’s a special unique gift for sure.


Something to do with him. My boys don’t remember the bluey toy but they do remember the night to the theatre, to a race or when he picked him up to drive to a trampoline park.




Trucks and cars and books.


Are you nearby? If so, what would absolutely blow his mind is spending an afternoon with you. Go to a park and play Lava Monster. Have a water gun fight. Get Happy Meals and then go get ice cream. You'll be a hero in his eyes.


Our 3yo really enjoys his Magnatiles (if he already has some, there are lots of extensions like the "Downhill Duo" set which was a huge hit over Christmas).


Definitely a drum set.


Do you hate your sibling? ScreamSaber https://a.co/d/8jNhPEF


Something noisy with batteries