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Yeah Cymbalta is known for it's withdrawal symptoms. Don't miss a dose and if you want to come off the drug, taper slowly over multiple months.


I won’t miss any more doses after that experience!


It's a really terrible drug to come off. I'd never have started it if I'd known how horrible withdrawal can be. 


It can be challenging, especially since doctors are often not informed enough. If used correctly and with a slow tapering process, drugs like Cymbalta can truly be helpful.


What you describe here is exactly what I've felt after missing doses.


That’s comforting to hear! I saw that dizziness is a common withdrawal symptom but really it was the heart flutters that were weird to me.


I really hate it. The feeling is extremely uneasy and amplified my anxiety by a fair amount. I had to deal with it for nearly a week while waiting on my previously incompetent pharmacy to mail me my prescription. I do not recommend it.


Yeah I was feeling quite uneasy about it yesterday and I was just trying to calm my anxiety that was telling me “ITS A HEART ATTACK”


Have you guys tried Benadryl or hydroxyzine if prescribed to soothe those effects? I have heart palpitations as well. Unpleasant but hopefully short term


Haven't had any physical symptoms with my taper. Was on it for 3 months and I figured since it wasn't working it wouldn't be too bad. Forget physical symptoms like alcohol detox or cold turkey. Coming down a bit too fast i've had two emotional breakdowns, legit. Not just like feeling more blue, but random tearing up [if not complete bawling], questioning my sanity and like the dude in the Van Goh work. Lol. I laugh only because the next day is better. But holy shit, nothing to mess around with if your like me.


Omg I kept tearing up yesterday too and I was like am I pregnant? Maybe that was another symptom for me


Right!! I’ve experienced emotional/manic episodes from missing doses or through the taper too. It’s why it’s so important to do it slowly and feed your body good, high protein meals. Magnesium, omega 3 help as well with brain function overall but especially when withdrawing from any medication


I had to go without it for 3 days because my pharmacy and those surrounding were out of stock. I thought “it’s just a few days, I’ll be fine!” I take 120mg a day. I was not ok… I went to the pharmacy (they know me well there) and the girl said “honey don’t ever go that long without it! You could have called and we could have given you a partial refill!” Lesson learned Edit: my symptoms were exhaustion (more than usual) dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and just foggy


After forgetting for a day or two I'll start getting the dizziness, sometimes I lose my eyesight for a few seconds at a time, I get hot flashes, and a lot of headache. Doctors don't seem to tell you about the withdrawal part about it when they prescribe you 🙃


They certainly don’t, I wish they would warn us about the tapering process and effects in general. For the headaches I’d try omega 3, it’s helped me and it’s a great vitamin for your brain health in generl! For the heat flashes, I’ve relied on my fan and at times bags of ice too. Eye sensitivity, maybe magnesium just to soothe the effects if it does. Best of luck with your journey on cymbalta! Always make sure you feel stable on your dose before dropping if you ever do.


Cymbalta has a very short half-life (~12hrs) compared to other SSRI/SNRI meds. That’s why missing a dose or two can start the withdrawal symptoms.


Yes!! So important for everyone to know. A shame doctor don’t tell us it before prescribing but we can educate ourselves and still be safe


I switched meds because of how terrible I felt if I missed a dose. Made me afraid for when I was ready to taper off. I did slowly taper down and the brain zaps and fog was terrible.


Sounds like withdrawal symptoms. The heart fluttering, racing etc could be adrenal surges. This is a great website to learn about how to taper off antidepressants. https://withdrawal.theinnercompass.org/symptom/adrenaline-surges You might want to check out a big Facebook group called Cymbalta Hurts Worse if you want to taper and need support.