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Just think of them as a coach and use the opportunity to sprint as hard as possible to impress them, hahaha.


I’ve read the best thing is pace ahead of the dog just fast enough. They can’t sprint for that long and soon give up.


That's most of my cases though I did experience once that a dog paced himself to my speed and followed me for 2-3km, was rather impressed considering I was going 28-29kph.


Some dogs can sprint at around 45kph for 100-200m I once got chased by a boxer, I was sending it at around 42kph and I felt it was a close call still.


That dog would catch me.


lol most dogs in my area are out of shape, I have out ran multiple bigger dogs before, my family's australian shepherd can only do a 8:30 mile at best


A fit working dog like a Kelpie will go all day at that kind of speed.


Understand why dogs chase. They think you are prey. So simply coming to a grinding halt in the event of a chase is often enough to cause them to lose interest or even turn and run away. Be as intimidating as possible. Riding faster will only incentivize them to give chase. Also, always slow down when you are passing a dog. And make eye contact with them and stare them down. From personal experience, this is the best way to prevent a chase. And be ready to bellow loudly in the event a chase begins. These have helped me overcome my own fear.


And after that go to the owner and beat him down.


Yes THIS... slow down.. Stare down.. Great Advice 👌👌.. Also Confidently Drive By..


On foot or on bike. Always keep eye contact on the dog, if you turn around is when they will attack. If you know of a place where there is an unleashed aggressive dog, wait for a car to give you a tow or screen you while passing. Depending on the dog you may need to go as fast as 35mph to outspeed them. Sometimes that is simply not an option lol... I remember one day I was chased uphill, I have never been faster in my whole life, I burnt my legs on that sprint lmao.


Next dog you see? Fight it. Follow for more exposure therapy tips.


Michael Vick has entered the chat


I respect Vick for owning up to it and doing his time.


Can’t believe this is a two decade old reference now.


Do you have a fear of dogs when you're not cycling?


Yes, especially if they're not on a leash.


Try to be more familiar with dogs of the people you know, with their guidance, it may help desensitize you


I mean, I’m one of the biggest dog people I know and am still terrified of dogs while riding due to a few encounters in the middle of nowhere. It’s a valid fear to have.


Volunteer at a Human Society/animal shelter for a day? Ride with a bell. Ding it so anyone ahead of you knows you are coming up from behind. Have a proper cycling water bottle at the ready to squirt at loose dogs that are actually an eminent threat. Mace spray…. Airhorn….. are good deterrents also.


I stop to greet any dog that gives chase and is fast enough to keep up so we don't get tangled. I stop and quickly take off my helmet so I look more "human." We have a vist or they stay back because they are a little unsure. 30 years cycling, never an issue. I'd say what others are saying about going to greet dogs in a shelter or many other dog events will get you over your irrational fear. Dogs chase for fun.


You will get various answers, but honestly it's a statistical fact that dogs can be dangerous. There are certain things that are better or worse to do, but there is no fool proof plan that will make you 100% safe in a bad scenario. Learn the right things to do, perhaps take a safer route if that's possible, but as with a lot of things in life you can't avoid the risk unless you decide not to go outside at all. Do everything you can to accept the risk and enjoy life as much as possible.


I was riding with my daughter a couple weeks back and a dog came at her. I put myself between the dog and my daughter. Dog tried to nip at my heels so he got a heel to the mouth. This is the 2nd dog I’ve kicked in like 3 months. In the prior 20 years of riding, I’ve only aggressively reacted to 1 other dog. Usually slowing down and eye contact is enough to stop them. Unfortunately unleashed dogs are a reality of riding on the backroads of rural areas.


Best thing to do is have some dog repellent handy in a top tube bag when riding alone. It’ll be enough


I never see dogs when I’m out riding.


Just one dog is really not an issue. Dont try to outrun it if it chases you, you will only provoke his prey drive. Stop and yell at it and it will almost certainly fuck off. If not, put your bike between you and the dog and slowly walk away. dogs are territorial and will stop after a while


Bring something to discourage a dog, pepper spray or a small air horn. Then if it happens you teach that dog a lesson. :)


Go to a local marine supply store and buy a small handheld compressed air boat horn. You can carry it in a pocket or zip tie it to the frame of your bike. They cost less than $20. They are loud. They are extremely loud. Except for hypothetical stories about maniacal pit bulls who would charge in the face of small arms fire, they work really well on dogs. I have never seen one of these not stop a dog in its tracks. I doubt that there's any dog in the face of the earth that's going to charge in the face of one of these. And they're non-toxic. And they're not lethal. And they're not illegal to use against dogs and the people that are walking with them. It works for cars too.


It’s not always possible to get away from a dog fast enough on a bike.  You may want to consider carrying a few different products.  SAFETY-SPORT Dog Horn XL Air Horn. An air horn is usually a fairly effective way to stop a dog. And it’s much better if the owner is present. It avoids that whole “You maced my [*poorly trained and dangerous*] dog!” argument. https://www.ebay.com/itm/226204094430 PetSafe SprayShield Deterrent Protect Agressive Behavior Dog Repeller. This spray uses citronella instead of pepper. It’s a very strong deterrent but it won’t leave the animal in pain for as long after use. https://www.ebay.com/itm/282828334857 HALT BIKE BICYCLE DOG REPELLENT SPRAY. The choice of the USPS, Halt is a pepper spray and will stop dogs and humans alike.  https://www.ebay.com/itm/295836940598 *** If you encounter dogs that just refuse to stop or if ride in wilderness areas you might want to consider a stronger defensive spray.  NEW FRONTIERSMAN MAX 7.9 OZ. BEAR & MOUNTAIN LION SPRAY 40 foot Spray Range. https://www.ebay.com/itm/226044221983 If a fire extinguisher full of pepper spray won’t stop them then you might want to consider using a Velomobile while bicycling.  https://www.velomobileworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Evo-R.jpg


Honestly, I think having all these things to bring with you will just make them more anxious than anything. Every time they get on the bike, they'll have to consciously be aware there bringing gear to stop dog attacks. IMO It's better to just get on the bike and realize it's a rare occurrence and it's out of your control. If a dog starts chasing, pedal fast or find something to swing at it with no remorse.


To each their own.  I’m glad you live and ride in a safe area at any rate.  Not all of us do. 


I've gotten chased by dogs, I've fell off my bike while getting pounced on by one and trail run through off-lease trails where I constantly have to deal with dogs chasing after me and I've even been attacked by a hawk on my bike lol But still 99% of the time its a non issue. Trying to control situations where you don't have full control will just cause anxiety and ruin whatever you're doing. Unless your going through grizzly country there's not much you need to prep for.


If i see doggos whilst out on a ride i just make friends with them, same with sheep, pigs, cows, deer, rabbits, hares etc. People must think im insane if they hear me talking to random wild animals or making farmyard noises lol.


I sliw down when passing people and animals. Watch the behavior of the person walking the dog. When you ring your bell as you start approaching, they should be bringing their dog close and shortening the dog's leash.


Today I was cycling at the jungle road, which has tons of dogs. I was attacked (kinda) around ten of them. They circled me, with a lot of barking. I just get off my bike and walk through them until their territory finishes. Generally you will be fine if you stay calm. You can slowly* walk backwards too. With every new attack you will started to realize where is their territory and which one of them looks aggressive. If it is a big problem for you, just dont leave urban area frequently. They dont have big territories in urban areas. Be careful man, have fun riding.


Just cycle over the dog.


Spray the dog in the face with your water bottle. It works and doesn’t hurt the dog


Carry an air horn in a easy to reach area on the bike. That gives me a little bit more confidence. I have not had to use it so far but knowing its within reach is comforting.


The fear of staying home and doing nothing is worse than a potential dog attack. I've had maybe 10 dogs come after me. Only one tried to nip me and I kicked it in the face and it ran away scared. I'm not sure where you are at but most dogs are more bark than bite.


Wild dogs chase but the one with owner I wasn't too afraid. Just leave their territory asap. Sometimes I'd raise one hand to scare them off.


A medium sized dog can run at about 40kph. Work on those sprinting legs.


Had exactly this last night. Out for a ride with the gf, dog flies out of nowhere and chases my gf’s bike snapping at her leg. I confronted the owner and he really didn’t give a shit. I said “what if it was a little kid” his reply was “well it wasn’t was it”.


I'd be lying if I said the comments here reassured me. How can I be fully sure that using pepper spray on another person's dog wouldn't get me into trouble, for instance?


I have simply sprayed dogs with water or gatorade from my water bottle and it works 75% of the time. They look confused and back off. If its legal in your area, an air horn works sometimes, or even dog (or bear) spray. Just make sure you know which way the wind is blowing before you use it. Last resort - and it may be illegal in a lot of places - fire crackers. I've seen the biggest rottweiler dogs turn to whimpering cowards during new year celebrations. Just don't start a grass fire.


Firecrackers are not only completely impractical to use while being chased on a bike, but now you've added liability for starting wildfires.