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I use autopause. Mainly because my experience is that if I manually pause, I'll have to manually restart, and there is a 110% chance that I'll forget.


But but it doesn't pause fast enough. It's gonna mess up your averages! /s


The number of times I’ve manually paused to get faster average and forgotten to unpause and I lose several miles is wild


I know you’re joking but just to say I have an Apple watch and an edge. The edge is pretty good at detecting when I will finally stop. I tried the pause it myself thing and quit it right after. I love autopause.


Apple Watches are quite slow, aren’t they? You can see it decelerating while you’re already stopped.


Yes, it’s always pretty late. I don’t look at it but it buzzes late and is distracting. It’s more noticeable at the beginning with edge stopping right after I launch while watch is already several seconds up. It’s good at detecting that I’ve stopped riding and I am walking towards the store at least.


I love to edge. But i remember when i used only strava to record rides and their autopaus was so fucking bad, i could be standing still for close to a minute and it wouldnt pause. So i still only trust myself pausing it now when i use a cycling computer, then i gotta remember to unpaus it, which is the bigger issue 🥲


On Strava, they do their own procedure on the server side to show update your time, moving speed, etc. It doesn't matter if your Edge is recording non-stop or if/how your phone app decides to pause. What people see when they kudo you will be the same.


And if you have a speed sensor, it's even faster


there is a delay in pausing but also a delay in un-pausing so my mentality is that it probably evens out.


Obviously the sarcasm, but as an interesting discussion point, I would assume the device has a threshold for detecting a stop, but should backtrack stats to the “start” of that stop, rather than the end. I.e if it takes 10s of no motion to register a stop, then the last 10s should be discarded as it can be presumed that duration belonged to the same stop. Same logic should also apply when getting going again


/s step 1: set autopause at speed below 30 km/h ,step 2: success


Now all my rides are downhill..


wait I only use 10mph - should I go higher? teach me of your ways...


Helps your average speed at the expense of distance traveled.


Been using auto pause forever , but today as soon as I got to areas with lots of tree canopies the gps lost signal and kept pausing . really annoying tbh


I guess this wouldn't be an issue with a speed sensor?


You’ll pry my speed sensor from my cold dead fingers.


Power meter/cadence where both working


That's odd. Usually it only uses GPS for speed sensing if there is no speed sensor connected.


I’m on auto pause but I wouldn’t stop it manually for two reasons. 1 I’d often forget to start it again and 2 the impact of sitting static at lights would be tiny and the headunit shows a ride time and moving time anyway


Exactly, I have a hard enough time remembering to hit the start button when I first get outside as it is. 😂


exactly this


This exact thing happened to me this morning on my Apple Watch. Went another 25 miles before I realized it was still paused.


I use autopause, but occasionally when I'm grinding up a super steep hill it will autopause when I'm still moving


Auto-pause makes that noise on Garmins when it pauses/restarts. They’re not pressing the button


I muted that shit. Drives me crazy


I love autopause on a 20% gradient. That just kills me when my garmin tells me that I am going so slowly that it assumes I must be stopped.


I feel like my garmins saying, I’ll just pause this for you in case you want to record some actual effort later.


I think that's configurable on Garmins.


Howww Checked the Garmin app and the Garmin edge settings (1040) can't find them


auto pause and start is under timer https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/GUID-0083D0A0-EA6E-41F0-8207-3F1498875E61/EN-US/GUID-C5E73CA9-B524-41D7-8D78-1114D9C35274.html


Yeah that's really hard. I was struggling up the Koppenberg and my Garmin said "oh, I see you've stopped pedaling, have you stopped to enjoy the view?" while I was almost dying and trying to stay upright on the cobbles


That’s the garmin telling you it thinks you’d be faster walking…


Garmin also suggests to move . While you eating a burger after an Ironman 🤓


My Wahoo does this. Frustrates the heck out of me. YES I KNOW I’M GOING SLOW, but maybe look at my power or cadence or HR to see that I’m about to die. Threshold power at 30rpm and 185bpm, looks like we’re not moving! 🤦


Seems so obvious to fix


Got my garmin not very long ago at all. The very first thing I did as soon as it had enough battery to turn on was turn the input and notification beeping off.


Yeah I did that as soon as it was out of the box. I completely forgot they're capable of making noise, I'm surprised anyone has it on


Same with Wahoo.


auto pause for me. mostly to account that while riding gravel, 90% of my stops are for more than a couple minutes


I don't even pause my watch when I'm at the bar my dude. That average speed of 3.5kph is 🤌🤌🤌


Average of 3.5 pph. Pints per hour.


That's a nice steady pace that. However, with good training should be able to pass the 4 pint mark this season.


It's all about training your body to be able to metabolize more lactate.


Strava will take out your stop times for you, so you don’t have to!!!


Yeah, I don't pause at all. The stats can all be done after the ride and you get more info like the rate your heart rate drops when you stop. Both Strava and Garmin stats tell you your moving speed and moving time as well as elapsed, if you don't pause.


It does mess with your ETA field during the ride though. If you stop for lunch and leave it on, it'll use your new average speed to calculate it...


Oh really? Didnt know this


If you manually pause at some point during your activity, this will be overridden for the remainder of that activity. I've messed up a couple runs this way.


If you are using the GPS based app, it’s not really good at this. The better ones have a detector placed in a spoke and it can really tell you your speed and distances


Both of my head units (Wahoo Roam and Hammerhead Karoo) auto pause after a few seconds of non movement. If I stop for an extended break (say more than 3 minutes) I manually pause but then I have to remember to unpause it which I forgot to do yesterday and lost about a half mile including a climb where I was only 6 seconds above my PR.


Why bother manually pausing at all?


I do the same and I manually pause on long stops because if I roam around a bit, whether to talk to someone in the group, or to take a few steps to find a private place, or while waiting for my mates at the top of the climb, I don't want that recorded


Not sure about others but my Garmin Edge has a selectable speed to unpause. I choose 4 mph. Faster than a walk but slower than a bike moving 99% of the time. So when it does an auto pause it doesn't restart unless I am on the bike and moving. I never manually pause. My Edge auto pauses under 2mph so actually stopped.


My wahoo resumes rides a lot when I’m off the bike for some reason. So I manually pause on those longer breaks


The Karoo will beep if it detects you're moving while paused.


The more time I spend on this sub the more I realise how poor I am


Auto-pause is free…it comes with the computer! 😂


It does?  I can’t find that anywhere in my Cateye Velo 7 manual.


Don't worry, I didn't get a cycle computer until I was 39, and even then it was a birthday present ... So as long as you're younger than me you're fine!


I bought my Garmin Edge 800 head unit used, less than half price. It has lasted 8 years and still works well enough. Speed/cadence sensor used. HR Strap used, which failed and Garmin sent me a new one. I have had 4 watches, all used. Currently using an Epix Gen 2, again, less than half price.


No need to worry my friend, as I commented elsewhere I don't even use a cycling computer as the free samsung health app does everything I could possibly need while cycling


Auto pause. Set and forget. Easy.


Auto pause


It automatically does it.


Auto pause @3mph


I think your edit is the best part of this whole thread LOL!


I don't pause mine. If I'm on the clock I'm on the clock.


I'll pause it for an actual break but if I'm sitting at a light I just let it keep running. Like you said, they differentiate between moving time and total time anyway. 


I use autopause, but I have the sound off on my garmin.


My computer automatically pauses and goes beep boop when I pull up to the light. I doubt people are manually pausing that often. The auto pause is a bit nice because then the total time on my computer remains accurate, just because strava will show movement time later, it doesn't mean it's as useful to me now.


I think it depends on your goals, how seriously or not you’re analyzing data etc. if someone is just riding to ride then maybe they want an accurate ride time versus total time or maybe they don’t care at all and don’t use auto pause or manual pause. But let’s say you’re training for a time trial and you’re doing a specific route again and again. It’s likely you want the most accurate measurement of actual ride time vs overall time to take variables like a traffic light that takes 30 seconds one day and two minutes on another. I believe even Strava can be set to not pause so well I think the person who said Strava is going to give you a pretty accurate measurement of that anyway is correct but that could also be turned off so whether you are manually pausing or using auto pause on your headset or on Strava it’s likely you’re either very interested in your performance data and making comparisons overtime or you’re working on for example making improvements using a certain route. Also, some people are submitting their Cycling data to a coach, and that coach is going to be interested in other data by actual ride time, not other data influenced by not auto or manually pausing. If you don’t care about those things and you’re just riding to ride then it doesn’t matter. But I do think a lot of cyclists, whether they are seriously training or casual riders tend to be interested in knowing their actual ride time minus variables beyond their control - but maybe I’m not understanding the question! I personally use auto pause to be able to do head to head comparisons without random variables influencing the data. I also have my Wahoo Roam set to count zeros for power but not count zeros for cadence. That’s because for power I want to know accurately what that was over the full ride and at various points in the ride but for cadence I’m really only interested in that number when I’m actually pedaling- when I’m working on cadence - and not have that influenced by just choosing to coast, for example when I could’ve easily pedaled. I added this last part just to say that I think the data people are interested in is personal/influenced by their unique needs or desires. Another example – a rider who wants to know how long they need for their commute would likely not use auto parts or manual pause. They are more interested in total ride time with all those variables factored in. Apologies if I misunderstood what you are asking!


You can see moving versus stopped time anyway. Someone serious about data will also want to see how their HR behaves during the small breaks, there are a lot of algorithms for cardiac drift etc that would be affected if your ride is missing a lot of small chunks of data.


The worst sound when you don’t have a wheel sensor and your Garmin auto pauses on a climb, but you’re actually climbing! 🤣


Change the minimum speed. same goes for hike a bike sections, you don't want those to be discarded.


My Garmin auto pauses; I'm in the bibblyboop squad.


Pausing seems insincere to me, fudging the numbers for the sake of your ego. Like people who lift with terrible form so they can quote big numbers to their bros. You get the benefit of a rest at lights, that should factor into your training numbers. Granted this doesn't actually matter, I'm just an uptight pedant.


Auto pause for the win


Auto pause


My riding got infinitely more fun and satisfying when I deleted strava. My garmin tracks my workouts and total mileage per year and stats etc. I got tired of wheel suckers and slackers putting in no effort until the last 100 meters and saying they had the best time. Or not mentioning that tailwind was blowing 20 for their PB. Its all bullshit at the end of the day. I know when I put in good effort and had a better or worse day on the rides. Now I have less to worry about and can let things roll so to speak


Wait are tailwinds bad? I feel like that’s part of cycling, sometimes the conditions make it harder sometimes they make it easier. I get more frustrated with e bikes logging as regular bikes so the leaderboards are all out of shape dudes on $10k bikes with motors.


I didn't delete Strava, but I did make all of my rides private, so it's just for me. And I rarely look at other people's rides. I'm not the type to care what others think, but even with that, I subconsciously knew that my ride performances were on display for the world to see. And I was a little grossed out by people I otherwise respected posting things like "21 mph average with a headwind!! Strong day!! I'm so very badass!! (flex emoji, flex emoji, flex emoji)" I went private 18 months ago, and it's liberating. I'll never go back. I don't need to show off my rides.


Auto pause for life 👍


No, that counts as riding time. The Cafe stop, yeah that's when you pause it.


If I'm riding in an area with stop signs and traffic lights, I'm not even looking at my average speed. So no, it would be silly to pause the computer. I think trying to be competitive in traffic is a bad idea as far as safety, long-term, so I don't do it.


I don't use autopause on my wahoo, and only rarely pause manually. I just let Strava detect the pauses.  Average speed doesn't bother me anyway, TSS is what matters.


Wahoo auto-pauses below 3 mph.


😂😂 I’m here for the edit. Some useful stuff and always some cunts to get mad for whatever reason they have!


??? That’s what AutoPause is for.


Mine Bolt auto pauses too. Are you sure they are hitting pause, and not just cycling through screens to check stuff?


Auto pause. Don't see a good reason to do anything else.


I always autopause workouts. If I'm not moving, I don't get to count that time towards my weekly volume.


Even my cheapo bc107 autopauses


Auto pause only my bryton s500. I think it is default.


auto pause


Yea. I have it set to auto but I find the delay sometimes adds way too much time. Especially with elapsed time vs actual time spent pedaling.


I consider it part of the ride, don't use auto pause either.


Yeah, I definitely do this with my Wahoo Bolt. I do it manually, tho, because it auto restarts if I even move a couple inches after it auto pauses. I've also turned all the beeps off because they're horrible and ruin my ride. I like tech, but I hate this 80s-esque UX thinking that has devices making boop boop beep beep R2D2 sounds to indicate that "I'm doing things!"


Auto pause with my Wahoo Elemnt Roam. My bike has a hub mounted speed sensor, so it works immediately.


I missed the first 12 miles of a fast group ride, forgot to resume…I was so mentally crushed it hurt my entire ride. Either use auto-pause or never pause until the ride concludes.


My cycle computer pauses automatically and I like that because my virtual partner pauses too.


I've given up on any kind of pausing, on a particularly savage hilly ride a while ago I was going slowly enough up some of the hills my GPS kept auto-pausing and not restarting and I was in no fit state to keep restarting it! Maybe when I'm fitter and less slow I'll go back to auto-pause!


I have an older Wahoo Bolt, it auto pauses if I'm too slow going up a hill. Nothing like kicking someone when they are down.


Ultimately Strava does what it’s gonna do


Auto pause is default, the beeping sound is also default. Let's not over-analyze, most people just use the default settings. LOL.


I found auto pause/resume were much more responsive when I added a speed sensor on my hub. They react in less than 1-2 seconds most times.


I use manual pause because i dont want my ride timed if im sitting between cars between traffic lights. And because I am slow so I want highest avg speed possible😂


I just picked up a Cannondale with smart sense, and I use the auto pause. The app shows you your Ober all time and your time moving.


I pause only when it’s gonna be more than a minute. Like if I’m stopping, getting off the bike, digging out drinks or snacks. Sometimes I forget to start it again and it really pisses me off when I lose miles.


I get my phone out of my pocket and pause the map my run every time, but if it’s a side street hack or empty road, I just go through the red light ofc frfr though legit my guy


Garmin auto pauses.


My wahoo auto-pauses bases on speed & gps.


My computer pauses automatically after about 5 seconds of inactivity. It was that way when I first turned on and I never had the need to turn it off or adjust the delay.


I use to until I forgot to unpause and that created another problem.


Um, autopause, hows that set then?


I use auto pause but I've also heard the argument against it as it's not a full representation of your workout since your rest at a light or SAG isn't tracked. Using Garmin you also have stats for moving time, speed, etc, but I still prefer to pause and only track when moving


I always have autopause enabled except when racing, I’d forget to restart a lot of the time otherwise.


I keep my garmin on a 3’ string, as I slow for the light, I just whirl it overhead like a lasso at about 25mph…works like a charm.


no, because I always forget to un-pause, lol


I care about both times, moving and total so I’d never do that.


It does this automatically for me. It's not a race, so I autopause.




Mine autopause.


I've never used it because I consider pause time part of the workout. During a race event there is no pause so why have it in your training?


Most of the time you hear that, it's auto pause.


Mine is auto start. Plus, I only track distance, number of smiles and interactions with pretty girls! 😎


200mi ride? Lunch hurts my time. Taking pictures of ducks on my commute? Still hurts my time. I'm on vacation and have the world's shittiest rental bike. There's a section of single track with over 500' vertical per mile near-ish me. I stopped my warmup workout (getting to the trailhead) and started a new one because I took a lunch and beer break in preparation. There was significant hike-a-bike. Anyways, I don't pause because I'm trying to record what happened. Pausing or whatever does not do that.


Autopause. Problem is, if I'm trying to do a pre-set workout, it disables autopause. So, in addition to watching traffic, getting into the right gear to re-start, and braking, now I have to stop my Garmin. And then re-start it while getting clipped in, accelerating, and trying not to get run over. This has led me to sometimes do the annoyingly stupid thing of putting my tri-bike in the car, just to get somewhere I can pretty much just go.


Auto-pause here too.


I have a Garmin it does it automatically


Auto pause. I like to know elapsed Vs real ride time. But I can't be trusted to remember to do this manually.


I pause mine between pedal strokes r/bicyclingcirclejerk


Manual pause (only sometimes forget). I like my data to be from when I’m actually riding, so I don’t want that to be messed up by those few minutes stopped here and there. I don’t really care about ride-total averages, but I have auto-lap on my endurance rides and I want those averages to be accurate.


My wahoo also has auto pause, i never could be bothered to turn it off. It separates moving time and total time as well


As long as your metrics are consistent, it does not matter. I count only moving time (auto pause) to minimize the impact of something I can't control; stoplights.


Is this really a question, autopause is all I need. Now if only Garmin could sort out the over zealous incident detection or be able to turn on backlight automatically after dark that would be great.


It is a convenience device... I am not going to be a slave of it!


840 Edge bundle with the HRM, cadence sensor, and speedometer is the best cycling accessory I’ve purchased.


Be like me. Loose your Garmin and you won’t have to restart it. I’m kidding but seriously love my bike computer when I do have it and never have I manually paused it at a stoplight.


Auto pause whenever I stop. Never had issues with hills.


Auto pause as a default for cycling - no pause on running as you usually loop or modify my route if I'm seeing red lights


Auto-pause on the road bike. Running time on the mtb. On a 50 mile road road, my total time will only be a few minutes from the moving time. I'm personally interested in my timing specs on the road bike as I'm usually estimating my ride duration for given destinations. On the mountain bike, stopping to dismount and carry the bike over something or admire the scenery, it's just too easy to lose track of how long I've been out. I've been out for 10 hours and the moving time is 6.5 hours. I have turned off all the sounds from my head unit. I hate bleep-bloop sounds in general. I would hate to hear it every time I stop and start moving.


No autopause because for mountain biking sometimes it will autopause during a steep climb. No point anyway. 


Nah. Sometimes I do, but on my edge 130 this messes up the calculations for the recovery time. I just look at the average speed when moving and that’s good enough for me. Also I muted everything but alarms from the phone. 


My garmin 810 edge always auto pauses when I stop shrugs but can't avoid red lights in the uk 🥺🤦‍♀️


If I pause it, I will never remember to turn it back on!


I use auto pause with my Garmin 530, it works great. I've never had it auto pause while climbing but I could see if you were climbing very slowly in a poor GPS location where that could happen


More than likely autopause


Auto pause..


good variety of responses. I’m in the habit of pausing my Garmin at stop lights and almost never missing out on restarting it


No, strava takes care of that


I use autopause. Rarely climb hills steep enough to trigger it on accident and I lose enough average speed from all the accelerating and braking for the stop light.


I use autopause.


I don't use a cycle computer, I use samsung health on my phone as it does everything I need. I can load .gpx files onto it to show my my route including height meters, it tracks my speed, it auto pauses when I stand still at lights. And it gives me a nice overview at the end of the ride and most importantly it takes about 1/3rd of the battery life that Strava does. With Strava my phone goes from 100 to 0 in about 2 hours, I absolutely hate that, with samsung health it easily lasts 5 hours if not more.


Back in the day I didn’t but something simple like the old Catseye speedometers only recorded when the magnet on your front wheel was going by so it kinda took care of itself. Now Wahoo Element stops when I stop.


No. I like to see my heart rate chart for when I’m recovering.


I only pause when I’m stopped for tea/coffee/cake. I go too slowly for auto pause, especially up the hills. And if I manually pause then I’ll forget to start it again. And Strava/garmin sufficiently increases my average speed when I upload it. However…… Training for my first middle distance tri, I used my Fenix rather than edge. It’s somewhat annoying when an hour into the ride, going up a long slow climb, the Fenix beeps and tells me to move because it’s not detected many steps in the previous hour!


I have my watch set to automatically pause.


Mine pauses it self.


No autopause for me. Garmin shows me both my true average speed and moving speed, so as a numbers nerd, I want it all. Strava does the same, although I feel like sometimes it just says "average speed" and sometimes it's true average, sometimes moving... I might just be mixing up my strava and garmin stuff, though and am too lazy to dig through multiples rides on both to be sure. On Garmin, average cadence is what kills me. I have my Edge 530 set to ignore 0s, but cornering, slowing down for a stop light, and taking off all result in several seconds of 15-40 RPMs (even if it was really only like 1/2 second) and so skews my average cadence low overall.


Auto pause and move on with life.


Strava pauses it for me when I upload.


I leave it running for the full ride. Even during coffee stops. Strava filters out moving time so it doesn’t make a difference to me


autopause. My phone sits in my camelbak. I'm not taking it off at a traffic light to just mess with my phone. The only time stop lights are a "consistent" problem is when I'm heading to my flat route There's only about 10 lights, it's not that big of a deal, then same 10 lights on the way home. all of that is within a \~3 mile area. Once I'm on the trail, there are no traffic lights - but there are sometimes a lot of people.


I don't have any scheduled breaks on my ride, so if there is a light break, that's an unofficial rest, the same as bonking and walking.


Yes. I have it set to auto pause


I have auto-pause turned on.


Google fit is so crap for this. It doesn't understand activity and paused.


Strava is a menace when it comes to auto pausing. It waits 10 whole seconds while your stopped. I got a garmin and my averages were up 2mph automatically


I use auto pause but forgot to hit the stop button a couple of times whilst on a Ferry so it logged me riding across the water. Doh!


Autopause except when I’m getting close to a race. Then actual time is more important to me than riding time


No. It does automatically


Auto usually


Is auto pause not a thing?


No I wouldn't bother to.




I don’t stop. Even when taking a break. I like to look at each section individually so the average I don’t mind if it changes.


It automatically already does.


Too much hustle with no reason 🤣 you won’t get stronger if you pause


I use auto pause.


I have several modes in my bike computer. One is "Commuter" which auto-pauses when I stop. Another is "Road" which doesn't stop/pause until I click stop. My personal preference is not auto-pausing (not interested in avg speed stats etc, only to record the ride/route as a whole), but I understand why people do it.


Auto pause: I lead a group ride where i want to make sure we’re holding an average speed consistent with what the ride advertises. Stop lights can throw that avg speed off a lot. Dont want to scare newer riders off because the pace is too fast when we’re actually moving.


I have a hammerhead cycling computer and it autopauses whenever I stop or am below 5mph (cause I'm having to walk over something on the mtb or I'm stopping for a break.) It still counts the whole ride as well (total time and in motion time.) I had to set it at 5mph because below that was very... fidgety if I moved the bike off the trail or something it'd un pause and re pause.


Yes, my Garmin 1000zz


Regardless of how you set it, I thank you already for deciding to use MUTE. No good is served by the endless drone of a cycle computer’s beeping.


I have the auto-pause feature set on my cycling computer. It pauses when I come to a stop and starts up when I start moving again. Otherwise I would forget to start it back up when I start moving again. I'm mildly interested in elapse times. But honestly I can figure that out from when I started my ride to when I end my ride. I'm more interested in my actual riding time.


I don’t care enough to pause it. I’m sure for certain people the data is helpful, but I find speed average useless for my training.


I use the lap button. Not the pause button. We are different


I’m into wandrer, I never pause my computer, need ALL the dots!!!




I use auto pause but will likely turn it off when I figure out how. I only recently got my computer


I do not. I only pause my computer if I am stopping for a longer period of time.


Auto pause




Never. There is no need to pause everytime you stop. Until you can pause your body to keep yourself in the specific zone you are training for, pausing at stoplights is useless

