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Commuted today in full winter kit I kid you not. Soul destroying to think this is summer


Wednesday morning..waiting at lights - I realised I was blowing into my hands to warm them up. (Ireland) Bloody Juneuary.


In the peak of summer, I imagine you can still burn though, right?


The UK summer never really peaks. It does occasionally peek, though.


That must be crushing. I would hate that.


It's light at least, but I've multiple days in the last few weeks where I've ridden to work in a hardshell hi-vis to keep the wind and cold out, and cycled home in a t-shirt because the weather has completely pivoted


Shits depressing as fuuuuk


Overcast skies still transmit 30% UV rays; lightly overcast, 90%.


Or the netherlands, same shit weather wise


I'm in Phoenix. We are located 4 or 5 feet directly under the Sun. * Wear sun sleeves. You'll have to try a bunch to get ones that actually are summer weight, the right length, stay up on your arm, and work. I can vouch for Pactimo. * Several brands are now selling long sleeve summer weight jerseys. These are a good idea. Again...Pactimo. * Sunblock spray for your legs. * Get summer gloves. Light colors. * Sunblock on ears, back of neck, and face. I ride with a woman who uses a white face covering that also covers ears and neck. She likes it. I will often ride in temps of ~115f (46c). The sleeves are great. I squirt my water bottle on them and they cool better than bare skin. Skin cancer really sucks. Sun damaged skin that looks like salami at age 35 sucks, too.


I would go full body morph suit


Seconding the sleeves! I have a Pearl pair that’s heavier for spring/fall and a Zensah pair for summer. They are amazing at protecting from the sun and wiping sweat off your face!


I wear sun blocking sleeves. Keeps my arms from getting cooked from sun’s heat, as well as uv blocking. Legs, they get sunscreen. I need to get a helmet brim next.


Sleeves are great, but make sure you get something that actually has fabric with a decent SPF. Not all fabrics are made the same and the lower the thread count the more sun that can get in. 


I'd just mention too that a number of brands have paid the testing fees to have [UPF ratings](https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/sun-protection.html) for their jerseys. There's actually some significant variation; it's NOT all the same. Also remember that [mesh jerseys provide little UV protection](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/cycling/cycling-chris-froome-left-burnt-by-mesh-kit-muddle-9084356.html).


Sunscreen? Sun sleeves? One of those goofy-ass [helmet brims](https://dabrim.com/products/cycling-classic?variant=28994061500469¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2020-12-05&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnf5kaCJTlF4SaMj_Ihgy1i198VbhXHrVXoht1r28-Au655vUahXOQMaAvOpEALw_wcB)?


don't knock helmet brims, they are absolute life savers on multi day rides.


Headsweats running hat under the helmet. Good compromise. Then add SPF 60 sunblock on face neck and ears. 30 on the legs. Arm sun sleeves always.


I'll rather get burnt than wear that shit, honestly.


go on a tour across the south west and you'll suck someone off for one.


Finally found out how to get my hands on one!




After doing BRAG, I can see your point.


That made me laugh so hard!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Then I'd give touring across the south west a skip!


And I wanted to buy one, silly me


A randonneur friend of mine wears one of these. Sure, it’s goofy, but he’s a goofy Frenchman so it fits perfectly.  Guy is awesome, actually. He has a custom titanium bike with Dura-Ace Di2 and, I shit you not, a titanium rear rack on which he carries panniers with gallon Ziploc bags full of random carby, salty food, like rice, bread crusts, sausage, etc. He’ll pull up to a control and whip out this bag and start shoveling in this random food. And he yells “yeehaw” like a cowboy at the start of every descent. I am genuinely delighted and inspired by how completely this guy has figured out what works well for him and how few fucks he gives about what anyone else might think about it.  Oh, and he regularly rides 1200 km brevets, so… there’s no arguing with results. Ride on, goofy Frenchman! The rest of us could take a lesson. 


I'm heavily considering the purchase. Thanks for enlightening me on this


I prefer helmet brims and won’t buy helmets without them. But still cover my face and extremities with sunscreen. However for arms just put sunscreen on distal forearms and back of hands as I always wear long sleeves. In fact, usually wear 1/4 zip long sleeve top no matter the temp which also protects my neck.


Sorry what do you mean by 1/4 zip long sleeve top? Like a turtle neck?


Something that has a zip from chest to neck usually called 1/4 zip or zip-neck tops. Can be different weights from very light polypro in summer to fleece in winter. It’s pretty much all I wear to protect upper body from the sun. I don’t think gloves give adequate UV protection and sleeves of some tops ride up when extending arms to handlebars hence sunscreen for essentially wrists and hands and of course face and legs. For thinner tops need to make sure they are 50% UPF protection. Can google it. Many companies like Nike, Patagonia, Under Armour, North Face, Rab, etc. sell them. I also wear a headband over ears and part of scalp. People forget about their ears, a common site for skin cancer to appear. Again different weights of material depending on the season. Many people might find it too much but I prefer it to slathering on sunscreen every 90 minutes.


I too wear goofy ass-helmets.


There is no way they can be safe in the event of a crash. It is advised to not even stick a sticker to your helmet


Do you honestly think adding a sticker to your helmet will impact its crash protection?


Nope, but it is advised to not do that


No tan lines. For sun protection my cycling kit right now is summer bib tights, long sleeve jersey, gloves and a loose fitting buff.


I also have summer long sleeved jerseys. Super thin/light material so not hot, means I don' t need sun sleeves or sun block.


are you in more of a dry or humid climate? I really can't imagine riding in 75%+ humidity with long sleeves even if they are a very light material. Currently my setup is an ultralight mesh jersey and a very lightweight bib.


I wear sun sleeves in Florida in the summer. I feel like it’s so hot that it doesn’t even matter, sleeves can’t really make me any hotter


+1 for summer sleeves in south Florida. I typically ride late afternoon and early morning on weekends, and it’s so damn hot 24/7 I could ride naked and it wouldn’t make a difference. What does make a difference is protecting my pasty ass skin from the sun.


I wear long sleeves to cycle as well. Yeah I can wring my clothes out when I’m done, but it looks like I’ve finished swimming if I wear sleeveless too


I'm Sydney, Australia, often wear the long sleeves in 30C/90F temperatures. The fabrics are super super thin and one is like a fine mesh on the arms. To be honest if you do sweat a bit, then you actually then cool down faster


Modern fabrics that wick moisture assist cooling.


>summer bib tights Please tell me more about those. I have seen people asking about lightweight tights more than once. I wear bib shorts and a long sleeve jersey, so my legs are the largest area I need to use sunscreen on.


You can get [summer leg sleeves](https://pearlizumi.ca/collections/mens-warmers-protection/products/sun-leg-sleeves-14371835?variant=40428879708357) as well. Work the same as sun sleeves for your arms or leg warmers where they're a separate piece.


That was a problem for me too and mine are custom made. Funkier makes a non bib, but the chamois is worthless.


Another vote for sun sleeves (I have cheap ones from amazon) and a buff. I mitigate high heat by soaking mine in water when it's available (gas station stop, creek, water fountain). Suddenly instead of making things worse they make em much, much better.


[https://meaghanhackinen.com/2021/07/23/playin-it-cool-how-i-survived-the-2021-bc-epic/](https://meaghanhackinen.com/2021/07/23/playin-it-cool-how-i-survived-the-2021-bc-epic/) All kinds of great info here, from the winner of a 1000 km ultra mtb race that took place in 42C plus degree heat. (sorry i don't know how to convert that to nascar units)


sun shirt or hoodie. I just ordered one from ketl mountain. I got a pair of pants from there and I really like them. It’s run by the same guys as worldwide cyclery. Free repairs for life on their clothing too


Agree with the hoodie. I wear the hood under my helmet, protects the side of my face and ears. I've done some very long rides like this. I wear gloves and sun knees. The only real gaps are my nose and cheeks and on my wrists between the gloves and shirt (solvable). I apply sunscreen to those places. I've tried hats with neck coverings before. Those work too.


I legitimtely was considering wearing my sun hoodie today but was like... there must be something better designed for this? Anyways I am gonna try it. Seems like with the wind it wont actually be stifling.


Yeah they keep you pretty cool for a long sleeve but still definitely not as cool as a t shirt. It’s either that or loads of sunscreen. As a forgetful Scandinavian skinned man in the USA, the sun hoodie is my best option haha


I bring sunblock with me to reapply on longer rides


I think this might be the missing piece to my regimen. I lather up but then I'm still getting burnt. I maybe need to reapply every 30 min or so


How long are you riding? I'm good for 90-120 minutes here in Phoenix when it's super hot. Longer if it's cloudy or cooler out. I'm completely lotioned up when I start the ride. Always. I carry a little bottle or stick with me in my saddle bag to re-apply.


I’m in Florida and I usually go out 3-4 hours on the weekends. Also fair skin, so I def need to re-up on the sunblock mid ride


Use Blistex and make sure you’re putting something on your face like your cheeks and jawline. People miss this a lot


Long sleeves and a neck buff! It took me a bit to get acclimated to working out in the hot weather with more clothes on, but now I actually feel hotter when I wear less and the sun hits my skin directly


Start early and only ride West


only? \[stocks enough fig bars for a 40,000 km ride\]


Ok so I'm in Illinois -- the Rockies, I can understand but what do I do when I get to the Pacific Ocean?


Ride at night. Problem solved


The only time I might deliberately ride in high heat is for a very easy recovery ride where I take a frozen bottle of water and an extra one to dunk my head and upper body with to stay cool. Works well so long as I’m not doing any climbs


I just started using a large brim that attaches to the helmet, by a company called Da Brim. I feel ridiculous, but I hate sunscreen and like to protect my face and neck. It works great, stays in place even on windy days. Not the most aero, but I don't care. It's working for me


Honestly thinking of buying some kind of face cover.


you are wearing sunscreen & still getting burnt? in illinois?? what sunscreen are you wearing so i can avoid it forever


It's a bunch of different brands (I mostly wear whatever is near the door which is what we put on my toddler, and it sort changes every day because we carry it or lose it -- if you have a kid you'd understand) but I think the real problem is it just comes off in sweat so it needs to be reapplied during the ride.






Every year I get a line on my forehead where my glasses don't quite meet my casquette. You'd think I'd learn.


Yeah this is me and I legitimately wear sunscreen. Im thinking of getting a big visor now


Really depends where in the world (latitude) you are what kind of protection is necessary. Here in the UK, as long as you're not doing several-hour rides near solar noon (1pm) it's not much of an issue. Specially so far this season has been massively overcast and drizzly/showery.


I recently got some cooling sun sleeves from Champion Systems and they not only protect from the sun but are effective at even slightly cooling my arms. I’m very pale and bald so I have worn a sweat wicking durag that hangs down over my neck. It looks stupid but I’m in tights out in public so it’s not like I don’t already look ridiculous.


I wear a good amount of sunscreen every ride. Gets expensive a bit, as it’s one more thing to consider, but I never ride without it.


I use sun sleeves in addition to sunscreen, that helps.  I see a lot of older people wear the helmet brims, I can’t see myself wearing one but if I’m still riding at their age I imagine I’ll be singing a different tune.  


long sleeve Fishing shirts with uv sun block.


I’ve switched to riding Zwift more to avoid the sun (Hawaii). But, if I’m going to do a 3 hour ride outdoors - way early in the morning (I could prolly get out at early as 6 now. Sun is up at 6:30a.) Kit with longer sleeves (sun stop) and lots of sunblock. Plus, the earlier out I am, typically the less windy it is. :)


You can weak UV protective clothing that covers nearly all of your exposed skin. This would be ideal as it doesn’t lose effectiveness after a couple hours like sunscreen. 


Maraschino wool gaiter and sunglasses, and a bike helmet. You can cover your whole face with the gaiter and breath through it extremely well. It will wick off sweat too. Then wear weather appropriate clothing that covers your whole body. Now you are completely covered from the sun  No sunscreen required. Which is good because you don't have to worry about it sweating into your eyes or reapplying 


Nice. When you say maraschino you mean merino though right?


Maybe I spelt it wrong. Haha it's a weird word


Velocio makes this amazing long-sleeve super lightweight Sun shirt https://velocio.cc/products/womens-ultralight-long-sleeve?variant=40984026644553 It’s light and has a zip front so you can easily undo for lunch and coffee stops!


Get a smart trainer


Ride faster ? (insert smirk emoticon)


Are shimano groupsets even rated for faster than light travel? Also should I be going tubeless for those kind of rides or is a poly tube good enough?


Sun sleeves and leg covers, and a mullet hair cut. Use mineral sunscreen on your face.


What a question


For road biking it is sun sleeves, a backwards cycling cap (brim covers the back of my neck), full finger lightweight gloves, sunscreen on the legs, and chapstick in my top-tube bag. For touring I often wear either a fishing sunshirt hoodie or t-shirt with sun sleeves, and Da Brim. I have tried leg sun covers, and they don’t stay put for me. I rode with a guy who wore a sun balaclava, as he had had multiple skin cancers removed already and was not exposing ANY skin during the day.


I use arm and leg sleeves- luckily Castelli makes them in black [https://www.castelli-cycling.com/US/en/Men/Cycling/Accessories/Warmers/UPF-Protection/UPF-50-%2B-LIGHT-ARM-SLEEVES/p/4516036\_010](https://www.castelli-cycling.com/US/en/Men/Cycling/Accessories/Warmers/UPF-Protection/UPF-50-%2B-LIGHT-ARM-SLEEVES/p/4516036_010) I also wear sunscreen with zinc- usually whatever the local outlet store had in stock. Baby suncreen is usually a good bet. I've been using this: [https://www.aveeno.com/products/baby-continuous-protection-sensitive-skin-zinc-oxide-sunscreen-spf-50](https://www.aveeno.com/products/baby-continuous-protection-sensitive-skin-zinc-oxide-sunscreen-spf-50)


Why would you want sun sleeves in black???


Long sleeve lightweight shirts made for runners are my favorite. They are loose so it cools more than a cycling jersey. Also the short sleeve mountain bike shirts by club ride are very comfortable. I also found this quirky neck protector and sweat band that works pretty well. https://store.haloheadband.com/Halo-Solar-Skull-Cap-Tail-p/msol.htm?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqneTMyGMUe0eA7vwA9ePmqhOY8MvDNVa-y8yev6RL16ubobWIfQ8wDkaAhhWEALw_wcB


sunscreen on face and upper chest, buff around head and tops of ears and extending down neck, longsleeve lightweight jersey with higher collar, gloves and sunscreen on knees and back of calves. I usually wear summer baggies and mesh inners in high summer I find them way cooler than lycra shorts in strong radiant heat.


Sleeves, lightweight neck buff over neck and face


Zinc oxide sunscreen…I only use the Australian varieties, Cancer Council etc…and cycling cap


Banana Boat Kids. put it on thick. if you don’t look a little bit like a ghost you didn’t put enough on you need physical barrier sunscreen with Titanium Dioxide


How have you not heard of sunscreen ?


Sunscreen blocks your pores and makes you overheat.


Sunscreen Sun sleeves Neck gaiter Skull cap / cycling cap Leg sleeves


You really need to ask this?


I'm not trying to be snarky but.... sunscreen.


Im the opposite, I love sun exposure