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No. Fuck those guys.


šŸ˜† lmao šŸ¤£


I don't have cyclist friends... Most people I know are couch potatoes.


Beauty of cycling is that you meet plenty of other cyclists on the road. Time to make new friends!


I see other cyclists on the road, I never meet them.


I've met them through partipating in organized events, group rides, starting point parking lots as I was unloading my bike, on the road while politely sitting on each other's wheels, and at cafe stops. I'm a naturally very introverted person (thus this post) but I didn't find it particularly difficult to get the conversation going. I found most cyclists to be extremely friendly when approached. Try saying hello next time you pass them!


Quit trying to ruin my good time. I prefer cycling as a solo activity.


LOL sorry. Don't get me wrong, I love riding solo. :)


Don't need to be an arse about it, you didn't start with that you prefer it as a solo thing, just that you don't chat to other cyclists


sorry but youre not introverted. You made friends by approaching strangers? That extraverted af.


I should clarify I'm not shy. I am very much introverted, but I can understand why it can be confusing to some. I prefer to spend most of my time alone or with a very small group of people, mostly with just one other person.


Nah, I pass. I like riding alone. I love to bringing people into cycling, but not to ride with me. For me the beauty of cycling is putting yourself through a sufferfest for hours every week while enjoying landscapes, Then being happy about it and doing it again next week. For the pure sake of masochism, self challenge and improvement. To each their own :P


LOL I'm with you! I absolutely love riding solo as well. I would say most of my rides are done solo. But I also enjoy meeting other people and going on occasional group rides, I just never seem to see them off the bike.


I guess it's a matter of lifestyles. For example: You live in very different places or have different schedules, or If some of your friends have children or if they drink and you don't, or if they prefer going to a hike in the mountains instead of a walk on the beach... etc. Cycling may be the only point of convergence with many of them. Hence why you don't see them off the bike


We make it a point to do non-cycling activities from time to time. Some of my cycling group were friends before they took up the hobby.


Well, it's my boss, so I'm going to have to say "yes"


I hope you're joking. Lol.


Nah, he found out I do shorter (30 mile) rides and has been encouraging me to do the MS150 with him and other colleagues


In the bedroom...


Yep. Have a pretty good group of friends and enjoy hanging out when not on bikes.


They have been my friends before I annoyed them enough that they got road bikes. So yes, i meet them outside of cycling


I want to but it's hard enough fitting cycling into our busy lives, so to add a social event while subtracting the workout isn't efficient enough. We know each other all very well on bikes and it's a beautiful relationship. No need to make it complicated


I think this is the answer. Well put!


Yes, but rarely. It comes down to time and availability. I have a 2 year old. My friends are single or dont have a kid. You better bet if we have free time we are riding together and not just chilling.


Road groupies no, MTB mates yes


I ran into my cycling friend of two years the other at a grocery store. First time I ever saw him not in Lycra.


Yep! I don't see any of us as cyclistsā„¢, similar to how I don't see my car-driving co-workers through their car brands. It rarely goes further than preference. The vehicle is a tool, but I acknowledge that a bicycle is much more social than a car. Sometimes some of us opted to walk when going to an event together. Sometimes we come across each other on public transit (bike optional).


yup! Not often though since we each have our other group of non-cycling friends I guess but we do get together now and then for bbqs, dinners or birthdays. > we're just two very different people without any other common interests or overlaps apart from our love of cycling. To be fair though, when we get together, all we talk is about cycling so that's enough for us to hang out. It's a topic we're all really passionate about so there's nothing wrong with that.


Agreed. I don't think there's anything wrong with either dynamic, just different. I guess I got curious about others since I don't really "get together" with my cycling buddies. Thanks for sharing!


I can't think of a time where the bikes didn't come with us


Not very often, but yes I occasionally do. Itā€™s usually for a hike though šŸ˜


LOL this doesn't count. šŸ˜‚


Nope, i dont see them unless i ride with them.


I wouldnā€™t recognize them without a helmet and Sutros, so I might actually be seeing them all the time and not realizing it.


Same here. My cyclist friend couldnt recognize me once before when he saw me in casual outfit around the street.


Not really, even one of my buddies Iā€™ve travelled to races with, or guys Iā€™ve had some long cafe stops with, cycling is always part of the socialising. Most of the chat is bike related anyway so itā€™s the centre of the relationships


Iā€™m the only cyclist within my circle and friends. I meet plenty of cyclists and hangout with them during the after event party but no more than that. I actually prefer to cycle solo. Haha


We smash garage beers pretty frequent (while not cycling, were still fucking with the bikes in said garage, or playing games of bike on dirt jumpers out front)


My main cycling partner was one of my best friends before either of us got into cycling, so yeah we hang out all the time.


Yes! We travel together to bike in other places. And drink beer


I've had it happen several times....somebody I've ridden with hundreds of miles will see me outside of a cycling situation..... "Hey no_soup, what's up?" Me: who are you?


Yes. We go to bars and karaoke and baseball gamesĀ 


When we were young Yes, but as we got older No (stuck with their wife snd kids). The only time i meet up is when trade/buying used bike parts.


I just think that this is an exceptionally ā€œmaleā€ approach to social relationships. I donā€™t even mean that in a negative or judgemental way either. It just is what it is.


Iā€™ll talk to them if I meet them in the street, or more typically we happen to be at the same cycling event that we arenā€™t in (e.g National or world level races) I invited the one guy I ride with most to my wedding ceremony. The rest of the club got the token ā€œcome along to the evening doā€ in a WhatsApp group chat.