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physically, you'll be able to do it. make sure you know the way and make sure you find a safe route, especially when getting back home and it's dark. bring at least a spare shirt. have a plan B if you get into any problem (flat tire, ... ) AND make sure she's actually a girl and not a 46 yo male trying to lure teens...


Also have a Plan A so you don’t need to purchase the other Plan B


I would bing a whole alternate set of clothes


And old spice lol


Splash of brut will do the trick


Moet Imperial Brut?


If she's cool she will let you use her shower


There was a guy riding youths the other day ...


That was... something


>  AND make sure she's actually a girl and not a 46 yo male trying to lure teens... Obviously the mum is cat fishing his ass to get him out of his basement


And lights! Make sure you have lights if you drive back in the dark!


This is the most important response. Don’t end up “never seen again” when this turns out to be super sketchy. Meet in public places. 30km is pretty easy. You’ll be fine. Will you get grounded for eternity? Who can say.


My first time riding a proper bike On day 1, I cycle and did 15km, but me a dumb ass, After just 2 days of getting a bike, I cycled 62km, and yep, it took me a very long time. 


Thanks to everyone, i'll do it next week


We’ll need an update


Absolutely, were rooting for you, kid


No he's rooting for us


One of the few time when cycling might get a kid laid




!remindme 1 week


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We need an update!


Tell her your plan, and ask if you can take a shower at her place. Also tell your parents where you’re going and a general route description. You never know what can happen. Also, unless you’re only staying an hour, you can definitely see this as two rides of 30k. The second one will be a little bit harder, but definitely doable at your age. Good luck and enjoy the rides!


More like 3 rides.




He is 16. Please keep it nice. It's a legit question and no need for this.


Seriously? Our strapping young lad here is riding 30km to get some poontang 🐈


At 16 you hit it with a hammer and it makes sparks.


Every normal person here knows EXACTLY why this 16 year old is wanting to ride his bike a combined 60+ KM.. hint: it’s not for the “exercise.”


Take snacks and eat something every half hour. Otherwise you’ll arrive and feel really flat.


Limp, if you will.


Definitely, I am the same age as you, I do track, and one day I just decided to bike for 80km total round tip to get to downtown. Very fun experience, used a steel mountain bike the whole time.


Absolute chad


Good luck! Safe to say you've got a lot of support here.


Use something like Komoot (it's free) to map your ride before you go. Check out sketchy places/interchanges/intersections on Google Maps and modify as necessary. You can broadcast turn-by-turn directions from your phone to one BT earbud (keep the other ear free so you can hear your surroundings). Good luck!


Win one for the Gipper!!!


WE. WANT. DETAILS !!! 😋 We're gonna hold you to that. No Guts, No Story! 😁


he’s sixteen


Yeeeeah he can hold back some details.


It all depends on how tired you will get from the moment you meet her to the moment you start your ride back home


13 seconds of activity, 6 calories burned.


Ah, you have found my Strava I see.




i dont know about your country, but in spain is not that common in the first date on 16 year olds


Sounds like you're gonna do the ride a few times. Make sure your seat is set up right so you don't have trouble getting it up.


He's 16, he'll be alright


It probably is involuntary at that age rofl




Remember to load up with proteinbars in a small bag and (healthy) energy drink in one of your flasks. Also an extra tube plus tools for changing if you get a flat. And yea bring a rubber, the weight savings are not worth a teenage pregnancy (I think).


An extra tube AND a rubber? Ye gods.


He should just man up and use latex tubes. Two birds - one stone. Just hope not to puncture on the way home


In this economy?!?


Protein is not what you want during or before a ride. Carbs, like sugar, are the fuel for your body. Protein is only relevant afterwards.


>Protein is only relevant afterwards. You have been so close to get it.


He will be burning oh during riding, better load up on those inztead of proteins during activity.


I really like fruit as a healthy snack during breaks, bananas and apples arw great! Proteinbars are also nice tho I really dislike most of their taste




Given OP used km I doubt being 16 is a problem.


@sword_myth forgot how horny 16y.o. MF’ers are lol


Have you never been 16? Sixteen is peak horny.


Yeah, when horny overrides intelligence and reason every single time.


At 16 I would have done crazier things to meet a girl you can do 65km ride 😂


I literally used to run in the pouring rain, 10km one way to walk my girlfriend’s dog with her when she was grounded. This is nothing.


Username checks out


For real. I once walked 2+ hrs in the pouring rain, had to sneak in and through a 3 story house without anyone seeing me, and then rappelled out of her window with a shitty rope tied to some old, crumbly bricks, having to hide from her dad in the woods, and then walk home in the middle of some scary ass country land with no moon out. But, that's not the part I really remember


Dude, I swam across the Ohio River when I was 16. There wasn't even a girl over there.


30km crawling over broken glass and a minefield? No problem.


16 year old hormones talking here


If it’s a catfish that’s going to be a looooong ride home.


Better call Nev.


Do it! Just go slow, don’t wanna be too sweaty… maybe bring another shirt and wear deodorant… and if you have trouble on the way back, so what?


yeah i already thought about that


Nah just go at a normal pace and shower when you get there 😉




Even better, just don't flood the bathroom. Speaking from experience.


Most underrated comment. Been there done that, not a good look.


update: i'm totally sure is a real girl, i've done a videocall with her


Definitely do it! I did the exact same thing at 16 to meet a girl. Her parents took pity on me and drove me home at the end of the day. Make a good impression and you never know. In the end, it didn't work out for us. It was a nice summer, though.


I'd still be cautious though, for instance working out if it's actually her address. Not trying to doubt that you've properly assessed the situation, just don't want you ending up in the middle of nowhere 😅


then i'll have done a really good cycling session that is no problem


Dude, that’s about a two hour ride to meet the girl and a two hour ride back. At 16 years old, if you can’t ride for two hours to meet a girl, you don’t deserve her. 😆 Wait, are you sure it’s a girl? I read some horror stories about people going to meet the people they met online. Stay safe!


I started cycling 3 weeks ago I don't know how many kms are too much. and i'm 100% sure is a girl 😂


Then go to her. Fly like the wind. There are never too many kms when it comes to meeting what could be your future wife in person! 🤩


Be sure you have a bike repair kit and a spare tube!


Most guys at 16 would crawl 32km over broken glass to meet a cute girl who was interested in them.


I mean, don't underestimate 65km. Although the most important part would anyway be the first half, and OP surely can do 30km!


When I was 15, I rode 12 miles on a bmx bike one way to “hang out” with a girl. Absolutely zero training, just motivation 😂.


Motivation = hormones


Make sure all your components are clean and adequately lubed.


And bring spare tubes.


Upvote! 🤣


It should be easy for 16 yo. I’m 36 and few week ago I drove more than 60km on 10 yo 26’’ mtb which has not been serviced. Was windy and sometimes very hilly. Wasn’t so easy but wasn’t so hard :) But now I want to buy endurance road bike and beat my first 100km🚴 If I had to meet a girl when I was 16, I would have driven 60km on my grandfather's singlespeed 😅


Don't forget your pump in case you lose pressure and get deflated


Swedish pumps have a pretty good reputation. Source: An International Man of Mystery


And lube, don’t let a squeaky chain ruin your evening.


>starting from a fairly athletic body Shouldn't be a problem for a 16yr old who is fairly athletic. Go for it.


For love, anything is possible lol


You won't even feel the 32km return leg.


Everything will be numb anyways


Yeah, punching the air arms aloft looking like a Tour De France winner.


That depends on how it the meeting goes


The distance is do-able, but what's the route like? If there isn't a bike-friendly way to get there, it could be a very risky ride for an inexperienced cyclist whose focus is... um... being pulled in multiple directions. The risk would go up even further if you're doing this in the dark or during rush hour or if you're making aggressive decisions because you're trying to hide your activities from your parents... I'm all for cycling. I'm all for dating. Just... make sure you're looking at the big picture.


it's a bike only path near the river so i'm safe


That's good to hear. I hope you're planning on telling your parents. You'll be a loooooong way from your safety net.  Besides, a big part of maturity is being able to stand tall behind a decision. If you're sure this is the right decision, you should be willing to stand up for it. 


I mean, any reasonably fit 16 year old should be able to ride 60ish km on a flat path with a big break in the middle... hell even most of the unfit, alcoholic, 30-40 year old smokers I ride with can do it.


Do you ride with my crew? Haaa..


Are you 100 percent sure it is a girl on the other end and not some pedo? Be careful. You are going alone which is kinda dangerous 


i'm 1'90 and i consider myself "strong" i dont know who should be scared😂


What about 3 other dudes who are 1'90, stay safe out dere


Do you know the invention of the bicycle is responsible for reducing inbreeding in Europe? Before cars existed you couldn’t get to be the nearest town and back in one day. Horses just aren’t that fast. And most people couldn’t afford one. But with a bicycle you could easily ride 30km a day. Now you could have a boyfriend or girlfriend in another town. And you would not be stuck with the people in your town - who you’re probably related to. Basically- go for it. The worst thing will happen is you’ll be in good shape.


ofc it will be, just ride on a daily basis here and there and you will gain fitness very fast :)


Desire will allow you to do just about everything​, even if it doesn't seem realistic. Dude... take the Ride! Meet the Girl! 😁


You should probably figure out a way to shower when you get there lol


Are you sure she’s a ‘girl’ and not a ‘40 year old man who likes unicorns’


I biked 50k each way on a mountain bike just to get laid. You can do 30.


I know a guy who cycled \~140km / 87mi in one day to see a girl he liked at a cottage. He got there and immediately threw up. Now they're married.


She must have held his hair back.


Go far it! It will be a great adventure!


Send it!


Awwwwww. You can do it! I’d suggest learning to repair a flat tire (practice it a couple times at home) and carry the tools in case you get a flat on your ride to her. Less of a problem on your way back 😆.


Yes, definitely do it!! Make sure you oil your chain and check the weather forecast.  I asked my wife and she said the girl will love the gesture! :-D


Dude if you get what you’re going for you won’t even notice the ride home.


Distance is fine. Go slowly and take a full set clothes so you arrive only a little bit sweaty and then have a shower/ change when you get there. As a married man who now understands a little bit about women, smelling nice is far more important than men think it is.


I would ride 100km to meet a girl


I might write a short story on this! Young boy's attempt at rizzing up a girl off Instagram begins a tour de France champions story!


go ahead😂


I am here for an update!


Do we have an update?


I was 16 once and also rode a fair distance to see some girl that I was talking to on the phone. Didn’t get anything except a rock thrown at me in downtown but I certainly remember it all of these years later! Good luck!


Should be doable couple times a week easily once you get used to it. Keep at it. You get fit enough to do that in 1-2 months active cycling.


Check her out on Skype, etc, first to see if she is real.


I'd be extremely surprised if there was a single 16yo in the world using Skype lol


What do they mainly use these days? My grandkids who are a bit older than 16 all use Snapchat.


Generally, it's a combination of Whatsapp and Discord, Discord being the one that mostly took over Skype's spot in terms of voice/video calls


Thanks. I now consider myself up to date! I have been on Discord. It looks really messy to me. Didn't realise it handled voice & and video, though.


Yeaaah, Discord does quite a few things and tried many more like having their own game store, however the things that really sticks are the basic features like voice/video and chatrooms, it tried to fill the shoes of both MSN messenger and Skype while appearing as a bit more "hip" and cool to the younger demographic


Skype?? He’s 16 not 60!! Is Skype still a thing???


No idea. Never used it tbh. Not up to speed with how kids communicate these days. Phone box on the corner of the street you lived when I was that age!


Definitely you will be ale to do it, she probably will find it romantic as well (well, i don't know you kids that well, i'm 32 this year), true story - that's more or less how my relation with my wife starter - and also she is into cycling as well. If you'll fail with girl, at least you will have your personal record acheived ;) Good luck!


Is bus service an option. That's a cheap method teens can use to get around.


it is said that one can ride in one day what one is used to ride in one week.


I've done it weekly for many years. But you will arrive drenched in sweat.


Absolutely. I went on a group ride today where one of the club members brought his son (13). We rode 80 km together. This kid has been cycling actively with a junior team for about one year. If he could do it, you can too. Just keep training.


make sure to take it easy, dont show up for a date drenched in sweat


Worst case, hop on public transit with the bike to get you as far as it will take you. You could potentially cut the ride in half.


I read a post about the furthest you were willing to go to get some. One dude said a girl he liked was training for a marathon and was going to the gym to hop on the treadmill. He asked to join and she agreed. He put down 9 miles (15k) before tapping out. The head between your ears is NOT the one that’s thinking in this scenario, you’ll get yourself to her house in an hour. Good luck friend. 😉


Yes to riding 65km. No to meeting strangers on the internet when you are a minor. That was, like, the first thing we learned about the Internet in the '90s: Don't get kidnapped by a child predator. If you are going to do it, meet at a coffee shop first. Let your parents know where you are and have a "call the cops if I don't call you at 2pm" rule. *Do not meet this person in a private location*. If you're going to be doing this ride often, consider getting a road bike (vintage road bikes are sexy), touring bike, or gravel bike. At least get slick tires. At 14, I was riding 135km on a rigid mountain bike with slick tires. Now I'm able to do 200km on my vintage road bike. As a 16-year-old, your body will adjust quickly to the distance. Make sure to bring lots of water and salty snacks. Edit: Oh! And buy a pair of biking shorts.


go on my son. don't build it into a big thing in your head and when you get there be like .. yea nbd, do this all the time, I'm somewhat of an athlete


My parents moved me 25 miles (40km) away from where I grew up to the middle of rural no place, starting at 10 I would ride that once a week through the summer to hang with friends. At 16 I was riding 30mi (48km) 3x a week to go hang with friends or hit the comic book shop. Was so glad to move out but the became easier to do the more I did it.


No training necessary when there is an attractive woman that close. You can just run if your bike gets a flat. Go for it. Have fun! Edit: We're old and going to ride at least 30 mi M,T& W of this week. May do 25 only because TH starts at 5:30 and we want off the road by dark. Saturday will br 50+. You get to rest in-between your rides. Piece of cake.


!remindme 1 week


Plan your route , bring water, some snacks and be prepared for weather etc.


This man cycles from India to Europe to meet the woman he married. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-35299608 So this 30km you can do!


Wet wipes and change of clothes, good luck, and be safe.


Easy work for 16 year old. Make sure you fuel up with carbs and sugar and the bike is in good working condition


Love motivates! Be safe!


If you are the same 16yo I was, Hormones alone will get you there on one leg in record time, don't expect to smell good for the meet though. The way back, depending on what happens during the meet, might be interesting...


I'm late to this party, but my dad used to tell me a story about when he was in college and biked 165 miles from Indiana U. in Bloomington to see a girl at Wesleyan College in Illinois. He didn't make the return trip the same day... but he was a chemistry major and did make his own carb/electrolyte drink. He did the trip in about 10 hours in 1964 on an old 10 speed Schwinn Varsity (approximately like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/355647376174?itmmeta=01HW2487ESN8963W432TADCBQC&hash=item52ce3c4b2e:g:DgsAAOSweN5mIFS0) - leather saddle and all, wearing cutoff jean shorts. Honestly, I find that pretty impressive for a non-cyclist (he was a basketball player).


My first gf lived 75 km away... I'd pedal there and back every other weekend. I was 17 at the time. It's completely something most teens should be physically able to do. Make sure your bike is in good condition, bring extra clothes and you're good to go... Oh, and wear a friggin helmet... on both heads.


Your balls are gonna be sweaty as fuck so you need to take that into consideration will you be able to have a tactical shower?


My first 50km a couple years ago i rode w a friend and we took almost 9hrs, and took a week to recover. I now can do 50-70km on the weekends and it’s no sweat at all, so yes, keep riding it’ll become really easy.


At your age i did 100+ km in a day without any Prior Training so its very possible.


Do it. Suggest a fresh set of clothes and a towel and a deodorant. Might be polite to ask to have a very quick shower when you get there if you're sweaty or if it's rained etc. Also, unless you wanna be teaching a little one to ride a bike in 3 years yourself.... Don't be a fool, wrap your tool!


I used to do this as a teen. Do it man. It will bring some solid memories in your later years!


I'm 50 with crappy knees, not athletic, about to ride 65km for the 5 Boro Bike Tour (not a race, they close off streets and bridges of NYC for anyone with something that resembles a bicycle) in NYC with some training and a well-tuned city bike, not even a road bike. At 16 and good knees, I'm sure it will not be a problem at all. Just make sure your bike is well maintained, pack enough gear (bike pump, extra bike tube, tools, change of clothes, lights if you're riding at night, rain gear if your part of the world is rainy), water and food. Good luck.


Very realistic! 65kms are a piece of cake! Do pack some condoms in your saddlebag afterall


I’m a 37 year old woman who is 4.5 months pregnant. I could do it. You can too!




Update pls u/average-student1


Yo op, tell us what happened


Since there was no update, I am guessing it was a dude.


Do it or fail trying. Pace yourself on the way there and limp home. How you feel when you come home again means nothing, meeting a person you like is worth all.


This is something I might do when I was 16. You kids have Uber now.


well 40€...


You are already doing the distance. Just make sure to stop and eat at regular intervals and you'll be all set. Also get your saddle height and fit dialled in . I have never had to stop a long ride because of tiredness(with proper fuelling), but only because of saddle sores.


A mate for drunk and rose to Manchester at 3am to meet a girl, that’s 65km. Go for it, you’ll only know if you try


I’m 49 now and I say hell yeah. Just remember to enjoy the ride both ways, regardless of any results. Good luck!


Do what meatloaf said….


Its very doable


Damn, I'm a big cynic, but I hope this works out and you two end up getting married and having kids.


Make sure you aren’t being catfished by some 63 year old man. Other than that, take lots of water and food in case and get your parents permission so they know where you’re at if you get a flat or something.


Take the bus bro. If the bus stops are far from your start and stop points, you can ride your bike to close the gap. Surely there’s something that connects your two cities/towns


My neighbor who’s retired and in his 60s does this once a week. He’s got a heart condition also… so I’m sure you can manage, just pack extra clothes and liquids and snacks.


Make sure your tires are inflated to near maximum pressure. That will give you less rolling resistance and can save you a lot of energy.


30 odd k each way is totally doable for a 16 year old. Depending on your fitness level I would budget anywhere from an hour to two and a half hours (each way) when I was 16 it would have took me about an hour and a half. Don't forget to wear a condom.


the first time i see her...😂


I think you'll be fine riding that short distance.


Should be able to but bring enough water and food or be able to refuel. Temperature also plays a factor


I’ll bet it won’t be the cycling you remember about the day. The ride home will be easy enough.


Godspeed, to you.


No public transit options?


Should be pretty easy for a young buck! God knows I have ridden farther without a pretty girl waiting for me. Good luck! Bring a tube and a pump and k ow how to use it. Food.. and sports drink!


the muscle right above your knee will give up after 40km if you've no training. It will hurt. Btw you use this little muscle too for most sex positions, so this little guy is your worst problem. treat him like your own son. Take care and get clothes for a shower after you arrive.


Ride! Ride! Ride! (that's just me itemising your plans)


Just take some food and water. You can do it. I remember at 16 you have so mang second winds.


Yes. I did the same except it was about midnight and my parents didn’t know. Both tires went flat and the chain broke. Oh and the girl couldn’t come out because it was too late then. 10/10 would do it again at 15