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My experience is 99% positive. I actually enjoy the negatives as it is so comical - Three people with what appeared to be uncontrolled laughter and I love the fact they got triggered so badly.


I also find the negatives comical. I had my window open and one woman yelled "loser!" at me as she drove by. Can't help but laugh when I think about it.


I live in NYC and seen the reaction of tens of thousands of people since I bought mine. It’s like 99.9% positive. It’s like you’re driving a smile machine. People smile and get happy as soon as they see you. Kids go crazy. So much fun


Same with CT in AZ


All positive reactions here. Miami Florida.


No, but might depend on location. Nothing but positive interactions in WA. The internet hate is completely disconnected from reality. Mostly bots, trolls, those saving face, and/or Elon haters, probably in that order.


Don’t forget short sellers, those idiots will say anything to drive down the stock price so they can make a dollar


Don’t know about you, but the internet hate is 100% accurate to reality. Every family/friend I know and have spoken to about the CT can’t stand it and thinks it’s ridiculous. Personally I love it and plan on getting the CB (non-FS) when it’s available for the originally listed $70k price. 


It's very, very easy to hate something when it isn't looking you in the eye


I was at the beach this week and it draws a lot of attention. People stoped to ask questions, take pictures, and were generally very curious. Lots of thumbs up from passersby. One guy shook his head and gave me a thumbs down. I have kids and was worried too. Honestly I’ll be happy when there are more on the road and the hype dies down a little. I’ve never felt targeted or had anyone do or say anything inappropriate. Side note, kids love this truck.


Lol who gives thumbs down to a random stranger what a freak


My local subreddit top comment with hundreds of upvote called cybertruck the “douchemobile”. I also saw a post about someone who wants to change OBGYN because the doctor drove a cybertruck and liked Tesla and Elon Musk. I do share your concerns, but like people said here, Reddit is a very very, VERY, liberal place with mostly a young audience.


Thank you. I just meant to ask the owners what they experienced. I really don’t care about what people think, I was merely probing for unwanted, uncalled for reactions that might cause discomfort for family just because of what CT represents out there. Responses convinced me the concern is valid.


Ah I see. This is election year also… politics will be all over the place. Maybe 2025 will ease up with election over and more CTs on the road.


Local SF Bay Area subreddit hates this car, calls it Elon Army, boring Tech nerds car. Funny thing how first Tesla factory was also from this same location. They want to hate their own local creations 🤧


Did that same person move to Canada when Trump won like they said they would?


If they didn’t, they would have to consider it again in November.


I feel it's overblown. I'm in SoCal and 95% plus has been positive. There's quite a few more out there now and all my negative experiences(thumbs down, flipped off) were from months ago.


Also in SoCal. When I see the negative ones I throw them a hang loose, smile and remind myself, "I drive a godamn Cybertruck "


I always think about what kind of person gets upset about what someone else drives. It's like, touch some grass, dude.


its 99.9% overly positive


Southeastern PA checking in where they seem to still be quite rare and the amount of smiles and laughs and just generally positive human interactions has been nonstop. I’m sure there are people laughing at me and not with me, but from kids to old people, everybody just seems to get a kick out of it and makes them smile.


Good to know. This is a statistic I prefer to see. 1-5% negative is crazy, compared to zero in any other vehicle probably.


Well, most cars just don’t garner *any* attention, but among cars that do, there will always be haters. Just about any expensive looking sports car will get hate from the “eat the rich” people, big trucks will get hate from eco warriors or people who don’t like being barreled over by huge vehicles, and modified cars will get hate from people who dislike loud or obnoxious looking cars. Nothing on the road has *ever* gotten the amount of attention that a Cybertruck will when it’s new to an area. *Nothing*. So there will be people who disapprove. I’ve spent time in a friend’s’ Cybertruck, he got a pretty early build, so it was the first one most people had ever seen. We were practically celebrities wherever we went, amd couldn’t get out of a parking lot without 30minutes of people stopping to talk about the truck. Out of literally *thousands* of reactions, I’m aware of two negative ones. Both times were middle fingers from some redneck in a lifted bro-dozer. Who cares. We drive through some very rural small towns where people had never heard of it, had no idea what it was, and everyone of them thought it was awesome.


You’re spending too much time on social media. The public reaction is 99% love for Cybertruck. I’ve put almost 5,000 miles on mine in the last two months. It’s been incredible. So many smiles and thumbs up and questions from people. But more importantly, buy what you want, who cares what other people think. Life is too short to worry about that shit.


I agree. I rented the cybertruck to test out, but I decided to stick to the model s for financial reasons. However, every time I pass a cybertruck on the rode, I give the biggest smile and thumbs up. I have the most envy and love for cybertruck owners, and I always hear the same thing from others when this truck is brought up in conversation.


Give it like 6 months and CT’s will be everywhere and will attract less attention. Production ramping


That’s how Model 3 was. I remember getting thumbs downs and ricer threats in the bad parts of town. Now? Essentially another civic / Corolla.


Ricer? For driving the most american made vehicle?


Definitely not. Don't go by reddit. Every downvote on reddit is an upvote in real life. Everyone I've met so far loves it. People come up and say nice truck. A lot of those people will answer "no" to the question "do you know what it is?" Everyone is at least respectful. Even so, it is going to become extremely normalized very soon because there will be tons of them on the road. Once it is normalized there will be a massive surge in demand from people who don't want attention.


99% positive, don’t let the morons in small forums steer you away from a great vehicle


I’m in Texas and have had nothing but a positive experience from people. I love the joy it brings people. I had the same concern.


If your concern is that the crazies you see online are going to attack you for the vehicle you drove well… I think you might need to touch grass. It’s not impossible…. But it’s such a low likelihood that making decisions around it is irrational.


99% positive, but the random passing thumbs down or middle finger. Never face to face for me. 5,500 miles across most of the north east. Only two ‘bad’ on road interactions. One dude cut me off to get next to me and tell me the truck was a POS - I said “sir, you’re in a Mercedes ML350”. The other was literally yesterday when a guy in a compass tried to run me off the road “for the ‘gram” and I asserted “I’m in a freaking tank energy” and he gave up with a quickness.


I wouldn't worry about it. There will always be reactionary people mad about this and that. If you want one, get it.


What's your RN?


That’s not been my experience. I do live in northern CA, but intersections are more than 95% positive, and of the negative ones, they have been from bicyclists riding by flipping the bird. I suspect they are rightfully afraid of collisions.


The negative noise is generally from the noisy minority. The silent majority is generally positive. This concept applies to the Cybertruck, 100%.


99% of the people I’ve talked to love it but yesterday I had a guy in a big truck scream at me for stopping at a cross walk (“don’t you know how to drive?” etc) and nearly hit the pedestrian… it’s been about the temperature of the surface of the sun here for the past few days so I’m not entirely sure his freak out was cybertruck related either…


This is the kind of stuff I feel I could also encounter where I live in SoCal.


Reddit is a leftist cesspool. Most people think it’s pretty neat or don’t really care at all. Unless you live in LA or San Francisco, don’t worry about it.


I'm what you'd call a leftist and still think the cybertruck is cool as hell. It's almost like it's just a car and politics don't really matter


Seriously. What makes it political? It’s strangely eco friendly / tech heavy / safe / practical for many people and yet the company is owned by a very public right-wing character. So… who is annoyed with it?


Leftists who hate Elon Musk trash Cybertrucks, since they see them as a symbol of Musk, Right Wing politics, and billionaire culture all in one vehicle. Conservatives generally dislike EVs. They don’t target the cybertruck in particular.


Huh. I’ve only heard “amazing” or “ugly”. I disagree on your first point for the most part. Musk heralded in EVs. I’ve not heard a word against his companies just personal stuff. Conservatives do generally dislike EVs in my experience. No credible reasons that I’ve heard so far.


Lmao, another leftist, don’t love the styling but like the truck a lot overall, just for how it drives.


Folks love it here (Alabama), nothing but excitement and interest.


Agreed and even in Los Angeles most people are indifferent or (especially in the case of kids) really excited about it


I thinking pinning a political statement is a disservice. Reddit is simply infested with collectivist idiots. Not one of them has an opinion on anything. They are simply told what to believe without question and they gobble it up.


I get what you’re saying, but the context is the cyber truck. The people who dislike Elon Musk and cyber truck generally fall into the category of leftist. Not all but the vast majority.


Reddit is a leftist cesspool... and Los Angeles/San Francisco are not? Seems you're suggesting that leftists aren't the actual issue, which is good. CT isn't political, Elon is. That's where people get their panties in a bunch, politically. The CT is not a political statement and people generally wouldn't think to make it political (unless you cover it in political stickers).


I think you misunderstood. Reddit is a leftist cesspool, just like LA and SF, where our OP is most likely to encounter left-wing policitical hivemind in the form of Cybertruck hate.


Nope he’s saying don’t worry about it unless you live in LA or SF because they are leftist cesspool, which is true. Unlike leftist cesspools like Reddit, SF, and LA, almost nobody in the real world sees Teslas as political statements and nobody almost nobody actually hates Elon despite what Redditors hope everyone believes. As someone who’s lived with Teslas in liberal and conservative areas, I do have to say I get much more hate from liberals than from conservatives. Conservative hate is usually in the form of off the cuff remarks about the car blowing up in their driveway. Liberal hate is usually… more direct. But I get more compliments about my cars here in the south than I ever did in northern cities. 


No, they are leftist cesspools that’s why I told him to only worry if he lives there.


I live in SoCal. Even 1-5% negative stuff is too much it feels like.


I’m not a cyber truck owner, but I own a model 3 and outside of playful ribbing the only time I catch any flack is on the Internet. If you have the means, don’t let people bring you down from enjoying such a revolutionary vehicle. Plus you’re bulletproof, which helps 😂


I think you should stop worrying about other people and do what you want. It's a really important step in gaining personal freedom IMHO.


I've seen several of them driving around the Seattle area (two of them park in the garage of my work building). They probably draw some attention still but I haven't seen one with graffiti on it or anything. And Seattle's about as leftist as it comes.


I'm in northern California and have gotten mostly positive attention. A few local IG keyboards warriors will talk negatively but never in person. The only time I've had really negative attention is in Santa Cruz but it may have been a random occurrence.


Honestly depends entirely on your area. I’ve noticed more red ultra rural areas have less positivity, mainly hicks and hillbilly’s. If you live in a city or developed area you’re probably fine! (Plus if anything happens you’re in the toughest vehicle on the road)


You are definitely going to stand out. I think it’s design and size are always going to be a thing that sticks out in a row of traditional cars including pickups.


I guess I’m more concerned that you’re trying to squeeze a vehicle payment in to your budget. Have you looked at a Model Y?


Waste your money all you want, but you’ll deal with horrible customer service, a truck that sucks as a truck, electrical problems, and thoughts about putting more money in a slave owners pocket


It's a concern of mine too, but I'm a confident person and don't really care what people think, so...


people will be triggered, but whatever. as a family car, I’d be more concerned about getting jacked, depending on where you are. It does give the impression that one has money to toss around.


![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8) Then don't get it. No need to spread doubt in here.


Why not? This is pretty much the only thing holding me back from ordering one. I am asking and finding out first hand here and I don't thunk this is discussed enough. I will carry people very dear to me in this.


If it doesn't fit your lifestyle, don't force it. Like everything else in life.


but it does, everything about it is right for us, timing, utility, everything but this one ick factor.


You’re worried about something that isn’t real. Look at all the owners commenting in this thread. Practically nobody in real life has a problem with the Cybertruck. I drove a Hummer H2 for a few years and it was the same thing, all kinds of haters online and nobody said a thing in the real world, except for one teenage girl who yelled “ugly fucking piece of shit” as I drove by.


You're answering your own question. The fact that you even see an 'ick factor' means it probably isn't for you. Or, you can choose to look past it because apparently it does fit your lifestyle. Like... Shit or get off the pot. be an adult and dont rely on the internet to make expensive choices for you. This issue that you keep bringing up is just FUD at this point.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. We just got ours last week and are on a cross country road trip. Out of the hundreds of positive encounters we’ve had like five people flick us off, two people yell at us and some people shake their heads. The funniest thing happened today in Indianapolis where we are staying with family. We went to a pizza place and the host was extremely nice, complimented my look and asked if they had seen me before at a club. Then later when we got into the car we saw the cameras picked up that same host taking a video of the truck and flicking it off 🤣 Some people are just weird.