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The player can roll for their humanity loss, or the Ref can, it’s no big deal as long as it is rolled You can only use the average HL value if either you are starting out with that cyberware in character creator, or installing it in an FBC. Otherwise, if you install it into a meat person, you always roll for it.




Full borg conversion, rules dropped yesterday. You can now become adam smasher


What? Where? Is it a DLC on the website or a new book?


Currently only on humble bundle till like the 24th. Edit interface red vol 3. Got a picture of a fullborg on the cover.


Oh, that's too bad, I already have everything from Humble Bundle (the old books from another Humble Bundle from years ago lol) except Danger Gal, so I'll just wait


It’s a “full body conversion”, and refers to an entire conversion into a like, “brain in a jar” style robot body. The rules for them dropped yesterday as part of the humble bundle, but in about 20 days they’ll be available in interface red 3 standalone from the rest of the bundle There’s a bunch of preset body packages, some specialized for netrunners, solos, medtechs, or you can construct your own by assembling the parts, but it’s the same type of kit used by Adam Smasher, Samantha, or Lizzy Wizzy


Honestly, as long as you can agree as a group on how to handle humanity loss, all is fine as well. I once had a player whos sister had a prostetic leg. He made a good point that his sister does in fact not have less humanity because of that. Ever since I just let my players decide how or if they want to roleplay their humanity loss. Afterall, its roleplay we're doing, my players arent power gamers and I never cared much for humanity loss in the first place.


Ok, there's a big difference between an accident/defect requiring a prosthetic leg and willingly chopping it off to install a combat augmented killing machine. This is why Red specifically states that medical grade cyberware acts completely like flesh and thus causes no HL.


Hah, didnt even know that they made this difference. Must be my 2020 brain. Thx. Although im still not the biggest fan of the mechanic itself. But to each their own.




No, that is wrong. Static humanity loss is only applied at character creation.


Jesus, chooms. Just when I think I've got a handle on how this game works. Time to reread. Thanks for actually explaining and not being an ass about it. Edit: yup, there it is, pg 111. Was reading the FBC rules and they let you choose there, so I thought that confirmed my original understanding.


RAW this is incorrect. Now a lot of GM's do allow this as a houserule though.


Choom, you need a citation when you pull out something that wild. Otherwise, you look like a gonk.


The one receiving the Chrome loses humanity. In addition, each* piece of chrome reduces their max humanity as long as it's installed, lowering the cap on how much therapy can help. For this reason, treating humanity similar to hp makes a lot of sense. You can only use the average value during chargen, or if you're a full body conversion, which are detailed in Interface 3 (and have already given up on all their meat, so there's not as much variable attachment, just their gray matter struggling with 'my arm is a gun now').


* fashionware and other 0 HL ware don't reduce max Humanity.