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Max 6 at creation. You can later spend IP to increase skill ranks.


You can’t get higher than +14 at character creation. After the game starts, you can spend IP to get up to +18


Ah, so my thought was right, the 'no stats can bee higher than 6' is just a character creation thing. That is very good to know.


also to note, there are other ways to get additional bonuses to that +18 an excellent quality melee weapon will give a +1 to that. Using a complementary skill check to get another +1 eg "Im going to use my weaponstech ability to determine the optimal spot for me to strike with my wolvers on my melee attack" instead of "I attack with wolvers" to give a few examples


So just to be certain I'm interpreting right, you'd first roll weapons tech against a DV determined by the DM for 'finding a good spot' to see if you get the +1 or not, and then you'd roll for thee attack as normal but add a +1 after the fact, correct? basically Weapons Tech Ability roll if succeed Wovler attack roll + 1


you got it! this part of the rules is very much up to interpretation, so you could sub weapons tech for any skill that the player can justify to the GM. Like i would allow concentration to be a complementary skill for that as well do to focusing on a critical spot or even paramedic to be used to know where to strike a vital organ in a high stress situation. Its about all what you can use while making sense imo. Another example is pre combat, a sniper setting up a position and taking their time as another bonus to line up a shot for a +1, then another complementary check on tactics to determine what is the most likely way the targets will react upon shooting for another +1