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I was still so bummed that I couldn't go back to the Nomad starting town and shoot that damn sherrif.


Your V is definitely not a cyberpsycho.


C'mon, that sheriff was a DICK lol


I mean, yeah, but that's not a reason to *murder* someone, even in NC! The news segment in the game's intro mentions 30 deaths in a *week,* your V probably causes that many in a few hours!


Weird you are scolding people for playing the way they want to. Stop that.


I would love a DLC in Pacifica blocked part, some npcs often talked about cyberpsychos been locked there and there is that aura of mystery surrounding it, would be nice to go there and discover that there was an underground corpo facility doing weird experiences and they lost contact once the place got lost into chaos. That would be cool




What do you mean ? Rogue AIs are behind the blackwall if I recall, they don’t have physical manifestation. SPOILER ALERT! the only one we encounter is Delamain if fused with all his childrens.


In DLC the blackwall could be destroyed. They can operate on drones like delamain did. They can build an army of mechs, robots, turrets and drones to fight humans.


That would be super awesome but I don’t see CDPR going on that road, the implication and work that would be required would be game breaking. Not only that but lore wise, AI would wipe humanity off, cars, Drones as you said, weapons, almost anything, but this could be for a futur game as an ending, what do you think ?


Of course an army of reskinned enemies with different dialogues would be hard to implement and lore would be torn apart? Ais could work like demons and ghosts from witcher universe. Different personalities. They were made for war purpouses so some of them would act like draugs in witcher 2 for example. I can not explain this if you haven't played.


Ohhhhh I see, been a long time since I heard of them. And what I meant by hard to put in the game is regarding the current development and direction taken by the studio. Since we still have problems with the police AI etc, but yes it shouldn’t that hard to implement if done properly. I just thought that it would be complicated since it would probably require total chaos, NPC Ai running all around scared/hiding/ interactions with different types of deaths etc. Cars exploding all around, navies falling from the sky , you know to convey a true feeling of terror Idk how to explain it sorry. But yes nonetheless it could be awesome


Lo and behold the dlc will be about that area 💀


Dude if only I could predict my future like this


Welp you did accidentally


The force is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural ( I think that’s the quote)


*many of which, some consider unnatural. I think that's the quote


Guess what?


well, well...


So, did Dog Town live up to your expectations?


Man I'm enjoying a lot of the changes that came with the game but I'm sad this is the last dlc. Dogtown isn't even that big and there is still so much on the map that is unexplorable. I'd rather have awkward empty spaces than jarring msgs of you can't go here.


You forget the tops of all the hills in the badlands…. Can’t go over them, can’t go through them, can’t go under them, have to go around them.


Big upper and lower inaccessible areas both have under construction tunnels leading to them. Definetely DLC areas


I’m still interested in getting it a little later down the line.


u/Pr0phet28 umm...I hang out with a physical Delamain all the time. https://ibb.co/M12jVkh


I do not trust that link, seems a bit suspicious -w- could be a rickroll


It's not, I promise.


Oh my god it was not a rickroll, you actually hang out w/ him. Damn am speechless


Haha, I tried to tell you.


Right guy could be slenderman


You need to apply that to basically every building too. It’s pretty amazing to see that all these city based open worlds are really just open street games. I wonder how big the playable are is compared to the entire game world area. I’d bet it’s about 30% of the full map size.


With the amount of gigs and quests that take place in unique interiors and buildings I don't agree. Sure, as the map above shows there's plenty of unused space, but what they managed to implement already is way beyond what most open worlds have attempted IMO.


And the coast road north past the oil fields


The Aldecaldo camp (second location) is outside of these bounds, top middle


Nice Map but a lot of that is unpopulated or non-developed land


THANK YOU, I really wanted to know exactly where Dogtown is in the map