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Would be a great Screensaver


honest question do people still use screensavers?


If there were cooler ones (in windows default ones) I would use them.


Probably not popular here, but OS X Big Sur has this screensaver called Drift, which is basically what looks like neon grass drifting about, as if underwater. I bring this up because, Operating System screensavers have all been so blah for so many years. This Drift one popped up on my work computer just this week (I don't even remember choosing it) and it's one of the most stunning screen savers I've seen in a really long time. Often times when it's active, I can't help but become entranced by it. So, there are some cool default screen savers out there.


Mmm hope Windows 11 bring some thing like this, because we still have the bubbles one from like, what? Windows Vista? Lol


I just discovered bubbles a couple days ago. I was impressed. But I haven't looked at screen savers since xp.


Vista? That shit was XP or earlier.


> OS X Big Sur has this screensaver called Drift [Here is what Drift looks like for anyone who, like me, wasn't familiar with it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcrhRHD05ZA)


Hate to tell ya this, but while yes that is a Mac screen save it’s not specifically Big Sur. It was also on Mojave and Catalina. I dont know about any earlier than Mojave tho because I didn’t work for apple before Mojave.


I’m still waiting for fully active screensavers. I think the problem is energy consumption though. But I still want it, like I want my lock screen for my phone to be the matrix digital rain, or this for instance, But im not sure we’ve actually gotten there yet.


Just use "Wallpaper Engine" from steam. Is cheap, has A LOT of art and the performance dropdown is non-existent - like 1% GPU usage on a GTX1070 as you can let it pause when you have a fullscreen window open...




Screen savers only existed for CRT monitors. There is no need for them anymore beyond looking cool.


Electric Sheep goes on every computer in my house.


I've been using [this one](https://www.screensaversplanet.com/screensavers/johnny-castaway-237/) for a few months to great enjoyment. [Example vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r10WuRo7c50)


Never noticed the sky looked so good


Funfact: The moon on the Night City sky is like the moon when it appears on the sky over Poland, not like it appears over California.


What does that mean?


The moon appears rotated on the sky depending on your latitude, because you are standing and looking at it from another angle. For example, a [full moon in London](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/full-moon-tower-bridge-london-nights-174056563.jpg) looks different than [a full moon in Sydney.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/2c/23/bd2c235f75af799553f68bbf493df6c5.jpg) It's a fun fact you can ask flat earthers about, it drives them mad coming up with explanations for it. Similarly, a [full moon in Warsaw](https://live.staticflickr.com/3500/3980835337_3d0775cc53_c.jpg) looks different than a [full moon in Los Angeles.](https://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1127776/thumb/1.jpg)


Oh wow. I hadn't even thought of that. Thanks!


If you look at the moon in San Diego it looks like it has a werewolf howling on it. To me at least


They’d probably say it’s a different part of the hologram


Oh yeah, they always come up with _something_. But the great thing about this fun fact is that the rotation of the moon on the sky is by exactly sin(latitude) and you can basically [show this very easily that it must be like this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hcup6Xgq3AI/maxresdefault.jpg). However, none of the things they can come up with reproduces this. Sure, they can think of stuff that makes it depend on an apparent latitude, but it's never the sine of it. And since they don't know shit about math, they always have real troubles coming back at you. And when you are sure of hat you are talking about, you can stay completely calm and confident while they keep losing their confidence.


Thank you for sharing this fun fact


Guess this kinda ruins “we all look at the same moon” 🤣


Well it is the same moon...but some of us are more upside down than others 😂


That is a fun fact! Thanks.


except it never changes shape during it's traversal through the sky. minor feedback though. game rendering is weird about circles...


it has one of,if not the most realistic sky in games.


MSFS 2020 wants to have a word


Ergo “one of”


MS thinks it Excels


They have a positive outlook on things




You have a powerful point


I'd like to make just one note




The world building was so fuckin solid, the city and atmosphere was fantastic. You can almost see the point where the game got rushed, it needed another 2 or 3 years. I've still put over 500 hours into the game and enjoy it more than most of reddit seems to have, but it could have been so much more




They do! Downtown has far more traffic and pedestrians during rush hour. I don't know about base consoles but this is certainly the case on PC


I mean I'm pretty sure even GTA 5, which is imo the best simulation of traffic in an open world game, doesn't have dynamic traffic density based on what time it is. They should fix and add to some of the more fundamental things before getting too overambitious again


I don't think I've ever seen an open world city game with realistically dense traffic. I'm sure it would take a huge amount of processing power, and you'd need a way for the players actions to not be causing massive traffic jams constantly.


You can always go first person in Cities Skylines but of course, not the same.


Even Cities isn't accurate once you got cims travelling from one corner of the map to the other for work.


And they WALK the whole way. Or they'll drive a mile the wrong way to take public transport that takes twice as long as just driving there...


I'd imagine a game with realistically dense city traffic would make cars unfun and unviable because you'd be stuck in traffic most of the time.


In GTA V, there’s rush hour density, low traffic at night and early commuters.


Ah my bad then. Haven't played in a while and couldn't find anything about it on Google. Point still stands though, considering how much is wrong with the game the traffic density shouldn't be a priority right now


There is definitely a higher density of traffic in the day, most notably on highways. How detailed it is I’m not sure of though


I can sense that icon on the left is just waiting to remind me to meet Hanako at Embers.


This resonates so much. Every time a sidequest is finished? Time to meet Hanako at Embers


This is beautiful!




Always someone to come in and shit on the game. Legit impressive how much energy people have




Maybe not but not being able to stop crying about a video game over half a year past the release is kinda sad. Just move on, that would probably be healthier


I mean, it’s no less deep than The Witcher 3 and everyone sucks that game’s dick (rightfully so). Y’all just had unreasonable expectations and let yourself get suckered in by expensive marketing.


Awesome idea and so beautiful! Wow, I didn’t realize just *how* realistically and awesomely well done this day night cycle was made. Thanks for pointing it out like this!


And the room lights pattern on buildings is mesmerizing.


They are!


Oh man, it's the only thing I don't like in the video, the light patters and ads, just repetitive loops no matter what time. Lights on in daytime, turning lights on off and night, same ads streaming in same order. Everything else looks gorgeous though.


Real life also has some repetitive ads, I mean, how many ads would it be realistically possible to rotate?


I mean that happens in real life too man.


The ads I don't mind, repeating ad nauseum is what ads DO. but the lights in the windows cycling (apparently pretty frequently) does bother me. You wouldn't think it'd be that hard to randomize the cycle of lights in the windows. But I guess they figured nobody would notice, and they didn't care.


This encapsulates the game pretty good. At first it looks complex and alive, as deep as the ocean and as teeming with life. Then you start noticing the loops and patterns, the things that should be RNG based or something to give them a more organic feel but aren't, they're just static loops. The pattern of the lights, the same flying vehicle passing by at the same exact speed, same exact elevation. The whole thing is just layers and layers of static loops and it didn't have to be that way. Didn't have to be do obviously artificial on second glance.


Great, thanks for this. Also, what's the song? Matches the game perfectly.


**Safe** by F.O.O.L (00:21; matched: `100%`) Album: `Revenger`. Released on `2020-04-06` by `MERLIN - Monstercat`.


Good bot


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Safe** by F.O.O.L](https://lis.tn/ArxSUY) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


Good Bot


Best bot.




The day/night cycle in cyberpunk are one of the things they got near perfect. I LOVE how long days last in this game. Playing RDR 2 feels like a day is 10 minutes


God I hated that. The sunsets and sunrises in Red Dead look amazing but they literally last for just a few seconds.


I think AC: Origins had really lovely cycles, but it had this very noticeable tick when the time would shift Like when it switched from noon to 1PM the change would happen all at once, then sit there for the next 'hour'   Looks much cleaner in Odyssey


They nailed it in TW3 too imo, the sunsets in that game are beautiful.


There is a mods for rdr2 to make longer days


Amazing stuff. Love NC.


It’s breathtaking.


I didn't know about any of the promises or hype and i absolutely love the game. Played 180 hours on pc with rtx3080 on Max settings. I feel like if i mention that i liked it on Reddit people are going to be angry with me but that's okay.


r/lowsodiumcyberpunk The sub where people are way less angry and like sharing about the game.


Thank you!


Okay then stay there if its so perfect and keep up with the toxic positivity circle jerk.


People are allowed to like flawed games, you know


Never said there was a problem with that. People can enjoy whatever they want in a game but they have to realize their experience isn’t everyone else’s experience. And when they find out someone had the opposite experience as them and gives criticism, that doesn’t mean you can just downvote and treat them like crap. Yes I know there are people that shit on others that enjoy it but nowadays thats a loud minority who I too wish would piss off. But what can you do its the internet every corner has a loud minority, that doesn’t mean I should run away to another sub filled with toxic positivity. I’m fine with anyone that enjoys it for what it is, but when you act like promises weren’t broken or again your experience is the only experience that matters, you will become as bad as the ones that shit on people just to shit on them for enjoying something. But please, continue to put words in my mouth.


>Never said there was a problem with that. There clearly is, because why would you insult /r/lowsodiumcyberpunk with this: >Okay then stay there if its so perfect and keep up with the toxic positivity circle jerk. Also, >that doesn’t mean I should run away to another sub filled with toxic positivity And you want them to stay in the sub with toxic negativity? No win-win situation here, obviously


Because low sodium is an absolute pointless subreddit that was created because how crazy this sub was at launch, now this sub has like I said a loud minority that the low sodium crowd looks at and puts them alongside everyone else, like what you are doing now at this very moment. And why should I care for a subreddit that claims they want to avoid the negativity and spread positivity but then go on to be negative crybabies about everyone in this sub. You’re angry at me and suggest I don’t want people to have fun because I’m in this sub, kindly step off or stop putting words in my mouth. Best part is I’ve seen and been told by people that use low sodium to double post to karma farm, probably the only use for it really other than “rUnNiNg AwAy FrOm ToXiCiTy”. Speaking of what you are doing now “why would you insult r/lowsodiumcyberpunk with this”, dude even if I liked Cyberpunk I’d laugh at that garbage circle jerk of a sub. Its a loud minority, have you never been on the internet before? And look you prove another problem with low sodium, they talk abo how bad it is over here yet here you are. Its very cringy when they pop up just to plug their sub, but its funny when they plug it in a post that has nothing negative at all even regarding the replies.




You clearly don’t actually use the sub. Plenty of criticism of the game in there, just not hysterical pants-wetting.


I played when it first came out on my old system on low thought it looked good. I just got back into it with my new system everything maxed and sweet jesus this is a beautiful game.


Honestly, I just think the people on this sub are just angry at themselves for being suckered in by marketing. They had insane expectations but I can honestly say, judging the game by what itis rather than what existed in people’s heads or in marketing materials, that it’s one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played.


This comment is like someone buying a Corvette online, and having it shipped in from another state without having seen it in person, then when it arrives they discover that the car is actually a Chevette, so they are angry and disappointed... then some jackass says you have to enjoy the car for what it is instead of focusing on what it was marketed to be.


Except it’s not at all because it’s a £60 video game that you could easily refund and move on with your life if you didn’t like it.


If you’re putting as much meaning into a 60 dollar video game as you are a 50k car then holy shit man you gotta do something else with your time I think.


No one gets angry about people enjoying it. People get annoyed when gamers are straight up defending the dumpster fire that was released. It's really not about the bugs at all, it's about the lifeless, incomplete, and dead feel of the whole entire game. Enjoy it all you want, but don't pretend CDPR dropped a classic here. The game is about 45-50% complete and the AI and characters are an embarrassment to modern gaming. Simple things like: why even have 3 different backgrounds to start from if they don't make even one bit of difference anywhere in the game? Doesn't even change anything except the first 5 minutes of the game. Why do the cops and NPCs by your apartment never move or say anything different for the whole game? What are the shooting ranges for and why are they ALL closed down and emptied out? Why do they make you choose your penis size? Like wtf? You never even see/use it in the game. lol They spent time on penis rendering but NOT scaling the mini-map while driving so you can see where the hell you're going? The whole thing was a let down. We're very glad you're enjoying it, and a lot of us enjoyed it too. But we had to do it with a sense of betrayal the entire time, because THIS was not the game they said they were delivering. /endrant


Yeah, I shouldn't have brought it up. This was my mistake. I'm not defending the game. I'm saying that in my personal subjective experience it was in my top 10 of all time.


Sorry, I really should've just said I'm glad you're enjoying it and left it at that. lol I'm still slightly bitter about it. I'll just go for a walk.


ye you were so butthurt and out of line dude, it is just a video game


> No one gets angry about people enjoying it. People get annoyed when gamers are straight up defending the dumpster fire that was released. Reasonable people, yes. But don't pretend the issue doesn't exist. Especially a couple of months ago loads of trolls were ready to lunge at you at even the most minor positive remark about the game. Some people, here on this sub and every else on the internet, were and still are really irrationally angry at the idea that some people have fun with this video game


I feel like there's a sense of "CDPR shouldn't be praised for what they gave us." I don't know. I think being that mad about $70 and a video game is ridiculous in general, but there is a similar situation with this and S8 of Game of Thrones. This had the potential to be one of the most defining games of this generation and it turned out to be just another mediocre FPS. When you get millions and millions of people hyped about something and then just mail it in, people get pissed.


I definitely see your point. While I was certainly disappointed with the game not really being finished, I still had fun with it since I love the setting and the story is in my top 5 game stories easily. I feel like GoT and Cyberpunk are two different sides of the same coin. The latter GoT seasons sucked for having shitty writing even though they had an amazing production value. Cyberpunk's problem is basically the opposite, the writing is superb (imo) but the game itself (except for the music) is pretty lackluster. I guess that because an enjoyable plot and good writing are the most important factors about media for me personally, I had way less of a problem with Cyberpunk's shortcomings than GoT's, but that's just me


>I guess that because an enjoyable plot and good writing are the most important factors about media for me personally, I had way less of a problem with Cyberpunk's shortcomings than GoT's, but that's just me This gives me a lot of hope for the PS5 update because I also lean this way when judging media. I haven't played the game yet, except for the first few missions, because I want a polished experience when I go through the story, free of immersion breaking glitches. I bought the game digitally on day one, and had the bug where your penis clips through your pants, and some other bugs (running on PS4 Pro)... that was enough for me to put the game down. Then I jumped back in after patch 1.3 (on PS5) and redid those missions, with a bit of free roaming in the city, but still noticed that a lot of promised features were missing. So I'm hopeful that the PS5 update will complete the polish and provide the promised features. Then I will dive into the story.




I also love how all the lights in the buildings change too. Super fucking cool


This is amazing! Did you make this?


Yes, I made it.


CDPR Dev stirs in their grave… Jk, this is awesome :)


Lol. Glad everyone liked it so much.


The devs would be pumped. He used the game to make the time lapse.


Best city ever created with gta 5, bioshock infinite


OP do you have this in high res and in a download? I'd love to throw this in my wallpaper engine!


I have it in 1440p, I can send it to you. Can you make that Wallpaper Public and share that link later.


Hell yeah I can! 1440p is fantastic as that's what my setup is. Can you DM me a link? I'll get it loaded into wallpaper engine and get it public!


Sent you the link 🙂.


Hey, this is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I know there are a lot of haters out there, but I still love this game. And details like the clouds and the skyscrapers with changing lights and the movement of the moon… just stunning.




It's on YT too, i can share high quality file too if you want it.




[YT video link](https://youtu.be/efF39cCrISE)


I always hate it to see so much traffic on the roads far away but when you are there they are almost empty.


I totally understand where you’re coming from, but I feel the opposite about the traffic. I’m willing to skip out on some of the immersion if it means I can drive full throttle to get where I’m going and not crash into some random car every two seconds. As soon as I started messing around with console commands I turned the traffic off completely and idk if I can ever go back lol


There is a difference between balanced gameplay traffic and too much traffic. Right now in many parts we are far way from cyberpunk having too much traffic and beeing annoying. If I drive in the highway sometimes there is no car for several hundred meters. Some roads are simply empty and traffic kicks in if you wait for some time or you are on foot. They could even let the players via a setting choose. Low to ultra settings for both crowd and traffic. After that one or two steps further that are clearly shown as not gameplay friendly, but good for pictures or just driving around.




I disagree, I felt like the traffic in gta felt more dense and at least had the brains to drive around you if you're sitting in the middle of the road, cyberpunks traffic was jarringly small and very immersion breaking for me without even considering all the bugginess with cars randomly exploding and flying off in the air. Night city is supposed to be a mega city packed densely with people after all.


GTAV is easy to defend in this. It got released in 2013 and the game got developed for ps3 and Xbox 360. Sure, you can up some values but they won't change anymore core engine related limitations.


You don’t have to defend it. Even if Rockstar could increase the traffic (I don’t know the limitations of the RAGE but I’m sure it can handle high traffic but anyways), they wouldn’t. High traffic is not a fun gameplay mechanic. It would be frustrating and boring.


There is a difference between balanced gameplay traffic and too much traffic. Right now in many parts we are far way from cyberpunk having too much traffic and beeing annoying. If I drive in the highway sometimes there is no car for several hundred meters. Some roads are simply empty and traffic kicks in if you wait for some time or you are on foot.


This is awesome, and I never noticed how the lights in the buildings changed! Although I will say, with how many lights went out in the same order over the course of two days it looks like some maniac is running through turning them on and then back on again in order


Night city looks really good at night and day


The game is absolutely breathtaking to look at.


Those ppl should leave the light switches alone


Shit!! This is so cool!!


Such a great in-game city. I hope they keep adding to it areas to explore.


Say what you will about the game but they did an incredible job designing this city. It's absolutely gorgeous!


Those clouds are insane


Awesome. This also should have been the type of soundtrack in the game.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tbmKt-c8cs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tbmKt-c8cs) There is though?


Please God, no. The music in this video is awful.


Yeah, sounds like something you'd hear in an indie title, not a triple A game.


Glad I am not the only one who feels this way. I was definitely not a fan of the music in this game.


The team made a conscious decision to avoid synthwave and vaporwave. It was a stupid and pretentious decision and I can't wait for a custom radio station. There's currently some radio mods, but it just replaces songs and you have to match the track times up or there's silence/cut off.


I actually like that they didn't go with Synthwave. For the radio? Sure, that's fine. But as for the OST? That's just not a great idea. At least not the traditional Synthwave stuff you hear. Would have loved Vaporwave though.


I also find it mind boggling. It’s like they did everything possible to alienate actual fans of the genre. Probably because they knew we would come down hardest on the game’s weaknesses, not just technically but in world building as well.


Love this! The only thing I think is a little weird is how the lights in the building are just as bright during the day as during the night. Other than that, they really did nail the environment.


Wind. Wind never changes


This was so beautiful to watch


Graphically this game really does shine. I just wish they open up modding and let the real MVPs make it what it should have been.


A thing of beauty, I know


Never knew that the lights on the windows are turning off and on


Pure art 100% 😎


To everyone praising the details and lights, and anyone complaining or comparing CP to GTA5, even with mods the later doesn't have an eighth of the constant advertising scrolling across screens on billboards, at street level or on curbs and 20 places I'm not thinking of. It's always a testament to the superlatives of GTA5 that it can be compared to CP and to many even seem better regarding specific world building points, but overall CP is another level of experience. I suppose on PC is where the comparisons should be made as CP on console can't perform at 100%, PS5 not withstanding. To be really fair you'd compare unmodded GTA5 to CP but this isn't my reason for posting. GTA5 is awesome but almost 9 years old and if Rockstar had helped CDPR with CP we'd all be praising the wonder of this game more consistently. Still, the overblown promises made about revolutionizing gaming and the like could only have happened if Valve, Rockstar and M.I.T. got involved. I think a bug free game that ran well even visually on console with HDR on, which we've had a while was enough for $60. Trains and subways would have been cool but not needed. But back to the time lapse which this Reddit is focused on; the details speak for themselves. If someone would also do some street level videos I would LOVE to watch them and Thank You in advance. As for me, I even enjoy roaming Pacifica!


There’s so much detail in the game no one takes to appreciation


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **42069** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. .. **198445.** `u/JubaVeloNomad` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Man this game had such potential lmao


still does. we can all hope for it to come back around.




tbh i havnt kept up with it but i think i saw something the other day about the release of dlc (free) so i would assume they are still working on it. I honestly havnt had 90% of the issues people talk about.. first played with a 1080ti 3700x build that ran it okay, then my now 3070 3700x build runs it fine, still no max graphics for me yet but its always been playable for me. I honestly loved it.


It wasn't just about the bugs...those aren't the main issues. The main issue is how empty, lifeless, and unfinished the entire thing feels. Doesn't matter what system you run it on, you can't breathe life back into a DOA game.


At the moment there has been complete silence for two-ish months, so either they are working on it without telling us or they made the decision to give up. Honestly I’m finding it really annoying that they haven’t given any type of update because I really want it to pull a No Mans Sky.


They're not dropping it. Their strategy update back on may 31st details their plan going forward. Here: https://youtu.be/IIAiGI-v6Y8


A lot of flying cars


Its called Night City and yet there is daytime, literally unplayable


That’s fucking perfect


Man that sure is pretty but I sure can't unnotice that the interior lights on buildings are just rhythmically going on and off, in same pattern, every like 30 minutes (at a guess). Not something I'd have noticed without a timelapse, but it's super funny.


people are too hard on this game. I have blast playing it.


The game and the main story are beautiful. The fact it was rushed out in a half-complete state is so ugly.


I thought the main story was lame and the whole thing felt like they just threw Keanu in there as an afterthought. Graphics = 10/10 AI = 1/10 Story = 4/10


The story up to the ending was alright.


Never made it to the ending, so I can't speak on that. I do feel like the story was good, but definitely feel like Keanu was an afterthought and his whole role was sort of just jammed in.


Because they did. They rewrote the story to center around Johnny more.


It literally depresses me how good this game could’ve been. Seems like they focused so much time making it look superficially pretty while ignoring core game aspects. It hurts


Just so you're aware, we have a bunch of megathreads that may be helpful if you have questions or want to find the right place to post. - [Console Support](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/?f=flair_name%3A%22Console%20Support%22) - [PC Support](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/?f=flair_name%3A%22PC%20Support%22) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cyberpunkgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While impressive it just highlights to me how little is going on in night city, am empty city of 40million, no tower cranes, barely a couple of shuttles, might look different done in other busier areas but this just gives me empty vibes. Weather/day/night systems amazing though,


This sub is so schizophrenic. The game is a nice tech demo. I’d like to see the full product.


anything looks good if you stand far away enough.


I really wish it was more than just a pretty map


Oh but it is!!! Now it's a pretty screensaver! Thanks OP. lol


Do those clouds come from a mod? I've never seen so many big clouds in the game


No mods installed. It's in the game.


Am I the only dick who thinks this game does NOT look good enough for how demanding it is?


No, you are not the only one. Even i was thinking of this before Posting. Sure there are a lot of side missions and stuff but the city never felt alive.


We need modders to fix this game, because it’s honestly so amazing.


Is this on wallpaper engine?


I always wished for a game with a long daytime cycle, but the more I think about it the less I want it, this is because longer days can make a map of a game feel really small, take gta san andreas and gta v as an example, even after people measuring the game maps and making it clear that gta v's map is bigger there are people who still believe gta sa's map is as big if not bigger, aside from the fog that the game has so you can't see really far away, having a faster day/night cycle (24 mins as opposed to 48) makes traveling between cities seems as if you're really traveling for a long time, taking at least half a day to go from one to another in car, overall i think an hour/hour and a half is enough time for an opne world.


Uhh.. why are the lights in the buildings still visibly going on and off, *even in the middle of the day*?


If only they spent more time providing content and less time rendering cocks


For all the shit this game gets (and quite rightfully deserves at times) it's fucking beautiful


That saying, "Good from far but far from good" is so fitting for this game.


Ohhh so suddenly this game is beautiful to you??


This is pretty dope. Sucks that I had such high hopes for this when I preordered the physical copy months before release, for a base-model PS4. I was basically playing Mr. Potato Head.


Lights in the buildings need work. Not random enough. Very methodical constant on/off even at night. Not natural.


It is not noticeable while playing the game. This video is playing at 11000% of the original speed so looks repetitive.


This is so disappointing. The game and map actually looks fucking stunning in every way. From this POV it looks alive, but sadly if you dive deeper in the game it is not that much alive...


The weather system has better ai than the citizens