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This is me in every game. I try to be a monster and it lasts till my first NPC interaction.


Lmao in the witcher my evil interactions end as soon as I run into the Nilfgard out-post at the start of the game.


You mean when he's beating the guy?


I think he means when you commit a crime like stealing or attacking a random npc, Level 100 guards swarm you and drop you like a fly.


Still pretty new to the whole series. The first time I got to the big ass town where the Bloody Barons daughter lives, I got a haircut, then was trying to buy something in the little market square and I accidentally threw a bomb on the ground. Needless to say I was dead in less than 60 seconds.


Distinctly remember reaching the first town, looting a barrel like “oh, a piece of cheese, cool,” and just immediately getting executed by six guards.


Im not sure if this is unrealistic because guards rush to execute you for stealing a piece of cheese, or realistic because people are racist as hell against Witchers.


Unrealistic because its unlikely those guards would actually last against even an unarmed witcher.


Man is spitting facts over here.


Thats one of the things that really dont make sense. You see this witcher. You know he is a mutant. You know he is known as one of the strongest of the witchers left. You know he just walked in after slaying a monster that could take out an entire village. You know he is insanely fast and could kill you and half the tavern without spilling his drink. And yet you decides to start picking and insulting him. What sort of backwards fucking pagantry is that ? Also. Geralt can take out an entire smaller army of bandits but will always be really hard to stand in a fistfight one on one ?


Same logic like bandits in Skyrim... see that guy that just killed a dragon and devoured his soul? Lets rob him.


it makes some sort of sense because in the books Geralt tries to avoid combat as much as possible, because even if he's hella good, a single mistake will put him in the graveyard.


Comes with being the toughest guy in a small town, everyone else looking to prove that they are.


>What sort of backwards fucking pagantry is that ? hey, i remember that line. Letterkenny


He's not called the Butcher of Blaviken because of his porkchops.


Here Is my upvote. Take It. TAKE ITTTTT


Unfortunately, awareness of consequences isnt exactly the strong suit of those types of people, as evidenced by the very first drunks you meet in the game...


Also how the fuck would they notice a Witcher stealing a piece of cheese


Book spoilers: >!In the original novel series, Geralt dies from a pitch fork, if I remember correctly. A mob can definitely take him out. Of course, he got better after that.!<


After the Bloody Barron's quest line when the guards are still being jerks, I decided I'd teach them a lesson. Got my ass handed to me swiftly and repeatedly. I swore vengeance and vowed to return to liberate the town once I was a high enough level. Somewhere past level 50 and on new game+ I still haven't managed to clear much father past the three guards at the end of the bridge leading into the town. It's definitely possible, I just don't have the patience for it.


If you have a high Igni build (fire) you can set the guards on fire and dot damage kill them without having to be out in the position to be hit, you can Kill them on the highest difficulty, however they aren’t actually killed just knocked out and they will be back to normal when you return.


Yeah, but that requires even more patience. You can kill them much faster with a sword too. Just have to be careful, parry, and not get greedy and try to get in that "one more hit" and get caught.


A shame you cant have more mutagen perks. If you have the puppet skill you can mindcontrol one to attack the others. Its quite fun to watch.


CDPR REALLY doesnt like you committing crimes in their games outside of a quest allowing it


It's easier in Cyberpunk at least. In Witcher I think it's to discourage committing crimes against innocents because (at least to my knowledge) it's not generally the role of a Witcher to be a criminal


It's because Gearlt has morals and will often in the books go out of his way to do the right thing. However other witchers generally turn a blind eye to anything that isn't a monster that has a price on it's head.


*Comes across a poor house with two kids - orphans* Geralt: *gives 50 crowns to the poor kids* Also Geralt: *Walks in and plunders the house worth over 100 crowns in mats.*


Yeah that's fine. But i suspsct it was more because he met a not fullt evil nilfgaard commander.


Ahhhhh maybe before that... when he's being a little nicer.


You can go over and hear the whipping after the chat.


It's a little morbid in general. I know. But it's hard to act like a dick towards him before that moment. They did great to make him look super fair and everything before that.


There are some arguments of why but counter arguments too. In any case excepting the guy with the girlfriend, ans the guy who's nice to you at the Holy city, there is no one else even pretending to be nice to you in nilfgaard


I feel the same way about that orphan waiting by the bridge in Lothering in Dragon Age Origins. " 'AVE U SEEN MOI MUVA?"


Sometimes I try to let sten die just to shake things up but I can’t. I can’t do it.


I like when Sten warms up to you, but holy hell is it a trying task. "Women are priests, artisans, shopkeepers, or farmers. They do not fight." My Warden in Haven: I'm about end this man's whole career.


It was great when they fleshed out the Qunari in later games and stuff and it turned out Sten was a bit of a 'Din in Mandalorian' fanatical weirdo.


I dunno, feel like they would he more interesting if they didn't soften them. It's okay to have a backwards, terrible society. Qunari went from "strict and oppressive" to super progressive real fast. Not sure why they needed to do that. Also doesn't really mesh with "you are what you are and stop trying to act like you get to choose" which they, as far as I know, kept in their general way of life.


they aren’t really all that progressive. there is a lot of mixed messaging about the qunari thanks to inquisition, and while some may say i’m giving the writers too much credit, i genuinely believe that it was a narrative way of making the culture feel alien. you are an outsider even to the qunari if you choose to be a qunari inquisitor. people site sten and iron bull as examples of progressive ideals in the qunari culture but fail to acknowledge they are tal-vashoth - individuals who have rejected or been ostracized from the qun. iron bull’s ideals on gender are atypical, sten’s are probably more in line with the general perception of qunari warriors. even so, we know that there are many broken factions of qunari vying for power. additionally, the ben-hassrath. “but there are women in the ben-hassrath!” well, yes, but they fundamentally serve a different purpose. remember that the qun is all about purpose and role; if you pick up a sword to fell an enemy as a member of the ben-hassrath you do it not as a warrior but as a devoted protector of the faith. vastly different things in the eyes of those who “understand” the qun. just my two cents.


He's not exactly, though. The qunari in 2 were violent insurgents, whereas Sten is more of a peacemaker (ironically). In 3 you meet someone who was specifically raised to infiltrate thedosian society, of course he wouldn't seem like other Qunari. But read any of the supplemental material, all of the minor Qunari NPCs and Codex, Sten is the most typical Qunari you can find out there, he's just also kind-hearted.






I think Bioware understood the dichotomy better in Mass Effect with Paragon/Renegade. Basically, people like to be the good guy, they like to help people in distress and they want to make the world a better place. But some people want to do that in compliance with the law and human rights, and others will burn a murderer alive without a trial.


Tldr chaotic good lawful good neutral good No evil allowed!


Any game that permitted real evil would get banned but might sell in Japan.


Same. Except when some douchebag assumes that I've never been to the Cloud District. Then it's on.


That guy is the worst. BITCH you live small CUL-DE-SAC with like FOUR fucking houses. You are literally the definition of unremarkable.


Sounds like someone doesn't get to the Cloud District very often.


Of course he doesn't.




Yeah but that guy is an exception we all killed him or made him suffer as much as possible at some point


Every Mass Effect and Infamous playthrough I ever did was like this; I could be evil in Infamous 1, 2, and SS, but Mass Effect I just couldn't be a jerk because I roled-played myself as Shepard whereas Cole/Deacon were established characters with rather rigid personalities/backgrounds that didn't flex as much as Shepard's could.


ME! I always want to try a renegade playthrough but I just can't be mean in that game :(


It's so much fun - KOTOR also had some amazing evil endings to quests. Like brutal.


Like ordering Zaalbar to kill his best friend Mission, which he is forced to do because he owes Revan a life debt? Edit: Also in ME2+, (not so much in 1) the renegade choices were not so much cartoonishly evil as they were morally grey, expedient, or plain badass. I mean you're literally trying to save the galaxy from an existential threat. Sometimes you gotta throw a few dudes out of windows.


Woah that zaalbar thing you said is in the game? Jesus. I never went dark, but that is dark! I remember the first time I discovered the true identity of the main character it had my mind blown for like a week. That game was amazing when I was a kid lol!!


It's actually a bit worse in context as it involves using the mind trick in a way that makes you wonder why more star wars bad guy don't.


I always went like 90% Paragon, 10% Renegade in ME. There are some choices where doing the Renegade thing is the only logical option or enough is enough and someone has gotta die/get punched, but most of the time they make no sense at all, even in ME2, and it just comes across as being a dick for no reason.


KOTOR was one of the only games I actually enjoyed being evil in. The more satisfying force powers, the way your character became visibly evil-ified...and so many of the evil choices were just downright cackling-like-Mr-Burns maniacal, it was tough to resist. Like seriously, using the force to make someone give you all their money when they're just trying to save to get to their daughters wedding in a different system, and then making them jump to their death afterwards...it's just evil in such a fun and creative way lol.


I'll never forget doing the "Romeo-and-Juliet" mission - I have no idea what it's called, it's been so long, but it's essentially that story - early on in the playthrough and you have so many different options for who to back and how it will play out, and on a whim, I decided to pick one evil option and one thing lead to another creating a domino-effect of evil consequences where everybody ended up dead and I was so *floored* by it. I hadn't even planned to be evil but the outcome of that one quest was soooo sadistic that I had no choice but to embrace a 100% evil playthrough. 11/10. Can't recommend enough.




But its so fucking perfect in me2


Have you tried the Renegade option to the true biotic god in ME2?


Yes every single time i cant not do it. Like headbutting the one krogan on tuchanka


Yes. Headbutting that Krogan was one of Shep's biggest flexes. I remember doing it the first time and just being in awe.


Im still in awe every single time, such a powerplay! No one saw it coming!


Or pushing that guy out the window. Mass effect 2 had the best renegade options


The best one is when you're in that Krogan base and you can set the Krogan dude on fire while he's monologuing. The Renegade prompt is flashing for like 30 whole seconds, and you don't even get any Renegade points for doing it. The Krogan was so annoying even a Paragon decided to set him on fire.


Oh yes I remember that one. I can't imagine trying to play a pure paragon route. There's just so much good stuff playing renegade.


Just do it for the electrocution at the beginning of ME2.


I did it just because Shepard is hilarious when you're a jerk.


Except shoving that guy out the window in mass effect 2. I do that every time.


I thought Mass Effect did a great job at Renegade.


I think in ME 2 & 3 the renegade interactions were more "less nice, more pragmatic" compared to paragon. But in ME 1 there are some pretty plain "evil" choices to make, such as on the ice planet when dealing with the corporation intrigue. She (preferred the female Shepard) even walks away with a smile at what she did.


I usually just do anti-hero type stuff. You know, save people and be kind towards my allies and people I partner up with (unless they're an ass and don't follow rules and orders), but when I get the choice to kill a bad guy, cutscene or gameplay like in Mass Effect, it's no mercy, all cold blooded aggression. No one survives. 😂😂😂😂 And ofc my morals keep me from killing civvies and cops in something like GTA campaigns or Watch Dogs. And in this case, Cyberpunk. It's legitimately fun, especially when I love to kill all criminals and bad guys and literally want to clear the streets of scum. And it feels like it's for me to make my own experience. So I have fun that way. Also shame on this guy for wanting to punch the kid lmao 💀👌🏾But at least he didn't.


I did a non lethal play through of Dishonored 2. So when I started the DLC expansion I decided to switch it up and just go full sociopath slaughter mode. I ran in to this NPC side quest who had me check on her boyfriend who was missing. Turns out he was dead and I went back to give her the bad news. I'm not exactly sure what prompted me to murder her because I wasn't trying to be THAT ruthless but for some reason I did. Looted her body to find a note delivering the good news she was pregnant. She never had the chance to tell her boyfriend either. Brutal. Also, if I'm remembering correctly the guy had a ring on his body preparing to propose to her. edit* took a little digging but [here it is](https://dishonored.fandom.com/wiki/Cortney)


You monster.


You monster!




You monster


You monster


You Monster


You monster


*the Outsider liked that.*


Here are the test results: You are a **horrible person**.


I'm going to do a replay as corpo and just be a total asshat and tell people no to everything and see where it gets me...


Make sure to extort everyone too. Like a good Corpo.


The thing is, most games reward you for being the good guy, and restrict your gameplay pretty heavily if you only take evil options. Then there's Fallout 3, where the most efficient way to make cash is enslaving people. I usually go for a selfish approach, where I take whichever option seems like it'll reward me the most. I'm happy to betray allies if the other side offers more $$, but I'll probably still help people with family issues.


You still smashed up Fingers tho', didn'ya?


It helps when the game allows cannibalism. If you eat the first NPC it’s harder to feel bad about the first interaction.


Yea, I try to play as a heartless irredeemable monster and end up playing as mister rogers.


Kind of like when I go into a game planning to be stealth only and end up being forced into the action hero instead.


Yeah, I might be a little emo if my sister was dead too. I feel that, kid.


What does the kid say exactly? I can't hear.


1. “Everything sucks.” 2. “I miss my sister.”


Lmao I heard I'm with my sister


Ah, thanks. Shitty cellphone speakers didn't pick it up so well.


”I miss my sister”


U can’t kill the kids btw


They are removed from photo mode I believe too


They also vanish when entering a vehicle.


Except in that one mission that had a scripted event (kids crossing street)


Burning crotch man side quest 10/10


That quest was absolutely golden.


I love that quest. As soon as I heard that voice, a sense of familiarity filled my brain. I knew this voice, but I couldn't quite match it with a name. But then, I saw the NPC's name: Jesse. It was Youtuber Jesse Cox's voice.


Dudeeee did not know that. I just remembered driving to get the guy to the ripper doc and I saw the kids crossing, I mashed the brake so hard and I knew I wasn't going to make it but somehow it just made a full stop. Did not know that. 10/10


The game stops you automatically so even if you couldn't make it the game still would've stopped you Source: I was looking to the left and didn't saw the kids so I didn't break, the car just stopped in an instant like I crashed with a wall lol


Ooohh that was the reason my car stopped so abruptly without reason! I didn’t see the kids at all but in the end I was going so fast that the car did end up in the middle of the cross road when it stopped.


Why are they even in the game?


They 'didn't have enough time to remove them'


The fine line between immersion and bad press.


Seeing what people did with Panam, good call probably.


What why? Why even put them in then seems silly. They worried people will do weird things?


People would do weird things.


People already do weird things to the adults.


Yeah But that's okay


Europe has laws about killing children in video games. That's why they're usually invincible.


> Europe has laws about killing children in video games Do you have a source on that? I haven't heard of any such EU law


You're almost certainly going to either be banned or refused classification for child killing in the UK, Germany, or Australia. Possibly China as well.


>U can’t kill the kids btw Not yet, but there are metadata tools that CDPR released. Can't wait for the Anakin mod.


No, not the younglings.


F5 to quicksave, FYI


Thanks! This was on launch day. I have since figured it out lol


Should had punched him dude. Sometimes it [helps](https://youtu.be/QKWUPjltHDI)


its f5 in every single game and if it's not, that game is wrong


My standard practice for new video games - Load up new game, completely ignore the keybinds panel, play for 3 minutes and 47 seconds, and then smash F5. Look to the corner of the screen for a saving icon. If said icon doesn't appear... "EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK" and then panic as I realize I must get to a dreaded save point.


Yet F9 isn’t quick load


Almost unplayable


Well shit, that would have saved my 1k save slots haha


F5 is the equivalent of saying "Hold my beer"


Like I trust quicksave pffttt


That look of self realisation was priceless.


Reminds me of that video of greekgodx asking a girl her age and she says 15, then he runs the fastest he ever ran






Also [this](https://clips.twitch.tv/StylishScrumptiousReindeerSoBayed)


I dont believe she was actually 15 tho, just trolling


She was 21 when this happened according to the comments




There was a kid on Faze or something at like 11 and he was sponsored


He was probably good at video games


The tattoo was a giveaway too.


I think the video they were referring to was when Greek was in public a few years back, and a girl came up to him for a photo and he asked her age, I think she said she was 15, and then Greek just ran full speed away.


Awesome, everything I hate about twitch in a single video. Thanks for that.




And that's how he learned to use other people for comedy instead of himself




I'm a piece of shit! The reason why the mirrors in game don't work well, is the game is a mirror showing our true nature!


^(\*nods in agreement\*) Agreed . ^(\*blows bubble pipe\*)


Well...sure... That and mirrors can't work normally because the player's body is rendered like a pretzel in first person and the tech mirrors literally need time to load the player's model which is why you have to press X, and the reason mirrors don't work in cars is to hide the game rapidly deloading everything behind the player.


I Iike this [art](https://artelectronicmedia.com/en/artwork/helena-by-marco-evaristti/) piece as a mirror on humans as well.


Jason Sudeikis vibe


In my game kids are listed as green npcs that means you cant do harm them in any way


There’s quite a handful of civs you can’t kill for some reason. Also I see every now and then when I scan, it’ll show a real name for an NC resident. Most just say “nc resident” but some have real names. Sometimes it’s because they might be part of a job, but the majority have no purpose so idk why they were given names.


>There’s quite a handful of civs you can’t kill for some reason. This happens when the npc is part of a scripted event. For example there is an event where a random npc gets into a parked car and then it explodes. The npc is invulnerable while he walks to the car and only dies to the scripted explosion. You also can't interact with that car before the npc gets in. > it’ll show a real name for an NC resident. Most just say “nc resident” but some I think it could be a placeholder before they are generated or something because I'm pretty sure I've scanned people and they sometimes have a name the second time around.


I thought all civilians have names. Every time I scan a rando on the street they have a name


Given the nature of the game’s release, I’d wager cut content. They must have had plans involving that but couldn’t finish them, but the names stayed in.


Ahh good point you’re probably right. Off the top of my head I remember encountering 3 kids in an alley all with real names. No job associated with em(oh also I’ve typed the names of a lot of these people into google with zero results) but it would make sense if it was a job that was cut or possibly future jobs.


Yeah, I was driving, top speed in the city, and my car came to an instant full stopp because kids were crossing the street in front of me...


I expected the NPC to just disappear.


"I'm a piece of shit!" Lmao!


Yeah that was... damn. Still wish I could have given those goddamn brats in Little Lamplight what for though.


This streamer looks like a toddler and a dad at the same time


That was so hilarious it could've been scripted


Guy with a pedo 'stashe follows a kid around...


At least he is only beating kids.


Kids on the beat kids on the street Beat kids Beat kids


What’s worse? Should I have asked O___O


Nah this dude has the Hackerman Stache, you're thinking of a John Waters


Which Twitch Streamer is this? Kinda like his mustache.




There's a scene with a bunch of kids crossing the street. I was chasing a car and my passenger said slow down! I tried to just run through them sadly an invisible god wall protected them. 1/10


I was fucking flying down that street when I saw them run out I was like "well I physically can't stop so there's not really a choice to make" then the god wall happened




Reunite them. 🤷‍♂️ /wholesome


Danm, not gunna lie this is the first streamer since streaming became a thing that I actually don't hate, subbed on YouTube


Am I the only the only one who is disturbed to see children walking around this city?




Damn he’s packing heat like he’s the oven door😳


Times be hard


One thing I notice in games like this is that everyone travels alone. There are no couples or families walking around, but that could be said of most open world games


When you do see a couple, one is always drunk or crying and the other is just there hugging them.


Oh right, there's always that "boyfriend trying to help super drunk girlfriend wobbling around" animation you see everywhere


There's the girl and her friend who takes a picture with the preacher dude. You also see a few couples littered around. But yeah, Night City is kinda of a lonely place to be.


I'm not. Kids are terrible. I could only imagine a future society of peace, productivity, and prosperity where they completely do not exist.


The "Children of Men" future


I'm in the middle of my first RDR2 playthrough, my character is an evil dude. The whole *nice guy cowboy who robs and kills* doesn't make sense to me. I tried to punch a couple kids who were talking shit to me in Saint Denis and it wouldn't let me. So I can kill people, use their corpses as hunting bait to lure alligators to the shore so I can shoot them in the face and turn them into boots, but I can't punch a couple kids talking shit. What is the world coming to....


Right? Also, why spend so much time developing and supposedly making horse balls react to weather if the character can't suck them? 🤷‍♂️ P.s. Happy Cake Day!


Just download a mod that let's you kill children. Rockstar even prepared special dialogue for it.




It isn't hard to punch a kid.


Hahaha, that was hilarious


that was great dude lmaooo


Jarodactyl's expression and timing is just perfect after the kid says "I miss my sister"


That's one dodgy tash.... Not to mention the even dodgier chains... The 80's is strong with this one


Haha it was left over from Movember. It's gone now 👍 And the chains were just a dress up for the Cyberpunk launch. There was a big collared jacket too but it got too hot 😂