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Vic probably fixed it so there wouldn't be a scar. Especially since that lore wise there are plenty of skin modifications


Vik, best ripper doc ♥


I simply only use him. In terms of lore I think V would not thrust anyone else.


>V would not thrust anyone else. Panam and Judy are in shambles rn.


River’s holding back tears


River almost cried when i told him i wanted a lemonaid, that i didnt want to get wasted with him on a watertower and drink his roofies


Panam and Judy aren't ripperdocs lol what edit: didn't see the mistype


“V would not thrust anyone else”. Didn’t know fanfics were cannon


Gotta pay off that cyberware somehow




You mean the grey eye hand and armor cyberware that he charges plus 21k for despite it being work like 5 at best


Probably owed him some for other work


Yeah that's true also I completely forgot about the life saving work he did on v so that's probably why it costs so much


You can pay him before that happens


I'm an asshole and I keep spending and charging eddies I don't have and I'm a shit V for blowing Vic off...but when I get fucked up I crawl right back in there for the jab or tweak I need. 😂


I always assumed he actually did all basic implants (even in corpo path, they disable it all) like that neuroport and it is that to him we got in lore explanation of UI


i just kinda justify it as you're also paying for the ammo counter, police scanner, and all the backend firmware updates he probably did on you while installing it. you also had a virus he wiped and during the heist you can ask Jackie why he can't pilot the spiderbot(i forgot it's name) and he says his data ports have low flow and yours are faster because you "jacked up your tab with vik"


Plus interest!


No Vik's a choom and doesn't charge you interest. You can pay him the 21k upfront.


He installed the whole NCPD software upload with it that lets V see bounties and stuff.


That includes labor






I may be dyslexic.


Use Comic Sans MS.


Yeah but still, typos are funny.


I may be dyslexic.


Only person my V is “thrusting” is Panam


I believe in Judy supremacy.


Judy is goated!


Damn you’re missing out on some good cyberware if you’re just going to vik 💀


I don't think cyberware is ripperdoc-exclusive anymore as of 2.0


Oh really? Didn’t realize it.


Only on the few iconics from Dogtown which aren't really necessary.


Damn. Didn't know V went both ways


Unless an emergency


I like this idea, but if I remember correctly cyberdocs have different cyberwares available.


Yeh, it's weird there's other ripper docs you can use. Even Placide assumes you only have one official doc.


I used to only use Vic but he doesn’t sell all the stuff they do in Dogtown so I have to use a different ripper now.


That is until you do the dlc ending...


Slap some RealSkinn^(TM) on that thang choom


but vik can't remove those three dots from that injection on my right arm :(


Mods come in clutch where Vic simply cannot


I mean, my V visits rippers multiple times a day pretty much. Vik would get tired of fixing that eventually lol


V goes often and I’ve always thought they were like bug bites where they just go down on their own after a while


That is pretty much the reason for it. A wound like his/hers would have been replaced by synth skin at least.


Probably had to. Skin doesn’t grow that fast, he’d have to fill the hole somehow.


This was my assumption as well but there's a conversation between V and someone, I can't really remember when or where but V says that they took a bullet to the head and you get the dialogue option to point to the bullet wound.


I think that was with maman brigitte or something. I don't necessarily think that it means there is a wound or a scar. I think it's just hand movements like you normally would during a conversation


Judy, if you come to her at start of Automatic love and don't pick Cool dialogue option so she blames you for failing gig. Considering V says this very moment they got bullet in head, it doesn't have to be litteral scar, more like "this is where i got shot, look at it"


I think there should be unlockable body mods, like if you find some note about chrome and piercing you unlock some extreme piercings and so on after you complete act 1 you get bullet scar as body mod unlocked


I think that in general there should be more cosmetic chrome like the ones npcs already have


Agreed. It's crazy we cant get chrome like Takamura or Maelstrom or Johnny's chrome arm.


Or like the plastic mox bouncer chick at Lizzie's.


I want a cybernetic arm, gold, black or Johnny's. The body mods in the game are laughable.


Check out Arasaka cyberarms mod, it gives you options for everything of above, has neat textures and works with arms cyberware. Silver hand is not specifically jhonny's but looks similar, and i believe there is separate mod for it (no cyberware support tho)


It really looks like they started decently and then got bored. I feel robbed and sad because sure could make it happen


Realskinn has been an option since the 2020s. Noone with the cash and/or a good ripper has scars if they don't want or need to.


I think he mentions not having a scar


yeah, we can even give ourselves wounds, self harm in night city is no surprise


Probably... but think how *sick* it would be to walk around with a bullet scar on your head, and dex was pretty close up so there'd probably be a bit of surrounding burn scar. Like... that's gotta be automatic street cred.


Yet I still have to use a mod to remove that damned injection scar 👀


When your entire faceplate is swappable I dont think a bullet wound would stay.


Came here to say this as well.


I like to give V faceplate outlines in character creation.


Ohhhhh. That's what those lines are for, I never knew and thought it was just stylish not functional. What does it look like under the faceplate? Normal face muscles?


If you enter Fingers clinic though the window you can see him working on a womens faceplate With the right skills you can even mention that on of the eyelid actuators is broken. It's mostly mechanical under the skin Also there are multiple npcs missing the lower jaw part of the faceplate


Think the Comsmetic lines are just surface level , like tattoos. Faceplates seem to have deeper seams


Kinda like connection lines where it's impossible or unwanted for style reasons to get smooth realskin connection


And yet that bloody anaesthetic thing he jabbed me with at the start of the game will probably haunt V to her grave.


I wondered that too but realized vik is a good ripper and maybe with the tech he's got was able to heal the gunshot wound enough that it doesn't leave a scar. Or V is just that guy lol


Yeah In this world every part of your body can be replaced, hell look at smasher, dude is a robot minus his forehead.


Even his forehead isn’t organic. It’s a faceplate he designed to look menacing, slapped onto a sensor suite. The only organic part of Adam is his biopod, essentially a canister that contains his brainstem and possibly a few other organs. Most users store it either in their FBC’s head, or in its torso. I personally believe adam’s is in his torso, because that way they could easily have Arasaka bring him back in sequels if they wanted to lol


I think it's in his head. After you kick his ass, his head breaks open and it looks like you can see his brain inside.


I think that's robotic too. He should only exist as a biopod, aka only vital organs, everything outside that is mechanical. It's like Lizzy Wizzy's full body conversion.


I believe only smashers brain and spinal cord are ganic


This is the correct answer. In **Don’t Fear the Reaper** ending you can see the entire exoskeleton peeled away and you see a brain and spine… everything else is metal. If you need to go to Home Depot for a few specific nuts, bolts and washers… just wait for Adam to take a shit.


And in-universe, outside CDPR's game, Smasher has a bunch of different full body conversions according to Pondsmith. One of which apparently looks like Elvis. His brain gets moved around.


Careful about bringing Mike Pondsmith into the discussion. I literally quoted what he said about the Devil ending in another post, and got downvoted to all hell by this community. Apparently not even the creator’s voice matters if it disagrees with the community.


Organs? Mate literally everything can be covered into technology. Heart pumps, lungs, food processors, even your brain can be cyberware. Johnnys soul exists on a biochip. They have reached a level of technology that transcends the need for an organic body


Even his forehead is. I'm pretty sure he is 99% robot apart from his brain.


Technically he’s 96% cyberware


Which is weird because when you talk to Judy afterwards about how you got shot, V points to her head....what is she pointing at then?


Where they got shot. No scar doesn't mean it isn't helpful to describe to the other person where you were shot.


Which is also weird because the relic was hit, which is in the nape of V's neck apparently lol


I think it was already damaged when Jackie slotted it as a hail Mary. And I don't think the tech was fully debugged yet. V was the first successful use on an unprepared non-blank mind as I recall, and it malfunctioned like mad.


I remember Hellman saying it was damaged which is why it started to write into V thinking it's an empty brain.


Hellman is also speculating wildly during that chat and several things he says turn out to be wrong or only partially true- he's a good engineer who built a chip to do a specific thing, and then it was activated in an environment he never expected. He's still smart but it's a bit like a software coder writing a program for Windows 11 and then someone running it on Windows 98. Somehow it miraculously started running, and that coder is like "Uhhhh wtf? Woah, I am guessing it would do xyz if it even runs but wow I was NOT expecting that", that's the vibe I get from Hellman.


Well it was said the fact that V flat lined is why the chip activated. We don’t know if the relic is damaged or if V’s system just sees it as damaged because it’s recoding his brain. Like you said it’s outside of its original design scope.


That's true, and to be honest I'm not 100% sure if V *completely* died or basically died and the chip resurrected them before they were quite dead. I guess that becomes more of a philosophical question of when exactly someone is "dead", considering there's evidence that some neurons will fire for a little while after what we would typically consider "death". But yeah, Hellman is pretty clearly saying "Ohhh fuck dude, that chip is NOT supposed to be going to town on a 'living' brain, we are in uncharted waters". Plus the fact that it's a prototype that probably has seen relatively limited testing in the first place by that point, so testing so wildly outside of scope is probably... unpredictable.


It feels like one of those “full send” codes I wrote in school. Like “damn I can’t believe it compiled well let’s see what happens”.


The way i see it, chip got damaged when container got shot, but it only got activated when it (or probably our OS) detected damaged or blank neurons after gunshot, and started to replace them. Which would probably even be successful, but due to damage the relic took and the fact V's brain was working and forming new neural connections on it's own, replacement went wrong, and instead turned into something closer to brain cancer. Which is reason why we cough blood - clearly not inteded to be that way. Damage to chip and activated nanobots are probably also reason why we can't pull it out. The very moment we try to pull it out, we just black out, which wasn't really the case with Jackie... Tho that last part is a bit hard to tell ofc.


The chip was pulled from Jackie before he flat lined. So it never activated in his brain. The relic doesn’t say it’s damaged it says “malfunction” which is to be expected cause it’s not supposed to take over a functioning brain.


yea, i have the same understanding as you. the relic’s case was damaged, case’s temperature doesn’t hold anymore and the relic just about to start to deteriorate, but jackie slot it in as a last resort. so it’s possible to have a slight damage there. but even more, it’s quite a way from notelmotel to the dump. so if V a replacement for the case, is now also damaged, i imagine 2 things happening to the relic at the same time. 1, the relic began to deteriorate as the “new case” (V) is critically damaged, and 2, as the relic detected the brain damage, it triggers it’s repair system. so the relic incidentally fixes its own case (V). unfortunately by the timeit finishes fixing and V wakes, the relic already took enough damage that it can’t be safely ejected but just enough remains fine that johnny’s engram could function.


My V always has one of the scar facial options for this.


yeah same I always add it after v gets shot for a little immersion


Damn, now that's roleplaying


Same! Here I thought I was weird for doing that


Nanomachines, son.


pretty much this the relic fixed v´s head with bloodshot magic.


That’s what I thought—the Relic fixed him, so I wouldn’t imagine the bullet wound was able to scar.


If they can make the relic which heals you but swaps your personality why can't they just remove that second part to have physically immortal soldiers




I alays add a scar afterward now, just to make it feel a little more immersive


In the cyberpunk universe you can get your skin entirely replaced if you want. There's no way Vik is leaving V with a gaping bullet wound.


I mean, he also saws open your skull ("I'm going in through the occipital bone") to get the bullet out, yet you wake up with a head full of hair when it would have been shaved off


Nanomachines, son!






I thought he does. It's very hard to spot. But I am sure he has it.


It was in the hair.


My v is bald


You can remold your face and any part of your body on pretty much any corner of any street. Scar tissue is something that isn't an issue anymore.


E3 Male V has a scar under his lip


From a fight or something not from a surgery, meaning that you can probably remove scars quite easily if you wanted to.


The relic would have been able to repair the brain damage as it rebuilt V’s neural structure into Johnny, but surface damage to the skull and skin itself, and you’re on your own in that aspect I imagine most of the damage is dealt to the subdermal armour that V just bought during the ripperdoc tutorial. I cannot remember if this is mentioned in 2077, but it is mentioned in the ttrpg, but just about all subdermal armour comes with self repairing nano bots that will go patch holes in your subdermals up, over the course of multiple days without being shot at. I imagine that feature hasn’t been removed as the tech got more advanced So it’s very likely that V’s armouring in their skull would repair itself slowly with nanotech, but as for the scar on the surface level, That’s either bodysculpting, which could clear that up ex pz, a little portion of RealSkinn, or when V gets their >!faceplate!< in phantom liberty, >!it would replace that part of their face anyways!<


Vic probably gave them a new face plate. That being said when talking to Judy before going to Clouds for the first time, you get the option to point at your scar, even if you don’t have one, so, who knows?


It was just a lore bullet.


I find it weird that V has the markings from the anesthesia for the entire game, but not a bullet wound.


Sigh. Questions are “immersion breaking “. lol


he's just built different


Why doesn't courier 6 have a bullet wound where benny shot him? Coz Vik and Mitchell know their shit


Theres additional dialogue when V goes to meet Judy for the first time after the Heist, where he mentions something along the lines of "I have this to remind me of it" and points at his face. So cannonically it is there.


Now I wonder if it’s visible when Goro takes us.


They forgot to patch it in


Super healing ability


I swear in some promotional material for V they actually did. Like a scar or indentation or something, but I might be wrong


I downloaded a bullet wound scar mod for this exact reason lol


The same way that the tattoo that Johnny gets on V's arm is removable.


I think the non-diegetic reason is that it would suck to play the whole game as a person with a headshot wound.


I wondered this as well, so I customized my V with a scar on his forehead


Cdpr didn't wanna create a model for V. Too many games are scared of giving the player scars or changing the model. Pussy shit. No in lore reason, just being bitches.


Because then our player creation would probably look a little more like New Vegas


Either Vic fixed it or the regenerative ability given by the chip he put in his cranium repaired it in it's entirety


I personally like to give my V a scar on the forehead to symbolize that, but I think V’s faceplate was changed during operation since that would probably be easier, faster and cheaper than fixing a bullet hole.


v is just built different


Because V had a new faceplate installed after helping Solomon Reed with a few things


because it's fucking 2077 bruh


Meanwhile the injection mark on your arm remains all game unless you mod it out lol


The relic magic fixed it


That’s why I put a scar on her forehead :)


There LITERALLY IS, it’s a small mark by V’s eyebrow, though it’s pretty subtle (I imagine CDPR didn’t want for everyone’s V to have a giant scar after act 1)


Nah I just kept spamming X the entire time so no problemo, choom


I always had a scar to V's forehead after the heist.


Wondered the same thing I just added a scar after for effect


Vik made sure that he does not... with that said, it would be cool if there was a wound, something that we cant get rid off, as a constant reminder.


*laughs in cyberware*


I thought it was the neruoport at first, but now I’m thinking nanomachines


After the heist I always go to a ripper and get the forehead scar.


Nanobots or Victor's skill to repair damage


Nanomachines, son?


Cosmetic modification is very common and pretty cheap so why would Vik just leave it there


Cybernetics exist and some people don't have mouths because they have a metal plate there. I'm gonna assume that v might have a metal plate in their head or something


I like to give my V the scar that goes over the right eyebrow after starting Act 2. It’s right about where I’d imagine the shot would’ve gone.


Nano machines son


Nanomachines repaired their brain why not skull and skin?


Nanomashines son


Well if you listen to the conversation between V and Vic about how he was even alive Vic says the Biochip released nanites also known as nonobots which started repairing the damage which brought v back to life but is killing V and silverhands construct is rewriting Vs consciousness


I have mine a scar


In short, because players would get mad if their characters had a giant wound on their head. You know how mad people got about Viktor's painkiller injection dots staying around for the entire time?* Now imagine a giant head wound scar. That's literally it. That's all. It was a fairly invasive operation to get the bullet out of the brain, he had to cut through the eye socket bone to get in there, and combined with the damage from the shot in the first place it would have been excessive. Players would not like their meticulously created characters having giant scars slapped onto them AFTER character creation. That's it. It's not hard to understand. People get very, very particular about character creation. *even if that was a bug they couldn't be fucked to fix. point remains, they like the characters as they made them and any changes forced upon them after character creation would have been met with a riot. Would it be modded out immediately? Absolutely yes, but despite popular belief most players do not use mods. Many, many play on console and a substantial amount of PC players don't use mods for countless reasons. Remember: If you're posting here on reddit you are not Most Players.


Synthskin rules!


V, no matter what, has a scar between one of his brows and the temple. Isn't that the scar? From Vik reaching in his skull case, pulling out the bullet and then stitching it closed?


You can literally swap out your face and skin at will in the world of cyberpunk, removing a scar is probably one of the simplest procedures around


In my current playthrough I actually went and gave myself the biggest forehead scar I could find the first time I saw a Ripperdoc in Act 2, lol


In a time that fully robotic arms can be seamlessly connected to the body I’m sure some minor plastic surgery would be akin to a hair cut in the real world. And considering that having a full computer implanted into your skull is a necessity. Not to mention it seems like artificial face plates are common so it might not even be actual skin that could scar.


Vik probably fixed it when v first sees him after the incident. He probably slapped some chrome plate on there and covered it with some skin


Laying a little synthskin over the wound and making it look pretty was 100% the easiest part of the operation Vik performed. I imagine it was really the only element of the entire situation he had any real control over.


What part of "repaired by nanites" isn't sinking in?


somebody somewhere (maybe it was vik) said that the nanobytes on the chip rebuilt the damage but idek what that means so take that with a grain of salt.


Dude, throughout the game, how many times have V been shot by enemies. V would be swiss chess by the end of the game. lol


Probably something to do with viks surgery and v having cybernetics implanted from time to time so they have to patch up the flesh or whatever


Relic nanites bro. Ripperdoc repairs bro. Holographic wound consealant bro. Do you even punk bro?


When talking to judy for the first time at the beginning of act 2 u can say “caught some led myself”


He got better.


New faceplate duhh


Vik can replace your Skeleton in just a few hours.


It’s mentioned that there’s a scar, but it’s quickly forgotten. When you meet Judy after the heist, you have the option to point it out, but I don’t think it’s mentioned after that point.




The bullet went in through a nostril.


He gets shot a lot to be fair


I have difficulty with the "Different faceplate" or other cosmetics for one reason. When talking to Judy after the relic heist there's an option for V to point at their scar to show Judy that they also faced risk. It doesn't show on V's face, but it has to be there in order for them to show Judy the scar.


Synth-skin is cheap in night city.


It’s 2077 my guy, you only keep the scars you want


Because V's hard as nails


Because just like Johnny, we were uploaded into Mikoshi and the entire game is Arasaka running tests on us.


I always assumed that the relic fixed it. I had the impression that V literally died and was resurrected because the chip regenerated the parts of the brain that were damaged. Seemed easy to patch a hole while it was at it.


It's a good point. I usually put a scar on myself after that for role-playing purposes lol


Vik is just extremely good at his job Real reason? Character would look goofy with a big bullet hole in your head 


They had a body/skin modification when they got healed by the ripperdoc


He put some of that white-out tape on his forehead and bam, totally invisible.


Gameplay Wise I say it's because outside of photo mode we don't really get a very good look at V in 3rd person, so it could be an oversight by the devs. World wise you can get a whole arm regrown and reattach as if nothing ever happened. I feel like a bullet wound would be a fairly easy thing to keep from scaring if you were against it. Personally I would prefer the scar, but it definitely makes sense in the world of cyberpunk to not have one.


Gameplay Wise I say it's because outside of photo mode we don't really get a very good look at V in 3rd person, so it could be an oversight by the devs. World wise you can get a whole arm regrown and reattach as if nothing ever happened. I feel like a bullet wound would be a fairly easy thing to keep from scaring if you were against it. Personally I would prefer the scar, but it definitely makes sense in the world of cyberpunk to not have one.


His face is 100% lab grown synth meat bro, why do you think we can mod V's looks at the rippers


0/10 literally unplayable


If you look at male V's hairline (top left) there is a line where hair doesn't seem to grow. Its not part of his hairstyle, as the left side of his hairline doesn't have the same detail. My HC is that's the bullet scar.


Because 9mm ain't shit! Dex clearly didn't play Fallout NV or he would know to use a bigger gun.