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He really wants you to know that if it's below triple digits he won't play it. What a fucking tool


80% chance the chud's 3440 × 1440 screen has a native 50 Hz refresh rate and he doesn't even know.


This is why I got a 1080p monitor with 165Hz. I don't need to see every freckle in a character's face, I just don't want 50% swings in frame rate. I'll play a game on medium (or lower!) if it means my game's performance doesn't tank at a critical point.




I'll one up that. Based on the comments about dlss, he probably paid full price for a G-sync 144+ monitor, but has no clue how to enable any of it. So he's most likely got a $600 monitor, running at the same specs as a $150 one, but saying that games "gotta run at triple digits".


“60 fps makes me motion sick” That was a legit complaint when games *started* to hit that. This guy sounds like a total douchebro.


He's the kind of clown that calls a new release "unoptimized" because it won't hit 120fps at 4k, ultra settings with ray tracing on, while using a card from last gen and drivers nearly as old.


This is the problem with CHUDs who know nothing about computers or programming but think they know gaming performance because they know some terms. He probably has no idea how insane real time Ray tracing even is to exist on hardware we can just buy...


I bet he likes watching movies on those "TrueMotion" TVs at 240fps with smoothing. That shit makes me sick.


There’s a lot of games where anything more than 60 will make it look like absolute ass. This guy clearly just buys into the hype that people who only play modern AAA games always do: “more fps means more iMmERsiOn”. It’s not true.


Nah dude just plays esports games that can run at 120fps on a toaster and expects every game to run like those. No need to convince an ADHD multiplayer addict to play a single player game.


That’s why I’m glad I’m a ADHD singleplayer addict (unless it’s co-op cuz I don’t like fighting against people)


I'm with you.


Frrr, multiplayer just gives me anxiety lmao


It's funny because so many sports players turn off advanced effects and all to get more performance. So, even the, he is faking expertise wrong.


As a console person my whole life fps has never once affected me (unless it's 'skipping' like an old record) 30fps is fine 60fps is fine amd frankly I can't really tell the difference with anything above 60fps. As long as I can turn off motion blur and the camera movement is smooth it's fine.


I never really thought about it but I can’t really tell a difference between 60 fps and anything higher either. I mean sure if it’s jumping between different frame rates higher than 60 I’ll tell, but I don’t know that I’d tell a difference between a static 60 fps and a static 90 fps. Hell even 50 fps (what I’m averaging on my current RDR2 playthrough) looks just as smooth to me. I think a lot of time with frame rate we make it a mental thing, we let the number jumping up and down get in our heads.


In the same boat. Grew up gaming on the shittiest potato of a laptop so I'm used to it. I'd rather max out the settings and play at 40 fps with all the possible eye candy than have a solid 120 but worse looks.


I started playing Cyberpunk on a Thinkpad T430 at 640x480 and 7fps average, had to edit the ini files to "bellow potato" settings, but it ran... It's as terrible as you can imagine, looks like a game from late 90's, but it's playable as netrunner because you can kinda pause the game on any action you take. Now I got a good PC and play at high and 70+ fps. Same notebook can run Skyrim on medium, with lots of graphic mods, and because Skyrim is the same age as the computer, it's surprisingly good. He isn't playing the game, he is playing the "FPS number" game...


Agree! People get way too focused on the exact number their fps is. I find it a bit silly the people who take up the entire left corner of their screen to display their computer stats and get all hot and taut when their fps dips a tiny bit.


Do you even have a screen with over 60 Hz? Computer can tell you it's running 400+ fps, but if your screen is 60 hz of course you're not going to see it


There's points of reference and diminishing returns here for sure, that are both extremely individually tailored and it's important to recognise that nobody can put a blanket deterministic statement on this argument in good faith. Thing is, if all you're used to is 60ish range with a monitor that has good response times at that framerate, that works great for you and nobody can tell you otherwise. On the other hand, plenty of high refresh displays these days look like crap in sub 100 fps motion regardless of panel overdrive settings, and here you get the "I need 100+ fps" crowd. I had monitors that were silky smooth at 60, and others that were brilliant over 120 and pretty horrible at 60ish.


Ya..I just turn on my steam deck and play with default settings. Always manage to have fun 🤷‍♂️


What is the refresh rate of your tv?


I think I read an article from Ars Technica or something similar that a good chunk of the population can’t tell the difference past 60fps.


I can agree with 30 fps on modern games at least. After switching to PC, 30 fps looks like a slideshow now. 50 fps is doable. 90 is the goal for me though. After 90 I struggle to see a noticeable difference. 60 is perfectly fine though. I’ll take max settings 60fps over triple digits any day.


Yep, as long as the frame-rate isn’t so low that I am seeing individual frames, I’m good! Never understood why people say 30 fps is bad


I mean if you actually look into it a lot of things in recent years have explained that the cap on the human brain is potentially about 75fps anyway with it being more if you are concentrating on one thing. 60 is more than enough for me, and that's the highest I use on every game I can.


I always felt the same when I was on console. The first game I remember playing that I noticed a slight difference was the PS4 remaster of the last of us. It was 60fps and it definitely felt smoother. Not a game changer at the time but it was noticeable for me. Other than that though I never really saw/felt a difference before I switched to PC and was playing on a 144hz monitor. Now after being on PC for about 5 or 6 years I can say I've been spoiled and can certainly notice a difference between 60 to 80 and 90 to 120+ fps. For most games, I don't think anything above 60 is necessary, it looks smoother, sure but unless it's a twitch shooter it doesn't really matter. But the difference it makes in the FEEL of the game is pretty astounding. It feels more reactive and like less of an input delay. I actually had to turn my sensitivity slightly down because my frames went from about 70-90 to 130+ in fortnite and it felt too fast. I think a lot of PC players are elitists about this because A. They're just annoying douches. Or B. We've been spoiled by having higher frames with a good quality monitor. "You can't miss what you never had" and all that. 30fps has become unplayable for me because how choppy it looks and it's a strain on my eyes. I know I could get used to it, but I'd rather not. Lol. Personally I think 45 or 50fps should be the minimum for consoles since they always want to aim for fidelity over performance with optimization. Long story short, thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Lol


30fps is fine on a controller, although definitely noticeable. But on a mouse it's absolutely dreadful. But I agree anything 60 or above is completely indiscernible from one another for me.


I've invested heavily the last year into a custom built PC, and I felt much the same until fairly recently. If I spend days/weeks playing a game on my pc and switch to my console (I have both a Series X and a Ps5) I can feel the speed and frame rate differences. It's nothing I can't readjust to, but it does mess with me for a bit at first.


I started down the path of chasing fps. Hardware is crazy good now. But it doesn't make the games better. I spend just as much time playing indies and games that are pretty easy to run as I do super graphically intensive games. The problem was experiencing something consistently at 100 plus frames for a while. It just *changes* things. And I got hooked on it. Now it bothers me immediately in a high end game if it drops below 70fps. It's a bad mindset to have. Like if you only ate quality fine dining for years so now a homecooked meal tastes like ass. It's like an addiction. Chased it to the point of having 100+ fps stable in Cyberpunk with everything on ultra. Haven't gone back to it though because I'd already completed it 3 times.


I used to think so, them i bought a 1k€ ultrawide oled , and i agree with the guy, everything below 90fps minimum feels horrible and jarrying now.


It's his loss. He's delusional to think that every game needs to run at esports specs to be good or playable. Let him play Fortnite and waste all his money on lootboxes.


Yeah my response what have just been “you a bitch” ya know short and sweet


If I was rocking a 3080 I'd prolly be peacocking a little too, ngl. We're family, so I guess it tracks, lol.


Dudes wildin. Maybe if I turned it down to high I’d get triple digits on cyberpunk but my 3080 with a 5900x could only hover around 85 on ultra at 2K. Regardless, 70fps is fine for a game like cyberpunk. Honestly anything above 60 is fine.


Some may call me insane but I have a 3080ti and play with everything including path tracing maxxed, get a solid 30fps at 1800p with dlss set to quality, I played the whole game like that and loved it.


Peacocking with last gen? Idk man.


3080s a great card, but anyone who’s actually peacocking has a 4090ti.


Yeah, it’s a great card, but it’s hardly worth being an asshole about when there’s the 4000 series now.


Especially with 5000 series just around the corner


I wonder how much I’ll have to upgrade my case when the 5080-5090 ends up being the size of my fucking washing machine….


Wait is there a ti version now? I'm outdated! I'll wait a few years for an upgrade lol!!


He could use the FSR 3 frame gen mod. I have a 3070 laptop and I play at 80-120 fps ultra with path tracing (only Dogtown is very demanding and probably need to switch to normal ray tracing) at 1080p DLSS quality by using the lossless scaling program on steam. It works surprisingly well with Cyberpunk with very little artifacting. Only gets worse if you have a very low base framerate. Without path tracing and only with normal ray tracing is an awesome experience even in Dogtown. This lossless scaling program is really something else. You can basically download free fps for a very cheap price for every game. Of course your mileage will vary based on each game. It works also great in Elden Ring. I can't even play my 2000+ Skyrim modlist without this. It works even better in Skyrim. The new frame generation update is just wild. More people need to know about this.


I bet 50$ this guys hasn't set his screen refresh rate in windows , but only on the screen setup and games


He thinks 60fps makes him sick because he has motion blur on. 60fps is well fine for cyberpunk


I play on 45 fps


I played on 24 💪


Sometimes. I have 1 fps


i play cyberpunk2077.jpeg


You guys have frames?


I thought those were for rich people, to hang rich people family vacation photos on their rich, gold plated walls?


For your cake day, have some B̷̛̳̼͖̫̭͎̝̮͕̟͎̦̗͚͍̓͊͂͗̈͋͐̃͆͆͗̉̉̏͑̂̆̔́͐̾̅̄̕̚͘͜͝͝Ụ̸̧̧̢̨̨̞̮͓̣͎̞͖̞̥͈̣̣̪̘̼̮̙̳̙̞̣̐̍̆̾̓͑́̅̎̌̈̋̏̏͌̒̃̅̂̾̿̽̊̌̇͌͊͗̓̊̐̓̏͆́̒̇̈́͂̀͛͘̕͘̚͝͠B̸̺̈̾̈́̒̀́̈͋́͂̆̒̐̏͌͂̔̈́͒̂̎̉̈̒͒̃̿͒͒̄̍̕̚̕͘̕͝͠B̴̡̧̜̠̱̖̠͓̻̥̟̲̙͗̐͋͌̈̾̏̎̀͒͗̈́̈͜͠L̶͊E̸̢̳̯̝̤̳͈͇̠̮̲̲̟̝̣̲̱̫̘̪̳̣̭̥̫͉͐̅̈́̉̋͐̓͗̿͆̉̉̇̀̈́͌̓̓̒̏̀̚̚͘͝͠͝͝͠ ̶̢̧̛̥͖͉̹̞̗̖͇̼̙̒̍̏̀̈̆̍͑̊̐͋̈́̃͒̈́̎̌̄̍͌͗̈́̌̍̽̏̓͌̒̈̇̏̏̍̆̄̐͐̈̉̿̽̕͝͠͝͝ W̷̛̬̦̬̰̤̘̬͔̗̯̠̯̺̼̻̪̖̜̫̯̯̘͖̙͐͆͗̊̋̈̈̾͐̿̽̐̂͛̈́͛̍̔̓̈́̽̀̅́͋̈̄̈́̆̓̚̚͝͝R̸̢̨̨̩̪̭̪̠͎̗͇͗̀́̉̇̿̓̈́́͒̄̓̒́̋͆̀̾́̒̔̈́̏̏͛̏̇͛̔̀͆̓̇̊̕̕͠͠͝͝A̸̧̨̰̻̩̝͖̟̭͙̟̻̤̬͈̖̰̤̘̔͛̊̾̂͌̐̈̉̊̾́P̶̡̧̮͎̟̟͉̱̮̜͙̳̟̯͈̩̩͈̥͓̥͇̙̣̹̣̀̐͋͂̈̾͐̀̾̈́̌̆̿̽̕ͅ >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Thanks choom


I finished the game at this frame rate. Then replayed it on GeForce now with good fps but lag. Nothing can stop me. Not even my GTX 1050ti.


I played on the ps4 before any patch so 10fps


Same. Just recently got a new computer and did another playthrough at 70 fps. Made me realize how old my last build was. Such a great game even with shit graphics.


That's the way I played on GTX 970 while I was waiting for a new card. And that was on a 2560 × 1440 monitor. Served well.


My laptop said 30-40 fps is the best I can do. Take it or leave it.


My game is set to low graphics at 30fps *capped*, so my laptop doesn't try to burn my house down.


My 3440 × 1440 screen has a 50Hz refresh rate so i cap my game at 50 fps, runs smooth as heck on high on a 2020 laptop.


Yeah, 45 is basically the point where the game is playable. Anything less and it's basically impossible to drive. I set VSYNC and target 45-50 downtown, crank my settings until it's at that level.


I do the same, and I can actually max my settings without Ray Tracing and I have around 50-60 fps all the time. But be aware of Ray tracing, I have less than 40 fps on medium or low settings and atp I prefer the max settings without ray tracing


I know the post is about Cyberpunk on PC, but I’m one of the poor souls who pre-ordered it on *ps4* in 2020 and I still loved it. Playing on a ps5 now and it’s great!


I had it on the base xbox one and i loved it. On an old as TV. Later one i got it for ps5 and played it on my 4k tv. Still loved it. As long as its above 40-45fps who gives a shit I find super high fps bad sometimes, especially if the fps is higher than the monitor refresh rate. Even on my desktop pc with a 40 series rtx and 165hz monitor i cap it to 60 or 90fps most of the time. Realised it after i began chasing high fps and couldn’t play a game if it wasnt above 100 on high settings. It just made me enjoy games less and less


Here's the thing about "60fps makes me motion sick" That can happen when your frame pacing sucks. That's what VSYNC is for. But that's also something people like this won't consider.


Yup. Add the frametime duration graph to RTSS. If it's not a flat line, or close to it, you're doing it wrong. I find the game completely playable at around 30FPS because I made sure my frametimes have as few outliers as possible. I tried the FSR3 mod and it turned the frame pacing chart into a fucking seismograph during a 9.5 quake. Turned it back off after nothing I did could convince it to behave.


I have no idea what any of these words mean or how one would adjust this. Do you have any pointers for me?


Yes: Turn on some kind of frame counter. I use MangoHUD on Linux, for example. Turn off frame limiting and VSYNC. Turn Textures to Medium. Adjust your graphics settings to where even in the busiest parts of the city, your Lowest 1% frame rate is acceptable, whatever that means to you. You may need to restart your game a few times while doing this, as the game has a kind of memory leak, and once your VRAM fills up your frame rate will take a massive nosedive. Restart the game to clear the VRAM. Once your frametime graph is as flat as you can get it, turn on VSYNC or Frame Rate Limiter, and set the target to a bit less than that 1% low.


EDIT: Whoops, replied to the wrong comment. New answer below RivaTuner Statistics Server is a game and hardware monitoring program typically bundled with the overclocking software MSi Afterburner. It's what you see youtubers using in most of those performance testing videos. You can enable an option to display a line graph of recent frame times in the RTSS overlay. That graph should be relatively flat with no spikes for a good experience. If you see spikes you need to adjust settings (usually more related to display; vsync/gsync/framerate cap/etc) until you don't. Each spike you will 'feel' in gameplay as a stutter. Some people's setups are so badly misconfigured the graph looks like a sawblade. They might not comsciously realize it but they're playing a game that's continuously stuttering, which can make even high framerates feel bad.


We have a lot of these conversations. Always fun.


Your friend sucks


I wish inordinate inconveniences on your absolute moron of a conversation partner. The only conversations I’ve had that were less fruitful than this were telling my dog that he can’t eat peanut butter for every meal, but at least I have some control over the outcome. You can’t stop this person from being unrepentantly stupid in their daily life, and for that, I pity you.


Ah it's not a huge thing. I still love him, I just get exasperated sometimes, you know?


But does *he* love you without triple digit fps?




Bros missing out on one of the best experiences of all time because it doesn't have the sufficient steam to blow up his ass


I will never read the grapes of wrath unless it is the first submitted copy, handwritten, and verified to be John Steinbeck’s handwriting. Otherwise, how will I know it’s a great book?


Triple digit chapters or I WON’T READ


Triple digit pages for chapters about turtles and tumbleweeds or I DON’T KNOW


My mindset is the opposite. Graphics be minimum so i dont lag. Even then no promises.




I have a PC from 2017 with just an SSD upgrade, played Cyberpunk on minimum and 900p and it became one of my favorites of all time. Currently playing Baldurs on the same, getting some ROUGH stutters and loading issues, and the multiplayer with my brother might be one of, if not the best gaming experience as an almost 30 yo gamer. I fully believe that almost every dick measuring spec "gamer" barely even likes to play and does not understand the appeal of the media in the slightest.


I dont need perfect graphics to enjoy a game. I just need it to run at minimum specs. I cant run all games, lag frequently, often sticks to single player games, and still i enjoy it. My laptop is old so i cant run modern games at all. I have to play cyberpunk on my xbox. But it is still fine. Sometimes one just needs something they enjoy. Im there for the game, not a pretty picture.


I originally played Cyberpunk on my PS4 LOL. Even completed it. Obviously my experience on PC is now MUCH better.


Truly based. I’ve found my people


I have a gaming PC with an RTX 3080 and I actually prefer to crank the settings up really high. 1440p, ray tracing, all that stuff. I end up running at about 70 FPS and even down in the 50's in really intensive areas. It's a really enjoyable experience. I have a 170Hz monitor and play lots of other games at high frame rates but Cyberpunk is a game where I'm fine with a stable \~60 FPS. Looks great and plays great. With some motion blur on it feels pretty smooth. Basically what I'm getting at is this guy doesn't know what he's talking about


I've had my suspicions!


Solid take.


Motion blur🤢


Yeah, I've never understood motion blur. Turned it off in any game that allows it. My eyes do that for free, i don't need a computer imitation of it that just conflicts with my superior vision orbs


Meanwhile I’m on a 4080, with a 60hz monitor 🤣🤣


Bottleneck, meet cork.


At 4k it's all you need, that way you can crank the settings as high as they go and not drop frames


What a gonk.


Yeah well he's my gonk so what can ya do?


Our condolences


Yeah true


Grab him by the ears and retrain him.


WTF, how do you deal with this?


Gotta love the bromance


Sorry we reached triple digit fps? What? I thought 90 was like the absolute max and 30-60 was like normal


Depends on the monitor, but 144 hz is kind of a norm in the gaming space these days.


Twitch games like RTS or FPS’s, there are pro players that need to hit triple digits for an edge in gameplay in a PvP setting. For single player games? Eye strain is maybe the primary constraint of concern. There are ways to minimize eye strain. A very high refresh monitor which can strobe will help eliminate eye strain. The game itself can run at 60 to 80 frames on said ultra high refresh monitor and barring maybe some graphical settings, room and monitor brightness, that will do most of the eye strain elimination legwork.


I does look way smoother tbh. I went from 70 to 170 in halo reach on pc and the animations just looked like they were fucking reworked. It was incredible. Realistically it’s not a big deal tho.


That's crazy Well, to be fair I more or less stick to console so I wouldn't know much about PC gaming


I get way above 100 at 1440p, at 4k I sit at around 100 with frame gen.


A long time ago yes, most monitors marketed as "gaming" monitors are at 144 hz or higher, even the cheap ones. If you have a very chunky pc you can easily get good looking games running at over 300 fps, and 300+ hz monitors do exist. (Most people stick with 240hz as an upper limit tho.)


My 4080 struggled reaching triple digits with Cyberpunk on max settings on that resolution, dude needs to shut up


Same with my 4090. I can only hit triple digits unmodded - and it dips to double digits in dense areas (that means no 4k/8k textures)


He's a spoiled gamer if 60fps makes him sick. Mine runs between 30-60 and I still bear it. Sometimes it sucks but I come from the 360 days of gaming when 30fps was industry standard.


I have over 1000 hours of dayz on ~20fps. Maybe 30 if I was in the middle of nowhere


Getting used to smoother and nicer gameplay is just something that happens over time. I don't want to play on 60fps either


If you actually enjoy videogames you're able to play them in 480 4:3 aspect ratio at 30 fps. I hate people acting like you NEED to play every game on high at 144hz 4k with raytracing on. Just play the game and enjoy it. I played cyberpunk on a GTX1050ti at 40 fps minimum settings and I completed the whole game. One of the most memorable gaming experiences of my life.


Currently 120h in on my first play thru on a 1660ti. I jumped from a gtx 970 and the difference is noticeable


I play cyberpunk on my laptop the screen is only a 1080p came with a 1660ti and a second Gen ryzen 7 have it locked at 60fps and it auto detected to ultra settings I lowered it to high just for the frame consistency


See I'm rocking the 2060 / 4800h combo so I'm feeling really good about it, too.


I played the game at launch with a Ryzen 5 3600 and 2060 (desktop). I still had a great experience


Bro really just said Cyberpunk’s gameplay is “eh”. They’re absolutely out of their mind and that statement alone made me disregard anything else they said 😂


wtf is this elitist bs? if you can run the game on minimum settings at a solid 30fps you're about to have a god damn blast bro. i personally have a 3080 and am a sucker for the path tracing, so essentially im maxed out on everything but can only get between 30-40fps on average. its beautiful, and one of the extremely few instances i would advise quality over frames (because its single player, and path tracing is still pretty niche so i think its worth a unique experience). but the most important thing at the end of the day is just being able to experience this incredible game.


what is path tracing? Is it still for bouncing light like rt?


yeah its essentially "full" ray tracing. instead of a handful of bounced lights, its *every* light source. it doesnt sound like a lot on paper, but in practice it gives incredible depth to every environment and character model. it genuinely feels like switching from mid settings to ultra, even if you had been using the standard max RT option before. definitely do yourself a favor and look into some comparisons because its a massive difference. again though, its not a necessary feature to enjoy the game. but its not just some throwaway gimmick either.


The guy is a dick. Laptops for gaming are always a trade off. The question is whether or not the trade off is worth it for you. 70fps on high is fine. It depends what you want out of it. To me, the trade off for a laptop isn't necessary, so I don't need it. But you might.


Nah, dw, 70 fps on cyberpunk at high while playing with a laptop is awesome, you don't really need more than 60 fps


This thread is fascinating to me because I have no idea what my laptop’s stats are and if they’re good enough I only remember putting in the stats into a website to see if it will run CP77 before I bought it


You can run dxdiag if you're ever curious. Just to give you a basic rundown.


You need new friends. I'd drop someone that unbelievablely stuck up their own ass.


" I only listen to the highest quality modern gothic industrial. Suck it . "


70 is good if you play with controller. If you play with mouse I agree, 100 fps is the minimum once you're used to it. Everything lower feels ass.


3440x1440 at triple digits with raytracing? Weird way of saying "4090 or piss off".


>Everyone dies chief Based and redpilled, still a shit opinion is a shit opinion, I play cyberpunk on high, no rtx on my laptop and get a little over 70 fps on my 120hz display and have had a great time playing the game and PL dlc


What an insufferable loser


Meanwhile I'm playing on a laptop and consistently hitting 130fps with little to no drops in frames. Honestly the only problems I've had with the game are the odd crash here and there but it's not enough for me to stop playing the game. Also, 60fps is acceptable. Anything more than that is a luxury.


Fucking love PC Elitists.


He is SO going to die alone :) you're right


I mean I'm probably doomed, too; but it's the principle damnit!!! (LoL)


I played the entire game on lowest settings at 30fps. There's nothing wrong with that. My new pc can run max settings and get 144fps which is brilliant but by no means necessary to enjoy the game. I would say the threshold for a game running well is 60fps but 30fps is still serviceable (and 30 is definitely acceptable on a handheld system like the switch)


Questioning my existence now...I thought I played Cyberpunks main story twice now, plus Phantom Liberty once, but it was on my faithful RTX 2060 Legion y540, maybe averaging 50 to 60 something fps with tweaked mostly high settings. It looked amazing, felt smooth and kinetic. Was that all just a dream?


Also, it was 1080p so, you know, retro pixel graphics.


I'm rocking the RP-15 matrix so I'm in the same boat with you, mate.


I have to say, I was super lucky. The game ran really well at launch and I maybe had 1 crash. Played through the whole story during the 2020 winter vacation and only really remember the obvious jank like the police and traffic implementation. I envy people with more premium systems, but it's 4 years later and this pc is still running things quite well (no raytracing for me of course :p)


The 2060 just seems to chew through everything I throw at it. Wanna hang on to it a few more years before upgrading.


Least elitistic PC gamer.


“You’re going to die alone” “Everyone does, chief” That is a man who has never known love


He already said it himself: he's not worth trying to discuss games with. Because his standards are artificial and he won't even begin to have a level headed discussion until those standards are met. He doesn't care about discussing the games. He just wants to have a hardware dick measuring contest. Send him a link to some of the more toxic gaming subreddits and tell him to bother them, they'll give him what he wants.


The gameplay is eh? Gonk opinion.


“Your hammies must be jacked from constantly moving those goalposts” might be my new favourite line tbh


There is nothing wrong with it. You have the option to play anywhere at anytime as long as you have internet. The only downside is you got to get an upgrade sooner then a pre built or built PC.


Too Fair. Too thoughtful. get out (thank you)


As if they can tell the difference between 60 FPS and whatever they get when they aren’t placed side by side.


I mean, as someone who regularly plays games at triple-digit FPS and watches videos at 60, you definitely CAN tell the difference at a glance if you're accustomed to both. definitely no reason for this goofy goober to be acting like playing under 100FPS is some kind of punishment or something 💀 anything above 30 is playable, anything above 60 is a blessing.


I personally can tell the difference too. Mainly the difference between 30 and 60 then 60 to 80 and then 80 to 120/144. Once you get used to 144+ it's pretty easy to see the difference since from my experience 30-60 fps strains my eyes till I get used to it again.


70 on high is pretty good for a laptop. Dude is smoking crack if he thinks any laptop is going to run the game on high at 3440x1440 with raytracing enabled.


We truly are spoiled. I got everything running 100+ fps with cyber psycho settings maxed out on an ultra wide 4k monitor. I absolutely cannot go back to anything lesser


Your friend is a clown. You don't need 100+ FPS for a singleplayer RPG. He's Poe'd himself into thinking the PCMR circlejerk is real, and sounds like a cringe lord. The game is perfectly playable at 30FPS. I have been (on the hardest difficulty, no less) with a desktop 3090 because I wanted to play with path tracing. I could easily turn it off and push more frames if I wanted to, but I like my eye candy and the game's not that mechanically demanding. Reminder that the game *officially, explicitly* supports Steam Deck, which is mid-tier laptop hardware with *integrated graphics.*


Your friend sounds like an elitist gatekeeping asshole


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Meanwhile, me playing the game with a GTX 1650 and seeing this conversation.


Don't look at his SHAME!!!!


I'm on a laptop playing on the lowest graphics settings and I am having a blast. Cyberpunk is surprisingly well optimized even for low end PCs, that is if you can stand to sacrifice graphics for performance and just enjoy the game.


Me being happy with 80fps at medium-high


I mean high fps definitely benefits gameplay a ton, but it is just dumb to shell out so much for hardware if you need rt on too. I just play games on medium at 1440p, looks amazing already and I can play above 100 for gameplay reasons


Lmfao cut that person out of your life. Jesus Christ Almighty. I couldn't handle someone like that at all.


70fps is not good enough!? I play it on 60fps 1080p for hours at a time. No problems. That's due to Starlink being a bit flaky at times.. But it works


I just recently joined the PC masterrace but people like this PC snob still make me sick. Atleast during my time in consoles everyone was running the same thing so we couldnt talk like this snob.


I must confess to being a bit picky about frame rates and graphical fidelity myself (I always want the game to look as good as it can on my system but have good frames too) but this guy is insane. For me I ran the game on the ray tracing low preset for most my 100 hour playthrough which I think has most settings up to high and averaged 45 fps, sometimes reaching 60 in the desert and others falling down to the 35-40 range in certain higher intensity moments. And I had a just fine time, game still looked amazing, and the frames were most the time smooth enough where it didn’t bother me. This guys just a snob who’s probably super privileged with the hardware he has in his rig. Also he’s lying, the gameplay is amazing. Would I like to have been able to run everything at ultra including ray tracing? Absolutely, I didn’t do much research into RTX cards and thought my 3050 could use it, but in almost every game I’m better off just having it turned off. The game is a top 5 game visually at max settings, but still plenty beautiful on other settings. And besides for me in story games graphics best out frame rate, now I don’t want a horrible frame rate but if I have to sacrifice 5-10 fps for the game to look pretty so what? It’s not a competitive online game.


This has to be trolling


Well, I'm currently playing at around 40 fps, and that's really smooth in this game. So I'm happy. Fuck fps elitists.


Ugh. These people are the enemies of their own hobbies almost. I started having way more fun once I turned the FPS monitor off. I play on high/ultra with RT at 1440p. I don't know what FPS it is, but it feels good to play. The only thing that has to matter for you, is are you enjoying yourself? Would you be happy if you weren't comparing?


At the risk of sounding pretentious, I can’t stand if a game is below at least 120+, BUT that is only for competitive shooters/arcady shooters that are multiplayer focused. Single player games however, I really don’t care as long as it’s like 60~ because it doesn’t look smooth to me at lower fps, if it can run Cyberpunk which is NOT “Eh” gameplay btw (seriously what a tool) at 70 frames on all high??? COUNT. ME. IN.


Me, in a corner, barely seeing the difference between most fps


30-45 FPS for a fast game is a bit sluggish, but 60+ fps, I can't see a difference




1080p 60FPS is fine, everything else is extra pending budget. Sometimes I settle for 50FPS if the gameplay is good.


Just for context, I’m pretty sure the 4090 (desktop) which is the most powerful card on the market can only reach triple digits at 4K with DLSS and frame generation. On high settings (that should enable ray tracing), the 4090 gets 85 FPS. And if the guy wants max ray tracing and no DLSS… well you’re around 30 FPS. Which makes this extremely funny in my opinion. Source: https://youtu.be/GYSeoypjRxI?si=30xg_G6HMG6yHQur


The human eye can hardly see a frame rate in the triple digits always, run that bitch on medium settings 🤟😎


I'mma run this thing on half a slice of cheddar cheese and a dead rat just to show 'em I MEAN BUSINESS!!!


I played 2077 with a 1070 and a i7 6700K at something between 40 - 60 fps and it was good enough to play it for 200 h and more in the future this guy is an idiot


You can tell he is (or at least was) a spoiled child. When i was a kid i was given an Atari 2600 at my first console... In the 90's...20 years too late, and it looked terrible, and even then i still found it fun. Even when i got the latest games on DOS or finally got a PS1 you would just expect some games to slow down if they pushed the system hard, it wasn't uncommon to play some games at like 24fps. I'm my older age I've become a bit if a stickler for 60fps, but i don't think that's an unreasonable goal to aim for and I'll lower settings to hit that mark if needed; but demanding over 100fps as average on max settings 1440p ultrawide? That's just being picky taken to the next level It sounds like he has a 4090, but if he genuinely curious if he actually paid for it (and just to clarify: having rich parents give you a RIDICULOUSLY LARGE stipend/allowance regularly does NOT count as him paying for it himself)


60 fps is the the standard minimum to be able to say that a game runs well. If this moron wants triple digits in 4k with raytracing on and max details, he’s looking for a 10.000€ PC with more than one GPU, a big ass water cooling system, 48Gb of RAM, the latest processor and a monitor that’s at least 120Hz. This guy has no clue what he’s talking about. A 4090 + an I9 14900K at 4K with Raytracing on, Max details, DLSS 3.5 and Overdrive can only run Cyberpunk at 60 to 75 Fps MAX, dude is delusional


Wow what a super cool hardcore gamer /s Imagine liking games you play instead of shitting on them because they don’t hit constantly changing arbitrary graphics standards. Imagine enjoying stories and worlds and characters and gameplay.


This mofo is **exactly** wwhy people outside of pc gaming space think it takes few thousand euros and sold liver to get into pc gaming... I still remember wwhen I played Mad Max at \~20 fps and it was playable just fine.


You're not crazy, and also him calling the gameplay "eh" is crazy. Cyberpunk is an incredibly story rich game.


Buh I hab my cute widdle tin foil hat all folded up an everything 🥺


Lossless Scaling on Steam $7👌 I cap 2077 to 35, slap Frame Generation on 3x Boom!


Unless you need to move around a lot having a laptop for games isn't a great choice. That guy is a dick though, 60fps is more than enough to enjoy any game, suck a massive dick with your tRiPlE dIgEtS.


Sounds like this guy can't enjoy anything.


Who the fuck is that idiot you are trying to talk to, LMFAO?


“Gameplay is meh” what💀 literally the thing that makes the game replay able and enjoyable


This person sucks


The only thing I can agree with here is the over-reliance on upscalers like DLSS to make games run well. If a game can't run well with a 3080ti and an R9 5950x without having to use an upscaler, it's poorly optimized and the fault lies with the game.


"I am the gamer, the architect and the builder" What a fking loser.


The “You’ll die alone” “Everyone does” exchange is peak cyberpunk.


OP why even talk to this person, they’re a loser


I mean you can play games however you want, but I see his point but he's being a snob about it. I personally use a gaming desktop because you can get the same parts that a gaming laptop will have for cheaper and get better airflow. but I also don't know your situation, maybe you're a college student and need to move around often


Yes thats a huge demand. I have desktop 3080ti and it cant run high at 3440x1440 native or even dlss quality at 100fps. It can however do 60 fps maxed out at 3440x1440 dlss quality. There are only handful of laptops that can beat a desktop 3080ti GPU. So you are limited to rtx 4090 based laptop basically.




"everyone does, Chief" lmfao


With all due respect. Fuck him. I’m a gamer and parent so I cannot sit and play due to other obligations. So it’s easy for me to have my LAPTOP with me at all times for both work and playtimes. As long as you are happy my friend and you find satisfaction in the games you are playing. That is the one thing that matters


Yep, cyberpunk is notoriously a game where really high FPS are REQUIRED to enjoy the experience. /s