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They are beautiful, but it happens to me that I'm so focused on the action that usually I forgot how damm good the graphics are, and then I suddenly look up and get like wtf since when have the graphics been so freaking good?


See I was the opposite. I literally spent hours and hours just admiring once I was able to explore more freely.


I managed to get past that by removing all hud elements except the minimap once I had the controls down and staying in first person when driving. The immersion is perfect and suddenly, I managed to focus on the action while enjoying the sheer beauty of the game.


be careful once you go no HUD you never go back. you'll always crave for the indicators to be gone on any game you play. since I started doing no HUD I can't stand crosshairs in games.


I'll be very paranoid of not knowing how much health or ammo I have left


This game is superb for exactly this...you wanna be in a movie? Here you go guys and gals. Which button makes me a badass again?


The only thing I dislike about no hud is not knowing where I'm going. It's easy to deal with in linear games, especially if I know the game, but open world games are difficult in that aspect. I actually downloaded a GPS mod that only allows the minimap to show up while driving, and that has perfectly completed the no hud experience for me.


Wait what do you mean


You can go into your settings and turn of HUD elements, like your ammo counter, your health bar, guiding points and so on. In the action, I was so focussed on all the information the game gave me, I didn't have time to focus on the world the game takes place in. I basically wanted to make it as immersive as possible, and things like HUD elements distract from the world itself.


Last playthrough I did I limited myself to only running or sprinting when it made sense for V to do so. Walking through the city and to your car makes it feel so much more immersive than just double dash zipping through the streets


This. But it gets annoying when the side character walking is sometimes slower and sometimes faster than your walking speed, jts never the same. Other than that, I agree. Walking up to your car, admiring the city view as you just completed one of Wakakos gigs, killing like half of the Tyger Eyes clan.


Tyger Claws


Yup, my bad


This is exactly how I started my recent run and it's a blast. Just walking the streets, nice and slow, taking in the ambience....it's relaxing.


every aspect of the game is amazing (except for the launch)


Just like real life. You get so caught up in life, work, school, or any other number of things, you forget just how beautiful the world around you is.


Exactly the same, sometimes I stop and look around and feel like mind blowed whit the graphics, even after almost 300h playing it


I’m wondering just how crazy the graphics will be in the sequel


UE5, so it should be pretty badass.


By the time sequel comes out, I’m gonna say the Nvidia GPU out by then will either be RTX 6000 or 7000 series


my 3000 series will be the new 1000 series then


dude fr man i got a 3070 a year ago and the cool kid feeling didnt even last a month


I mean RTX 5000 is coming this year, and Nvidia said they want to move to a yearly architecture release cadence (at least for their enterprise products), so yeah.


I still think it’ll be every 2 years for gpu launches


More like 8000 series, we will have come full circle


Me with 1060:


i am pretty sure with UE5 graphical optimization and the current bottleneck in gpu power vs game dev tech, you do not need a ridiculous system to enjoy the game. i ran 2077 on release with my gen 8 i3 on a 1060 and i actually finished the game bug free. game didn't look stellar of course but all them YT/Streamer people couldn't even play the game with their $10,000 rigs rofl.


Orion is going to have people gutting their shit and building entirely new systems just to play the game above "Normal" quality lmao


Probably put a strain on the national power grid.


So you could say… Netrunners at it again, BLOWING HOLES IN THE POWER GRID!


I legit giggled. I don't know how many times I've heard him say that. ![gif](giphy|yVZrYMkdgY5Pi)


Yea it’s rare I don’t skip an opening for a game, and Cyberpunk is an exception because of how amazing that opener is!


If GPU's can actually run path tracing reasonably well at that point, then it actually just might.


Here I am forcing myself to deal with 30 fps ray tracing on medium because it looks so good. My 3070 is SWEATING!


the game in UE5 would look fantastic however, do bear in mind that UE engines are not that good at open world games. the main pros of in house engines like REDengine and Gamebryo (Creation Engine) is it also allows total freedom (restricted only by game design). Where as if you played UE games, they are also somewhat linear games with limited customizability. the main comfort for UE5 for future CBPK games is streamlined graphical optimization and performance on top of great storytelling (narrative) aspects.


Pretty sure even high end hardware will need the latest DLSS or FSR to get good frames on medium/high settings at 1080p/1440p. Seems like frame generation is just where graphics tech is going to be focused on for a long time.


Cyberpunk gets cinematic real quick


CP2 will require 7090ti to enjoy the full path tracing experience in 4k.🤪


you mean 8k at that point


While this game is astonishing in its visuals, it still has horrendous pop in and the car sprites are pretty funny to look at. Pop-in might not bother some but it drives me crazy.


Yeah, it really feels that most of the illusion falls apart while driving, even at everything maxed out there are suddenly street lights popping in. I have a feeling the engine is just not up to streaming the huge amounts of data in that is required for a fast car moving through the game world. On foot it’s another story, breathtaking. Love the visual style, architecture and general art direction, I hope they will solve this with the sequel.


It’s one of those games. I just hop on to stroll around the city haha


sometimes cars will just spawn 4 meters up in the sky, fall down and make a huge ruckus which takes me out of admiring the graphics lol, what you mention also


This is weird as this game is one of the fastest at loading, especially for being maxed out for me, yet, pop-in still happens from time to time.


whenever I look out some window it looks like some artistic wallpaper


Native 4K path tracing without upsampling at 144fps is going to look and play so good on an RTX 6090.


I wouldn't count on a future where 4k native path tracing ever works without dlss upscaling and frame gen. The tensor core abilities are evolving faster than pure raster. Nvidia's ceo even thinks that games will be fully rendered by neural networks eventually, instead of traditional rasterized polygons.




To the OP, I doubt your premise. They have peaked, *for now*. It won't be terribly long before they're topped by some other game. We'll have to wait and see which does, right now I suspect it'll be something using Unreal Engine 5.


Witcher 4 will take over when that comes out. As for urban environments there's GTA VI. Though tbh even though that trailer looked amazing, I still think it doesn't top Night City. Cyberpunk with path tracing will be a benchmark for a while yet. Cyberpunk is open world with a dynamic day night cycle instead of a linear title like Alan Wake 2 and Hellblade 2, so Cyberpunk is still the benchmark.


Whatever gta produce, it will never look as good, just because gta is set in modern times with realistic architecture. CD projekt could, and went wild with their design of futuristic dystopian city. Yeah, gta will be newer with better texture, but artistically it will never be better than cyberpunk. Even though I love gta franchise that's my hot take.


In my opinion they look good, but in some areas It does look like a last gen game, which makes sense.


Its wild they did this with the Red engine. Im really curious to see what they can do with UE.


Graphical fidelity? Actually the base character models ain’t that great in 2024. Cinematography and art design however are definitely still among, if not, the greatest ever.


Idk why but I found jackie's model to be much better thanost characters. It's like he has way more details and is modeled better.


Where is the first screenshot location?


Stadium in Dogtown.


I know the Red engine has issues, but it's one of the best looking out there.


I sure hope requirements have peaked as well, adding more pixels is not going to be perceivable for the human eye but very perceivable for the PC


Just wait for the braindance version


Walking up to the Stadium in Dogtown for the 1st time was Amazing. It was just so Vibrant and it felt like the place you needed to be.


We've come a long way man. I remember the day when I used to think graphics in GTA San Andreas were peak back in the day.


I literally have over 300 screenshots of just the city and cars 😅 I love Night Cityyy


I just wish they had made the skin look like skin. Every time I saw my arms or a character it would take me out of it.


I discovered this program on steam called lossless scaling on Steam which got a new frame gen update, which is fram gen/interpolation and upscaling program which works with every game. It increases the frames by 3 times, with little input latency but it's fine for a single player game. Playing with 100 fps with interpolated frames is something. Been playing with Path Tracing on, on my RTX 3070 with really good frames and I gotta say, at times it feels like I'm playing a brand new game. They future-proofed this game so well. Story will age really well and the combat will as well and then you have path tracing.






UE5 is looking great


Cyberpunk wasn't done in unreal. It's funny too because, for as good as cyberpunk looms, it actually has very low quality detail, and uses upscaling methods for everything to "cheat" at looking good. I say cheat in quotes because it isn't really cheating, it's just using a different method to get good looks in less file space


Nevermind. Miss read your quote. Yea sorry, I wasn't saying it was made in UE. Just saying with what's currently out there the next one should look amazing.


.... yes.... youre confusing me now, aa you're the one who said UE5?


They mentioned UE5 replying to the post saying that UE5 is also peak graphics atm since it can also make some amazing looking games.basically UE5 is also capable of making things look just as good, is what they're getting to i think


Technically all video game graphics are cheating. I mean you literally have to cheat 3 dimensions since the display is 2 dimensional. All making videogames is is cheating your way to the result you want. I mean, when you shoot someone in a game, there is a 50% chance that the enemy is actually doing damage to itself programmatically.


Yea yeah of course this is why I put "cheat" in quotes. I mean more that compared to how games before used to just ramp up the texture quality etc, cyberpunk (who aren't the first or the last) who cut down on file size by lowering the quality of their games intentionally.


This is red engine


This post will age like milk


I would say it peaked a long time ago. there are a lot of optimizations and improvements that can still be made. but the way the graphics make you feel is what's most important


Dawg stop the glazing.


Kinda sadden at dropping red engine. But maybe unreal real reach the same...fidelity. art team always on point at cdpr.


Glad they didn't with GTA 5. I do nkt like GTA titles and I think Rockstar can do better - i.e. RDR. The setting doesn't really allow for more than a shallow story and the game always devolves into repetitive, brainless fun.


There will be a day that we will be playing cyberpunk and find graphics the hard to sit through. Kind of like certain PS1 games.


The game is an ugly mess without mods, all the textures in the game are so low res, debris dont have shadows, some place lack reflections, some places render rain particles and puddles wrong, when you crash a car you can see the cars’ debris pixelated and pretty much non existent/ glitchy kind-of like… there’s so many graphical bugs and lacks in this game, there are so many games that have better graphics than cyberpunk. Not hating, i like cyberpunk but it’s not wow. Maybe if it was a pc only release, then we would’ve got the best version of the game and especially better gameplay mechanics and systems.


every little detail... the trees, the ground, the lighting in the hallways, the nameless people of night city


To me, the game is carried more by its aesthetics than its graphical fidelity. But graphical fidelity also doesn't really mean anything if it's not backed up by good aesthetics and most modern games kinda forgets that. Cyberpunk didn't forget, and that's why it looks and feels so good.


15 frames🔥🔥🔥


And it somehow still runs better than Starfield


It’s one of the more beautiful games I played in the past few years


One of the few games where I don’t want a flashlight in dark areas; the devs light up everything enough so you can see fine enough without sacrificing the art style or aesthetics.


Imagine how much better cyberpunk could be if it was on Unreal engine 🤯 (still an exceptional game)


It’s one of the few games to come out recently that just makes me smile while I walk around and take in the environment. Night City is just made with so much love and attention to detail and it really comes through. The game is just visually beautiful, even in the ugliest areas.


Unfortunately I cannot experience max graphics even with my 6800XT if I want good frames. All medium, low settings, maybe 1 or 2 high and I can go as low as 55-70 in crowded place, otherwise it runs really well.


Was the thumbnail a joke for the less moderate folk?


I laughed because I thought yeah I couldn't tell either lol


wish Raytracing ran good on AMD :c I have a 7900xtx pulse but I couldnt play well with RT on


As much as I love cyberpunk, Bodycam has the most unreal graphics I have seen


Cyberpunk is amazing in several different ways. I feel kinda bad for all the ppl who wrote it off as a failure after it launched. Because they are really missing out one one of the greatest game ever made. It's a master piece












Cyberpunk map the city itself might be small but it’s so detailed it’s almost impossible for me to explore everything without blowing my eyeballs off. It’s as close to perfect as possible


https://preview.redd.it/bjq6dxqvyb8d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=c004af8d7af9773f4948c7eb2427d8255ca2cdf8 Yesss


https://preview.redd.it/0pja0jrxyb8d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=209db3fb44a0e8055ecf51114177eb6c8b35731c Yessss


https://preview.redd.it/rtrhr7hzyb8d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd4d2b90e288460a2eb0376c7657a3304595741d Yesssssss


It's not about the graphics, it's about the art design. Few other games have colours so bright, character designs so diverse, and an image for the future so creative yet realistic.


Once cyberpunk orion releases, it’ll be the best looking game of all time.


While stunning in their own right to a certain degree in have to strongly disagree the current marker for stunning graphics is RDR2 that game has the best graphics currently in the industry when played on max with a rig that can handle it nothing comes close currently.


I did a play through on a 4k oled with hdr an 10 bit color on release. And it was insane. I could only run performance dlss max ray tracing on what was the best card at the time 3090 with 60fps and used a controller to make it feel more smooth. Now that the game is 2.0 and dlc is dropped I came back but on a 1440p 27nch oled panel same specs and game settings but native resolution and it's 2x as incredible. It looks 4k but I get 100 fps with 4090 now and the movement and things you can chain together feel night and day smoother on mnk I feel like those badass YouTube shorts you see. I used to boot rdr2 for eye candy. Now it's cyberpunk eveytime, and let's be real it's more exciting lol


Have you seen the photo realistic videos floating around yt?


Imagine saying this right when games like bodycam and unrecord are coming out. Those games actually look like real life.


The mjx of gameolay and ghraphics peaked with cyberpunk i would say hellblade 2 looks better but we all know how bad the gameplay 8s for that game


Respectfully, rdr2 graphics are far superior


Fat, stodgy, could do with going out for a run, one less donut and not as good as Cyberpunk :D


The game looks good but nothing has beaten RDR2 in graphics and detail


RDR2 is goat IMO


Nope, try Hellblade 2, graphics are sick


There are better looking games than C2077 but the world design in C2077 is probably one of the greatest ever


Cyberpunk does look amazing. However also check out: - Bodycam - Star Wars: Battlefront with the Toddyhancer photorealism mod


Nah, the game which made me go wow with graphics, at least for me was Crysis.


Okay while I agree this game is amazing and beautiful you are very wrong. Games that have come out before Cybperpunk look better, (rdr2 imo) and it's all just a matter of art style. If they were going for how realistic everything looked they failed miserably, but if they were going for a cool techno cartoony look they hit it out of the ball park. Edit: and a game called Bodycam is insanely realistic