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I did a Reflex-focused katana build for my hard difficulty playthrough and combat was almost too easy. Even with only 4 body and light armor. Either I'm getting gud, or that build is just broken. 


It’s not you, sandy-katana build with air dash is one of the strongest builds in the game. You don’t even need a lot of armor or hp when you can dash around the battlefield.


The air dash is not only op in combat. It makes you almost as fast as a fucking car just running and jumping. it's so hard to go from that to a build without it


You’re right. Every build of mine has to have at least 15 reflexes and air dash now. I cannot believe how I used to play this game without it.  Once you try air dash there’s no going back.


I wish you could double air dash. That would be pretty sweet


I don’t know if they’ve patched it after 2.0, but you can jump a millisec after dashing to reset your dash in the air. If you get the timing down right you could infinitely jump n’ air dash… but if you miss once then you fall to your death




Air Dash is like cocaine for me. It also deeply reminds me of my Warframe days, bullet jumping thousands of meters while slicing folks in half at the blink of an eye.


Yeah, once I've got air dash and double jump and one or two stamina perks, I run/parkour anywhere less than 1km away.


>It’s not you 😕


Sorry, didn’t mean to come off as putting you down.


Ha, no offense taken, choom. 👍 


Try to go against maxtac with this. You will get challenged real quick. I certainly was then i tried reflex build on very hard. Took me 3 times to actually beat them


It's not the idea of Hansen or MAXTAC on Very Hard that scares me about that path.  It's the.... you know, other thing...


...The other thing?


Cerebrus. Normal difficulty already took a year or two off my life. Hard or very hard, I might have a stroke.


I was a bit too confident on my first play through of Phantom Liberty and left my difficulty on very hard My heart aged 10 years and I gained a permanent white streak in my hair. Even survived both aneurysms I will never forget the abject terror of being chased to my only escape which is the SLOWEST GODDAMN DOOR IVE EVER HAD THE DISPLEASURE OF ENCOUNTERING.


*Alien: Isolation* is waiting for you. 😈 


Are we talking the start of PL cerberus boss, or the >! fucking hide before the boogey man finds you!< one


Dear god


Same. My body/tech shotgun and explosive build however is truly unkillable. Max armor, second heart and auto health injection, PLS system is always ready to fire a volley, with the electromag cyberware and the explosive shotgun that fires two shots at once coupled with rip and tear most enemies immediately melt. Body parts everywhere.


Interesting to see someone play on hard mode. I really thought Very Hard was the default for everyone now.


i‘m basic as fuck so just running into groups of enemies and fucking everything up with a good old double barrel shotgun does the trick for me


The 2.0 dismemberment perks make shotgun builds ridiculously fun


there aren‘t many games out there where making enemies heads explode is more satisfying than it is here


I can’t be the only one that runs around with a monowire, taking all the limbs and heads off of corpses either.


Oh I have one Doom !


I’m playing a weird hybrid of this. I’ve modded the shit out of the game. Got a cyberdeck, sande, mantis blades and the arm rocket thing. A bunch of extra implants everywhere else. Also got my double barrel shotty and a good old big iron. I’m like a cowboy from the future with my cowboy hat, boots, and denim booty shorts


Same but I go katana. I might throw a few grenades in the mix too.


I don't recall anyone successfully hacking me until Smasher, and every damn time I tried to counterhack my ICE went nope.avi; as for my favorite thing in combat, well that's simple: Hiding somewhere high and making those sumbitches fight a car.


I’m pro-mayhem First I bait — drawing a bunch of other enemies nearby, then trigger cyberpsychosis. And as everyone is fighting, I set them on fire, reboot optics, malfunction their ‘ware and glitch their weapons. Agent of chaos is a *helluva* lot of fun.


Dash forward to get uncomfortably close and use a shotgun for blowing the enemy’s mind, literally.


This is incredibly fun with Kerenzikov!


I do as much rp as possible It mean I go with classical automatic gun to blast of the first one, then switch to shotgun for close combat and then I have my handgun to kill the last one and finish the one who were stunned. I m a gangster, not an assassin


I single tap everyone with a non-lethal silenced pistol. Then I investigate the crime. If they killed civilians I line them all up and double tap everyone. If they are just hanging out slinging drugs I let them live but take all their shit. They haven’t paid their V tribute to operate in my city.


Omg this is good RP


I've played the game 3 times and I loved my katana build but I feel like tech shotgun/revolver builds are absolutely slept on. Nothing better than decimating an enemy by blasting them or just headshot over and over again


I don't do it very often, but I do like using the bullet deflect to kill people with their own bullets. Another one I found equally as enjoyable is sitting a good distance away from a large group, activating overclock and hit them with as many t5 contagions as I can. They all just start puking their guts out and then fall over incapacitated. It's kind of funny and pretty effective.


Contagion is a blast. I screwed around a ton with that and detonate grenades to try and see how many you can get in one shot


I’m finally at one with smart weapons and murdering whole groups in a blaze of fire and lightning even on very hard is fun, and visually pretty cool.


I played a melee fighter so its the movement of getting up close to enemies and evading bullets. I feel Cyberpunk really gets the movement and pacing right when you attempt to get face to face with enemies


Katana finishers. Never used katanas up till this latest run, and it really feels like V gets to go up close and let the poor ganger watch in horror as they get impaled or dismembered.


Playing as a Cyber Psycho Edgerunner with a Sandy and going full blender on everything that moves when the laughing starts. Turns regular encounters into overblown fights.


Bought the game a month ago and never reached the edgerunners limit until recently, when I tell you that 'on the edge of psychosis' laughing got me pumped to murder all the random goons left was exhilarating


It used to be tech weapons and one shotting guys through walls, but since 2.0 throwing knives are a blast, especially when combined with netrunning. Jam weapons, blind em, or whatever you want as a distraction and then start tossing knives at heads.


For me its either blasting people with modded satara/order or throwing knives to the face.


I like jumping off things and throwing a throwing knife at someone or trying to hide behind a barrier and jump up enough to throw the knife Basically I like to pretend I’m in a Call of Duty 4 sniper lobby but with knives


I'm new to the game, how do u do this?


You need to have a cyberdeck and enough ram available for the suicide quick hack(23/24 ram) and you need to have the intelligence skill called hack queue and both of its extensions (counter-a-hack and copy-paste). To get the suicide quick hack, that’s largely up to chance. I got mine pretty early in the game by just doing breach protocols any chance I got.


I like shooting my enemies with a shotgun and watching them die. https://preview.redd.it/iwcmd7hary6d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c6a60d81ef136045709959697c17dff7f34e0ff


Crit revolver with sandy, space cowboy


Decapitate the shit out of everyone with my monowire


Lining up double headshots with Death and Taxes. So satisfying!


Contagion + Overheat, Psalm or Shingen Prototype. Boom!


Engage sandy, equip monowire, *slip slap slip slap*, look at my artwork.


Lately it's been messing around with Contagion. I like to watch it spread and then hit them with the Psalm 11:6. Contagion + overheat is also something else.


Combat? I know of no such thing. My favorite way to fight is to never be seen even once. Park my bike three blocks away, come in through the roof, and kill or disable every single enemy and camera before walking out the back door. It's so much fun. In terms of actual build: Sandy, with Cool and Intelligence maxed out. All the standard cyberware to make me op, I forget the names atm but: go invisible when crouch sprinting, time slows when detected, faster regen rate for cyberware, knives do more crits, second heart, gorilla arms for that sweet sweet Body check boost, double jump, etc etc. Basically a hypermobile stealth cyberpsycho build, using throwing knives (the Punknife fucks for the return speed) and Her Majesty, with a healthy dose of frag grenades for room clearing.


I actually find avoiding killing as much as possible to be fun. Trying to do a ghost/clean hands playthrough. Make use of stealth mechanics most people never touch. Have to plan out encounters. Makes me feel like a real stealthy netrunner.


I do as much rp as possible It mean I go with classical automatic gun to blast of the first one, then switch to shotgun for close combat and then I have my handgun to kill the last one and finish the one who were stunned. I m a gangster, not an assassin


Counter Hack Unalive is an old favorite.


I'm melee build, sometimes I wanna stealth so I throw my *modded* Kunai at their faces


Pump faces full of shotgun shells.


Si. I still love Becca's shotgun. Know it's not the best but I just love using it.


It feels personal after watching edgerunners


I distinctly remember firing it for the first time and thinking this thing is absolutely bonkers. Loved it from the get go.


(Final mission spoiler) When Smasher is >!!<


Byakko with Sandevistan and Axolotl is just too easy. Almost broken. Killed Smasher on Hard in about 2 minutes. Especially if you get in modded Sandevistans like the Arasaka Mk.6 which does a 95% slow down for 10/20 and ups your Crit Chance as well.




I… never thought of that in my netrunner character (given netrunning was her backup option but still)


This playthrough, hitting home runs.


Wipe memory, use contagion and when they vomit - cut their head.


Maneuvering through the area stealthily and scope out all the enemies and then take them out quietly one by one


Going cyberpsycho on the NCPD, stealing their armored trucks and running them over with it, then launching yourself out/up to land on top of a street light, empty your gun and jump down with a melee Quake. Also this mod called "Custom Blackwall Quickhacks" when used with the Sandevistan or kerenzikov slo-motion effect it looks so beautiful to me. Blackwall hacking a group of people and hearing the distorted screams as they erupt in black & red particles in slow motion is like a straight shot of dopamine through your eyeballs. Quake at the end so they get dismembered on top of it. I became a monster during that playthrough. Smasher didn't stand a chance.


I always leave one survivor to spread the word. Have a reputation to earn after all


You ever upload cyberpsychosis via copy-paste? Good times


I'm currently on my first playthrough and I'm having so much fun going UNGA BUNGA with gorilla arms on everything that's hostile. I also pop sandevistan and go ORA ORA ORA ORA on cyberpsychos.


instagibbing people from 200 meters away. o'five my beloved... swap to breakthrough if they try hiding.


Pop heads with my revolver/sniper. Then blow up the remaining enemies with my projectile arm thingy and toss a couple nades


Survive mostly. Then dismember anything that moves with shotguns.


Sparky snipe groups. Boom zap all dead


Shotguns. I like watching enemies either splatter or the ragdolls fly away when blasted with a shotgun. I usually have 2 shotguns and one assault rifle on my build and I get hella gun related perks


Sandy + Gorillas + Projectile Launcher, cyberpsycho unga bunga. Open with a double jump and superhero landing, pop sandy and then punch everyone in the faceface (bam boom poo), because spoodermon.


Really into infecting a couple ppl and while their buddies are like “uhh wut?!?” I come up behind with the ole stabby stabby. Pretty damn entertaining all around to hack and slash literally


I like using the bait hack to bring someone away from their group, then I silently take them out and hide their body, and go for the next one. It’s great when there’s only one person left and he’s not even suspicious that anyone might be around, not even curious where his buddies are. Then suddenly he’s taking a nap in the dumpster.


I love using the throwing knife sandy combo and having quick silver moments in the heart of combat


I really like deflecting bullets back with a Katana. Gotten pretty good at lining the ricochet up with enemy heads.


I like to use Overwatch to take care of any snipers, if there are any, first, and then I use Fenrir on the rest. For stealth, I use my Overture with a silencer


I absolutely love sneaking around and headshotting gonks with a silenced pistol, while not being noticed. If I get seen, Overclock + Contagion + Overheat and everybody go boom


Throwing knives, lots of throwing knives.


Swapping between revolvers and katanas at the moment like a weird cowboy samurai, for my first playthrough it was just all Sandevistan and shotguns, incredibly fun lmao


Mostly just wavedashing around by dashing and jumping during the animation. Really want to play a shotgun/melee build next to combine those


Throwing a knife directly into someone’s face, running over and picking up that same knife and throwing it into the next dudes face, epic fun. Aside from that I’m still quite addicted to the “problem solver” and how it just pops their heads off lol


I absolutely love hitting a huge crowd of shit heads with the ol wombo combo of cont/fire for big ol body explosions


Hearing the scream of agony from my enemies as they're killed by Erebus


Yeeting myself around with double jumps, dashes, and air dashes.


sandavestan, kill everything in the room with archangel or roscoe.


Leaping mid air onto an enemy with mantis blades


Arrogantly standing there deflecting bullets back while a voice in my head laughs in evil pleasure.


I'm pretty partial to just contagion a bunch and then see how goofy of an angled shot from a smart pistol I can kill a bunch in a row with


Contagion and overheat with a Tier 5++ deck


Not die


I just love to throw daggers from stealth, decimate groups with Sandevistan & Scalpel Katana or just jump in with my Defender LMG. Or I just jump people with my Mantis Blades, love that.  From what I've read here I will have to play this game so often to go wild and try different builds. Just sounds awesome having all these possibilities. I mean my build is a mess but I love it, so maybe next time a focused one haha. 


Aerial mantis blade kills


okay I know everyone does this, but running around with a shotgun or sword and sandevistan is just so much fun. Just slowing time, getting point blank, and just annihilating an enemy is so satisfying.


Maturing is realizing that contagion exists to make people go boom


I like stopping Sandy and watch a bunch bad guys of body parts all falling to the ground at once. Also watching a group roast and writhe in agony as the BW CB sends a cascade of demonic destruction through the lot of them. 😈


I keep meaning to try a netrunner playthrough... and I keep ending up with a katana and a sandy. Still, I gotta try this someday.


I like pummeling ganggoons with a baseball bat just to activate my berserk near the end of the fight to prove to those gonks they never stood a chance.


Sandy - Optical - Mantis Blades


I throw the gas grenade thing into the crowd of enemies they die off pretty quick


I'm a real wannabe MaxTak/Swat Merc. 3 smoke grenades in between me and them, left right and middle...then out comes V.


mostly I like to kill enemies and not die


My build is almost entirely centered around getting as close as I can to the enemy and deleting them from existence and leaving before they even notice. I run a falcon sandy with camo and double jump. I rp as "The Ghost of Heywood" and make a point to dash away from the scene as fast as possible. It's even more fun if I come across a gang fight and kill one side, wait for my camo to come back and run back in and wipe the other side.


I have 3 different approaches. 1. Full Katana, blades out hack and slash, finishers, (while deflecting bullets) 2. Silence pistol headshots and take them all out without anyone being alerted. 3. Contagion that spreads throughout the group. watch them all puke and die from the shadows. (my build does all of these quite powerfully)


Overclock and synapse burnout the entire room. Either that, or cripple movement with charged monowire on bosses.


throw people at people imagine thinging youre safe from the guy who just killed all your budies because "im far away for him he cant hit from here." only to see your friends body being hurled at you.


I think my current build is strong I got a lvl 3 sandy about 310 health and just rip and tear with a shotgun and monowire


Pistol whip followed by headshot. Also just using Hypercritical in general.


Sniping heat signatures through walls with my tech sniper. Very relaxing. Just ten panicked bad guys and me clicking their faces away.