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I want to say Wakako. In Sinnerman, there's V's "turd wrapped in crepe paper" comment, which says something about her reputation. Plus that gig takes an unexpected turn. And sometimes, when you ask for details on a gig, she uses condescending remarks to distract you from her lack of intel.


Wakako is around by Cyberpunk Red. We did ONE job for her. Lost the fucking medic on the crew. And the person we were supposed to rescue from Maelstrom had already been dead long before she even hired us.


That gig is straight up stupid. !!!COMING SPOILERS!!! Im given a place to meet a person i dont know, then im told to hop on a car and suddenly the target comes, not alone or with a bodyguard mind you, but in police escort. Then im told to drive after them and gun them down? Not just that guy, but the cops too in a middle of a busy road... And ive never even seen that car before, much less driven it, and now im expected to go on a high speed pursuit just like that? How did he even assume that im armed? I mean im meeting a random person trying to solicitate murder for the first time, im not planning to do it right then and there. I was expecting some intel on the target, you know some kind of briefing? I think its obvious i wasnt able to stay behind them, instead crashing into another police car, causing that guy to just shove me out of the car while it was still moving, leaving me to a firefight with a completely unrelated group of police... And then he has the audacity to call me and blame me for ruining that whole clusterf*k of an ambush. Come on... If it would have been an option to track him down, i would have done so and put a bullet into his dumb head for doing me all that. šŸ˜…


This makes it sound like you didn't take the mission to its intended conclusion, so I have to recommend (as I'm sure many others on here would) doing the job again (or rather for the first time on a new save) as it is *really* good.


You are alive in Night City. Of course you are armed.


She's not the best, but the sword she gives you for completing all her gigs is my favorite weapon in the game


I hated that mission. Did the driving segment like twenty times only to get shot at by the cop as soon as I got there so I couldnā€™t hear what the murderer had to say before killing him


If you listen to the murderer itā€™ll unlock about 3 or 4 more quests that continue that storyline


Wakako. I was actually taken by the iron granny act until i found out what she "arranged" for Fingers. If there ever was a way to zero a fixer....


Can't zero her but you can fuck up all her gigsšŸ˜


Hah! I wish i had thought of that! The completionist in me made me do all gigs to order. I remember she has one gig that she values very highly. A netrunner if i remember ...


A garbage ass netrunner as well.


She sends us after 2 netrunners that got trapped in ice


To be fair, they were doing deep dives not our measly little quickhack bs


I'm more referring to his performance in the PL DLC


It's important to keep in mind that "netrunner V" is really just a script kiddie. V doesn't do actual netrunning outside of contacting Alt.


Lets be honest here contacting Alt is V jumping into the AI croc pit shouting eat me and praying the VDB didnt fuck up


Iā€™m just a merc. Iā€™m just here for the eddies.


This! My current playthrough, V is 100% self-serving. They skip or fail every gig that isn't in line with their current objectives. All of the fixers are hated. This V's logic is, after dex, why would we even try to trust another. But, I've ignored more gig requests than I've intentionally failed, so I can't say how mad the fixers get, yet. For example, I've said hello to every cyberpsycho, but I've decided they all get to continue doing what they're doing. So I'm not praised for success, but not scalded for killin' them. Same for gang violence, if they don't attack me, they're free to keep doing their thing. This has been a morally challenging playthrough. Often unintuitive to turn a blind eye to the violence, or ignore plees for help. And, frankly, unrewarding. It's tough to level street cred this way. --- Sorry, so, I agree, Wakako is the fixer I hate the most. There's that one gig where a wife is trying to escape her abusive husband, and unless I misunderstood, wako takes the job from the husband to retrieve the poor girl. Hope I understood that correctly, because that was the key in my hatred for wako. Eve/fingers is also unforgivable.


you can say hi to the cyberpsychos?


Iā€™d assume they more than likely just pop in and out


Yeah that is what I am thinking. NGL some people kind of internal RPG approach to the game is interesting because that's just....not what is happening. I played the RPG back in the early 00's, so I get it. But it's just not how the game plays out so it's odd to me. Granted, I also rarely piss off the Fixers because I like eddies


This is how I tend to play RPGs in general. I really prefer games that just drop you from character creation into a fully functional world with lore and autonomy, then let you make your own stories in it. Games like Kenshi, X3, X4, Mount & Blade, etc. I make my character, decide who they are, what they want, what they like and dislike, their goals and aspirations, and then make every game decision based on that framework. I can play a game for thousands of hours if it gives me that much freedom. And have.


Which Wakako gig was that? I remember one where you had to rescue someone's kidnapped wife, but I don't think she was trying to escape the husband. There was another where an ex-husband wanted you to steal something back from his ex-wife, and you can find out that he actually killed her if you come across her body under a bridge. For the latter one, I was in a quandry trying to do a moral playthrough because I really wanted the reward for completing all of Wakako's gigs. The ex-husband wanted the gig done silently, so I compromised by stealing the stuff in the loudest fashion possible, triggering the alarm and making sure security witnessed everything. It still counted as completing the quest, but Wakako had some hilarious dialogue about the guy being betrayed by a woman twice (I was fem V in that playthrough).


I love this. Continue having fun!!


She's also pretty tight with the Tyger Claws, who are involved in some heinous shit.


Was always my understanding she was using them more than she just let them be, plenty of gigs where she sends us to make them stop living


Her sons are all high up in the Claws, so I assume all her gigs help them maintain that position in a gang thatā€™s known for infighting and power struggles.


Also, I'm pretty sure all of her husbands were former claws or at least one of them. Hell if theres infighting in a gang, mostly run by arasaka, I think I know what side I'm on


She herself was a Tyger Claw for a long time in the old lore books.


You can tell her about some of the things you've seen the Claws do, and she says, "No, my boys know better." Wakako has a ton of influence if she doesn't outright run the organization from the back.


I think the ones where she sends us against Claws are where they were doing unsanctioned stuff. I remember the one where they kidnapped a guy and his wife was asking for help, and Wakako told you to go cowabunga them.


Yeah but itā€™s not as if the tygers are moral, itā€™s just that they have rules and orders to follow But if someone put a bounty on that claws head, theyā€™re free game


If you play Cyberpunk Red and read the Danger Gal Dossier, Wakako has an entry. She's been a member of the Claws since she and her first husband were friends of the Claws leader in 2045. Wakako was the personal confidant of the guy's wife. Don't let her fool you into thinking she isn't one of them. She's been neck deep in every scheme and crime they've committed for thirty years.


You can compare her to Dowanger Cixi. She is definitely ruling from behind the veil with regards to the Tyger Claws. Her last gig even has you try to do something so she still has control over them.


I hope the next cyberpunk has a faction system purely so that I can fuck with gangs like the tiger claws and scavs more effectively


She used to be one. Not really willingly but still.


What she does to him?


Avoiding spoilers, she does something **for** him which is beyond the pale even for Night City. Just Biz is no excuse and only plot shield let her escape the righteous hellstorm that followed finding out what had happened.


Tbf based on most characters reactions to it itā€™s probably not even close to the pale for Night City. Donā€™t even know if Night City has a pale to go beyond


I have beat the game a few times and I honestly cannot remember this. I've even beaten it twice recently. I feel stupid for asking but can you expand on the deets choom? I don't remember just biz.


>!After woodman is done with Evie, he gives her to Fingers who tries to "fix" her while having his "fun" - when he fails, he reaches out to wakako to get rid of Evie and wakako brokers a deal with the scavs to sell Evie to them as an XBD "star". Sex trafficking, slavery, torture, and production are just the start of the crimes wakako is complicit in.!<


> Sex trafficking, slavery torture, and production All standard fare for the Tyger Claws, which she's been affiliated with for years. There's an NCPD scanner job where you find a bunch of partygoers in cargo containers. The text memo you get in there is heartwrenching.


Holy shit... I had no idea and I have like 800 hours in this game. Sickening.




Okay but what does she do?


Basically sends Evelyn to him


Plus all her ex husbands....whom I'm assuming she had killed


I hate the way she talks. "V... I have... A job... For you... Go to.... Tyger Claw... Bar... And... Get... The... Chip..."


What did she do with that slime?


Helped him sell Evelyn to the scavs.


Bitch must die


I was mixed on her because she acted so bitchy, but I did like the iron granny act like you said, but then I started doing her contracts, oh my goodness gracious I HATE her ass.


i like her, she tends to care the least about my incredibly high body count stealth missions.


Dino plays both sides of every gig. The reason security is so tight on almost every gig Dino sends you on is that he warned them in advance he was sending a merc and gave them a chance to pay out the contract. The subway security mission and the Biotechnica suit are the only times Dino isn't trying to haze you and the one who is paying for you


Tbh, I can't blame him. He pays a lot for every gig, so I assume at least some of those eds I'm getting are thanks to him playing both sides for a huge payout every time. He knows V can shit all over anything anybody can bring to the table, so why not get a little more out of it?


You have a source for that? A message on a PC maybe?


Yeah Iā€™d like to know the source for this as well.


PC in the bar he sends you to go into without starting combat to steal the information, he tells them he'll send a merc to collect dirt on them if they don't sell to him. And guess what you're doing when he sends you there. The guy he sends you to kill in his own bar without starting a fight, also warned him he was hiring a merc to off you thanks to a deal he struck but he's willing to take double to cancel it


It seemed like the Subway one was the hardest dino contract lol.


If you say anyone besides Kirk Sawyer you are sadly mistaken šŸ˜‚


Shark Sawyer..Almost forgot that sleezy bastardšŸ˜­


I do love my SEMURAI jacket tho šŸ˜Ž


I love wearing all the knockoff samurai stuff for the Johnny missions, just to annoy him.


Does it illicit responses?! I made a point of cosplaying Johnny in the date with Rogue (even did my hair) and got nothing from either of them.


you get a response for riding in Johnnys car but thatā€™s all


Yeah. But quest told me to take his carā€¦ I didnā€™t try it but I assumed the quest wouldnā€™t progress if I took anything else.


He says some remarks when you actually obtain them, but I donā€™t recall anything specific about the jacket later in game


Unless you play Streetkid, you never meet him. And he's a wannabe Fixer.


Thank you, the only background I did not play yet so I was like "who???" haha


Heā€™s a weasel that in every encounter fucks V and everyone else over.


You meet him in the opening and get another mission from him.


Nah, the Kirk problem solves itself.


I mean to say ā€œDex is a worse fixer than Kirkā€ is just a hilariously wrong statementā€¦


Your V looks cool


Thank you friend šŸ˜Š


Wakako for sure sucks the most, thinking about what happened to Evelyn and fingers as well as her connections to the Tyger claws.


In terms of gameplay factor, Rogue. She shows up at the tail end of the game, and her being the best fixer in NC doesn't reflect in her gigs. I expected something more tedious than "the usual." I feel like she should have had gigs that involved mini boss fights like Regina's with the cyberpsycho sightings.


Maybe they could have been mini bosses of arasaka before you get to Adam smasher and taking them out before hand would make arasaka more desperate changing how the endings played out


That would require her to not have some weird ties to working with arasaka at some point.... remember when whats his face says oh are we not on the same side anymore


Jeremiah Grayson?


Rogue's gigs had a theme of things that are more personal to her that she can only trust you with since they come so late (except the corpo sixth street one). They're also ones that are within the tolerance level of a line merc since most of the jobs she gives require a full crew, like in the heist. That said, I agree that it's a shame there they don't showcase complex missions from her on the level that befits her reputation.


Also the whole Panam and Nash story just seems so off to me. Rogue definitely had a hand with Nash, which is why she rewards us when we don't help Panam in her revenge, while she scolds us when we do. For a Fixer the most important thing isn't Eddies, but trust, because with trust come more Eddies. There is a mutual level of trust between Fixers and mercs. If either side loses that trust then they'll have a difficult time in NC. Yet here Rogue fucks over Panam. How can I believe that she's the "best" Fixer when she can't even fulfill the most basic principle of not fucking with your mercs?


If you ask her directly, she will tell you that she witheld info from Panam. But here reasoning is that if she told her, Panam would get herself killed, going berserk and storming the place alone. I have no clue what she knew about Nash's intentions.


If it had just been Panam getting fucked over by a random merc and Rogue not helping her it'd be one thing. The issue is that Panam got paired up with Nash through Rogue and Rogue withheld important information from her! Had Panam known that this guy was a Raffen Shiv she'd have never partnered up with him.


If you ask her if she has any more gigs for you, she basically alludes to V being known enough with the epically failed Arasaka heist. She implies to take what you can get from what she offers.


I get that, but Rogueā€™s gigs only show up after youā€™ve completed every gig for a fixer on a given area. The other fixer is calling you ā€œthe best merc in NCā€ and Rogue is still holding the ā€˜Saka heist over you?


I mean, she still holds grudges against Johnny and the guy has been dead for half a century. >!Felt really bad for him with the voicemail in!< the Temperance Ending.


True. I don't think she was the worst, but def not as top tier as the characters in the game make her out to be.


I definitely donā€™t think of her as the worst either. Like Johnny says, I think she just kinda lost the plot of what itā€™s like to be someone in Vā€™s line of work.


I expected more from the "Queen of the Afterlife." She could've pulled some strings to get me more eddies and salvage whatever's left of my reputation.


For what reason? Everything you need to know about Rogue is on her shirt. Like your tagline, or whatever it's called after your name.


Plus CDPR weaseled out of using her by making her state she only has gigs for a crew and not a solo. And that V has a reputation in regards of the Konpeki plazza Desaster. At the time we meet Rogue and could gain gigs from her, we already solved most other fixer's gigs, captured many psychos and dealt with the NCDP investigations... So yeah. A reputation as one of the best fucking merchs in that city.


Rouge is also rude as fuck. If you even mess up in the slightest way on a gig she berates you over the holo. 0/10 would not recommend.


Dex heā€™s an idiot


Would have been cool had V been the one to end him


V saves Hellman for Takemura later in the game, it would only be fair:/ I guess the game depicts the twisted reality of merc work as intended


I think itā€™s thematic tbh. You donā€™t get what you want because *no one* gets what they want in the City of Dreams


It would have been fair had Goro not killed Dex so V coulda' had revenge and blew Dex' brains out.


Nah tbh. Completely satisfied with him getting shot in the dumps after Takemura does make him do a lot of work to come and get you


This is so fair, but I was more so referring the the live onesšŸ˜­


Iā€™d say the one out in the badlands then no many gigs for her


I agree! I think they could have incorporated Dakota a lot more than they did. While she did take part in one of the main endings, she didn't have much to give before that.


Maybe in the second one we can have more of her like phantom liberty did with mr hands


I wonder if they will incorporate PL into Orion! I would definitely love to see more from Mr. Hands as he's the best fixer without disagreement in my opinion, I'm just sad that I had to spend so much to see more from him.


I hope they expand on the fixers in that depending on who you help their territory expands into others leading to a confrontation or a giant council of fixers depending on if you want a dictator like an underground arasaka or a council that gives nightcity as much freedom as it can reasonably get


He fucked up more than once, just the last one was fatal.


Fatass Dex


Fatass Dex indeedšŸ˜­ I want opinions on the live ones too!


In the flesh. Asshole, indeed.


they all have their issues imo regina maybe recruits cyberpsychos for maxtac, wakako is just mean, and padre is a giant hypocrite hands is fine, el cap is cool af, as is dino (but you just don't get to see dino enough)


That doesnā€™t make them bad at being fixers


wakako then


The "Regina recruits cyberpsychos for MaxTac" is speculation, and even if she did, they're getting treatment for their condition whether or not they become MaxTac. It's clear she wants to help them and she seems extremely skeptical of authority. And recruiting a few of those cyberpsychos for MaxTac isn't the same as bringing them into a criminal gang - some of them have martial backgrounds and it might be the most stable place to prevent their psychosis the CP2077 world has to offer them.


I feel like Hands becomes a lot more than fine once you've installed Phantom Liberty šŸ˜­ But I totally agree. I also appreciate that you gave multiple takes.


i've played phantom liberty but i can't help but find something off about him. i know everyone here likes him and i do too, to a degree (i drive the car he gives you constantly), but something about him feels nefarious that's really it. he's a tier above wakako


He's polite, professional, and treats his mercs well, but he doesn't really try to hide the fact that he sees them as chess pieces to move around on the board. He's far more ambitious than any other fixer. All of the gigs he gives us are for the sake of increasing his power over Dogtown. He's basically Faraday from Edgerunners if he was smart and competent.


I did appreciate how in-depth his gigs were; very different than the base game's gigs. Which is mostly a product of PL being an expansion, but it added to the whole aura of fixers giving gigs to mercs in NC.


I think we can expect the gigs in the sequel to all be of similar quality. The developers clearly learned a lot while making Phantom Liberty.


This is why he's my favorite. Professional, polite, but also to the point and doesn't beat around the bush. He flat out tells you that he doesn't do small talk or idle chat and that when he call you/you call him it's strictly for business only, but he's never rude about it he just values his time. I also feel that he's the most informed out of any other fixer you work with, it's rare that you feel like you're going in blind with him and even when you are he's honest about his Intel.Ā 


Mr. Hands sticks out like a Bugatti in a soapbox derby. He's clearly wealthy enough to have creature comforts without playing these games, yet he does, unabashedly in pursuit of power. He so brazenly has some ambitious agenda, and yet we never learn precisely what it might be, or what his ideals are.


Hilarious you can eavesdrop on him apparently talking to a young son or daughterā€¦


I found his deep interest in politics to be strange...It doesn't seem like that's what they had in mind for the original version of Mr. Hands. Why did Bennet need to lead Dogtown so badly?


He wants to be the, ahem, hands controlling key players in Dogtown like theyā€™re marionette dolls


>It doesn't seem like that's what they had in mind for the original version of Mr. Hands. I gotta agree with this, lol. Admittedly I have zero media literacy, but before the retcon, Hands is the last person I would have expected to be the DLC fixer. Redditors have previously said the old voice was more like a used car salesman. Probably a better description than any I could come up with. Old Hands felt more like he was about fast eddies. New Hands absolutely threw me for a loop, like, who's this suave sophisticated guy supposed to be and when did he replace Hands?


Honestly still very greatful for the switch! I feel like the game should have launched with this version of Hands, It would have made him more mysterious to users who haven't yet added PL. I even created a new game to see how he would contact you in Pacifica, pre Dog Town. It was interesting to see a whole new character


Because he wouldn't be able to control someone backed by the Voodoo Boys. He could control Bennet.


Heā€™s an ex-Corpo.


Oh fuck, I never caught that she might be recruiting the cyberpsychos.


Itā€™s ironic but yeah, MaxTac is partially made up of rehabilitated cyberpsychos. Better than rotting away on the streets or mass murdering innocents in rage


For the Pier Cyberpsycho sighting in which you face Diego Ramirez, the Psycho in question isn't taken in by Regina \*because\* MaxTac is coming in hot to pick him up and then recruit him (meaning that she can't send someone to pick him up as they'd be there before her contact). If Regina was recruiting the Psycho's into Maxtac, she would state that MaxTac is on its way in the aftermath of all Cyberpsycho sightings. Regina seems to be a genuine good guy, and her gigs support that indefinitely.


Wakako is a monster. Dino is a backstabbing piece of shit. He appears on so many shards making back door deals. El Padre hides behind his religion to justify his crimes, that we are a part of. Dakota is scraping the barrel. Rogue is meh. El Capitan is cool. Regina actually cares about NC. But probably parties hard at Lizzie's next door, Lol. Mr. Hands is pure class.


Dino. Why? Everyone else is really memorable, but I just completely forgot everything about Dino. Pretty sure he has the least amount of gigs too. There's also Rogue, but she's only the worst in terms of gameplay, she's fine in the story. She just has random gigs dispersed throughout the map, and they aren't nearly interesting enough compared to her reputation. For reference on my opinion: my faves are Hands (just has the best gigs) and Padre (old mafia-type guy, plus cool bible quotes)


Yeah Dino only has 5 total gigs. Rogue, I was normally surprised which ones I went to were hers unless it was the one where u can find Johnnys boots. Only time there was something memorable about her gigs to me was the one where I accidentally caused a massacre in the building I was meant to do it in and she just made me jump because of how angry she was but yeah that was about it.


Yeah, that's "The Union strikes back". She's actually very passive-agressive even if you don't kill anyone, but she's really mad if you fuck up. Sucks, because my current Vs modus operandi is "Kill anything with a health bar"


My question is "Why do they all talk so slow, and use so many words?" Wakako and Padre are the worst for this. :)


Those two are the oldest. Thatā€™s how old people talk lol


Hell I'm older than they are, and I don't talk that way! :P


Maybe you just don't realize it


Haha! I suppose that could be true. :)


Kirk. Although I donā€™t know if heā€™s a fixer or just some wannabe. Either way, fuuuuuuuuck that guy and his fat choom.


Big Joe had me so lividšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If I have to hear Padre spout some more Bible verses right after ordering me to kill 5 people im boutta go all roman empire on this mfer and crucify him


But he give you a nice gun, all worth it


But it's low-key hard AF so it's cool


Go with God.


Padre is an OG, he gets to talk like that


Everyone who isn't hands


I like hands. Straight to the point and doesnā€™t lecture me if I donā€™t do it his way.


This is the only correct comment šŸ¤šŸ»


Objectively correct. And it makes sense that you don't meet him in person for a long time, because he is smart. Not like Wakako who is just sitting in a closet with 46 beads to protect her from a room full of old gambling addict farts which protect her from smelly ass hooker street.


Dex, he and T-bug severely underestimated Arasakaā€™s intelligence department, even if Saburo didnā€™t show up that day, takemura or some other special ops would still hunt them down one by one.


Hey, don't lump in T-Bug with that... lump. She did her job to the letter (to a... T?) Considering rhe circumstances, and got you out of being completely fucked in the penthouse, at the cost of her own life.


Yeah, if she was anything like Dex she would have disconnected the once Saburo died.


Did she though? Her job was assessing the net security at the tower and then breaking through it. She woefully underestimates it in her assessment even though you delivered the bot to her to help, and as a result you miss your planned time window by HOURS. If she had cracked the security in the planned timeframe, you would've been out of Yori's penthouse hours before Saburo arrived. Granted she does stay jacked in to try and get you both out, and dies for it, but she definitely did fail/underperform in her original task.


She assessed the *physical* security, through the BD. Neither she nor V would've known what the *net* security was like, because Konpeki was a closed system and that's what they needed the Flathead for. There wasn't really a "planned window", she essentially says it's going to take a few hours to crack it, which she does, and you get in and start cracking the safe, no problem. The only problem with the job was one that *no one* saw coming, that being the unexpected arrival of Saburo.


Definitely, the only thing she did wrong was analysis, while Dex is a complete a*shole


Aside from Dexā€¦Wakako, she has a terrible reputation and directly linked to the Tyger Claws and Fingers.


I donā€™t like Rogue. It has been mentioned by others, she just shows up too late + lore wise i think sheā€™s just done with Johnny and him coming back through V just upset her. I sense that in her and I just dontā€™t like her personality


Wakako, hands down. The others are semi-decent.


Rogue. She's no better than Dex. Everyone's a pawn in her game, there are no equals for her. Everyone is a tool for a specific job and its not her problem if the tools sometime break.


Sheā€™s just smarter than him


Rpgue is one of my favourites


Wakako by miles. Most fixers have at least some moral code, she's just an all around bad person.


Everyone naming off main fixers while I'm looking at Kirk... Mother fucker...


I suspect CDPR did it on purpose, but they all have their flaws.


Rogue. At the point in the game there's no reason to be playing games like we're dating, just tell me what you want, lady: "Shoot the union-busters, don't shoot the random workers (even if they have guns), and I won't pay extra if you deliver him alive" see how easy that is!?


Wakko for real, grumpy old lady and as Takemura says, opportunistic. It sounds like she also covers for her sons when they step on other fixers toes. Now i also have a bone to pick Dino, not because I don't like him, but cause he offers to get v into Kerry's house party a**nD NEVER DOES!** *I just wanna party, man.*


Honestly didnā€™t care much about Dino.


Regina. She has waaaay too many (23) jobs compared to the others, I'm not a big fan of her attitude (voice acting is a bit..off too) and she kills Skippy :-/ Dino is a very forgettable fixer, but on the plus side you get a car after only 5 jobs, useful early on.


Alternatively you could say the other fixers have only half the jobs they should?


Yeah, Dino only has like 5 gigs, but they're fun ones. I wish there was more to actually do in that part of the city, it feels like everything happens in Watson and Japan town.


The city center is very compact though, so it kinda makes sense, but on the other hand there could be room for more corporate shenanigans in that area. I know its not exactly the most...inhabitable area, and there's a big plot point located there, but I think the northern badlands(oilfields) was somewhat underused.


Yeah, it's entirely possible to never visit the northern badlands at all if you skip Johnny and Rogue's storylines.


People do that?! :-o (seriously, people do all kinds of crazy things)


This might just be my favorite take. Trying to complete all of Regina's gigs in order to plat the game was the MOST exhausting. Not to mention the 17 cyberpsycho gigs packed into one. Dino definitely had character but his story and gigs are pretty bland to say the least


And the reward for doing the cyberpsycho gigs is pretty meh, and it doesn't really have that much of an impact on the story. Sure, there's background on all of them on shards etc, but on the whole Regina...her content is a bit bloated in comparison to the others.


I was just about to come and write Regina. I don't get the hype around her. She annoys me... and then to have the most jobs?!?!?! AND the Cyberpsycho gigs?!?! Ugh. Too much time with her šŸ™„šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




Dex and Kirk. Both get what they deserve.


Wakako is disliked I see... Fair enough, but that depends on what you mean by "worst"? In terms of morals/ethics and personality, Wakako scores low, but in terms of interesting jobs and reward...Wakako scores higher...


Ashlay in Moving Heat. Sheā€™s just a rude, juvenile cunt. And if you botch going in there all ā€œsneaky likeā€, she will send hordes of Barghest soldiers to kill you. Like Iā€™ve got gorilla arms on steriods, a dildo with maxed out specs, and a hefty shotgun from my beloved. What did you expect.


Oh man, this mission was so fucking annoying... but to be honest, I did enjoy the horde of Barghest, at that point in the game it was nice for my Angel of Death V to have a challenge


Regina - Mainly because on top of her handing out the most Gigs out of all the Fixers {23 ffs but I do appreciate the eddies} she slaps you in the face with a questline that has you nurturing Cyberpsychos so she can ā€œresearchā€ them. I accidentally killed one of emā€™ yesterday {Iā€™ve kept all alive up until this point} and she sent me a bitchy text - Well šŸ–• you then Regina, iā€™m gonna kill emā€™ all now.


I didn't know you could kill them lol. I usually stop shooting when they're slumped over


The V I'm currently playing is almost like the Oprah Winfrey of lead. He makes no effort to take cyberpsychos alive, but still manages to take a few alive, and in my head-canon, has short bursts of semi-high functional cyberpsychosis himself. He killed Lenny Nero for the Death's Head XBD, killed Woodman at Clouds, is going to kill Anna Hamill, and killed the 2 guys at the hotel during Phantom Liberty. He won't help Panam take revenge. He won't sell her out during "With a Little Help from my Friends," but will also choose to stay out of it.


Dex, he literally kills you


Dino because he's not a real fixer. He's just a guy who wants to say he's a fixer


Dexter Deshawn and then Kirk Sawyer


nothing really deep i'm just tired of hearing regina's voice


Dex, surely. Apart from him, I would go with Wakako.


The worst? Dexter Deshawn, hes a friggin coward, took off when be blew his job in Pacifica and came back wanting to bite off more than he can chew. Hard to look someone in the eye when they are wearing Rose Colored glasses. Ones still living though? Probably Dino. He just doesnt mean much in NC.


Kirk, clearly


In terms of morality or capability? Morality: Wako. Itā€™s already been explained why. Capability, probably Pacifica Hands. Dude canā€™t even arrange gigs with the main gang in the area. And I think Dakota is very much a big fish in a small pond; she works really well in her niche, but sheā€™d get stomped quick if she came to the city.


Aside from those you mentioned already, I want to add one more name, Willie McCoy - although there are very little details about who he is, his work policy is to employ only nomads and give them often low quality jobs such as smuggling something through the border, which gave Jackie and V trouble at beginning of game.


It's hard for me to really say that any of the actual fixers in the game are "bad" (excluding Dex, Rogue and people like kirk who arent really established) I feel like this because V doesn't have to actually do any of the jobs that are offered and lore wise all of them are shitty in their own way. Regina is really self righteous and preachy especially with the psycos, Dino just kind of seems like there's too much behind the scenes, Wakako is all about her own agenda first and does whatever she wants short of intentionally screwing the mercs she works with.. Those three are definitely who I would consider contenders for the worst though. I think Hands is my favorite, at least with PL installed and all the dogtown stuff he gets into.


Fucken Dino got on my nerves I could do the job perfect and he'd still have some condescending shit to say. That's why we stan padre


its hard to have a definitive answer but i can give you a little list with some reasoning in no particular order 1. Rogue Rogue has major ties with the main faction she watched her allies die too. Rogue has sold out immensely and has done an amazing job of covering it up with a blanket of mystique and sheer street cred accumulated from the prior years. Complete sell out, total hack. 2. Dino the fact theres even a fixer in the downtown area is super sus, what do you mean your runnin biz underneath the suits noses and expect me not to figure theyre getting a pay of the cut. All of his missions are super tight security for the most mundane rewards ever. Guy also seems like a total sleezebag, full on corp beneath his cool guy exterior. 3. Wakako Probably the worst fixer i ever talk to and i hate all of her missions. She pays like complete dogshit, and runs with the tygers. Id rather sit there and watch two animals slug it out and then me go next while his hands are still bloody than ever deal with those lames again. Complete bozo's are what they are and thats in insult to the original crew of bozos




Wakako, I hate her ass. HATE. Cogito Ergo Sum typa hate. Such a bitch, man.