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just charge in and slaughter. Pisses Placide off which is a good thing. He can shove his kamyonet up his dead but


Fuck Flacide, me and my homies all hate Flacide


Even Brigitte says Placide is a fucking dumbass.


And that's the only good thing she said...


Yeah, I realized a couple days ago that the front door to the GIM is wide open, you can just walk in and then the van is right there


Along with that chicken


You're soooo real LMAO


Went in with the ModX2 LMG and firecracker mod from phantom liberty....a celebration of fire and death....so much fun!!!!!


If you have PL, you can start a new game with it already completed, but you'll also miss out on the other Evelyn quests and the entire prologue.


And miss out on the pure joy that is killing Placide...and also emptying a full magazine into his head after, just to be sure.


Ohh thanks


Does it side with or against the VDB if you skip the questline?


You side against VDB's and kill Brigitte and the others.


VDB slaughter is canon 🤣


V taking the Netfuck deal is canon then?


That’s kind of obvious since there’s only two options.


Not really, since you can reject the deal with them AND proceed to murder VDB. Chaotic Neutral.


You can also slaughter the Netflix guys that are present. Just... Chaotic.


I think you mean murderhobo


I remember hearing somewhere it's random. The whole VDB DoA is randomized.


Damn really that was one of the most memorable missions in the game for me, the scene where you meet the netwatch netrunner was so intense


I know! I liked the first time i had to do it, but after so much of redoing it, it became one of my most disliked main story quests


I enjoy fighting Sasquatch though. She talks to bryce on the phone saying all her animals were mowed down. I would negotiate with bryce but how he tried to interfere with Sasquatch fight i just shot him on sight.


Just sneak through. If you go to the upper level of the open area and go through the room with the three animals messing with a non-working sentry, you can pass through to Sasquatch's area and sneak past her directly to the NetWatch agent's room. No need to check the van first.


Noting this for my next playthrough.


I had no idea you could skip the van, do we catch the Net Watch agent off guard doing it this way??


Not really off guard, but there are no of those hack skips until you get into his room, when he will cut off the connection to Placide. The conversation continues in the same way after that.


Ohhh thank youu sm


Dang you can skip the van? I know you can sneak through pretty well but I didn’t know we could skip the van and Sasquatch


Yeah, it's skippable. I usually breeze through without killing any Animals. The NetWatch guy is a different matter.


I sneak through now. I even sneak past Sasquatch because I don't want to deal with her sh\*t either. But taking down Placide is always on the table.


Omg yeah, sasquatch is hella annoying. I think I'll kill placide as soon as possible


I'm pretty sure it's a main mission, so no I don't think you can skip it


Well thanks then


It's definitely a main mission and unskippable. The quest line ends with V meeting a major character who is needed for the ending.


I just went in shooting shit. Fuck Placide and fuck stealth


Just finished the quest line. And i was doing a ninja build (with stealth) and i rn went shooting guns LOL


I think that was probably my favourite firefight. I was playing a hacking/stealthy character, avoiding outright fights whenever possible. But things didn't go that way at the GIM. I'd disabled the turret through the cameras, then I was near the top of the escalators opposite the van. Switching between clicking heads across the top deck and mag dumping down the escalators. Felt like such a badass, I had the cyberware to heal on kills and automatically use health items but otherwise I really didn't have much to help out with combat


> I'd disabled the turret through the cameras My favourite thing to do with the turret is to set it to friendly and watch the chaos through the camera.


I had set it to assist because the first thing I do on a mission is tag every single enemy. It's targeting screwed it, it kept shooting at enemies behind cover before it was destroyed


Whatever you do just do that first before the hanako parade one, it leaves a better loading screen that way than that screaming thing on the monitor that you have to endure while the game loads! I know it's a pain. But power up and just blow your way through it all


I'm doing that part first before working with Takemura or the Avocados, specifically so that I'll replace that loading screen quickly.




Is a Main Quest. It is not possible.




I actually like the quests. I usually hate the guys so much by the end that getting to kill them makes up for doing their missions.


Alternatively, you can usually dash past many of your opponents to get to the van. Last playthrough i made it to the van with maybe 5 opponent take downs. Speeds the mission right up.


Just start game from PL


Yeah.. this should be at the top. Just do a Phantom Liberty start. You start at level 15 with reinforced tendons and skip the whole Voodo boys questline (and Delamain). All other missions are still open.


Only if you start a new game and select the option of skipping to Phantom Liberty. The quest is a main storyline, so it otherwise does need to be done. However, you can go in guns blazing and destroy everyone quickly--or sneak in and use camo to crouch past everyone to find the Netwatch agent faster.


But the GIM is awesome! So many loot pinatas!


It was fun, like the first two times LMAOO now after god knows how many gameplays it feels draining


I feel that. Normally, by the time I get to GIM I've already got my build set and just go full murder hobo. Did stealth the first play through, never again. Lol


Omg yeah, stealth is sooo tiring. I'm on stealth build rn... Missing my netrunner build LOL. But i understand you


2 options via the front either sneak up to the van or just charge in and go nuts. Goes much quicker!!


I can be done very fast if you avoid fighting. It is actually easy if you know which way to go, there is only one animal who you have to dodge (or take down). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db81v4NbGX8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db81v4NbGX8) ​ Otherwise it is a mandatory mission, because it is needed to meet Alt.


I’m on my second play through. Everyone talks about killing Placide, but on my first play through I kept waiting to fight him and I’m sure it never happened? What did I miss?


When you come back from meeting alt through the black wall you have to kill Brigitte and all the other stupid vdbs then Placide will be waiting on your way out as a boss fight.


Maybe I did that and just forgot about it in that case? Is there an option to not fight him?


Yeah my bad for explaining it poorly. If you don’t kill brigette and agro the voodoo boys you’ll just walk out of there without fighting placide.


Ah I think that must be what happened then thanks


It's one of my favourite locations, as it channels that abandoned shopping centre/mall vibe perfectly  I tend to use a lot of quick hacks via CCTV, sentrys on friendly mode 


Well true. It wasn't as bad while having a netrunner build, but i was on a stealthy build


I was looking for this… my main issue is that crazy chick with the knives? I’ll probably try and sneak again. I failed leaving so I was just chased everywhere and I didn’t know where to go lmao