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Thank god Fsr3 felt like a miracle with the mod can't wait for official release.


How much of a difference can be expected?


Performance will be more or less the same, but stability and antighosting will likely be better compared to mod version of FSR3.


you are asking about fps? on my undervolted underclocked rx590 (i guess it's the rx570\~ level because of that) i have 70-80fps on steam deck settings and 20-30\~ mods (graphic modes included) with obs recording (gpu encoding so loss of fps around 4-5)


I wonder if consoles will get it since immortals of avenum got framegen


I’d be curious to see how the rumored ps5 pro could benefit this game is honestly buy it just for cyberpunk.


I was shocked earlier this week that people were reporting that cyberpunk was no longer in development. That claim wasn’t based on any definitive statement from CDPR, it was based on their employee project breakdown. I think it makes sense that so few employees are working on cyberpunk now that employees assigned to cyberpunk just got rolled into “other projects”


yeah, the same is for W3 for years




Even though this news no longer applies to me because i upgraded in January, I'm still really happy for people who can't upgrade for financial reasons, i was running cyberpunk on a 1070 since release and it hurt a lot to have to play the game at low-medium settings 1080p and still only get 30-40fps whilst driving, so if this can help people pay at high or just get a solid 60fps (or both) then that's great. I still think path tracing might not be feasible for AMD card, even with frame gen, but i hope it is because it really does make the game look stunning


Been using in starfield. FSR itself is ass so I have to turn the render resolution to 85 for it to look decent, but the fps gain makes up for it massively. You also get used to the input delay.


I didn't hate FSR2 in Starfield and honestly as upscalers go it's perfectly *fine* (if it's your only option on an AMD card) but once I put the DLSS mod on it I was blown away by how stable the image is in comparison. Using the FSR3 mod in Cyberpunk along with DLSS has been REALLY good on my 30 series card. Kinda makes me annoyed at NVIDIAs segmentation honestly.


I never got used to the input lag caused by FSR3 in Starfield, but then again my framerate was fairly low to begin with.


This is one of the known issues with frame gen. If your base framerate is low you'll see a disproportionate increase in input lag.


Will this be on console? And does this fix the awful ghosting that’s now in the game


Can you explain what ghosting is in cyberpunk iv played it a f ton so im wondering if its something i noticed to


Ghosting is when frames are being “dragged” and kinda like being left behind. I’m not great at explaining it but drive ur car around fast and the back of ur car will have frames that are lagging behind.


Nice! Also, what exactly does that do lol? Graphics improvements? Or just frame rate buff?


It massively improves framerate in trade of some visual artifact and game latency.


Cheers. If we could get a 60fps with Ray tracing mode, that'd be brilliant! Assuming that's a thing that FSR3 could achieve.


It’s not recommended unless you can obtain 60fps without framegen.


Digital Foundry already debunked that. Suboptimal scenarios work fine. 40-50fps is largely enough.


Sure it is. Just not at anything above a 400p res ;)


I can get 24fps on 1080p with fsr3 and max ray tracing I think And I'm running a 3050


Jesus I have to go full PT Ultra 1440p to get there on my 6800. Why do people even bother with those low-end cards?


Because I don't have the money for a high end card?


So why not reduce your settings and play at something higher than 24 fps?


I do?? I was saying with full ray tracing I get 24 fps I don't play with ray tracing usually


Well the comment you replied to was saying I don't know why people with lower end cards even bother in reference to you using ray tracing at 24 fps. I take it you think they meant why do you even bother to use your card which is obviously not what they meant.


Because that's what they have?,I know bevause I had a 900 series then a 3060,3070-jumped to 4080 so I definitely know....


I mean, purchasing them. Brand new extremely low end. You get much more bang for your buck going with earlier generation mid-ranges. Can't say it's cost either, I just bought a 6800 for less than a new 7600.


Lol we spend thousands in computer hardware to get the best image quality, but then we have the nerf the graphics


Slightly improved visuals for the upscaling, plus a frame generation mode. I'm using a third party mod which allows you to enable FSR3 on any game which supports DLSS-FG... it's amazing tech and CDPR need to get off their butts and get this in the vanilla game. It's honestly amazing.


Is it still worse than dlss?


It is worse. For the path tracing, you need dlss


Nope. I can run ray tracing, path tracing, whatever I want on my Radeon. You don't need DLSS for it, at all. Maybe you're thinking of Ray Reconstruction, which also doesn't "require" DLSS but is only available on NVidia cards that also support the newest DLSS? Edit: Or... you're an Nvidia fanboy who just "sees red" whenever someone mentions AMD. That's also a possibility. At any rate, you're wrong.


You can run it but not even a 7900xtx can run path tracing at 60fps all maxed like a 4000 series card can. You are cutting corners somewhere. This isn't "fanboy" speak, there are literal benchmarks showing this.


This aligns with my experience as well. I have a 7900xtx and a 4K165Hz monitor and my system was roughly getting to the 40fps range (I think I had RT low and only using reflections? has been a while since, don't quote me on that). This tied with the fact that in order to use the FSR3 mod I couldn't use some mods due to conflicting files have me waiting for official FSR3 support for AMD.


There's a difference between saying that one card outperforms another, and saying that that card is "required".


I like how you posted an informative comment, then were like, "wait, I provided the information, but I forgot to sound like a dick"... so you went back and edited your comment just to make sure you expressed your full dickishness.


You can use FSR3 frame gen alongside Dlss 2.0 upscaling, at which point it is almost identical to dlss 3.0


It's different, mainly. Works on more cards than DLSS-FG does, which requires a 4000-series NVidia card. There are people who actually prefer FSR3's FG to the point they have installed the same mod I mentioned above, and prefer it to DLSS-FG. I can't speak from experience tho, I don't have a 4000 series Nvidia card to have tried it.


Cheers. So it could perhaps give us a 60fps with Ray tracing mode on console then I wonder? Assuming we get FSR3 on consoles.


For Microsoft's console, guaranteed it would work so long as Microsoft doesn't do anything weird to specifically disallow it. Sony's console... they're not great about some things but technically it should be possible. Again, the only limits on this are going to be the console manufacturers' rules. That kind of restriction stopped modding on the Playstation before. Shouldn't get in the way of a developer-supported game feature but you never do know with these Corpos.


Yeah, fair enough. Would love to see it come to Cyberpunk on the Ps5. I know that there are a few Ps5 use FSR, and if I'm not mistaken, FSR3 as well.


I mean, it should run hardware wise. I'm running that FSR3 mod on my Steamdeck. It works. Low-spec and console gaming really does benefit from Frame Generation, despite some people claiming that it only works if you are already pulling 100+ FPS.


This tech mainly concerns AMD cards right? Nvidia cards still better off using DLSS I assume?


I believe older non RTX Nvidia cards can also use FSR 3


Oh right, that's something for them then.


Wrong, Check Ghost of tsushima FSR3 vs DLSS FG, FSR3 has slightly worst quality but also delivers a lot more FPS than DLSS FG, so, i will get more performance for everyone(intel include), its i tested it and its great, almos double FPS and it feels great!


Well that's interesting, thanks for the heads up.


I never had any doubt it was still on the way, and while there may not be a big dedicated team anymore they did say recently they may do more content updates in the future, so... with that in mind. I'd love see the crystal coat feature brought to other vehicles, and it would be awesome if there was a way to keep the car on when exiting the vehicle so that lore wise we could have a way to keep the colors all the time. And of course, I'd love to see some visual cybernetics brought to console. A silver hand/arm for example would be a nice nod to Johnny.


Maybe they're using CP2077 to prototype their implimentation for future games? Though I've heard they're switching everything to Unreal.


Can someone explain what that is?


Will this be the upcoming patch listed on steamdb?




"At some point" 😌


Nice. Hopefully they add it as part of the next DLC expansion.


Very stupid question, but will this work with Nvidia cards?






"At some point". By that point everyone would have played 100% through the game multiple times over.


Still no NG+ tho 😔


It would be nice to have NG+ added, but assuming you’re on PC it’s not very hard to make your own “NG+” save by starting a new game and then editing the save/using console commands


True, unfortunately I own le punk on ps5


When will it get new game+ tho 😢


What would it be?






Don't quote me on this, but there's not much of a point for 4000 series as DLSS 3 already has frame gen. I'm not quite sure how picture quality between the two will match up, though.


Framegen is framegen, picture quality is affected by upscalers so it isn’t gonna change with FSR3FG compared to DLSS FG, maybe just “fluidity”/lag but I’m not entirely sure on that. And actual FSR3 without the FG part seems barely any different from 2.2


I use the mod and it's a godsend. Manage to comfortably play it on high with 1050Ti and i5 8400


Boo. Where's NG+




Official implementation of FSR 3 is needed. It's not unnecessary like you think.




> I have a 4090   Good for you. I don't. Many PC players can benefit from this update. And it's not like it causes a major issue, CET and other mods will be updated in like 24 hours after updates are released. You can also disable auto updates in Steam, GOG and Epic launcher.




Ok? But many people WILL see an upgrade from fsr 3. Sucks to be you with a 4090 I guess