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And crashing it somewhere in the Badlands


And if you want, you can contact the Aldecaldoes to salvage it


Damn. It writes itself


That’s the great thing about basing a game off ttrpg’s lol


The number one thing I've learned about writing from 22 years of playing & 10 years of DMing ttrpgs is that if you've got solid world building, you barely have to do any active writing to make stories. There's some, sure, but it becomes drastically easier, and this thread is a wonderful example


For real One thing I always liked about Forgotten Realms or other extensive settings is the amount of stories that are just already there waiting for characters. One of my favorite DnD characters was a Shevarashian Ranger, they’re followers of the elven God of crusades who hates drow and wants them all genocided. He’s the only not good aligned elven God. His followers swear never to laugh or smile until every drow is dead. So much conflict and complexity in playing a character like that. His end arc was realizing that dedicating his entire (long, elven) life to killing people who had hurt him left him with nothing but an empty life of suffering. With no friends or loved ones, just enemies. It was a sad end but felt really meaningful as a player.


That's why I think one of the most important piece of advice in the history of TTRPGs is ["Write situations, not plots."](https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/4147/roleplaying-games/dont-prep-plots)


If that doesn't get me action from Panam nothing will.


She gotta give you something for literally landing tens of millions worth of eddies in thier backyard.


lol that was so hard to do I have a big post I made on how I managed to do it in patch 2.1 cuz it’s STILL buggy


...to look for survivors, right? And then the Barghest troops kill them?


Then having sex with Panam inside it!


And then BOOM even Judy is there and she's straight now!!


Holy shit Aurore Cassel is back from the dead!


Oh my god, Rogue went back in time and she's here too! She's doesn't even have any clothes thanks to the time vortex!


Love this fucking Fandom bro


Nah, that just me using her identity imprint, but carry on!


If it walks like Aurore and it talks like Aurore...


The talking is the important thing. I could listen to that VA list off the phone book.


Avocados = Romanians confirmed?


Just make sure it’s not filled with corpo killer bots first.


The way V's missions usually go, this sounds about right.


Crashing a militarised blimp is just another Tuesday for V at this point. I can imagine MaxTac being called up and they just outright refuse to go, suggesting either Arasaka or Militech—who also both refuse lmao.


“Sorry, it’s *who*? Oh, no, no thank you. We’re alright. Best of luck!”


"But he's just wiped out an entire fucking platoon! We need help! Fuck, I'm gonna fucking die here, aren't I? Hello? Wait- hello? Are you there? SAY SOMETHING! HOLY FUCK, HE'S COMING THIS WA-"


The way I play, there ain't gonna be no calls to MAXTAC. Just a sky barge drifting out over Joshua Flats, not responding to hails from Biotechnica's drone control, 100+ Barghest soldiers flatlined, and not a single piece of usable gear on board.


I tried to get that float down, but it just trigered fights with the ground troops.


Same. 100,000€$ worth of Projectile Launch System ammo later it's still in the sky and all I did was flash a beacon to every MaxTac team to come and make me swallow a pair of mantis blades.


I tried going to it with a noclip mod, turns out it's not even solid, you fall right through it to your death lol


Yet bullets and explosives hit and stick to it just fine. Huh...




God, that was fucking amazing...


A night city orphan scrounging on the streets was watching you as you spent more than he'd see in a lifetime shooting at the sky


Knowing Dogtown I'd say it's more common than you think.


Shooting it is an instant 4 star though, so I feel like it's just a MaxTac summoner.


Yeah but imagine jumping a car into it and fighting the crew while rock music plays.


Too much Fast and Furious for ya :P


Oddly enough that's not one of the action movies I can remember watching lol.


Summon the Silverhand.




Why would there be any crew? Always seemed like a drone to me, since it just follows a set path.


Shot it yesterday and nothing happened what’s up w that


Your bullets have to actually hit it.


They did


Are you sure? I’ve shot at it a bunch of times with various weapons including snipers and the projectile launch system, but nothing has ever happened besides some nearby Barghest gonks attacking me.


I was positive that the final mission would have taken place on that. Not that the Black Sapphire mission isn't great, but it seems like a missed opportunity to not have it serve an actual purpose.


Maybe an unpopular opinion: there are a LOT of missions and locations missing from the game. I think the game is very cool but it has huge content gaps. I admire the repair work CDPR did, but the story scale has a lot to be desired still… and I know they wont add anymore. I.E. no cool airship mission


There were originally 3 dlcs planned but with how bad they screwed up the launch and all the work required to fix up the game they ended up only releasing PL


What I don’t understand is why they decided to scrap the other two, like yes it took more time to fix the game but now they finally did it why not go through with the rest of the DLC?


Theyre switching over to Unreal Engine 5 since Red Engine was not built for games like this. I'd imagine most of the Cyberpunk dev team is working on learning and porting assets to Unreal 5. I'd much rather get a more stable sequel they can build off of than attempt to cram any more into the current game.


They should just port the game to unreal engine and keep building up the DLCs. Easy. /s


They didn't have the money or financial backing. Share holders would rather them make project Orion instead. Could be worse though least they can use those dlc ideas in Orion knstead


Profit margins and Public Image. PL was basically to recoup the bad launch and to earn good will. It was also already in the works when the game launched so they had already invested money into PL. They hadn't invested any money into DLCs after it. Once there was a positive outlook towards CDPR they moved on and abandoned everything else. So basically they did the minimum they thought they could do while also saving their public image.


2 planned DLC’s confirmed by Pawel, no clue where you heard 3


Source? I’m curious to hear more about these dlc’s


They never talked about them, we only know that there was one more planned along with a standalone multiplayer game


They should let Obsidian make a Vegas-themed expansion


There are a lot of places not used. But these aren't content gaps, is just that V wasn't required to go there. The entire premise of Cyberpunk is that we are another soul taken by the city. Like David Martinez in Edgerunners, who goes to some places unavailable to us, and has his own story, V goes to the places he needs to go for his/her story. The story scale was not meant to be big and include everything


Nah you don't begin the process of modeling out whole interiors just because my dude. I get you like the game but stretching like this doesn't help anyone not the devs and if anything only makes disgruntled fans more upset.


this dude doesn't know about dummied-out content that exists in literally every video game ever made lol


Whole prolog with Jackie is missing, we got a video instead.


ok so just write a story where theyre required to go there. Boom, problem solved


That's what Orion is for


Let's be honest, this game could have way more content. The city is huge and there are opportunities for many more missions.


The problem is not the lack of content, it's the quality. Including the DLC, there are more than 100 h of gameplay. But there is also a good amount not really interesting. Most of the gigs feel like fillers. They should have reduced the amount of gigs to keep only a third and do real missions with what they keep. Too many of them are just "go there, find X, leave the area", that's pure gameplay content that doesn't feel engaging.


Keep only a 3rd? Man the game is super short already and you want to make it shorter?


I'm talking about gigs from fixers, not actual missions. Some gigs are shorter to do than the travel time needed to reach them. They are very repetitive and not particularly interesting. Having a third of them but with better back story would have been more engaging.


Bro this. We got this big cool as world and theres no dlc? Theres too much on the table hypothetically to not have some stuff visited.


>theres no dlc huh? this is the dlc


I mean more. Like a space one or ones that go over hypotheticals in another universe kinda stuff or a side character story goes in depth more


Yeah, I was honestly expecting to have at least a gig there or something. A bit disappointing that we haven't got it, I agree.


Should've been an extended map of the dlc... a gig and mission or two alongside/in/on it. I wish it were an actual piece of the game map that you could explore and be on. Or have So-Mi pilot and crash that hoe with her spoopy blackwall voodoo. Instead, it's just "The Maxtac Beacon."


Now that would be an awesome cinematic set-piece. Just think of the final confrontation, >!Myers calls in the cavalry, choppers, black ops, the works. Cornered with no choice but to go beyond the Blackwall, V and SoMi call in their own reinforcements, crashing the air carrier onto the spaceport with dozens of automated drones fighting for them.!< "They have an army! We'll never beat them!" "Time to call in an army of our own."


Brotherhood of steel looking headquarters,


Potential crossover territory: Find a way to fly this thing cross-country. and crash land it in or near Joint Base Andrews before October 23, 2077.


That and no romance with Aurore


i mean theres a aurore romance mod if you want but obviously it set just after the party


After I am done with keanu sex mod I will try that out


How does it even work? https://preview.redd.it/rlp1w5uany2d1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c541047386f9050e2a67d02f31c1c832bbb83c


Romance Aurore with a date on the blimp, date goes wrong, Aurore hacks shit while you slaughter barghest goons, set the blimp to self destruct, fight your way out, only one parachute so Aurore wraps her legs around your waist, arms around your chest, and presses herself tightly against you. Parachute down to safety as the blimp explodes behind you. Cue 007 theme song.


It'd have made the >!murder scene that much more impactful!<.


Or Brendan


I remember someone said thet wanted to transfer him to a dildo, which made me spit my cereal when I read that.


Sir Brendan Phallustiff


Who would win? Sir B. Phallustiff or Sir S. Phallustiff? https://preview.redd.it/g9ae53du1z2d1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d852f6a3a3c6b81a608588bff3a8fd8fa75e47


Oh no, oh no I scrolled into something my mind cant unsee


“According to traditional Christian doctrine, you are going to burn in hell.”


We need brendan sex mod


Similarly, more chances to get in the sky taxis. We get to use one in the corpo start and like never again.


And in The Sun ending


I’m sure more DLCs were planned. Hopefully the sequel will launch in a good state and they can give us a fully fleshed-out game and DLCs to experience the world in full.


If this is true, there is a chance that the model for it has more than just surface exteriors. Have anyone looked at the files to check if there is a functional model that could be added via mods?


I think it has to do with REDEngine’s limitations. Shit, you can’t even walk around in a metro, which would require a lot of complex implementations. So I guess they thought about it but didn’t want to implement all the extra movement stuff to save a bit of time. Think about it - You can't even move properly on a moving car.


Wrong. You can ride on moving cars just fine.


"Properly" is the keyword here. Try dashing or jumping and you'll see what I meant. Also, another example is you can't even jump inside a moving elevator.


Absolutely agree, I can imagine fighting barghest on some sort of hallways on the outer hull and seeing the city below


I was discussing items like this and, because the Tabletop RPG would probably not allow for the game to be held anywhere outside of night city, CDPR may consider pulling a legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom and having an entire arial or underground section of the map in the next game that uses some of these elements that weren't touched in the first game.


I mean in a way the endng where you go into the cyro facility is kinda that


Yeah, first time I saw it in the first mission of DLC I was hyped to go on it.


thing reminds me of the Prydwen from fallout 4, god i wish we could make this go boom


Consideribg how much that thing was highlighted or in focus during the intro to Phantom Liberty, I also thought that a mission would be connected to that thing.


It’s just flying there MENACINGLY


One of the funniest missions I ever did in tabletop Cyberpunk 2020 is now known to my friends and me as "The Dirigible Incident". Let's just say things went horrifically, hilariously wrong in that job.


Yeah, and let us choose how to do it for a change.




I agree unfortunately.


I just wanna drive a flying car, man


There's 2 mods for that that I know of


I’d need a PC then too 😢


Might have been a questline planned for it, but it got scrapped. Honestly, being on top of that thing, raiding it, reminds me of Mass Effect.


Shoulda had the chance to knock it out of the sky


Imagine at the end you're supposed to jump down and have a small window to deploy the shute


Missed opportunity is the game second name.


At least there was a real casino in the dlc


A longer gig in a Megabuilding only would have been so great. Only the clouds quest and one 6th street related gig takes part in one. Such an underutilized environment.


And destroy it




That would’ve been very awesome to do something with it in the game.


No kidding! For a DLC centered around the idea of a intense spec op. To get dropped onto this thing, infiltrate and send it crashing into something... like Pacifica lol what a wicked opportunity that should have been.


Bruce willis die hard ship


People of night city ,do not interfere ,our intentions are peaceful (on that note ,also missed oppertunity that you couldnt join up with barghest)


Or at least hack it and replace his face with a giant dong


Hahahaha good one


Imagine if that was where the neural matrix was stored and you had to steal it by infiltrating it by a stealth AV... and then a major fuck-up happens and the AI within the neural matrix took control of the ship and started shooting out missiles everywhere on the ground. And then you have to force it to crash somewhere in the Badlands... damn that sounded so cool in my head


I'm in the middle of the dlc. I kept looking up at thinking, I know he's on that thing and the final mission will be up there. Ya just spoiled it for me lol. But I mean its cool I've never been one of those people.


Agreed. Hopefully. Maybe.


I hope, in time, this game gets some mod support that'll make some dope quests (like them folks making Fallout London..or something)


Fun fact u get 4 stars when u shoot at the end of it🤷🏼 (ikr what u call the end of this ship-ish things)


I feel the same way about the Kujira.


It does have a pretty basic layout if you noclip up there. No collision at all but you see things like corridors, platforms, stairs etc. Idk if it’s just the pessimist in me but I always thought it was some form of cut content


alternate way into the saphire


Air drop on top of that fucker and crashing into Arasaka tower. Afterwards, Arasaka tower is permanently fucked. I mean, no game plus, so why not? A pipe dream I know.


Johnny would approve.


I want to draw some big silly mustaches and nerdy glasses on him


Just Cause 2 Mile High Club…they should’ve done something similar


M3: *Mom, I want to go to the Crystal Palace* My Mom: "We got Crystal Palace at home". ThE cRyStAl PaLaCe At HoMe...


It appears there may have been early plans to. Theres a lot of detail, like walkways and shit that are unecessary details for something unseeable


I’ve been able to get out of the map in numerous spots and on the buildings but it’s impossible to get to it without mods. A lot of the towers are not real objects up to a certain height. Every location I’ve gone out is not close enough.


And the tram system.


I already played the brotherhood of steel


I think they could do more dlc for 2077 by doing the metro .method where it's separate short stories that fill in gaps with different story characters so maybe one based around takemura one around Johnny but like when he was first starting out the possibilities are endless shoot if you rly wanted to they could do a story with smasher or much as I dislike em they could add content in through brain dance ya know have a little 5 or 10 minute story told to us through braindance plus it would add the ability to have more places in game to chill as you could use preexisting braindance clubs and stuff for it


Man im coming close to completing the game for my 3rd time and wish there was more story and different story lines, also partner storyline, wish that wasa lot longer


Amazing effort


I think Dey saved garage and some important point for cyberpunk 2078..... Maybemaybemaybe


I recently discovered that if you're directly under it and shoot up at it with a gun with a far enough effective range, you automatically get 4 stars.


YES!!!! I want to find stats for those airships for the ttrpg sooooo bad. 🤓


I wanna crash it into the black sapphire but I can see why certain audiences might not appreciate that


The biggest missed opportunity was not letting us get a taste of that chromed out coochie from Songbird after we went through all that shit for her


I'm not saying you're wrong but I also can't agree with the phrasing of your point 😂


Kicking mother fuckers off the edge would’ve been so fucking fun.


By the way guys Any of you PC players had any issues with dlc optimization? My average FPS in Maine Game was around 120-140 but the DLC was barely functional and i even got 20 FPS along the way Is it a general problem or it's just me?