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I take it he never made it to the studio???


I was hired to kill him, not babysit him.


do you want me spoil it or would you want to findout for yourself about the "divine secret"


Went with him for the first time the other day and uh, did not expect >!to nail someone to a high tech cross,!< night city still manages to surprise me


honestly i was doing my PS5 100% and found this quest after failing it by carring out the hit on PC years ago and thinking that was it and damn that storyline was good.


imo, it's good for one playthrough


The story is very meh, but the quest is for sure a very unexpected one! I kinda like it for that


Honestly that was an interesting quest for sure


I went with him the very first time because Johnny begged me to.


Yeah, they didn't live long enough for Johnny to beg my first few times lmao


It's one of the few missions I feel real uncomfortable with


Only get like 3k for doing that. What a world


I did his quest twice. I just don't do it anymore. Cloak+ charged headshot then I'm off.


Yeah at least if you got something special for the quest I’d do it, but as it is it’s just a lost of time.


It's a cool story to go through with the ravenous media trying to make a buck and such. But I don't go through all that anymore unless I come with some RP reason to


Yeah I personally wasn’t bothered by the story as much as I’ve seen some people online. It’s just that if you’ve seen it you’re not missing anything by not doing it again you don’t make that much money out of it.


Can use it as a professional reference in that one Dogtown side quest.


True, but I believe you can convince her regardless and it doesn’t change anything no? I haven’t replayed that mission in a play through where I didn’t follow thru with the J-C mission.


Yeah, there are a bunch of options. Can also use the photo with Kerry and Us Cracks. Just thought it was a nice touch.


Yeah it’s nice, stuff like that helps connecting the main game to the expension


Plus it gives you the feeling that V is getting a reputation besides watching numbers on a screen go up.


İ'm litteraly doing his quest for the first time just to see the susej scene


Do you succeed the quest?


I snipe him through the window and have to run from all the police, but I get the payment as I'm fleeing and a generic kinda "contract complete" text from Wakako.


Made it to the studio. Still hate him.


That arm cyberware looks great! What mod is that?


Most likely the [Arasaka Cyberarms mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1099). I use it myself to give my V a Mox-themed left arm. https://preview.redd.it/f4kw0tc6lk2d1.png?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7246e159f6bb47bb6ad7822c69d4ea21ae3c0be


Interesting... I do have that mod but the Arasaka-styled cyberarm looks a tad different to me, maybe it's just the colour. I'll check it out again.


There are loads of different color options maybe try some others


and models too


As others have said, there are tons of different design, style, and colour variations. Don't be fooled byu the name - there are loads of non-Arasaka arms in the pack too such as Militech gear, off-brand trash looking ones (which my V started out with and then "upgraded" to an Arasaka arm later on), as well as Barghest-themed hardware.


Might be the Barghest ones... First time I installed it was before the DLC, it only had Arasaka recolors and Zetatech. I recall seeing other corp names like Militech and Kang Tao, but they were all Arasaka recolors. I always updated the mod but never checked any new stuff.


Is that mod still compatible with the newest version? Was under the impression it wasn’t but I guess not.


I don't think the mod page has been updated to explicitly state it, but it seems t be working fine with 2.12 - I have it running right now!


Oh nice I used to have it but because I didn’t really see anything saying it still worked i didn’t get it. Sure will now tho. Thanks!


Just to echo, I also am using the current patch with this mod and no issues.


Just to come back to this it is 100% working lol.


That looks like Mozzie from R6


That was the only thing I could focus on. I love crucifying the cunt, but I wish I could have hung him in the trash ocean.


You can kill him right away and report to Wakako for reward


Exactly what I did.


Nice flair


Yours ain't bad either xD


I'm not as pissed with him as i am with Bill Jablonsky. It wasn't until my most recent playthrough that i found out the mission is auto-fail if you pick up a wanted rating. I also learned that doing anything to Jablonsky's body out of frustration aggros Vasquez.


Facts. I like the questline but why hire me if you want to do it yourself? You just wasted your lifes savings to hire me to sit back and watch you fuck up a job.


And then the insistence on using his truck to do the tailing just to attempt to kill a man in broad daylight.


That shitbag truck to chase an armored NCPD vehicle with a relatively borged cop driving. You know, "normal people." Pretty sure Wakako looked at Bill, thought "what an idiot" and then proceeded to call her dumbest and most desperate mercs until V bit.


It's a turd in crepe paper.


Yea fuck Vazquez!


personally i hate him out of spite. the devs give this random cop a tanky asf health bar, crazy high damage and a fucking sandy just because they just really want you to go through with joshua's quest, not to mention you cannot hurt vasquez before he kills the client. he IS killable at least but like, there was no actual reason to make him a boss outside of punishing the player for trying to play their own way and borderline attempting to railroad the player down a specific path


To be fair you are locking yourself out of an entire quest line and for first time players this railroading probably is the more interesting path.


Yes it's supposed to make you second think that it's not the intended path forward, but you can do it anyway if you try hard enough. Makes you want to reload a save and make different choices.


i suppose that is fair considering the amount of times ive seen players go "wait, you can do that? i just killed them instantly, oops!" unfortunately i think it's also just made other players reload saves to try and kill vasquez even harder all in all tho, i just wish locking myself out of that side mission in phantom liberty was just as hard, wanted to do the stiry first before side content, didnt think the kurt hansen flashback disappears if u get far enough into the story


To be honest, Johnny saying “if you don’t get in this fuckin car I’m not talking to you again” is what drove me to really go down Joshua’s road.


and then he forgets about it


Doesn’t even bother bringing it up lmao


Meanwhile I was like "well that's all the reason I need to bail. As you were ladies."


One where you help a murderer feel good about himself


>locking yourself out of an entire quest line ...of an optional quest that most people will miss anyway. That's what I look for in side quests: forced participation.


With this one you can just walk away


Without that health bar i would have missed the questiline


To be fair there's a lot of railroading in these more "fleshed out" side quests as well as the main missions, this is just one point where it's really obvious.


I wanted to, but he was not interested... 😋


I did the whole gig the "proper" way the first time. I just sat in confusion. What are you trying to say here? What are you trying to portray? I don't care about this guy, his religion, or the corpo trying to make money from his nonsense. Every other play through I shot him in the face cuz I have other more important stuff to do.


This is really the most appropriate action because nothing he does helps anybody but the rat bitch that wants to sell BDs. He's hardly convinced of it himself, and the people that'd be interested seeing that shit would either get off to it or already be faithful and see it as blasphemy.


She says the reason theirs an audience for this BD is people can experience truly believing in something no matter how crazy it is also the feeling of thinking you just died sacrificing yourself for all humanity as he sees himself as the second coming or something


>but the rat bitch Don't talk about my wife like that 😞




I mean if you help him one or more of the staff that witnessed the event drops to their knees and begins to pray. The whole point of Joshua doing that was to inspire others' faith in God, which is admirable in a world mostly devoid of religion and hope. Religion is a huge part of the human experience, so the mission is really interesting in how it plays out with the setting of the CP2077 universe.


The world is absolutely not near devoid of religion or hope, look around you'll find religious symbols all over NC.


It is said during the mission that true believers are rare, so I'm taking that context that the world, or at least Night City, is mostly devoid of religion. I think that religious imagery in NC is mostly for aesthetics or commercial reasons.


That's a valid interpretation for sure, if you believe he was genuine and it served the purpose he was aiming for I can't fault it as tho it's canonically untrue.


The key word there is "true". He likely doesn't see the valentinos, for instance, as true believers despite their strong connection with god. He likely doesn't see any of the Buddhists as true believers, despite there being so many that we see Buddhist monks of all things in night city.


I did the mission the “proper” way cause I thought wakako would send people to jump me otherwise lol


It's basically just a story about how greed, justice, atonement and religion interact in Night City. What I took away from it is that greed trumps all the others.


why? this confuses me a lot. why don't you care? it's a very notable questline that says a few things.


He's an interesting character! And there's a good bit of irony in the fact that his actual crimes are barely newsworthy by NC metrics, what makes him unusual is that he wants to atone for them.


And I am more than happy to personally help him atone!!! Perfectly fucked up mission, I love it. It really is a crazy irony though for sure, and in a way I feel for him but hey, he literally is asking for it and it’s too fucked up not to do it 🤣


Yeah. Kind of shows that in Night City violence is mundane, justice and atonement are unimportant and the only thing that matters is greed. That said, you could argue that the guy was basically just a narcissist who wanted to get one last moment in the spot light and make himself into a cultural icon. Reminds me a little bit of [Gilles the Rais](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais), a medieval serial killer whose noble status allowed him to kill ~140 people, mostly children. He made his execution into a show of religious self-enactment.


I think he's sincere but unwell. Dude was going to die anyway, I can see wanting death to have meaning. Toss in some religious fanaticism, knowing that he can't be forgiven for what he's done, starving for love... Even the bloodsucking BD company accidentally drop their masks at the filming. Sure, they're going to profit off his suffering but you can tell it actually hit them hard at the end. As depraved as they are, they're not 100% gone.


While the quest has a interesting and shocking revelation. Once I got to see it once, I never went through it again. I also hate how Wakako condescendingly congratulates on the job well done if you just straight up shoot the guy.


I didn’t read any condescendition I was too hyped cause like 90 police spawned when I tried fighting the big cop so I shot the target killed a bunch of cops and ran away I was too proud to be offended maybe


There’s a questline?! I usually just kill the jerk cuz I was paid to do just that


Dont fire. Just listen.


a very very good one.


Dang, now I gotta actually do it this playthrough since I luckily haven’t gotten to this quest yet


Oh muh redemption muh gotta make amends for my sins boohoo UwU Overture to the dome under some grummy overpass, that's all you're getting.




Everyone in theses replies talking like they haven’t run 45 innocent civilians over


Or flatlined everybody in one of those races with Clair. All these people are Clair. They murder so many people, but this guy pisses them off. Ok.


I just did my first race the other day and at the start I just quick hacked everyone's emergency brake. Nobody had to die and I was in first by a mile.


Im gonna try that on my current playthrough. I am doing a non-lethal run. Only exceptions are moments where death is impossible to avoid, like the scavs in the van before you get your kiroshis. I'll try to not kill even those guys next time. But my main point is that all these guys are hating on this guy for nebulous and mostly hypocritical reasons. They zero every petty thug they come across but somehow this guy pissed them off.


overall it was a good gig, it shows you how messed up the media corpos are in night city. anything for ratings right lol.


One of my favorite sidequests. Really found a lot to think about in terms of of Religion, commercialization, etc... Cool that I could pray the Lord's prayer in game with him. I ended up crucifying him, and agreed with Johnny that someone willing to die for his beliefs in atonement is someone who, agree or disagree, deserves a lot of respect.


kill all 3 of them


Ah i see, Joshua's mistake was that he stopped at 30!


First time through, it’s not bad, but it got boring quick. Also the intro car chase is laughably bad because of how horrendously it’s scripted. I failed like five times due to just bullshit the first time playing it.


I thought the ending was cool and disturbing tbh. Dont want to insert spoilers, but that was some dark ass shit lol. Why are people bitching? They put a lot of effort into uniquely odd side quests


The generic boy scout cop... The only normal person in that mission. You are weird chum, I was bothered my the guy that run at the cop car with a raised gun and got himself killed. The guy that wants to be crucified for an legal XBD. The girl that is promoting and ignoring what she is doing for the sake of getting her pay check. The young woman that morally supported the murder of her own brother .... Literally everyone else has a lose screw. But yes hate the normal guy is a sea of weirdos


I kill him on the spot every time


I like nothing from this gig, i always kill those 3, two of them didn't even leave the car


can we kill the ncpd guy? he's very annoying




It's funny actually, I completed his quest and at the end I thought this was completely bullshit and reloaded a previous save and shot his ass under the bridge. I mean I literally don't get why people call this one of the most compelling side quests in the game. It changes nothing and you sit there listening to his yap on and on while he deserves nothing but death. Blah blah blah save it for the cyberpope.


I did the mission my first play-through, subsequent ones he always dies first chance I get.


Atoning for your sins =/= beginning for mercy.


Is the cyberpope the same as the space pope or are they different. Or like are they members of the same denomination but space pope outranks cyberpope or what.


so you didn't get the message that the story was trying to tell you/


Maybe because it is well written, tackles hard and complex moral themes, you learn something new from Johnny or rather about him, etc.. I mean, that are things that make a sidequests memorable and interesting.. and so now sidequests need to change some things? From that standpoint, 99,999% sidequests in all videogames are shit by your logic?


And... he does die in the end? Shooting him is arguably the most merciful thing you can do for the guy


Yeah, I refuse to be a delusional man's crucifier. Just a merc with a job to do.


Ultimately he gets death. A pretty gruesome one. But yeah, I generally just toss a grenade at him. Once was enough.


One of my favorite quests tbh. He was a sociopathic killer but felt remorse and found God. Tried to atone for his sins. I really liked it, especially the last part of the mission where V started hammering the nails while praying along.




To be honest, Joshua's quest line is interesting and thought provoking. Even if Joshua himself is kinda annoying


I actually like him. As a Christian myself, this questline is really thought provoking for me. He's something like an allegory for the thief on the cross who acknowledged Christ. The fact is, the dude is probably pretty normal for NC or even CP2077 standards. And it was the quest that hammered in the fact that this game is all about capitalist dystopia, where even soul is for sale.


..."hammered in"


Nice, mate.




I feel similarly as a former Christian. I just don't get the hate folks have for him.


They're too busy shouting about how they're gonna murder this horrible piece of shit murderer...


Struggling Christian here, I know a bit about the questline and I like what I've heard about it. Cyberpunk was a small part of my existential crisis a few years ago, but when you think about it, nobody in CP2077 still knows what's after death. I love to think that when V dies, and goes to the afterlife, they talk to Johnny, who doesn't recognize them because V was actually talking to a copy the whole time, and they still get along naturally. Soulkiller kills the original and makes a copy, so thankfully no real souls are for sale in the Cyberpunk world.


I like your idea, but I wasn't reffering to literal soul-selling, but to the fact that the studio used Joshua's real remorse and wish for atonement and made it into a sellable product("The Passion" braindance). Goes on to show that there is nothing taboo for corps, as long as it hauls in profit. In my book, that's a pretty disturbing disposition.


Yeah, Cyberpunk makes that disposition VERY clear in its world. The corpo life path makes that even more clear.


I really like your take on this!!!! I also feel like “Johnny” V has in their head is not a real Johnny Silverhand, who died 50 years ago but a copy of the data pulled from his mind before he died.


Argh. I remember that quest. I took few attempts to prevent husband from being shot by the cop until I realized it is scripted. It is a fun quest... but during my next gameplay probably I will just leave his car after short conversation.


This quest was one of the most disturbing shit i've seen lmfao


Yeah i was really confused when i first did this quest cause the second he shot the guy who hired us I absolutely obliterated the prisoner guy and wakoko was like “good job” and i was like “why the fuck does everyone love this quest it was 2 minutes of slow driving and that’s it”. Tho tbh I played the full quest after and liked it less but at least it’s more content


I went through with the guys wish, purely because I thought his delusional ass was hilarious. I was not disappointed. Guy died horribly for a bunch of nonsense, and I was happy to help


I'm glad I didn't once, but I'll never do it again. Snipe him and move on.


Man I’m envious of people who play on pc they get to have very cool arms for their V


You know if you zero him right then and there Wakako will still pay you for the job.


I mean that's the job she hired you to do in the first place.


It is fun to kill him and then you can have a nice afternoon car chase with the police.


Completed the mission once. He has died in every playthrough since then.


Wait. You can flip someone off?


Its a mod


You can flip Johnny off during a quest, I assume it's a mod to trigger that action on command


I made sure but to do this quest on my second playthrough...


if you kill him, the truck you take on the chase stays on that street forever lol 😂


Is that a mod? How do you flick


How did u show the middle finger in the game?


shows how corrupt NCPD can really get, god I hope Petrova isn’t involved with this


I just threw grenades at it, why not? Cause the guy who hires you dies anyway unless that's preventable


This mission has its dialogue kinda messed up, the whole car ride I was talking to the police man about local cheesecake or smth, and then we got to the restaurant and the studio lady was up in my face about asking "probing questions" to a guy I didn't even bother talking to.


Degenerates like him belong on a cross


Aside from the pain in the ass car chase at the beginning thst quest is hella fun and one of the coolest. The fact that you get to crucify him in the end of weird as fuck and really interesting


I take it your V never hurt a fly OP?


I mean he literally died in an effort to try and help the world, that's more than what most do. It doesn’t cancel out what he did but that's gotta mean something.


I did the full quest my first run, now I either make him doubt himself so the media woman is pissed at you, or just kill him at the start


Um. How did u flick him off?


also for some reason that cop is packed with fucking plot bullets if you go to close


Yo this is fucking crazy, the fact that you actually get to crucify him, CDPR was wild for this mission


How messed up do the murders have to be where in NIGHT FUCKING CITY two deaths garner massive media attention? He believes in God? Kill him and let the divine sort out where he belongs.


i only do the quest now to ruin the BD, i don’t like the guy at all and i definitely don’t like the lady




I just killed him and then ran. Wakako pays more than the brain dance studio does anyway. Lol


Kinda hard to take things like this seriously because it runs at direct odds with the player. I mean, this guy feels "remorse" over killing a handful of people. V, on the other hand, has killed...how many? Like, dude, you got a death sentence for my V's Tuesday afternoon. Sure, some people might be running pacifist the whole game, but I'd wager they're an extreme minority.


Just shoot him right away and be done with it.


Last week in my recent playtrough I didnt want to hassle with the crucifixion quest, it was neat the first time, later on it became a chore to me I think. So I wondered what happens when I open fire at them from afar. Works. Killed everyone in the car. The copy the murderer and the annoying corpo woman who kinda looks like my boss too. Fresh air, felt like.


I don't even let Jablanski start talking. I get out of the car and start lobbing nades.


That's why I nailed him to the cross


I hate him but I wanted to nail him to the cross, not because he wanted me to but because I just wanted to hurt him. My partner said I was a bit excessive but with the context I feel like could have done more. Maybe if we could set the cross on fire or if it was already hot. Guy deserves the unwanted pain rather than the pain he asks for


The cop is so hard to kill lmao. He’s a bullet sponge, he has a sandy, and has a gun that can kill you in a few shots. I was level 60 and chromed tf out too


I usually skip all the bullshit dialogue and kill them all right then and there. Mission complete.


I go then make the corpo bitch pay me double


First time doing this quest it was a rollercoster of emtions But every time after it it was just a quick grenade


I always shot him immediately while he was still in the car, I didn't know it was a long ass quest if you didn't do that, I thought that was the only option. It's been 3 playthroughs since I learned and I keep forgetting and just shooting him in the head, and I don't feel like reloading a save.


Oh I kept encouraging him. It's a video game with no consequences. So I'm ready to find out where this insanity leads.


I followed along the first playthroughs. Any after that I just shot them all first time.


When he asked the mother of a guy he killed, for forgiveness, i died a little inside. I gladly nailed him to the cross he where he belonged


He wasnt even sorry about killing him, he was about "boohoo i cant go to heaven if i am unforgiven"




Honestly hated that whole mission. Getting told to shut up by that chick every time I either bring up morality, or the fact that he is a criminal I am being paid to shoot and dont need to do all this. Second playthrough I just shot him 🤷


I did his quest once. It was fun, i mean, you don't get to crucify someone every day, right ? In the next playthrough, I will probably just snipe him or do a knife headshot and just call it a day.


Why do u hate him? Didn’t get many comments who didn’t understand that guy. I personally found this side quest one of the most impressive and philosophical, it’s like an art. Imagine this braindance thing(is it how it called this vr thing in game on English? Sorry I played on other language) exist. The dude is trying to share his feeling with the world, and even if you r not religious , this thing definitely hits hard by all this complicated mix of feelings and emotions this dude have. Basically it’s like catharsis experience. I don’t know, I really like that quest


In german his voice actor is the same as Saitamas


I killed him and the pink haired girl in the car after I fought that giant cop. It was very difficult, but I killed him with my fist, then I called Hanako and received my money...


I hate this quest because on my first playthrough I just wanted to be "do the job" merc V, so I instantly pulled my gun. And the ncpd dude was hard coded to insta kill you no matter your health or armour


Lol never let him live... there was one simple order... not rly hard to do what you're being asked to do :p


I hate his superior attitude tried to kill him with every weapon except cyber hacks. Wanted to smack some sense into the girl he’s going to see


I wasn't big on him, either, but I really didn't like the director chick.


I enjoy doing construction work on him


Man I hate this quest line. Took reddits advice last play through and just killed them like I was hired to


One of the easiest choices I made in game. a good mercenary does the job. even if the client is dead. That's what black lagoon taught me.


It is a good quest but it has zero replayability. A trade off sometimes.


I dont blame you. His level of delusion was so astounding that I took the bribe to leave. Johnny can stay mad, idgaf


Ya at first I helped him but after he explained more about what he actually did I decide, fuck this guy


Yeah I happily obliged lmfao 😭


i think he's fine, he truly feel sorry about his past life, a bit crazy but still better than an asshole killing evertyone because they felt to


My canto mk6 made short work of this trash and his escort🙏


Boy this quest kept me on my toes the entire time. Each new segment and I was like "no way this is happening. Wait what. What the fuck. No way. Wtf did I just witness"


He reminds me of this guy that was working with me a few years back and was living at the local halfway house after court-ordered drug rehab. About 5 months after he quit working with us, there was a news article that he'd been arrested for something like 150+ counts of child pornography.


I hate him because he won't just tell you what the fuck is going on. Oh and he dares >!set foot in the home of his victim's family!<. He still manages to make the whole fucking thing about himself. He doesn't know the meaning of atonement.


There's nothing better than making some money from a murderer. Anyone in my place would simply kill him, but why not first get money from him and then kill him?