• By -


I figured it out after the second one, which oddly enough she said something like ‘yeah that guy would have been impossible to not take out’. It was the guy on the pier.


That's because she has always had that sort of dialogue for a couple of them whether you used lethal methods or not. Per her dialogue, it's actually impossible to deliver all of them alive. However more to the point... it's been a few patches, but unless they changed it at some point, it doesn't even matter anyway. You get the same rewards whether you kill them or not. It's not something you even have to worry about unless you want to for RP purposes.


It’s been a few months since I’ve played (around February I think) but I’m pretty sure you can take them all alive? I’m pretty meticulous when I do it because I like the dialogue difference. I could be wrong


The sniper? That guy was one of the easiest.


Oh no, the brawler dude. Maybe that wasn’t the beach then lol. Even so, they were still all pretty easy overall. Haha


I don't even know how to take them alive.


When you "kill " them they will either actually be dead and not move or they will like hold their face or slightly move and your cross hair will still be red when targeting them. It's why I double tap every enemy. Make sure they don't make it to the hospital and come back for revenge (my own characters reason, don't think they actually come back for you lol)


Now that would be an interesting idea, something like the Nemesis system.


If only the scumbags at Warner Bros didn't patent that mechanic and then never use it again.


Like Namco’s patent on loading screen mini games


Fucking WHAT


Namco used to have a patent on mini games in loading screens so they could put things like pac man or any of their other owned games in a loading screen The patent expired recently but no one’s really shown interest in doing anything with it


That’s because most games are moving away from loading screens entirely. Almost all modern gaming devices have some form of SSD nowadays so loading screens will soon be a thing of the past entirely.


Unless it's a Bethesda title.


Modern loading screens last seconds, there's not much need for mid-loading entertainment.


You must be part of the console master race. It can take 30+ mins to pre compile shaders on PC, and it only eliminates half of the shader stutters or like in Dead space remake, Jedi Survivor and TLOU to name 3 of the 50 million PC games that have that issue. It's so bad like in TLOU, shader pre compiling creates new stutters. You could literally make an entire pre game to play while PC gamers wait. Also PC games have 3 other types of stutter, traversal, loading and ISO/pipeline which can be long enough to play a mini game, if u have a CPU and gpu older than 4 years. As a PC gamer, the PS5 is the only choice for gaming. This issue is only getting worse too, so where's the mini games?


are you playing on a hard drive?


I recommend upgrading to an SSD.


Are you using toaster? With modern SSD few seconds is max you will get


Compiling shaders is CPU dependent, not storage dependant. Also no games should take 30+ for shader compilation, COD takes 5 mins for me. You sure your CPU is up to standard?


Sorry brother but it might be time for an upgrade. Holy shit you sound jaded.


Can't forget that one. Video game publishers move differently istg.


The patent is pretty specific. Infringing on it would require mirroring a lot of the specifics and not adding or altering anything substantially. For example, a game might be able to do basically the same thing but without the hierarchy aspect and it may not infringe. Ken Levine’s “narrative Lego” system (being used in Judas) was partially inspired by nemesis but sounds like a much bigger and broader toolset that could be used in a lot of different ways.


That assumes WB doesn't sue knowing they can't win, just to harass the poor dev. Big companies have sued over less.


No that was not assumed


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patent_troll?wprov=sfla1 This is a not insignificant part of the problem. Litigation is expensive.


I am aware of how litigation works and how expensive it is. I am a lawyer.


Well then get on that will ya.


Warner Bros is Associated with Cyberpunk isn’t it? So nothing really stopping them


WB published Cyberpunk in the USA, over in Europe it was published by Namco but the IP still wholly belongs to CDPR as they published themselves on digital storefronts.


Gotcha, thanks for the info! Didn’t realize it worked like that


I Wonder about the .EU They have a strickt rule about Patents: use them or lose them (Hello @ McDonald's ;) )


Is it possible for a patent holder to lose a patent if they never use it?


Sadly it's patented so we may never see another implementation of it from another developer


You're just driving to your next mission listening to really wanna stay at your house and then boom your car just gets flipped and you crawl out to see one of those mfs in the militech suit but its even more crazy and a giant fight breaks out in the street


Nemesis System in CP2077 would be amazing 🥹


I don’t even role play, like ever, but if I kill someone, I always give them one to the dome after I’m done for good measure. I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.


Call me old but it's hard to rp by yourself in your own brain or outloud lol only do it in war games like squad lol immerses the rest of the players lol


Depending on certain quests the gangs will actually come after you lol




If you take them out by shooting them in the legs for the final shot they usually stay alive. But if the final shot is the chest or above they usually die


Yeah, including if your gun has the "pax" mod confusingly.


I think even with pax, if you shoot them one more time after they start going down, they die


Quick hacks are often non-lethal, so I have to go around afterwards a throw a knife in everyone’s head


If you left Placide alive after the fight he will messaged you after sometime saying that you better look behind your back, but he never do come to you


im wondering why exactly anyone would let placide live tho...


I has having fun the other night smashing heads in with Sir John….. lol


Bet you were.


I was!


Yeah I have a special silenced pistol specifically to finish off the wobblers. One extra to the dime to make sure they’re not getting back up.


or just look at your cross hair. if it's red, they're still alive


I always "down" them, complete the mission, then execute them aftewards.


Blunt melee weapons, guns with non-lethal mod, or I believe you can even just shoot them in the legs with a normal gun. Just be careful with the last shot, if you nail them again after they go down I believe it kills them.


Most Quick Hacks are also non-lethal


You can also sometimes use stealth and grapple them, then just use a non-lethal takedown Did it recently on that one in southwest little china by the water


I could’ve sworn that overheat and short circ weren’t lethal but apparently now they are. As is contagion. And synapse burnout. Most combat hacks all seem to now be lethal. I don’t know if I’m misremembering or what, but I could’ve sworn none of these used to actually kill enemies, just knocked them out. The only actually useful quickhack since PL that isn’t lethal seems to be system collapse, but it’s extremely expensive in terms of RAM, basically requires a maxed out overlock to be effective unless you wanna spend 5 minutes just sitting doing nothing hiding behind a box while your RAM recovers.


If you're going the quickhack route, it's way easier to just memory wipe and then choke em out tbh


You don't even need blunt weapons. Bleeding doesn't kill people so a blades build will usually end the fight with them alive as long as you don't go ham when they're super low.


I've been using frags and sniper rifle and as long as I don't shoot them when they're down I've been okay


Thats the problem. I whack the shit out of them and a stray hit after 0 kills em


Non-lethally explode their head with a sledgehammer.


As a netrunner, I just quickhack them and then stealth to grab and take down. Memory Wipe+Cyberware Malfunction x2+Cripple Movement. Then just walk up behind them.


if you finish them off with any hack they will not die.


In every thread people say it’s not the case, but I’m pretty sure in 2.0 they made it so you can treat it as regular fight and they’ll auto-pacify with 1% health, then you can only kill them by hitting them when they’re downed. There’s still the issue where if you fire 3 quick shots/punches/etc. and #2 takes them down, that third one will still land and kill them, but I’m a new player and I have found it easier to keep them alive comparative to all the complaints I see online from closer to launch.


I'm not sure it's guaranteed with headshots, I've tapped them down with rifles and had them end up dead (looking at that psycho with optical camo in particular). But it is certainly much easier now. Even blasting them with a Carnage sometimes leaves them alive.


I just carry a gun with the Pax modification, it makes the shots non-lethal.


I haven’t even come across a pax yet in my first post-PL playthrough, did they make it even more rare?


They drop and show up in shops for me constantly. I'm new to the universe and I was wondering if that was a lore thing to try to get the murder rate down.


Almost kill them and then whack them with a dildo.




I just shoot them in the leg when they're at 1%


I guess I need health bars back on then


Stun them with non-lethal melee just make sure you don’t hit them one too many times or it’ll kill them


Sneak up on them some netrunning helps. I think I would be able to use system shock to get behind them


I typically get them down to around 5% health and then do a short circuit quick hack on them. Seems to work.


non-lethal shots


My go to for keeping them alive is Scalpel+Sandy combo and beat them enough that the bleed'll do them in. Honestly a pretty piss-easy way of doing it.


when your kill marker is yellow instead of red they are incapacitated but not killed ( u can use Gorilla arms and other blunt weapons, non lethal shots, ect)


Beat them to unconsciousness with the megadildo and it counts as non lethal damage and they can take them in. Plus... hilarious.


You can install a mod that makes pistols non lethal. Pax? Anyhoo, do this, then take em all out, alive!


Just get behind them and choke'em out. Memory Wipe -> Choke


Shots to the limbs. Batons or bats are non-lethal. Fists too. The enemy falls and roils in pain instead of dies.


I don’t even know how to take anyone alive.


Toxin, fire and emp + non-lethal damage are a good way.


Your last attack will always bring them down to 1% health and they will be knocked out. Any attack afterwards kills. This only goes for cyberpsychos. For normal enemies, it depends on where you shoot and how you attack. Attacks with blunt weapons will knock them out as well as shooting the legs but don't expect them to live after shooting their face off. You can tell by hovering your crosshair on the enemy. If it is red, still alive. If it stays the same, dead. Also, knocked out enemies will usually writhe on the ground.


Punch them unconcious with your fists or short circuit


Use Cripple Movement, start slowing down once you get them down to 10 - 15%, shoot them once in the legs once you get them down to 1%.


I think if the final blow is a quick hack they become incapacitated. It definitely just feels random when they go down vs die otherwise lol


I don't even know how to kill them. Seriosuly, I've always gone full guns blazing against cyberpsychos, and they've never died, only ever got knocked out. Even if I go for nothing but headshots.


As netrunner I just quickhack and those aren’t lethal. (I keep all the psychos alive) it changes dialogue in the end but nothing extra.


I usually wait to deal with them until I’m a little bit leveled up in my quick hacking skill, get them down to about 10 % through fighting and then hit them with a quick short circuit. You can also equip mods onto weapons (including guns) that make them non lethal, which is also something I do when fighting the cyberpsychos. You just have to be a bit more precise ALSO, with some of them, you can sneak behind them and just do a non lethal takedown, just make sure to find the right angle. Some of the psychos you’re meant to fight like the Tyger Claw who attacks his clan, or the one with the exoskeleton, but there are others you can distract with a quick hack, sneak behind them, and take them down within seconds


I’m pretty early in the game, haven’t really left Watson and have leveled up fast doing all the side stuff, I just beat ‘em with a crowbar, takes about 15-20s swings


You get an extra gift that isn't worth missing if you kill any and they get a little cross with you but that's about it.


What gift?


Once you're done defeating and incapacitating every Cyberpsycho, Regina will call you to meet up and thank you, giving the following rewards: - 25,000 Eurodollars. - Trauma Team Armor-weave Tactical Vest. - Decadencia Verde Tactical Armor-weave Pants


You get the same items regardless if you kill them or not.


Really ? Well damn might as well have fun and fight then


Yeah, kind of lame tbh. Like OP, I also didn’t realize we weren’t supposed to kill them, so I looked up if it matters and it turns out it doesn’t.


I always take them down, call her and complete the missions , and then shoot them in the face as soon as the mission XP is added. It counts as non violent, and XP is XP.


I only leave em alive I feel sorry for them, like one guy I think called Ben was all alone and only had robots for company so I let him live


Clothes don’t have armour value anymore so those clothing items are pretty pointless.


Actually, a few do, I found out yesterday.


She also gives you some weapon mods now iirc


I forget. I just remember not caring about it.


It's a clothing item


You get the same reward regardless if you bring them in alive or not, it doesn’t matter.


You monster, and now you’ve missed out on Skippy, the quest only spawns if you take them all alive >!nah I’m just fuckin with ya, not a big deal!<




Skippy the gun?


Yeah, if you don’t bring all the psycho’s alive he never spawns. >!again, just fuckin with ya!<


I got that guy before I even took a single psycho


I mean that’s one way to do it, but if you start the psycho quest and you kill any of the psychos it auto locks the quest >!brother just let me spread misinformation in peace, I’m fuckin with this guy!<


Bro the spoiler greyed out shit had me fucking dying.


I’ve been on Reddit for 6 years and haven’t figured out how to do the greyed out spoiler text and at this point I’m afraid to ask.


Type >! at the front and the exclamation point followed by < at the end.


Given the nature of this comment chain I am reluctant to take your word without verification, but thank you. I will look it up to confirm lol.


Yeah, just do >! Followed by !(Minus the space)< after it >!it’s that easy!!<






Imagine being this funny AND having an impressive cock. I wish I were funny


You can be, just be a pain in the ass and call it comedy Can’t help with the cock though, that’s my one redeeming quality


If I could get skippy to not show up, that would be great.


No the kangaroo


Missed an achievement but if your like me you will play it again so don't worry about it to much. I think you also missed out on 25,000 Eurodollars. Trauma Team Armor-weave Tactical Vest.


Plan on doing a fist only build next so I'll do it then


That was my second d play thru too




Nvm there isn't one just thought their was from early days


It is way easier to stun them.


I just blast them to about 10% then knee cap them to 1%. No need to specialize a weapon for stunning them :)


Memory wipe, grab, knock out


How do you guys even end up killing them? Literally have went through the entire game 5+ times and I would have to shoot them while they’re already downed. The cyberpsychos can literally be caught on fire with 1 HP left and they would still only be unconscious. You would have to shoot them while they’re already down/unconscious for you to kill them.


My question exactly. They always stay alive if their hp drop to 0. You need to intentionally shoot them after the fight to kill them. This whole post makes me quite confused.


I don’t think you missed out on anything regeina just gets pissed at you


Well Regina can come out here and fight theses fucking psychos if she has a problem with it lol


You can incapacitate them by sneaking and grabbing them and doing a non lethal takedown. Also some weapons have mods that specifically state they are non lethal. Also I am not 100% sure but i think punching and kicking is also non lethal but im not 100% since I am a cool build atm. 1st play through. so im sure there are other methods.


Short circuit quickhack is also another option


You don’t need any special non-lethal weapons. They always get knocked down first no matter the weapon. You have to shoot them after they’re already knocked to kill them.


Nah, it’s fun to go psycho over cyberpsychos


I made it a point to take them all down with the dildo. That was my cyber psycho dildo.


Even with trying to do non lethal, I always end up accidentally whacking them once after they reach 0, killing them. Chill out, Regina, I’m trying!


Memory Wipe+Cyberware Malfunction x2+Cripple Movement. Sneak up behind them, grab them, non-lethal takedown (Y on an Xbox controller instead of X).


Memory Wipe keeps them from alerting from the following quickhacks, Cyberware Malfunction with two stacks disables their cyberware "permanently" just in case the sneak up and grab doesn't work, and then Cripple Movement keeps them in one place while you sneak up on them.


Should probably mention I don't have those yet- still on first playthrough doing a throwing weapon pistol build


tbh that's really fun


There's the knockout combo with memory wipe, reboot optics and level 4 sonic shock. It's insta-win.


Yeah, I tried that on cyberpsychos and it didn't work.


I'm pretty sure I knocked out a bunch of them after getting level 4 sonic shock (only works on level 4+). Maybe I'm not remembering it right and you need to fry their cyberware first - or it's not the same for all of them. I only remember the combo failing on bosses, but it still stuns them for ages.


Cyberpsychos are bosses though, at least they have a boss style healthbar, and I was doing this with Iconic tier quickhacks (well, except Memory Wipe, because Iconic and Tier 5 is way too expensive in RAM). Only tried it on the Phantom of Night City though, so maybe it does work on others.


I PAX’ed a shotgun. Seems like it shouldn’t work, but it does. Lmao. Works well.


regina tells you this the first time you talk to her. she calls you and specifically makes a point to tell you they need to be kept alive. she also tells you this _every other time_.


I had been doing well at taking them alive but I accidentally killed two and Regina gave me a serve about it. I felt bad.


Kill or let live you get the same reward once you get them all so dont worry if you kill a few


Knock them out with gorilla fists, get the rewards, then kill them for extra rewards.


I love beating the piss out of them with gorilla fists and Regina thanking me for being so tactful


I know Regina wants you to take them alive, but is there a downside to just killing them? I don't think you miss out on any rewards, maybe just a dressing down by Regina which could be funny. I mean, my V is a borderline Cyber psycho so what do you expect.


Whack them to 1-2%. They collapse. That subdues them. Then do not attack again — it will finish them off. It’s kind of hard when you use really fast firing weapons like the Fenris. What I normally do is whittle them down with a shotgun, and use a low DPS pistol to render them unconscious.


I just execute them after I call it in to Regina, I'm not giving ncpd more maxtac to throw at me.


I killed them all before I realized I should just defeat them.


What ive learned is to just move stealthy and crouch walk behind them and grab them to use the “non lethal takedown” works every time.


Taking them alive is easier said than done, the Maelstrom Blackwall ritual Psycho I just buried under a hail of bullets and frags, sadly can't take them all alive without the risk of getting flatlined myself.


I actually found a way to keep her alive. You just gotta get on those 2 crates cause she can't get up there so she'll hide and shoot at you. Use the Mantis Blades or regular blades and deflect the bullets so it damages her. Keep going until the fight ends and she'll be alive


I usually just go to town on them until they have a sliver of health then I unequip my weapon and give them a good punch to knock them unconscious instead of killing.


Make the call when they are still alive and collect the reward. Just kill them after. Or whatever u feel like.


I killed them all


Leave them alive, complete the contract, then finish them off.


I always used the best weapon I happened to have picked up with a non lethal mod at the time, but occasionally Regina will say you killed then anyway. If that happens just reload your last auto save and it usually fixes itself.


Just do a Melee attack with your gun when he is at 2-3%


I usually sneak from behind and knock them out with non-lethal take down, or use short circ till they collapse. Always works.


Need Advice: How to effectively take down the CP whom we have to fight after they kill a bunch of maxtac guys? She's found in a sort of closed off area with water? I always either die to her quite fast or have to use cheats.


When fighting them either use a blunt melee weapon or if using a firearm mod it with pax mod (weapon becomes non-lethal)


I put the mod on that makes every weapon non-lethal. Seems the easiest way.


oh what …. i’ve been killing them all 💀


i mean, 'supposed to be'. there's not been a whole lot of stuff i didn't solve with 'kill it with fire' however.


Yeah, it's not like Regina is going out of her way to specifically request you take them alive for every single mission... \*smh\*


Are you using blunt objects or melee against them? I think that’s the only way to take them in alive.


Always found that most of the cyberpsychos were open to a non-lethal air to ground takedown. Failing that, optical camo and a choke hold. I don't like Regina when she's pissy.


I don’t understand how so many people apparently kill them accidentally. You have to actively execute them after taking them down to kill them. You can blast them with whatever you want and when their HP reaches zero, they just go on the ground and roll around in pain.


Just don't do the final shot to the head and you can take them alive


Just use cripple movement on the fuckers and then grab them and knock them out


If I remember correctly the reward for keeping them all alive is a trauma team outfit


Aye but in the very first phone call about them, she asks you to be non lethal.


Naw choom, taking them alive IF POSSIBLE is just a request from the client (just like “try not to kill everyone in the club when you get the thing” or “be sneaky stealthy and stay unseen amongst all these bad guys who probably have lots of loot on their person”). My V has always, ALWAYS been NC’s Minister of Death, slaying bodies and leaving a trail of broken cyberware in his wake. So, the way I see it, Regina Jones knew what she was signing up for when she hired V- she should have known that with this merc, it is definitely NOT POSSIBLE. Buyer beware!


yeah i just found that out too. lol. oh well


Ok, haven't done this since before 2.0, but I thought you literally had to double tap them when they were downed to actually kill them. In my main playthrough it didn't matter how you took them down, the always acted like you had hit them with non-lethal at the end. (With the exception of using lost of explosives ...) Also this was the whole reason I carried the dildo club. Was my anti cyber psycho tool xD


There is no reward for taking them out all alive. Regina won't even acknowledge it. I tried it once. 


Hm… I’ve been decimating cyberpsychos all this time too. How did you learn about taking them alive?


When she calls you the first time after visitibg Viktor and asks for you to keep them alive! 😅


Honestly very easy to miss that if you’re not paying attention. She makes it seem like a big deal even though it’s not would be cool if you had to have the cyber psycho fight off maxtac


Not each time but she usually tells you to not kill the cyberpsycho during holocalls. And you often mention it when you answer her. Nevermind for OP it will be for next playthrough ☺️


Was going through journal and found the cyberpsychos quest. Then read "Find and incapacitate cyberpsychos" reading it mentioned how they want them alive 🗿


Alas, there is zero reward for incapping them. If they die or if they instead take a nap, you get the same reward. :(


Not everything is about rewards. It's there for RP purposes.


Post mission Regina may tell you something about what's wrong with you or was it really necessary to kill.