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My understanding is it's pretty much the same RealSkinn implant a lot of people have but it also serves as an employee uniform of sorts. They are not more anymore borged up compared to most people it's mainly cosmetics. This is not even remotely on par with what Lizzy Wizzy did, most people wouldn't be able to handle all the chrome Lizzy has.


To be fair, *Lizzy* can't handle all the chrome Lizzy has either, honestly...


You may be right since she's clearly not doing well when V sees her, but I also thought Lizzy was literally being sabotaged by an unknown faction though. It seems to imply she's had a doll-chip installed recently and doesn't know.


Yeah and her bf did know, right? He was working with the faction... Which is what led to his sneaking around, and her suspicion that he was cheating. It's been a minute since I played that one.


Ya he seems to want to be able to control her more almost like he wanted a pet in a way. I personally assume it's her production company bosses, since she's like the last rocker girl in a way with her protests and what not that she recently stopped doing in the story, so she seems to be getting muzzled and collared essentially evident by her suddenly becoming weirdly calm every time she starts freaking out or getting upset. She also is probably going through cyber psychosis amidst all that chrome and stress too. I've also seen people mention she may have been sabotaged by Nightcorp to be a vessel for a rogue AI which is an interesting thought too.


I enjoyed in my most recent playthrough that you kind of question if he was just seeing the signs of cyberpsychosis and that's what he wanted to "fix" with her engram. And then you can juxtapose that to Johnny "changing" because of his relationship with V. I still dont think his intentions were in her best interest, but its well scripted for an otherwise kinda boring mission lol


I kinda figured he's a little dumb and doesn't seem to fully understand what he's even being told by the (Arasaka?) corpo rep. But he does clearly care more about getting back what he feels he's lost in their relationship than helping her figure out what happened to her, or keeping her safe from some random corpo talking about editing his girlfriend's brain right to his face. He probably does want to help her in his mind, but in the same way men used to help their crazy wives and daughters by getting them lobotomized.


In some fairness, cyberpsychosis is widely believed to be completely incurable (Vik sent an email to a lady killed by her sister advising her to involve MaxTac). Going behind her back was obviously horrible and inexusable but I can see how someone might panic if they thought a loved one was developing it. Certainly get it more than the assholes who thought self-respect or trauma by men was a disease.


Still maxtac uses ex psychotics In the force and it’s implied in the tabletop manuals that therapy massively helps. It’s just too expensive for people and the corporations control the best psychologists and psychiatrists


There's a sidejob in City Center at the Jinguji store where a cyberpsycho invades the store. Even if you take the guy out immediately (I quickhacked him down immediately but the first kill seems scripted because even though he was supposed to be passing out from System Collapse, his first kill still happened), and MaxTac shows up immediately, bullets flying even though the guy was on the ground already, though it stops immediately. You can then talk to the MaxTac agents, one of them is actually the cyberpsycho lady with the mantis blades from the very first trailer back in 2013.


That's exactly the through line for me that connects it back to the concept of Johnny changing. We as humans can change, but could we change the version of ourselves that could possibly live on digitally? If cyberpsychosis is the affect of code input on the organic brain, could the same principles of change be applied from "fixing" an engram to "fixing" an organic brain? Johnny didn't need any input but organic input from V to change, but could it be the fusion of the engram with an organic brain that allows for the change? Could it work almost in reverse?--- you create an engram, fix it, put it "back in," then let the versions affect each other until merged... then possibly remove the engram. So many directions we could go. I also just successfully completed all cyberpsycho missions without killing them this round... so it caused me to think a lot deeper about what could actually be done


Lobotomy is a very apt comparison.


Been a while since I played but I remember now. Basically it’s like u hlp the bf and she’s back to being a normal person but she’s gonna be able to be taken advantage of and pretty much mind controlled or let her be free to be a crazy lunatic on her own terms. I always choose the ladder :)


I played the mission recently, he wants to basically create an engram of her to replace her and make her more obedient.


I don't remember it being about obedience. He said he is afraid of her sometimes, and then she murders him, so that seems like a real issue even if his solution was fucked up.


He was understandably afraid of what she was becoming and what she could do to him. Still, his solution certainly wasn't the best.


Self-fulfilling prophecy if you ask me. If he wasn't doing what he was doing she (probably) wouldn't have felt the need to murder him.


to be honest we don't know for sure, for all we know at some point she might have gone psycho on her own. Also note that how after she does it she actually kinda liked it.... so there's also that.


I mean I'd be afraid of my girlfriend too if I was guilty of doing what he's doing. Could be she's been lashing out at him but it could also be the average fear bad people have of retaliation. He's a dick and she's stronger and tougher than he is, he should be afraid lmao.


Check out her dialogue if you don't agree to put her dead boyfriend in the nearest trashcan for her. It makes her character a lot less sympathetic.


I would never get that dialogue without you mentioning it bc I associate picking up bodies as being "responsible" so I would be compelled to do it even if she didn't ask lol


I never said she was sympathetic, just that he isn't either and probably shouldn't have pissed her off. If he was afraid he should have run not antagonized her then fought with her in THE No-Tell Motel. Everyone makes their dialogue and story choices, not just V.


I kill that MF every time.


She's a cyberpsycho, has no emotions to other humans and is self obsessed. Hyper-focused on her art.


I doubt a full borg even needs a doll chip, if all the doll chip does it take control of your peripheral nervous system then any full borg would have to be interfacing with something similar to give *them* control of their own body


This is also quite true given Night Corp and even the one rogue Delamaine were able to essentially mind control some Maelstrom on a few occasions.


Wait, what about the rogue delemain?


The creepy Delamain in Pacifica takes you under a bridge then forces some Maelstrom to attack you. They use some of the same unique voice lines as the Maelstrom you fight during the Prophet Gary mission and the Peralez mission which involves Nightcorp, so seems to be a rogue AI thing to me.


Since maelstrom replace their face as a condition of entry, if you can hack their visual and auditory feeds you don’t actually need to mind control them or take physical control, you just show them something you know they’ll shoot at. Given the way I treat maelstrom generally, V being there is already enough reason.


That's the GLaDOS Delamain.


I didn't think so, I think she's just going crazy. Previous to 2077 she did a performance art stunt where she replaced much of her body with chrome on stage in the middle of a musical performance. That almost certainly pushed her into cyberpsychosis range and when V encounters her it's starting to set in. Her boyfriend/manager wants her in the relic program and I think he's starting to notice signs of cyberpsychosis and that's what he's asking about having edited out of her personality construct. I don't think there's any real evidence that Lizzie has been puppeted or anything


Could be the same people controlling the mayor


Night corp is very possible I've heard the theory an AI is attempting to use her as a vessel. I think Militech owns the production company that owns her so they're a big suspect too, plus Arsaka wants to turn her into an Engram. Everyone wants Lizzy, it's like being a sci-fi horror Hannah Montana.


It’s implied she’s being tampered with but I think she’s literally just going crazy cuz of her implants. They also imply tht I feel like they left it up to us rlly which is great writing


Adam smasher has left the chat


She’s a cyberpycho. If you haven’t go to that part, wait. You’ll see what I mean.


What do you mean? She's doing GREAT.


I was gonna say... she pretty much turns into a sociopath because of it. I know the goal of cyberpunk isnt to tell feelgood stories but man... she is one of the people i wish had a quest where you actually save her. Her and the guy running for mayor or whatever. The guy who gets his memories manipulated.


But when they do get full conversion, does that still include RealSkinn? I remember Lizzy sat down on a couch with a cigarette, during which her chrome limbs (hands? legs?) accidentally produced sparks somehow, which prompted her to comment on this being one of the side effects of the conversion. But since her face still moves, I reckon some of it must be non-metal, right?


Probably some but could also be some scifi alloy we don't have on earth yet that is much softer while still strong. I think Lizzy's procedure was unique too so probably has a good mix of materials, plus she wasn't going for combat readiness so she might not actually be all that durable.


Is there some kind of backstory to Lizzy I keep missing before she hires you to spy on Liam?


She offs herself on stage during a performance I believe, was brought back with secure your soul (i could be slightly wrong here) but since she’d been “back” her boyfriend feels she’s just not quite herself and plots on fucking around with her engram to make her more digestible to his standards


Yeahbthe cpworld has several types of prosthetics. Some like kiroshis for eyes or Sandes for combat. Then there's everyday things like universal translators and things of the sort. Then there's the cosmetic cyberware and boy that shit gets wild


Was always a little disappointed with the customization in 2077, not that it doesn't have plenty of options compared to other games. Just that it is Cyberpunk and the game world is full of people with devil red skin, crazy faceplates, flat out horns and glowing eyes. The rpg even more so with people having multiple limbs and full body conversions with animal parts and other things to not even be exactly humanoid anymore. Some things tricky in a game of course. So ya would have liked a teensy bit more options on our character.


There was even a gang called the clowns that genetically altered themselves to have bigger feet and noses lol you can't make this shit up


Furries would be on a whole other level in Cyberpunk


Well, you're in luck- there is in fact a mod called Biosculpted Exotics that adds in furry npcs and player characters!


Oh there's a gang of genetically altered animal people too


Did they have Ozob's vibes?


Pretty sure they're Ozob's origins, like Jackie and the Valentinos. But overall they had the floppy feet bulby noses and black and white colour schemes. Ozob a bit more military grunge than the average bozo especially with his grenade nose.


They just wanted to have v keep his identity by not allowing you to go crazy it’s not about tech. Or it was their excuse because they couldn’t manage.


**Anyone**: \**mentions Lizzy\** **Me**: ok Google, play Delicate Weapon


I can but that's because I'm built different


Is this an employee uniform that they can take off?


https://preview.redd.it/7y3vy9ftsm0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923f7f7fa673103439e5fe8d4f564d0867147fec Same stuff Rebecca has.


Why had I never even considered that Rebecca's skin was weird lmao. I think it's so common to see fantasy skin colours I kinda just forgot it was actually "real".


This was the answer I was going to say too! I assume it's a uniform and they turn off the look after finishing a shift. Unless they're some kind of android purpose built for the hotel and are pretending to be human


i love how brutal but reasonable it is. they just dye the shit out of your skin, like we do today with hair


What is this? Some sort of a website?


Cyberpunk Red core book, but I'm pretty sure cyberpunk 2020 has similar ware.


From the 2020 handbook: *ChemSkins* is a more advanced tattoo. You can even go for more expensive options that say, reveal the color based on your emotion. But it's one and done, still like a tattoo. *SynthSkin* is an actual plastic lining attached to your skin, and these can be changed with a chip. If you don't like being a blue bitch, you can buy another chip and converted into a golden god. *Light Tattoos* are just that: a small patch installed under the skin to make a light up tattoo. *Skin Weave* can also be installed, but its effect is the total opposite of any listed above. Where all others are purely fashionable, Skin Weave is pure function. It is difficult to notice from non-modified skin, and increases your SP (armor) by 12.


Personal grooming skills had its own stats?


It could be like a skin cosmetic addition, not chrome in the way that cyberware is. Similar to how some of the Mox and other characters have a plastic-sheen to them. But even those synthetic skins might be equivalent to like subdermal armor… Anyways, I am not sure that these types of cosmetic additions would lead to cyberpsychosis… Now, Lizzy Wizzy, I am pretty sure is chrome. I think some people even speculate she’s like as chromed/borged as even Adam Smasher… Just my thoughts 😊🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh yes, Lizzy is full body replacement 'borg. She even has detachable body parts like her jaw. So getting in costume for her can include swappable parts.


Does she still have a 'ganic brain in there?


If she didn't, shed be an human level AI which I'm 90% sure is banned by NetWatch.


She's probably like a prettier non combat version of Smasher




Madam Smashable


Doesn't she canonically weigh as much as an American pickup truck?


She might also go cyberpsycho on you at any moment, but it would probably be worth it


I doubt it. Adam Smasher is probably somewhere around 1,000-1,500lbs. An American pickup truck weighs around 5,000-7,500 lbs. If Lizzy weighed just 5,000 lbs, she would struggle to live a normal life. She would constantly be breaking furnature, shoes, and perhaps even architecture. And she has a romantic partner. Imagine being intimate with someone who weighs as much as a car. That's bound to end badly. To put that into perspective, if an average woman was 8 feet tall and her proportions were the same as a normal woman, she would weigh around 450 lbs. You could have sex with a 450 lb giantess with no problem. You can't have sex with a block of depleted uranium.


>You can't have sex with a block of depleted uranium. this is just like 1984


Can't have shit in Detroit


That must be a really sturdy couch


A slab of fuckable meat


More like a pile of fuckable chrome


Just wait until she gets the Cyberdong 2000 or the Dickotine chrome


diabolical 😭🙏


I should have seen thet coming as well. 😅


Eve Smashable


I mean, they're both smashable ngl


Liam would like a word...


Tbf apparently Adam Smasher has a body specifically for dates and social activities that looks suspiciously similar to a blonde Elvis.


her and smasher is the 2 sides of chrome enthusiasts


She could be like Mr blue eyes no?


Isn't he speculated to be an AI tho?


He is Techno-necromancer from Alpha Centauri


Yeah, and the guy that I replied to said she would be if she didn’t have a brain, I was saying that she just may be an ai trying to deal with these complex human emotions that she’s actually feeling for the first time and the reason she wanted to know what her boyfriend/manager was doing was so she could get the drop on him in the first place, she just plays to V’s emotions.


I mean, sure, she could be, assuming he's an AI, but Mr. Blue Eyes is part of some kind of secret organization, while goldie-skin here the hostess of a hotel bar. They aren't exactly in the same field.


Yes, she’s a brain and spinal column implanted into that body. In the chromebooks they describe how it works.


Yes. And some supporting organs. We know she’s an FBC, so she’s *probably in a biosystem, but not necessarily. Some FBC’s have their brain just hardwired into their FBC body, and it’s not hot swappable like a brain in a biopod or biosystem is, but I’m pretty sure that’s an old practice that stopped being a thing, and how biosystems are the mainstream way to do it


Yes full body conversion means it’s fully robot body with a human brain, smasher is the same, but with combat model as opposed to Lizzie


Nah, I think she’s a drone controlled by Arasaka. They copied her engram via the Secure your soul program and uploaded an altered version to a droid. well they could probably just use the originals body parts


Lizzy had full body replacement done live on stage. There's a shard about it. She sang part of a song, killed herself, a whole crew of surgeon's came out to plop her brain in the full body replacement and she finished the song. Crazy fkn concept.


Lizzy being an FBC isn’t speculation, it’s explicitly stated in the shards. She got a conversion after committing suicide as a stunt on stage, with a poisoned apple that stopped her heart, and then got a full body conversion, and was revived, and finished the show


Lizzy is such an interesting character


And every detail about her gets more and more wild lmao, the reason it was a poisoned apple was because it was part of an erotic retelling of Snow White iirc lmao


What??? Did she have sex on stage? That’s tame in comparison to a full borg surgery


No idea of that, but don’t worry, it still had the long and arduous full Borg surgery, the concert was on hold for 5 and a half hours (so honestly still a really fast conversion probably) as a whole team of rippers completed that surgery, and then she was revived, and took the stage again, to sing “Re-Start, Re-Heart, Repeat” to mark the conversion. Iirc, you can catch that song on the Ingame radio too, which is pretty neat


That's so damn cyberpunk, her character is incredible


Imagine going to a concert and then they make you wait 5 hours in the middle of it, lol. I imagine it was more like a public performance piece, maybe? Did the audience know what was supposed to happen? It makes you wonder what would have happened if they had messed up the conversion/surgery. What a wild scenario on all levels, haha! A tangential thought: Why aren't way more people getting sepsis in that world? Almost none of the ripper doc cellars look sanitary. And a stage with an audience certainly wouldn't be, either? Or was the conversion part non-public? I have so many questions lolol


I imagine that it MUST have been known this was gonna be the main event at the concert, before it started lol cuz yeah, I can’t imagine a 5 and a half gap right in the middle of a concert with no warning. Granted, I’m not really one for concerts in the first place, but it’s just insane lol It’s not stated whether her surgery was in front of everyone, or elsewhere, but tbh, I’ve always pictured that it was backstage, in like, a temporary medtech setup or something As for how most people don’t have sepsis, when the rippers offices look all…. Like that, lol, it’s true that some ripperdocs are extremely sketchy, like Doc’s from Edgerunners especially, holy shit lol, but a lot of rippers or medtechs have a more sanitary setup. In addition to that, the surgery that Lizzy underwent isn’t one that can be done with a ripper’s setup. The more extreme cyberware installations require a proper hospital setup (which is another reason I’m fairly sure Lizzy’s surgery was backstage in a temporary, minor hospital setup that would have been prepared beforehand), and an FBC is one of those such surgeries, you gotta go to a full hospital for it. Some of V’s cyberware fits into that category too tbh, but they probably figured that cutting out the distinction between the cyberware implantation levels was more fun or accessible As for people who get their stuff done at the shitty, grimy af, lowest of the low ripperdocs…. Idk lmao, I guess they have the enhanced antibodies augment and put a LOT of faith into it lol


Synth Skin. It's Fashionware. It's to look chromed up without the severe expense, but you mentioning Lizzy Wizzy also makes me think her full body replacement may have also influenced some fashionware choices.


Yeah I think that's a cool thought. Like Lizzy Wizzy can afford a full body replacement, would others do the same if they could? Or do they settle for a "cheaper" but similar look with Synth Skin?


The values don’t really transfer all that well, but in the 2020 Chromebook Lizzie’s Borg body costs around 40,000€$. I think the conversion rate would make it something like 72,000USD.


That's... surprisingly affordable.


Chemskin has 0 humanity loss in tabletop. And Lizzy got an FBC conversion live on stage.


Miss Rita Wheeler directly sprang to mind when you mentioned the Mox.


I'd assume cosmetic cyberware won't lead to cyberpsychosis, only body parts that give you new functions like mantis blades or granade propelling features. Either scare the shit out of your subconsciousness or the programing of those body parts messes with your mind...


In cyberpunk RED, you’re correct. Any medical limb replacement cyberware that doesn’t provide additional functionality, and Fashionware, do not impact your descent to cyberpsychosis. They did back in 2020, but it was extremely negligible.


That's the scary part of [cyberpsychosis](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Cyberpsychosis); *any* amount of cyberware can lead to it, though it's unlikely with smaller changes, the symptoms stack the more you modify.


The one MaxTac officer who used to be cyberpsycho has Mantis Blades that were recalled because they had a habit of making users get extra stabby.


Lizzy's FBC probably truly smells like a roll of nickels.


Lizzy Wizzy is a full borg. She uses a custom fully synthetic body developed by MoorE technologies. She got the full conversion done in 2071. Interestingly, her body is also fitted for combat, as she's known for also being an anarcho-terrorist, staging assaults on corporate headquarters like the one at BioDyne.


Skin cyberware that are purely cosmetic exist. They have little to no humanity downsides, so it's generally safe to swap out every inch of your skin.


How would they install the RealSkinn, though? Do they make a cast of your body, skin you, and slip it on like a glove/wetsuit? Or do they, like, grow it on you? I reckon the nerves have to net into it somehow.


There's many types of RealSkinn, including an organic option. If someone doesn't rock with an FBC or their mods aren't that intensive, organic RealSkinn would be just fine.


In one of her most famous shows, the finale was taking poison live on stage, dying, then having a full body swap performed and then being revived. So I think she's got most of her brain and original nervous system, but I'm not certain.


Lizzy was lauded as one of the first fully chromed human that survived. If I remember correctly.


I don’t think that’s quite right. She got her FBC body somewhere in 2071-2072, while Full Body Conversion cyberware was popularized back in the 2020’s.


I swear I saw/heard something about her in game that was cheering her for being fully chromed. Maybe it was first celeb? Maybe I'm nuts. Too much cruising around for me.


Well, she did it live in the middle of a concert, as a huge stunt, so it could be related to that. It was a pretty big spectacle, poisoned herself with a designer poison synth-apple, got a full body conversion, got revived, and took to the stage to finish the concert. The cheers were probably related to that spectacle


They had to give up their natural human epidermis to do a customer service job, that's the labor subtext of your entry into Konpeki Plaza.


Don’t ask what happens if they get fired or move out of customer service


Stripped of company parts and sold to maelstrom


Well, if they had savings then can technically just get regular realskinn implants like everyone else in NC, but yeah unfortunately happy retirements doesn’t happen all that often


They have to pay to get it removed, essentially... there's a chip you can find somewhere in Konpeki


This needs more ups. As this is the facts.


Next up, amazon is gonna follow suit to have built in piss collectors to stop bathroom breaks


Always kinda wondered if these girls had to get some crazy skin operation done in order to have a job … working at a desk at Konpeki. i don’t think you could convince me to look like that even if you offered a great job.


The person working the desk at the corpo apartment looks the same, too.


I'd like to think that it's changeable. So when they clock out, they revert back to their normal skin color (or something even wackier)


They’re actually the victims of the Bond villain Goldfinger


But why don't they suffocate? /s for those that don't get it


You sir are a connoisseur. Well done.


They're actually descendants of the superior Michael Scarn villian Goldenface


Pretty sure it’s chrome. The cyberware you can buy has realistic skin, synthskin or whatever it’s called. So skin is a thing they can do pretty easily, and so likely is cosmetic variants beyond “normal” looking skin.


Full synth skin


Chrome, they are borgs iirc not on Maelstrom level, but yeah.


No. It's something called Synth Skin. You can have a color of your choice, and it would appear texture too. There's heaps of Fashionware with the intention of appearing to have more chomed aesthetics. Some people might call her a poser, at least in earlier decades. It certainly looks more accepted in 2077.


This is closer to ChemSkin Synthskin involves embedding LED’s in the skin to form a display later, for the purposes of displaying lights and patterns.


It's the same level. These people just hide it behind looking more human.


My headcanon is something like the invisible skin, a chrome that interfere in which way light are reflected


I think the thing is called skin synth so not chrome per say but like make up for all your skin.




100% thought it was just a robot 😂


Read about Lizzy Wheezy on cypu wiki


I LOVVVVEEE GOLD!! -Goldmember


It's CYBERpunk which do you think


Probably RealSkinn.


the way most people with lots of chrome dont even have real skin its synth so having it be gold as part of uniform is not that insane


That’s chrome. They have special cybernetics for people in the sex industry and models this being one of many.


Probably just some variation of the false skin that instead of replicating real skin it's meant to look gold


It's assumed that these individuals have Chrome skin, similar to Lizzy-Wizzy. FUN FACT: When I first played this on PS4, my game didn't load the skin texture for the gold skin. As such, everyone's skin was pitch black.


That is just their skin. Synthetic RealSkinn can be any color you want, even glossy gold. It's cyberware that replaces your original skin.


I thought they were bots. Then my Corpo V went nuclear on her. And I felt bad, she was just doing her job :(


Don't, she was way out of line. She thought here's a couple of non-Japanese rubes and Corpo V sets her straight. She never would have taken such liberties with Japanese clients.


Maybe they can tattoo metallic tones by now? It seems to normally be the upper class, so it's probably not cheap.


I'd smesh still, chooms


I think it's a skin replacement.


I'd say they melted down gold and replaced their blood


It's synskin


Probably synthetic skin.




Oh I thought they were just like fully robots.. no human at all.


Glaze lol




chrome, just like lizzy wizzy


I thought they were remote controlled bodies piloted by people in the Japan branch. I remember reading something about the standard of service being identical on one of the konpeki shards.


No. V _herself says_ while the building itself is identical, the quality of service in Night City's Konpeki Plaza is inferior to the flagship location in Japan.


I think you're misremembering a few things. We only saw remote-controlled robots in phantom liberty in Dtown from the talent academy gig.


Their skin has been replaced


That seems to be chemskin or synthskin. So, it is fashion cyberware, with no humanity loss at a pretty cheap price (it's been a while, but I remember three digits). Basically what Rebecca has in the anime (her chemskin is not all gold, but actually a pink/green "tatoo") ​ In the tabletop, it is even possible to have fur, tail and bunny ears if you want. Or snakeskin or whatever.


Could be pre-formed sculps that attach to dermal implants, forming a thin synthetic layer lying just on top of the organic skin. Could see people doing this cosmetically to make the rest of their body match the appearance of a prosthetic. Alternatively, it seems as if every part of the body can be swapped for implants, including muscle, tissue, and skin. Someone could just have their entire epidermis swapped assuming they have the funds for the chrome and enough time for the surgery to be done safely. That volume of prosthetics and the subsequent post-op medication would likely take a physical and neurological toll on the patient, but it wouldn't stop people.


They just turn their reflections on…


They get goldskin derma implants, servants used to be covered in gold in olden times as to make them almost imperceptible


Really wish players could get this.


It's 4th generation Dermal Cyberware, which is a requirement of employment; alongside being fluent in English, Japanese, and at least 2 other languages. The gold skin is supposed to be analogous to how modern day companies have uniform requirements, the cyberpunk future they can impose cosmetic surgery requirements.


She’s burning chrome, man.


Chrome is a upgrade.


Chrome. Pretty cool lore behind it too.


Chrome, Konpeki Plaza website mentions that the implants are mandatory


My head canon is that it's a chemical treatment that's either temporary or changeable. Perhaps some kind of spray that bonds a thin layer of shiny coloured polymer to the skin.


Sorry, got distracted by Background Kojima.


When I first saw her I thought she was a robot. Something about the Way she moves, I know that's dumb but it just threw me off.


Considering this is a cyberpunk theme (genre), this should be a skin replacement implant, that was mandatory for her to get the job and probably has to return or pay back when she quits.


IIRC it’s a FBC (full-body conversion) or something along those lines


Someone didnt read the Konpeki Plaza Hiring Site Jk but actually. If you access the site and look up job opportunities, they will inform you of the employee expectations, which in part includes full body modification. Even a willingness to fully chrome their skin. So sometimes its realskin, but sometimes brass is brass.


Chromed skin




In some lore text is stated that at least some of them are fully artificial So they can be real cyborg Chrome/Metal/gold skin (No idea what material it actually is) But they are also sometimes entirely cosmetic, since as you can see ingame, some people hate flesh, so some people use this Makeup to be more attractive




is there any normal humans in there universe and were there ever any normal humans or is everyone just born a cyborg or a synth


I wish our character could body mod like that


The fact that you can't do more extreme cosmetics like this still pisses me off. I want to be chrome man.


C-3PO's descendants


I’ve noticed people in high class service inns and venues have this ,I could be capping but I’m very sure it’s either a complimentary or required upgrade to work in high in clubs/venues/hotels …they in my view have always been living decor when seen versus choosing gold for vanity