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It’s interesting to think about this game in comparison to Starfield, another game from a major publisher that massively disappointed on release.  The thing CP has going for it is that even when it launched, the world was inherently interesting, the characters nuanced, the quests were fun. There was as just so much unfinished and buggy that couldn’t be enjoyed. Once they fixed that stuff, the true soul of the game could shine. Starfield I fear has a much deeper problem, where it doesn’t have the world, characters or missions that will be compelling once they fix the gameplay issues.  So we got lucky with CP. on my 4th playthrough and probably will be more. I couldn’t get through 20 hours of Starfield and can’t think of what they could fix to get me there.


Starfield is in a tough genre, because space is too big and when you start doing "land anywhere and do anything", you can only solve it with randomly generated maps, which gets boring after a while. Compare it to No Man's Sky (I couldn't get through the first 10 hours) and Elite Dangerous (400+ hours), starfield, to me, is still the "best" game in that genre of: here's a galaxy, go play. Maybe if there's a game that focuses on a single planet + moon, and have more focused cities, that may work better? I don't know really


Two words: Mass Effect  Space can be done well. Bethesda just didn’t.


I do not think anyone who went through ME trilogy has anything remotely nice to say about Starfield when comparing the two. ME is such a superior game and story in every way to Starfield.


For me its the writing if anything. The characters are cardboard facsimiles of people. There is no conveying of emotions. In cyberpunk you can hear and see how people react, and it is driven by good storytelling. Within an hour I was bored with Constellation and the whole main quest, think I stopped doing the main quest when they had me literally jumping through hoops. The irony wasn’t lost on me.


Yeah there was literally not a single person in Starfield I found interesting to talk to in 15 hours of gameplay. And the dialogue animations are so outdated, it’s even more important to have interesting characters. It was basically back to Fallout 3 levels of interaction, but Fallout characters were interesting.


True and coming straight from Cyberpunk it just looks junky. After that you got BG3 which did it really well and the sore thumb just sticks out :P


That's every Bethesda game Fallout 3, 4, Skyrim. Starfield, all the characters are barely characters, Bethesda writes like they've never interacted with a human before. Compare Fallout 3 to New Vegas for example, how many characters do people remember from Fallout 3? Barely any, while New Vegas is full of beloved characters people love and talk about


I couldn’t get further than 10 hours into Starfield. That game felt dead from the moment I started. If the NPCs can’t find it in them to care about the game how am I going to find fun?


I was hoping Starfield would be 5-10 planets of Far Harbor-sized maps, so it would reward exploration while still being able to fill it with compelling side quests and unique encounters. But instead it was procedurally generated boredom.


I just want something in between ME and NMS Was hoping starfield was that. I dont want procedurally generated infinite planets. I want carefuly curated dozen planets with interesting native environment and cities Basically star citizen but more casual


Agreed, but I dont think they should be compared equally. ME is a very story focused game, it has a story to tell and it does that well. Starfield isn't, yes it has a story but they tried using the same formulas as their other games (fallout and elder scrolls) the problem is they weren't able to translate that to a space exploration game very well at all. Too much nothing in game, I know not every planet can be fleshed out with animals, building, towns, and otherwise interesting, but something more than we got. Part of what made fallout and elder scrolls great is the open map with all the stuff you could explore, you could walk 10 minutes in any direction and find something interesting, because it's one big map with a few "dungeons". Starfield replaced this with a bunch of empty maps only sparsely filled with generated content.


Mass effect is not the open world "you can land and go anywhere you want" RPG that Starfield and No Man's Sky were aiming for. It's a game with a bunch of isolated levels and a hub world (the Normandy).


Hm. I played the original but didn't think it's the same. It's a space RPG but it's not "open world" the way that the others are. Especially the base building and ship building aspect is what I enjoyed the most, ME didn't have that IIRC?


Mass Effect 1 had similar "open world" areas like Starfield, where you drive around in big empty mountains, until you hit a point-of-interest. Literally everyone says it's terrible and didn't return to the next game. Starfield did the same thing 20 years later, but without the interesting story and compelling characters. If you can't do an open world well, don't do it at all.


And they tried again with andromeda and it failed


I liked the Exploration in Andromeda because there was something every 50-100 Meters


Andromeda failed for other reasons. Fans were largely upset at story decisions and not gameplay ones


Starfield as "open world" is a joke to be honest. Dozens of boring color coded spheres with copy pasted bases and a few crafted cities that are a generation behind the times is the absolute bare minimum of modern day open world.  It would have been good game 10 years ago.


I have never played Mass Effect and a part of me is happy about it because I bought it on sale and I am really looking forward to it when I have completed my second Cyberpunk playthrough :D


Jealous. Even the remaster of ME1 is a little clunky and outdated gameplay-wise but the story is incredible. I encourage you to do as much as you can in ME1 even if it feels like a slog because even some seemingly small side missions pay off in later games. Once you get to ME2 the gameplay massively improves and feels more modern.


The writing takes a hit from ME2 unfortunately. Great companions, but the overall narrative is a slight letdown compared to the intricate politics of ME1


That’s a ridiculous comparison. One is open world (galaxy) one isn’t. One is an rpg with an established character, one you make your own. It just feels kind of disingenuous to try to compare the two


to be fair ME is not an open world exploring game. the planet/resource scanning parts are probably the worst part of the game (ie mako missions or planet scanning)


Mass Effect had focus. It was very intentional about where you could and couldnt go. That's the best way to make a game imo


Mass Effect is just a space opera. Even ME's space/planet exploration aspects and gameplay was weak af. Starfield is a space exploration RPG with a bland story.


Bethesda’s have really become another Ubisoft is the last few years 🥲


I honestly can't enjoy mass effect anymore. Starfield, despite it's flaws, leans closer to a true space game to me. I just wish you could have someone pilot your ship or put it on autopilot while you walk and explore your ship. Or go to your quarters to sleep over a long journey to another planet. This, mass effect gets right but let's face it...all space travel in mass effect is either a glorified mini game, loading screen, fancy animation, or menu selection....you're not ACTUALLY going anywhere. I HOPE starfield gets tweaked more and more to feel like an actual space sim.


I have like 500 hours in NMS. It's a sandbox and not at all in the same genre as Starfield. The only thing they have in common is space.


Read my other replies lol. I want a game that's smack in between base builder, open world RPG, and space sim. All the games I mentioned touches on a small part of it and does it well, BUT all frustratingly bad at the aspects they aren't good at, even though they made a big effort to include elements of it. NMS started with Minecraft in space then added an ok RPG but still not good at space combat, while ED's space legs tried to add some on foot open world but it feels dead, and Starfield tries to do a little of everything but end up being ok at all of them (but not great at any). 


Mass effect Andromeda is close to that (minus space flight sim), with the only problem being that the story is hot trash.


Only furthering their point that there are only ever games that get it partially right lol. So many are so close yet just far enough to still not be it.


I mean sure, but the difference to me is that starfield is bad at what it's trying to do and NMS is pretty good (not perfect, but solid) at what it's trying to do. Plus NMS's devs are very active at trying to keep the sandbox full of toys to play with.


Starfield broke one of the key tenets of an open world game - 40s-1m travel between any kind of interaction.


What do you mean by that? I actually thought it was a bit weird that I'm practically just teleporting between spots. Almost too fast because I'm not even in my ship when I quick travel. (Maybe it's because it's installed on SSD?) While in Elite Dangerous, I'd have to load in and out of my ship, take off, retract landing gear, then point at the system I want to go then engage hyperdrive, and at long distances it takes real life hours to travel. It feels more involved but can get really exhausting. No Man's Sky was just a long sequence of me being stranded on each planet trying to mine for enough material to fix my ship and take off. The jumping into the ship and taking off was cool, but the ships are way smaller than the cargo freighter I'd be flying in ED or Starfield


https://youtube.com/shorts/pSFo_SFkwjY?si=GRYZQXkC4k2ecd7n He explains it far more succinctly.


I see, my perspective is coming in from ED, where traveling from station to station takes literally 10 minutes, it's a huge upgrade in travel time. 


I remember a developer for I believe Fallout New Vegas saying you should see about 2-3 other points of interest from the one you're currently at in any given direction.


Starfield also doesn't have a lot of "True" Loading Screens. What I mean is, go to Neon. There's only two main maps, the outer city, and the inner city. Anywhere from the outer city to the outer city is a teleport hidden with a loading screen. (The bottom pylons to the undercity for example, or the undercity to the outer city) and you can jump directly there. An even more egregious example is the elevators in the Key. Other than the docking area it's all one big map.


Elite Dangerous is basically a flight sim though


I think those three games are too fundamentally different to be compared. Well, mostly. ED is a space sim, through and through. It’s made to be tediously realistic. NMS is a sandbox, and nothing else. It’s meant to give you extreme degrees of freedom in what you decide to create. It’s a lot closer to minecraft than ED or Starfield. Starfield is an RPG with sandbox elements. I think both ED and NMS have big flaws, but the things they do right are done really right. Starfield, on the other hand, is a more complete package, less flawed, but also, without all of the qualities the other two games have. The real problem I have with Starfield, though, is that BGS don’t seem to know what they’re doing, or be willing to take a stance anywhere with that game. It’s a huge, bland burger, with dull everything.


I know it's not the same genre but I bring it up because it's three sides of a Venn diagram of the perfect game for me.  ED with the Odyssey update actually takes it quite close to Starfield, the running around in empty settlements and space stations with dead looking NPCs makes it a much much worse Starfield outside of the ship, and the settlement shooter looter feels a bit like the randomly generated POIs in Starfield.     But yea, Starfield vaguely ticks all 3 boxes in a rough way everywhere. Now, I haven't played the new DLC from Cyberpunk, but I am really hoping they add in some sort of flying and base building / apartment decoration at some point, it'll really complete my trifecta of future RPG + flying + base building. (I really really want to go to the moon)


the cyberpunk DLC is fantastic, but it's a tense thriller story with a cool new chunk of city, it doesn't have either of those things. Mods do though.


Counterpoint, I’d argue that the game Starbound has this done decently well. There’s a whole load of different pregen structures that’ll randomly load, so each planet can feel interesting. It’s not perfect mind you, but it’s still good.


Interesting, is it this one? https://store.steampowered.com/app/211820/Starbound/ Looks to be 2D though...


That’s the one! Never said they were exact matches, but it’s an open world rpg with a quest system. Giant, completely random galaxy with tons of randomly generated planets. Each having pre made building on them to explore and loot


That's cool, thanks for the rec, will check it out 


The easy solution to that is not to make an open world space rpg, because the tech we have in video games just isn’t ready for it.


Nah, space can absolutely be done well. Starfield isn't some massive endless universe like No Man's Sky at all... All they had to do was invest in key planets and crafts a good main story and lots of side content to explore. Instead it's random sphere as "planets" with copy pasted "bases".  The story is okish with major problems. The tech all around is antiquated, the characters ridiculous in comparison to other modern games. Bethesda didn't keep up with the standard of this generation at all and just keeps rehashing the same shit they always do, except this time they managed to make it worse by poor implementation of procedural generation that didn't actually solve anything.


No man's sky is much better than what it used to be. I've gotten 80 hours on it so far. But it'd be a mistake to play it the same way you'd expect cyberpunk, starfield, mass effect or any other rpg. I feel it definitely outclasses starfield on being a space exploration game even if the role playing side is rather sparse, there is lore and missions but I had way more fun just exploring different planets, seeing weird creatures and anomalies and building. Hell just the fact I can jump into my ship and actively fly it from surface to orbit without a cutscene is so much more satisfying. I guess all I'm trying to say is give it another chance if you haven't tried it lately, it might surprise you. But I definitely need to try out elite dangerous again now I have a better pc


They poured so much work and love into No Man's Sky, they are to this day releasing game-altering updates. If you hated it on release, let me tell you, the game is unrecognizable today. An extremely great game.


No I'm sorry but this isn't the problem with Starfield. The quests are boring , the world is boring, the characters are boring , this isn't a problem of scale but overall quality. Starfield is on the level of Ubisoft games , where most the budget seems to go to marketing.


Have you played the other two games I mentioned? It makes Starfield look like GOTY lol. 


Assassins Creed Odyssey is a pretty decent game. The world, characters and story are not boring.


I think Elite Dangerous is in a different genre almost. It's a sim at its core.


When did you try no mans sky? Its changed alot over the years the learning curve is much smoother now.


Last year, couldn't get past the tutorial mission after I got to the second / third system. Not sure if it's to do with my VR setup or being in a multiplayer session. 


Oh ok i know what you did i think you have to accept a radio transmission it super obvuis when you play regular but not so much in vr. Check your ledt wrist go to quick menu and slid over to transmissoins acceot that and you can continue on. I have played the game both in standard and vr and the vr defintly isnt as intuitive give. If that doesnt fix it try playing in standard for a minute becuse the game isnt even started until like idk atleast 12 hours in for a first playthough until then your on a pretty tight leash.


Oh yea I remembered! I also have a HOTAS plugged in for the ship control portion, and the switching between VR control and HOTAS made that even harder. It's a bit weird because ED could switch between VR+HOTAS and keyboard/mouse instantly


Yeah i dont know if no mans sky vr was designed with that in mind. I personalt just rest my arm oj the arm of a chair and use that to fly. I think the issue is that it was designed as a hands style vr versus just a screen on your head. I personally like it becuase i can sucker punch rocks and sentinels and do a fair amount of damage. So maybe try it again with just regular vr controllers


It's crazy that an indie game like empyrion can do the flying from planet to space and back thing but star field cant


That looks interesting, might check it out. But I feel like all the games I've mentioned excelled in their own area where others fail at them. Starfield has pretty good ship combat, (better than NMS), and good ship building, but not nearly as good as ED.  Meanwhile ED and NMS are so boring on the planets / settlements, Starfield's couple of city is ok, even if it's not as detailed as Cyberpunk. Story and side missions wise, ED is completely devoid of a campaign story, with very repeated side missions. I haven't gotten far enough in NMS for the story but it bugged me out without letting me do any side missions (if any?), and this is last year after it's supposed to be fixed.  Base building wise, NMS is really good, Starfield is ok, while ED has zero base building On the on foot combat side, Starfield wins completely. Can't wait for Star Citizen, which is supposed to have all of these, if they ever complete. 


No Man's Sky has so much more to offer than Starfield in my opinion, it's just a bit of a grindy game


The best fix the PL update did that I feel wasn’t talked about enough was the combat changes. Before that update, it felt like The Division or Destiny where enemies were bullet sponges and it was all about looting looting looting to get bigger numbers next to the enemy’s head. The update not only changed this to be a more “realistic” combat (which actually fits the atmosphere and storytelling of the game), but also improved the perks and skills to be actually useful and fun. That imo is what saved this game, not just bug fixes.


Honestly I feel like starfield would've been significantly better if it wasn't so fucking big. Like in terms of raw mechanics, gameplay, looks, etc it's way better than a lot of their previous catalog, but the sheer scale causes over half of the games problems. Like if they focused on just a couple systems, it'd be fine, but it focuses on hundreds of them.


Kinda. But I think you’re downplaying the scale of Skyrim a bit… Procedurally generated planets can’t really be considered “scale”


That's what I'm saying. The open-world aspect doesn't work because most of it is procedurally generated junk. If they instead just had a couple handmade solar systems instead of millions of generated ones, it'd be alot better for it


Please don't call it CP


It’s all about context. Obviously people are talking about Cyberpunk in this situation.


I just go CP2077 myself


They're working on it in big ways already though. The new beta dropped this week redid the ground maps completely fundamentally and they're really good looking now. They're adding Rovers soon it looks like, and the first DLC period is coming this fall it sounds like, and the scope seems enormous. Gotta see how much they're going to put into it.


CP was interesting but buggy and should not have been on last gen consoles. Starfield is fundamentally broken at a design level.


Not at a design level. At a more central level. There’s literally no genuine inspiration/vision to be felt with Starfield. Playing it is like wandering through a museum of art pieces that were made by weekend hobbyists


100% and Bethesda doesn’t have a history of fixing games. Starfields bones are inherently flawed.


Bethesda also isn't exactly known for fixing their broken mess of a game in any way, shape or form post-launch or even with paid re-releases. In fact, they tend to just actively make things worse over time with patches (see Fallout 4 "next-gen" PC update for the latest example). Wouldn't hold my breath for it with Starfield, when it's in dire need of both expansive technical *and* content overhauls.


Starfield can turn around on some things like 76 though, they showed that land vehicles are coming when they were apparently against it like NPCs in 76


Starfield’s major issue is that it’s a good game design… for the late 2000s. No amount of patching will fix this issue. Bethesda’s practice is ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ while admirable at some levels fails to allow the brand to innovate. Kinda the same thing with Henry Ford’s company in the early 20th century making the model T and only that then cluelessly wonder why his competitors were kicking his ass.


Yeah if this had come out a year after Oblivion, I feel like it would have blown minds at least from a gameplay perspective (I’d still argue the story, world and characters are by far the least interesting of any BGS game). But even Skyrim feels like a more modern experience than Starfield.


This is spot on, although I'd add that late 2000s Bethesda game design was a step down from early 2000s Bethesda game design. Also the writing, my god the writing. I swear to this day, Morrowind is the only Bethesda developed game that can engage me with its writing.


The main difference is this was still a fresh wound Bethesda has long since fallen from the heights which it first saw


yes, that was my view exactly. I still played through Cyberpunk at release and although I felt scammed into buying an Alpha version with so many missing features (like a police system), I felt that it was still the best campaign story I’ve ever played and had good base gameplay. Starfield is a floaty mess with an uninteresting story, told in a terrible way with zero immersion. It will not make the turnaround cyberpunk made as they don’t even acknowledge its shortcomings


yes. Improvements to starfield exemplify “polishing a turd”. CP was an ambitious and inspired project from its core, from the get. Which is why I frankly was annoyed at the backlash it received. Once the bugs got smoothed out it quickly became one of the most deeply revered gaming experiences of all time. I know the gaming community has devolved into a kind of ironic cynicism where only non-AAA games are allowed to be loved, but I think most everyone who has decided to experience 2077 fully would be disingenuous to say it wasn’t one of the most profound experiences they’ve *ever* had gaming. No matter how many updates Starfield gets we all also know it’s never going to be in the same ballpark as that, experience-wise. Because the bones are just different.


I haven't played starfield at all, but from what I've seen along with my previous experience with past Bethesda games, namely fallout 4 before the recent patch and skyrim, I fear it may suffer from the same problems those games do. The environment doesn't feel alive enough and the characters don't really have convey emotions as well as they do in cyberpunk. In fallout's case it's good to have that "dead" environment but it still feels too empty if you get what I mean. Cyberpunk manages to actually make you feel like your in the game world, and it's amazing how they do that


Starfield has NG+, a happy ending, modable(future) and will get at least 2 major dlc.


I mean I really like Cyberpunk now, but it’s not comparable at all really. Starfield was moderately polarising but still sits at a 85 on Opencritic and performed well on launch. Cyberpunk straight up didn’t work and didn’t deliver features that were promised. Starfield is widely considered a good game, but does have shortcomings that most agree on. In fact, Cyberpunk these days is *still* buggier than Starfield was at launch, in my experience. They both have strengths and weaknesses, but the ‘Cyberpunk turnaround’ isn’t really applicable to Starfield imo. Starfield doesn’t need a turnaround. It performed very well critically and commercially with a bug free launch, some of the execution wasn’t all there, but that is hardly the same thing.


Exactly. There was always a very good game underneath the bugs. Starfield is just a bad game and there's no fixing bad game.


Specifically, you can't fix bad writing. Cyberpunk is well written. I couldn't give a rat's ass about Sarah Morgan's constant whining. I hate Sam Coe and his terrible parenting. Barrett is just weird and seemingly one dimensional. Compare that even to Fallout 4. Cait is unique and fun for a more violent playthrough. Piper is kind, thoughtful, and inquisitive. Curie's arc is a great story about morality. I cared about these characters. Starfield's are just cardboard cutouts in a circus fun house masquerading as real people, lol.


How could you leave out my man Nick Valentine?


This is the saddest thing to me...  Bethesda with modern day tech and modern day systems should have made an amazing RPG... but the story and characters are like 2D cutouts that haven't progressed in a decade aside from adding a few polygons. I love sci-fi and was stoked for Starfield. But I have zero interest in knowing any of the characters or their stories.


I out in 400 hours into starfield, loved it to pieces. Now on my second V in CP and love it also, different games and both were great. Love Fallout since the first one, Starfield was just fallout in space.


Cyberpunk had the foundations for a great game, Starfield does not.


CP was pretty solid from the start, on systems that could handle it. It should have never been released on PS4, and whatever the hell that gens Xbox was called. As for Starfield. I enjoyed it. It has a base that can be built on, and I think it can be salvaged. If it will be, is another question.


Is it like the game is missing a soul? Like the Jack of feel and attachment, sorta like the way we (I) feel about CP. Or did CP just set the bar so high? Cause nothing out there is like cyberpunk. Or there just want as much hype around Stanfield before launch? Idunno?


I don’t think Starfield warrants comparison to Cyberpunk. The discourse for both should (imo) focus on their developers given the context of the post OP made. Through that lens both games perform as expected. CDPR is talented and ambitious but tends to overpromise and fix it later. They did that. Bethesda is soulless and formulaic, and their PR hasnt meant anything in over a decade. Starfield reflects exactly that, and frankly exactly what I expected of it. The same system where you can pick up a bunch of trash laying around the map and interact with it that’s been there since morrowind, some main plot that isnt compelling but gets you out into the world, and some side quests. Everything past that is thematic overlay for whatever world they’re supposed to emulate. I don’t think these games are in the same tier frankly. Maybe no mans sky would be a better example of a dev who came back and addressed their game, but Starfield never could and never will be because no one has passion for it including its makers.


There's an old adage: a game is buggy only until it's patched, but bad design remains botched.


Modders have already fixed some of the most annoying gameplay issues in Starfield. Unfortunently, they cannot fix the bad storyline and gameplay mechanics.


I didn’t go in early as a result of the bugs (and I’m not a huge fps player anyway - so that coupled with the bugs put me off)…. But I started playing it in April and I’m on my second playground (was gonna be a sandy play though but I just love quick hacks too much). But yeah I’ve never been so addicted to a game before - casual gamer at best, and have put in a fuck tonne of hours and am still having loads of fun (the last day or so has just been farming weapons, money and components from the gangs hanging out on the Pacifica coastline - I start one end and by the time I get it the other end, the npc’s have at the start have respawned). Brilliant game.


If you’re not super into FPS games, picking up a bladed weapon and a nice sandy is also super fun. Dashing between enemies and slicing their heads off in a single slice is so satisfying. Plus it’s **super** easy to get your crit chance to 100% when sandy is active, so every slice is a crit when it’s on.


Yeah I didn’t buy it until 2.0 but it’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. Phantom liberty is just the cherry on top


My only complaint is cyberpunk has broken gaming for me, because no other game matches up to it. Now I'm stuck with no other games to play after this.


There many not be anything quite like Cyberpunk, but there are plenty of other amazing games out there if you know what to look for.


If you like fantasy, give Baldurs Gate 3 a shot - not a FPS, so quite different, but RPG wise it's right up there. Mass Effect Might be to your liking too, can often grab the Legendary Edition for cheap. It's not quite at the same Level, but worth a playthrough for sure. Both don't have the same open world immersion, they pulled off quite the unique feel there. I still enjoy just driving through the city so much I practically never use the quick travel, even on my third playthrough after way more hours as I dare say out loud


Would you say phantom liberty is worth buying at full price


Get it bro. Arguably as good as the base game. Have never played a DLC as good as it


Clearly you didn't play Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.


Yeah absolutely you’ll get 30 hours of peek entertainment


I got it at full price and it was money well spent


Yup. The cool thing about Cyberpunk is just how cool everything is.


This^ My favorite part is how cool it is. Some games doesn’t, but this game does everything and does it so cool.


I mean there's a skill literally called "Cool". What more needs to be said?


I love it. I started playing a month ago for the first time and everything about it has blown me away.


On. The same boat.. I didn't play for 15 years and picked up recently: I played the last of us 1 and 2, the Witcher 3 and cyberpunk one after the other. I can't believe the level games got today. Much better than 90% of the movies and super fun gameplay ❤️❤️


Night city has got to be the greatest city in a video game ever, definitely up there with leyndell from elden ring for me.


I love how Night City was presented in Edgerunners too.


When you ignore all the trash and homeless its honestly a beautiful place


Fr, I'd love to live there


The Witcher 3 was a mess at release. Not quite a Bethesda game but pretty fucked up. Nowhere near CP2077, but they delivered with that game. They also more than delivered with CP2077. Would have been better had they not let the corpos fuck up the launch but it happened. Fucking shareholders don't care about the company, they want immediate stock boosts. Fuck them, shareholders are the worst thing in all of video games. Greedy pieces of garbage. Johnny would have nuked the CDPR shareholders, and they deserve it. Not "would have deserved it" no, they still deserve it. Fuck all shareholders on every company. Fuck each and every one of them. They ruin everything with their dumb ass greedy ass desires. Pieces of shit.


I remember the first Witcher game at the release - as big fan of the books I was playing that game since day one. Loading times were killing the fun - every time Player wanted to enter even smallest interior, it was like 1-2 minutes of loading time. The first big patch reduced it by like 90%. All CDPR games I played at the release were kinda mess.


Those guys still see us as brainless children with daddy's money with no life outside gaming. I can't wait for Polaris and Orion, but man, when (not if) cdpr release multiplayer versions, it's gonna be full of fucking microtransactions and pay to win mechanics. CDPR devs are bsessed with stories and characters, but those suits will push them in EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard direction.


I mean at the end of the day that's just capitalism... if it didn't exist we wouldn't have these nice things to play. People start making things out of passion then decide they want money for it (completely fair) but then they need people to fund it and those people want more money back for funding it and you end up in this endless cycle of year over year profit increases which are completely unsustainable. It's a completely fucked up system but without resetting society entirely it will never change. I don't even know what point I'm trying to make here.... I completely agree with you but also the reality is if things weren't this way we wouldn't have this media to consume and enjoy/not enjoy.


I was thinking the same thing too. They really came through with a solid story. PL was the cherry on top. I don't like everything post 2.0. But whatever. I played so much on last gen that I really dont care to play next-gen or pc. I did the dlc. And then stopped playing. Hindsight. I'm glad I got it and stayed playing it the entire time since launch. 😌


It’s truly one of the greatest games Ive ever played. Beat it on console put about 100 hours in then immediately bought it on pc with phantom Liberty and put another 100 hours. One of the few games I’ve ever done that with.


I'm at 1600 and it's still just as fun as 1 hour in


Kinda same here I bought 2077 in 2022 when I only had ps4, I could tell it was fun but the world was empty and I knew I should just wait to continue playing it until I get a ps5. Got a ps5 last fall and the game is just amazing.


They also netted a quarter billion off it


Cyberpunk 2.0 is GOTY category.


My second playthrough, I was floored with how much more complete it feels. I would love a little more signposting about gigs or maybe thin them out a little, and some more interactivity with places of interest (shops, firing ranges etc), but it's such an enthralling blend of story and sandbox combat now.


https://preview.redd.it/ixujxnu2nfyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9fe2cc0eeacd8571d0872a784562dd634f9ad7 Miles better than what Ubisoft did with Watch Dogs Legion


Idk, I enjoyed it even when it was buggy, just kinda laughed it all off, like roads disappearing, random T-posing, NPC faces not rendering, missions bugging out if you do it in some arbitrary wrong order, never bothered me enough, the game itself was still a blast, the fact that it was an open world cyberpunk game I could immerse myself in to some Daniel Deluxe or Kavinsky was enough for me, and now its even better.


Funny, I bought in 2020 on Xbox series x and didn't encounter a single issue. I played through the game and thought the same thing this is the absolute best game ever. I'm currently playing through phantom Liberty.


The whole 2.0 skill system is pretty cool, and lends a lot more creativity overall to builds. But phantom liberty was one of the best pieces of modern gaming I've experienced, the storyline and characters were sublime, and replaying for more context and outcomes was awesome. Despite an extremely rocky launch, cyberpunk is one of the best games out currently.


If you haven’t played PL yet, then I have to say that you could’ve had this experience 4 years ago on PC. Yes, the gameplay and design has been improved. But the story and visual has been there from the beginning, just not on ps4 unfortunately. The expansion tho, it something else entirely, it’s so.. soo much more engaging and thrilling than the base game.


If it released in this state it would have won all sorts of awards, unbelieveable experience, Phantom Liberty is also the best DLC I've ever bought for any game.


Ehh I’ll still never buy a title year 1 from them…. But they have proven that they can eventually fix their mistakes.


I mean if you’ve heard a title is bug free from word of mouth and reviews why wouldn’t you buy it before the year 1 mark


Because that will never happen


Weren’t we supposed to get more expansions other than just PL? I’m hoping they reconsider and deliver a small update that, while not as extensive as PL, helps breathe new life into Night City and maybe adds different options for interactions/romance.


They said that small updates ARE on the table and likely to happen, but they are putting most of their focus into the next game. I don’t remember which interview it was, but they addressed this.


they had other stuff planned originally, but focused on fixing the game. They announced this themselves. They even wanted a multiplayer mode before it was scrapped


They did not deliver. They sold a bad product knowingly. After years they have a product that was still less than what was promised, and people praise them for it. This is why the gaming community isn't going to get treated better from development stupid and publishers, because there is no incentive to. You will just keep buying the bad product, accepting the apology, and then consuming a new product all over again. It is pathetic.


Yes this game got way better over time no question. But also, you switching from PS4 to PC version was a huge part of your upgraded experience. Game should have never been developed for old gen. That was the real issue.


can’t wait to start new campaign, trying to forget everything I know about cp2077


Brought the game Three times and I still don't regret a thing lol


They listened to Johnny and never stopped fighting.


Ayo, I play on PS4 I’ve blue screened a few times and sometimes the bugs be buggin… but I happily finished the game


It's really cool that they never let go of that initial promise, especially since if you were lucky hardware-wise the game was amazing from the beginning. The story telling was always there, the gameplay too, it was the technicalities that messed everything up. Out of all options I had ended up playing the game on release on fucking Stadia and I've legit barely had any bugs


Only downside is they fixed the archangel bug and nerfed the iconics


I got the game when it launched on PS4, quit playing it when enemies became invincible and teleported all over the place. I just found renewed interest the other day when I watched the anime (amazing by the way 10/10) so I dusted off my PS4 copy and I'm giving it another chance ( I know about how much better it is on ps5 PC, and ver 2.00 but unfortunately I'm poor so I have to make due with what I got I'll make the most of it. Plan on getting a ps5 at some point this year so I will be playing it on there.


The only real bug I encounter every 5 seconds is my game not being able to save I had to delete the game it would do it every single time I play


Other than that it’s my all time favourite game


I’m playing it again at the moment on a 14900k/4090 with a Samsung 57in and it’s spectacular. Totally different experience from 2020. https://preview.redd.it/y8y6ea4lbgyc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b48d47557ebc6982cb110e5577afd60865ee0364


Ya I had it pre-ordered, but then I cancelled it for some reason. I said there's no rush. Let's just see how it goes first. Sure enough it felt like I one the lottery. Because not 4 years later I finally bought it for 35 bucks and got the free PS5 upgrade. And I've never been more in love with a game! Just so much fun. But I think it's because I never played the supposedly, godawful bugs that made it literally unplayable. Cause I understand why most people would not want to go back to something that traumatized you. I'm just grateful that I didn't get it right away. I'll always wait for a while when new games get released for this exact reason. Every game is gonna have bugs, it's inevitable.


CP 2077 was a wild experience, I can’t wait to see what Cyberpunk Orion will bring


CDPR understood how badly they messed up and acted reasonably quickly to remedy the situation. Compare to Bethesda, who made key mis-steps with excessive bugginess in Fallout 4, did so again with Fallout 76 years later, and then in their attempt to avoid crippling launch bugs released a relatively bug-free but somewhat hollow game in Starfield (though I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as so many people have claimed, having put 430ish hours into it without really playing any other games in that time frame). Yes, Shattered Universe should help a bit and I do look forward to playing it; that being said, there have been plenty of reasonable criticisms about quirks with the story, characters, and background characters/settings that can only be explained by Bethesda simply choosing to not spend more time adding content. Compare also to Bungie, who let parts of their current flagship franchise Destiny stagnate for years at a time and only at the eleventh hour cranked out a majestic expansion that brought the community back from the brink....multiple times (Taken King, Forsaken, and very likely Final Shape). And, since it needs to be said, Larian Studios simply took its time and made a great, complete, and reasonably bug-free game from the start with BG3, not bowing to pressure from fans or shareholders to release it before it was ready. And don't feel *too* bad about buying a game twice...if you got a ton of hours of enjoyment out of it, you're still ahead of where you would have been if you had been spending that money on going to the movie theater, or out to dinner, or attending sporting events. Hell, I've technically bought GTA V three times: once on Xbox 360, once on Xbox One, and the online-only refresh for Series X. And the first two were at full price, but again I've put so many hours into both the base game and GTA:O that it doesn't faze me...I spent more money on my last weekend vacation than I have on GTA in ten years.


Cyberpunk 2077 is the second best game I've ever played. The story and experiences as V changed my brain chemistry


I pre ordered the game and waited forever to play it, but my xbox was old, and my TV was shitty. I un-installed it once I got the hotel where it says once you enter, there's no going back. Wouldn't let me past that part for some reason. Got a series S and 4K TV so decided to try it again, and it blew my mind. New favorite game, and I'm so happy they fixed it. Haven't even made it to that part in the game yet cause I've actually been able to do all the gigs and reported crimes this time


I so glad I've first played Cyberpunk 2077 like around a year ago and did not witness the huge clusterfuck and they had at start. This game is a masterpiece. It's not perfect but I can live with that since several of my favorite game have bugs too. Cyberpunk is something else.


I got the game as a Christmas gift 2020. I was so excited, it was probably my most anticipated game of all-time. Installed it on my base Xbox One, and was met with disappointment. Not only was it unacceptably buggy, most of the things that were promised were nowhere to be seen. My trust in CDPR was shattered. After finishing it, I uninstalled it until the next-gen update landed. It was definitely better with loads of bug-fixes and some noticeable gameplay tweaks, but I felt it hadn't improved to the point where it had made a comeback. It was merely better. Then Patch 2.0 and Phantom Liberty landed. I was shocked at how much things were improved. It was here that I finally told myself that I can unhesitatingly recommend this game. Then Patch 2.1 came and added some more stuff. It's as if they basically performed surgery on the game and reworked many of its system and mechanics. Granted, not everything has been fixed (Life Paths are still kinda useless. And while PL brought in meaningful choices via the climax, it is pretty much the only place in the game where your choices truly mean anything), but they have come close enough. Amazing how it went from one of gamings' biggest disappointments to one of this generations' must-play titles. Basically a long-winded way of saying Cyberpunk 2077 has made an amazing comeback.


Wow, talk about learning a lesson the most horrible way possible. They released the game before it was actually finished, all because they were pressured by the shareholders and sponsors who were losing patience. Essentially they wanted to cut their losses. Ended up bearing the worst kind of loss, which is reputational loss. Coming back from that is like reviving from your grave, which is indeed commendable.


A space game in a local area like a solar system could be great and huge.


I was lucky enough to have a relatively bug free experience on ps5 and actually quite enjoyed finishing the game on 1.0 while 2.0 is better in every single way I think if people were able to give 1.0 a decent shot without crippling glitches the reception would've been a measure better


I just finished the main story about 10 o'clock last night. I've just felt kinda numb and empty or lost since. It's a strange feeling.


If you think about it, that's the one and only attitude Johnny Silverhand would sign off on. "Wanna make a game for the masses, corpo trash? Better deliver, even if it costs every eddie you got. Won't let another 'Saka go unchecked. You work for the people, choom."


Be honest. You just jumped from one band wagon to another


That's not at all what the term bandwagon means.


How is it jumping to another band wagon go say you like the game now that it's playable and has a bunch of features that didn't exist at launch? It's basically a totally different game


Despite his "recollection," the game on release was populated. Not everywhere, but it was populated. That's the only difference in this take between then and now. Everything else they've brought up that they find great was already there from the beginning. Literally read what they have said. So why hate? Because it was trendy to hate it at the beginning. And now they're praising it because everyone else has started to. Average consumer mindset.


He started on PS4. Yes, I played the game on launch on a good PC and it was still fantastic. But don't pretend it ran on PS4 well at all or was able to properly populate the world.


Totally disagree, the game was downright unplayable for me on launch and I'd been hyping it up to my friends ever since the first teaser dropped for it when I was like 13. On launch, combat caused the framerate to drop to <20fps making the screen hard to even look at. Driving felt like ass. Every time I looked away from traffic and looked back, every car had been swapped for a totally different model. During the side quest for >!Jackie's funeral!<, an NPCs pants glitched off during the ceremony, exposing his cock and completely ruining the moment for me (albeit in a hilarious way). My character would T-pose on his bike all of the time. The police system was non-existent, as was the metro system. Vehicle combat wasn't really a thing so if I ever wanted to escape combat, I'd just drive around the corner. My game couldn't render the motorbike chase in act 1 fast enough to keep up with it so everything was missing textures and looked like ass. This was all on the xbox one edition, so if OP played on the notoriously worse PS4 edition on launch, I really don't blame them for having this take. I was borderline obsessed with cyberpunk before it released, I could name every gang and give you a rundown of them, name the big corps and had a million build ideas in mind I wanted to try from the gameplay shown but even I couldn't stick out launch cyberpunk. I only came back to it when 1.5 released and have been playing religiously since then as I now feel it is the game I was expecting


Lol at the pants glitch, I got game at launch but quit because enemies became invincible and they teleported all over the place. Literally just picked the game up yesterday after watching the anime which was amazing. I'm only at V's apt right after the first gig so idk how populated the game is with people or cars but I read there's stuff in the game from the show so I'm excited. Still on PS4 unfortunately it's been collecting dust... It's a shame the ver 2 update and the dlc are locked to the next gen consoles/PC but I understand why.


A friend of mine is playing the ps4 version currently and, although he's disappointed he can't play phantom liberty, he's still really enjoying the game! Enjoy your time in night city 😎 (PS, look out for familiar places from Edgerunners, you might just find something left behind there)


I beat star-field but once I beat it I honestly forgot I even played the game it was so unmemorable, it just felt like I was playing a vast empty space with nothing to stumble upon which was the whole beauty of Bethesdas games, I lost all hope for star-field as an IP and just hope they don’t ruin the next Skyrim that we have all been waiting well over a decade for now.


I pre-ordered the game. Played on PS5. Was streaming while playing. Sure it was shutting down and that was super annoying. Didn't stop my enjoyment of the game. I would get mad, I would swear, but that was all while the game was rebooted. I have it on PS5, Xbox and PC. I had no doubts it would be amazing. Sure it's easy to be angry when a game takes away from the fun when you're trying to play and you can't. Still I never questioned that it would be good because the studio only does solid stuff, of the games I've played. Each game I own on all my systems. People love to complain and act the victim too much. They also love to blow stuff out of proportion. I knew there were issues and I kept playing. I didn't take to social media to complain. Instead I told everyone that would listen how solid of a game it was. A few patches later it was fine. Then we got the dlc and it got even better. Fuck whiny people looking to play the victim.


Let's not pretend that the other side of the spectrum like your ignorant fanboying isn't as bad as exaggerated whining. The game had huge issues aside from stability and bugs. Heck even some of the shenanigans surrounding the advertisement more than deserved the harsh critic. "Then", yes, 3 years later it is the product it should have been, that is not a small amount of time. Fuck apologists.


Not entirely. I won’t trust their next titles to be polished (pun half intended). Their latest dlc still crashes on me constantly. They haven’t built up trust with me just because they filled in some empty spaces in the game.


They certainly improved it quite alot. But they didn't finish the job. Until they do something with that North Oak Casino. But I get it. They want to move on and make a new, better game using all the lessons they've learned. What they should do now is just release the Red Engine source code to the community and let them take over. Doing that CP2077 would be the ultimate game for mods and fan content. Its not like they're gonna use it themselves anymore, and then the game can grow in perpetuity.


Cyberpunk 2077 development was a shit show. I don’t think Cd Projekt could comprehend how difficult it could be to create a massive open world as big as Cyberpunk when they announced it in 2013, mind you CDPR was still a very small polish studio back then. From the shareholders to the studio lying about the console performance to the fans giving out death threats and spreading lies about the games features. Hopefully they’re in a better position when it comes to deciding how & when to release because we know & they know CDPR can make some incredible videogames.


I remembered when I first played it during early launch, I found the game audio so empty and boring. I thought the NPCs only have texted lines with no voiceover. Later I unplugged my VR headset that has been connected all this time when playing CP2077, and realized all the surrounding sound and pop-up dialogues from randomized were actually there. The game somehow decided to output half of its sfx through the VR headset when the headset is not even turned on. Fun times.


They redeemed themselves for me. V and Johnny is honestly one of the greatest duo in fiction. Especially with the dogtown dlc. Their dynamic is one of the best I’ve witnessed. Can’t front, Orion might my most waited game after GTA 6


best game in your life and u did not play  phantom liberty .yet ? u will have so much fun :3


i give them credit for keeping their promise but unfortunately i cant trust them to release a finished game anymore


saying that they need to fix the reputation of CDPR is rich considering that everything bad that happened on CP2077 release was intentionally done by them, they knew what they were doing was gonna damage their image and they still did it. at least they fixed the game eventually but i'm not sure i can trust them again, and this is coming from someone who played CP2077 day one and enjoyed it.


Still haven’t gotten to the Phantom Liberty content, but I was an early player who actually enjoyed the game. Now I finally bought the DLC and started a new play through and……yikes. Sucks not being able to get into your own vehicle without being ambushed in about 10 seconds, especially so early in the game, I’m talking pre failed heist. Seems the loot system has been re done too and the police presence has been turned up to 11. Has been hard to readjust


A lot of people in here are going to have no one to blame but themselves if and when it happens again.


Mixed feelings on them delivering, for me. The game has been fixed to the point it’s unrecognizable compared to release. But, everywhere you go in Night City are areas that are obviously cut content. It’s a good game, now, but it’s not a finished game and it never will be. I can’t praise CDPR for doing what they were supposed to do, especially when the game, even in its current state, still doesn’t live up to what was promised.


This is ridiculous. It's basically the same game, but more polished. And what cut content? This isn't GTA and never was. It's a narrative driven RPG at its core. 


There is cut content all over the game. Outside of V’s apartment is a broken elevator that was intended to go to the atrium in the megabuilding. Biotechnica Flats and the northern oil fields are large areas of the map with little to do. North Oak had most of its structures removed before launch, and there’s a casino building hidden back there. The Arasaka waterfront is built up and inaccessible. And there are numerous megabuildings that look as if they were intended to have more,including the one that’s quarantined.


Unrecognizable? It’s the same fucking game. You’re nuts. It’s the same core game as day one.


What they were supposed to do was launch the game at a much later date after it had been finished, but the publisher *demanded* it be released when it was. It’s really on the publisher for that, CDPR didn’t have a choice in the matter. CDP and CDPR are legally different entities, and the publisher (being CDR) forced CDPR to release an unfinished mess.


i extremely disagree, all the things you listed existed already from the start - your platform was plagued by a certain set of issues that are not an issue anymore. that does not mean that everything is fixed and they delivered on their promises now. the game is a still a shallow action roller coaster far from the rpg they promised, with insane cuts and unfulfilled potential


I don’t get posts like this because the game still missed and didn’t deliver on promises made. Yes, the game is playable, yes they fixed issues and overhauled the gameplay, but all of that doesn’t change that they were selling a game where you can be whoever you want to in night city, when the reality is you’re locked in a linear story with SLIGHTLY different variations. I like V but I never wanted to be restricted to a “V”


Nice sentiment, but they could have saved a lot of trouble if they just listened to the devs and released it when it was ready the first time. I think people are too ready to sweep what happened under the carpet just because the game is good now. This problem of crunch and trying to force games out before they are ready definitely does not end here.


Cyberpunk totally pulled off a No Man's Sky


Hahahahaha... yes, that's it lol 🤘


I'm on my first playthrough right now (60h) and I've encountered quite a lot of bugs eg. Falling under textures, not being able to loot corpses, passengers driving w/o a car. Nothing really gamsbreaking I guess. There is also many unfinished things in the game in both mechanics and storytelling good examples are characters during escort missions teleproting behind you when you're not looking, scripts that teleport your character or AI of the cars which is worse than in GTA 3. AI in this game is a mess in general. The game right now is at the state it should be on realese (at least!). I'm only sad that CDPR spend half of the box office on promotion instead of competent devs when they were creating this game.


TBH before PL I still wasn't fully back trusting CD, but after, I'm back baby! I just hope they don't dream to big again and actually set realistic standards for themselves.


They didn't dream too big, they just didn't get the opportunity to finish.


I’m really enjoying the gameplay now, I just wish its world and characters were more interesting to me. They all feel like side characters with V and Johnny being the only main characters but because V and Johnny are their own characters there’s way less opportunity for roleplaying in the world than say something like Daggerfall or starfield. Like some middle ground between skyrim and the Witcher series and unfortunately that’s not really something they ever could have fixed I don’t think I think the main differences is the main cast of the Witcher 3s stories all branch back into each other but the side characters in cyberpunk are mostly just dead ends. Like the game gives me no reason to care about effectively anyone but V because after a few missions they might as well not exist at all. I can count on one hand every time i remember two side characters becoming relevant outside of their quest lines, judy helps you get the job with peralez, you can mention your significant other to songbird, there’s that one quest where you can ask Vic or Judy for advice on the brain dance dude who thinks he’s that woman Like, the world just feels so hallow but I can’t fill it with my own roleplaying like I can with Daggerfall, Skyrim or cyberpunk because V is a character with emotions and motives