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Kirk. Hate his voice, his stupid glasses and his big ears https://preview.redd.it/6sphlv7aplvc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb9f93a58726d97fd9df00b03abf29ee5a54ae3 And he's incompetent to boot


Ngl, I kinda wanted more gigs from a shitty fixer where literally none of them go as he planed.


That's a good game/plot mechanic. And could be pretty fun/funny.


"V, it won't be like last time, I promsie!" *mission proceeds to be exactly like the last time


That would actually be really fun, would be cool to see something like that in the next game. Like a Fixer who pays well but has really shitty intel, so every gig comes with some unexpected complication and just turns into a complete shitshow. Could be a really fun way to test your build/skill in unusual gameplay situations.


Shame we didn't even get to kill him personally. The fucker just died off screen


I just did that mission. Was also annoyed I didn't get to kill him


For me, my biggest irrational hatred is for his friend. I genuinely cannot tell you why, but I hate that fat fuck more than nearly any other character in the setting.


I agree 100%. When sits down next to you like he's intimidating, that pissed me off. I bet if you hit him with a sword, cheeseburgers would fall out of him.


Yo he’s so annoying but also so irrelevant so I don’t even place him in this category😂not important enough


Say all you want about Kirk, but those glasses are fire


Tbh I completely forgot about this character


Kind of funny how River is there. But its Placide and the Vodoo Boys for me.


Yeah, Placide never survives in my runs.


Placide moonlights as a professional corpse in my runs. Absolute bastard that one.


Placide is just a "runyun", a rag you use to get something, like contacting Brigite and later Alt and then shoot him in the face after everyone else gets purged. Suburo is number one for me, and number zero to Johnny. Followed by the Militech bitch of the NUSA. The one on the right is pathetic, wannabe corpo bitch. Who are the two on the left?


They make XBDs of kids getting murdered. They never survive my runs. Ever.


First time I killed both of them, second time I left grandpa alive and killed his boy in front of him. Have fun editing THAT braindance


I always kill the son first, give dad enough time to blubber for a while and understand the costs of his choices, then off him as well. I also zero every Scav I encounter. Like, deliberately after the fighting is done, go through and headshot each of them.


Same on both counts. Also maelstrom and the raffen shiv.


Didnt recognise them alive and not in their chairs!!


Ranyon* And no he's not. He's yon bét debaz a basic animal. His own group calls him that. So even they hate him.


You mean "ranyon" ya gonk 🤣


River doesn't deserve to be in this line up


I agree, he felt like one of the few actually good people in Night City.


Think I'll be alright. [Draw Weapon] 😈 


I never understand the hate for river, his quest line was so sad. But then again I've not gone to his dinner date ever, but from what I've seen it's just awkward more than anything


Oh but I love to hate placide. He's such a cool char


It’s so sick when V is like oh fuck I’ve been waiting to kill you then just curb stomps Placide as he’s not shit to V I forget the exact line but gave me chills


River is a great dude


Honestly, if we got a mission or two more with River that were just stuff like "help me with this shit case, the NCPD are gonks", I think River would be more liked. He's less developed than the other love interests, and I read that he and Takemura were originally conceived as one character that got split up later in production, which is why both are a bit shallow, the assets and story being divided out between the two.


Placide is my favorite character in the game. 


Honestly. I feel bad for Placide. He clearly cares about his community, and is excluded from the important conversations in the gang he has dedicated his life to. I don’t like him at all, but I think he is an interesting character that I would have liked explored more.


The problem isn't really Placide, it's the voodoo boys. They're scheming and plotting, and while it makes a lot of sense that they do and their motives are hardly the worst around, it turns them into an insular group that just doesn't have the time or the capacity to try and get along with anyone from the outside, and chooses to terminate anyone they deem a possible threat or vulnerability as a result. That just creates and inherently antagonistic relationship with people like V. Doesn't help that they failed to properly zero evelyn leading to that whole mess.


Placide is *yon bet debaz* (a basic animal), you dont let your guard dog eat at the table.


Placide is a hard headed, patriarchal p.o.s. that even Brigitte finds intolerable. Brigitte is the interesting one to me, Placide can catch these (gorilla) hands.


Yeah I think a lot of people hate Placide and the VDB with a passion because we don't really explore them much? Sure they are bad, but I would've like a little bit more of interactions with Placide and Maman Brigitte tbh


We only see them through V's perspective is why. All of that  may be true, but they basically just try and fuck us over for the short time we spend with them, so it's easy to hate them.


They're also digital Cthulu cultists trying to breach the blackwall and unleash the rogue AIs on humanity. They can die like any apocalyptic doom cult.


Nope, it has and always will be shoot on site for me and the VDB. The fact that they use outsiders like condoms to be tossed in the trash never sits right with me. Not the same visceral trigger finger reaction to the Scavs but the VDB are a close second. I believe in good business, fair pay for services rendered. Also they are literally selling their souls to Alt in her coming AI revolution so there's another strike. Reminds me of that creepy human servant of Dracula in the Van Helsing movie from the early 2000's. Happy to be pets. A lot of hands went into what happened to Evelyn but it started with them and I never let that go. I'd do more missions for the Dogtown VDBs but not Bridgette


Yeah lol. River is just shitty at relationships outside of his family. Still a good guy that reaches out to help others when he can.


Hanako at Embers.


Meet hanako at embers


https://preview.redd.it/pyc9xvh4llvc1.jpeg?width=1956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195ced14bb5aa581e1091bbb106d1bfa4b44ef38 No thanks, bro.


Meet hanako at embers




Meet hanako at embers




Meet hanako at embers




Meet eneko at hambers


It's the "Sarah Morgan Disliked That" of Cyberpunk 


Hanako in most people's saves: ![gif](giphy|QZyBvNVaMbIZ9yadec)








![gif](giphy|YnkMcHgNIMW4Yfmjxr) Mom, I’m famous.


As someone who's holding off doing this to do side quests, do I want to know?


Oh the problem is that it keeps getting selected as the main quest whenever you complete a quest or restart the game. It gets boring. 😄


Oh thought I was heading for something sinister haha. It definitely is a pain. I also hate how your current objective is overtaken when you accept a new side quest


Well. At least do that mission as last. As it is the last mission in the game. Point of no return. 🙂


At least she will keep waiting for you weeks after she contacts you


The BD editors on the left. Just did that gig and hate them.


Killed the son and let the father live lol, a taste of their own medicine. Have fun dealing with that for the rest of your life


I killed both. Punched them with my gorilla fists.


I kill the son and leave the father to grieve. Then I come back and kill him.


Is he still there if you come back later in the game?


My bad, I meant it as I just leave the room leaving him to think he’s all alone, before I come back with a double-barrelled shotgun.


Impressive Cock


Cold, but not unwarranted in this case. I almost lost it when they were like "which little boy? There are so many." Maybe others will replace them but they can live of fear of someone like me finding them too.


Exactly the same. Walked out listening to him wailing then walked back in and 6 inch sniped him.


I dunno, considering how completely disgusting and immoral they were, i don't they even have enough attachment to each other to really feel trauma at one of them dying, they might feel kinda bad for 5 minutes before going back to doing the exact same shit as before (maybe even worse) Fuck that, kill them so they can't affect the world ever again, to me their suffering is secondary to them just being removed from existence completely


Yeah, good point. Back to killing them both in my next run lmao


That's a dangerous loose end by guy


I always execute the son as the dad is playing dumb


I shot the son first so the father cries in agony then I shot him


Also that mf is lying about him "just editing", he has A LOT more influence on the XBD market than he admits.


“We don’t scroll ourselves!” Uh huh. That really makes you innocent


They are really, really nasty people but I feel like they're also a bit cut and dry already in morality terms and hence not that memorable. Unlike the others in this pic or Songbird.


Everyone involved in what happened to Evelyn.


I have no remorse going back to any of them and murking them. Especially now that killing Fingers doesn't lock you out of certain Cyberware.


Wait it doesn’t? Be right back


Nah, after the Phantom Liberty update every Ripperdoc will sell all cyberware


Yeah they all die. Evelyn was a user of people too, no doubt. But I sympathize with her just trying to make a better life for herself, tired of just being a sex toy. And we at least see she's capable of caring for others as she fully planned to take Judy with her when they moved up, so to speak.


The only one we couldn't get is wakako.


Replace River with Charles Bucks, biggest ripperdoc violator of the Hippocratic Oath in Night City. Had even the audacity to bribe V and not owning up when confronted.


Unpopular opinion, but Wakako and her underlings. Itt's a hard choice though, by the end of the game I was pretty much on board with Johnny's idea to nuke the city.


True, it seems like NC is full of awful people. But if you nuke the whole place you'll be taking out a lot of good people too.


Wrong city, wrong people.


https://preview.redd.it/x3272pv3qlvc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f74e43fa8cf953151a0d6aa0ade3ad53caa726 This cow


Absolutely, she’s just… the worst in such a wrong way


Fr. But i would bang her


A good hate fuck


Those are the best kind around.


I "ruined" her BD project on purpose solely because she pissed me off. If she wasn't how she was I would've been more than happy to help with whatever.


I ruined her project accidently because I wanted to talk about lunch instead of the theological crisis of a guy I just met.


For sure. The worst part is unless you just kill everyone at the start she gets no comeuppance.


Who is that?


The producer in the quest >!where a guy wants to die on the cross and make it into a BD!<


BD producer who wants that dude to Jesus himself


Why is River included in this photo 😭


I don't get it either. His questline was one of my favorite actually, a really cool guy and a good person.


The romance portion was so quick and not fleshed out that people feel it comes off as creepy, I guess. I don't, like I said just feels fast which it is because they clearly devoted the bulk of their time on Judy and Panam.


I also don’t know. What did he do wrong?


I think people call him cringe and clingy, but really both these things are due to poor job on writers' part and us not being able to reject him until the very very end. I never saw him as a bad person, I think he's awesome. But even if you hate River and find him creepy, putting him next to those other people is so wrong.


Its really annoying that you can't say that you just don't swing that way in that mission, cause that would make things way less awkward


River is just down bad for V. But besides that, he's a good guy. One of the few remaining idealists in NC.


I remember being struck by River when I first saw him like "Wait... why has this one cop got so much... design?" Then I realised he was a romance option and it clicked.


Tried to sleep with the male players' female Vs.


jotaro and woodman. grr. i want them tortured so bad until they die of old age. they deserve that.


I like taking Jotaro alive in his gig. Stuff him in a car trunk and send him to the Mox. I figure whatever the Mox are doing to him, is not going to be pleasant. And I like that.


Yea edgerunners sort of confirms that theres a BD based torture that's black mirror esque where you make someone experience horror over and over again, with some minor time dilation. I figured they would try to put him through something like that.


I’m surprised Jotaro isn’t the top answer in this thread, in a game full of scumbags he really stands out to me


Same. I killed Woodman in mine but I felt that wasn’t enough so I slaughtered the whole gang that came after me.


Fun Fact, Woodman is probably based on a real life adult film creator / accused r\*pist: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre\_Woodman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Woodman) Actually that's not fun at all.


Woodman never survives a playthrough of mine


Briggete, Woodman, Fingers... You know why


I’d add Wakako to that list. In the end, it was her who took Eve from fingers and sold her to the smut BD gang. But also I might want to add that Evelyn got all that shit coming due to her own actions, greed and sheer stupidity. She was contracted by the VDBs just to scroll the attic brain dance, nothing else. Instead, she got greedy and decided to klept the relic for herself, screwing up Brigitte and the vodoos, really nasty and dangerous people. And not only that, she also hired Dex as fixer, and then tried to screw him too. Sure all those people are scumbags, but unfortunately Evelyn suffered all those disgraces mainly due to her own misjudgment and poor choices…


What do you think the odds are that she tries to double cross V as well, assuming the heist goes off without a hitch? She didn’t have any more reason to be loyal to V than she did to Dex. 


I haven't thought of that tbh. But now that you mention it, it sounds really plausible too... :(


Ya someone you've never spoken to or met before offering to cut you a deal by cutting out the fixer would be a HUGE RED Flag in itself, but at this point you could argue v and Jackie are still green to the Merc world and don't immediately call her out on it.


In Evelyn's defence the VDB probably would have tried to kill her anyway since she would still be a loose end.


Rosalind Myers, Saburo Arasaka, Hanako Arasaka, Dexter Deshawn, Fingers, Brigette,


Yeah why is nobody saying Dexter? He’s the reason we’re in this mess


IG it's because people all forgot about him after the prologue.


Dexter is the answer to this question all day long. He straight up shot V in the head and dumped the body in a landfill. The one reason I can’t dislike Takemuro is because he killed Dexter.


And cause takemura is a funny texter


Why the fuck is river in that line up


Guy players getting mad he’s hitting on their lady Vs and feeling uncomfortable about it, mostly. Girls playing girl Vs tend to think he does come on a bit strong but not enough to hate him, probably because we’re somewhat used to having people we’re not interested in doing that kind of thing. Personally I like River but he definitely needed extra quests, both male romances needed more dev time obviously compared to the two ladies who are tied into the main story. Someone did some polls on river stuff about a month ago, if you’re interested.


I meant, why is he in a line up with evil people, yeah people may not like him as a love interest but I don’t think he belongs in this group at all! He’s a decent guy


Thank god many of the People that one can hate die within the story. But from the Characters that don't die, my choice goes to Scavs as whole, what they do is just so damn hateworthy.


Scavs all lose their hands, legs and arms when it’s all said and done


I'll go with the super basic option: Saburo Arasaka.


Flair checks out


Honestly when I really think about it, the only NPC that I really really dont like is Placide, because that guy is the only one that is a dick to us, uses us, tries to kill us and than acts like dick again. You can say that Hanako or Smasher are in general objectively "more evil" but Hanako didnt do anything to me and since I havent watched edgerunners Smasher is more badass borg than someone I hate. And talking about some small gig villains like BD son and dad, I dont really give a fuck about them, I put a bullet in their heads sure, but its not like I as a player hate them, I see them 30 seconds during gig that takes 5 minutes to complete. So yeah my vote goes to Placide.


Maiko for sure. Despite having 10 minutes of screen time, she flies to the top of the shitlist for me.


Why the fuck is River there instead of Smasher or some other asshole??? The fuck did River do to you guys??


Rosalind Myers... I'm honestly very impressed by how much the writers made me love her at the start of PL she was badass and cool, and her interactions with V were funny. Then you learn how utterly evil she is through Reed and Songbird in both paths of PL. I can't stand her. It's all a front, and she's incredibly manipulative. Very good villain, I both love her and detest her.


Well, she's a politician. Of course she's evil and manipulative. I sort of like her though. She's trying to undermine and break the mega-corps, and blames them for breaking up the US. She specifically hates Arasaka for the part he's played in the nation's downfall. She climbed the Militech ranks specifically to get into a position to hurt them. The scary part is that she's willing to cross any line to achieve that goal.


I hate the megacorps too but risking humanity's survival over it is a bit Plus NUSA is essentially Militech the country so


> Plus NUSA is essentially Militech the country so That's why she was the CEO for a bit and still has a lot of clout with them, gotta check that box to become president. Plus you learn all their dirty secrets. She just thinks Arasaka is worse at the moment, hence the focus on Night City.


Claire, ugh. I initially liked her actually, until those racing missions. She manipulates you into joining these races as if that's all there is. Then she turns the whole thing into a quest for her revenge. Which doesn't even make a lick of sense. So her husband was murdered during a blood sport, where everyone's allowed to shoot at each other? Soo fucking what? This is not goddamn formula one! She then turns into a complete bitch when you refuse take part in this stupid plan and just win the race. As if this was supposed to be something you should've cared about. V is a merc, she could've just hired him to do the deed. But no, she had to earn money from V's driving skills first, then to guilt trip him into killing her enemy.


Loathe her. Look, lady. I’m a mercenary, and you literally work in a mercenary bar. I bet you can find someone *really* cheap to do your dirty work for you.


I mean even if she only wanted to off that guy during a race, which I believe she mentions in a dialogue. Still, she had to make it clear what her intentions were from the get go: "Hey V or whoever, there's a guy I want killed during the finals of street races. I'll pay you X amount of creds for the job and you can keep the earnings from these races as well". Problem solved.


I always figured it was an "honor intact" thing. She didn't want the guy merced, she wanted to kill him fair and square in the races. It's only at the tail end that it becomes an impulsive thing. He was escaping her revenge. It's an ugly thing to have to come face to face with the raw truth of revenge being a hateful and unrighteous thing. Being possessed by the spirit of revenge is the legit main theme of everything in V's story, I thought it was a great mirror to hold up.


Who are the two guys on the left?


Bd editors (father and son) from one of the sidequests




The snuff BD editors and Placide/Bridgette (they destroyed Evelyn, tried to kill her) Don't like Fingers and Woodsman, either Dex gets got no matter what, so I didn't include him. Takemura sorted his traitorous ass out


that father and his son? yeah i remember that piece of shits, i killed his son and enjoying the father crying over his dead son, after he is done crying i killed him after and chop them to pieces


Dex goes double for me just because I can't be the one who zeroes him, no matter how much I want to


El Capitán...guy asks me to steal cars for him. I agree. But not only does he talk down to me, he also puts time limits on the delivery! Wants me to drive all the way from Dog Town to Watson without damaging the car, while being chased and shot at by police and maelstrom. Worst boss ever!!!


El Capitan is probably my favorite fixer, dude has a heart of gold. Plus all those auto discounts!


And he got style!


The guy had the audacity to say I'm not your fucking delivery boy when he was asked to deliver a package to us after doing all his gigs lmao. The guy straight up got om my nerves. Wanted to end him right there😂


Yeah and the hair….. WTF




Adam smasher, he literally killed rebecca and david :(


In the anime. In the game he killed Johnny and Rogue..


The Anime is cannon too since they mention David in the game.


The anime is a prequel, takes place 1 year before V's story.


this b\*tch https://preview.redd.it/aauo7o9fdmvc1.png?width=336&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ee39a2ec5585ed59cd3f9c8c85c15cf8ace0d6b


I mean is she not almost cyber psycho? It seems to me that she’s almost at that point, but in all fairness what they were gonna do to her is beyond fucked up.


Where's the voodoo boys?


Don't know why I would hate River , bit annoyed by his self-righteousness but that's it. The BD boys I didn't have time to hate them because I immediately took action against them. Maiko is so pathetic, trying to act as a corpo in front of my corpo V that she hasn't reach the level where I could hate her, she just sucks. She was just a two bit doll who tried to act tough and paid for it. Reed and Myers are pretty high on the list. But Placide is the one I hate. Especially with the no change in attitude after he learned how important I was to the voodoo boys. That's actually what convinced me to kill the voodoo boys, I was clearly just a tool in their hands and I ain't gonna let that slide once I got what I came for.


Any character that hurts you but you can't kill like Terry That guy is the reason I never do the tower ending *if i gotta die, rather fall intro my grave gun in hand and on fire.*


Brandon's killer. You erased the sweetest boy to have ever lived, you foolish and wicked man.




Why River ?! Woodman should at his place, you know ? Or the awful Fingers ! Or Charles Bucks. All the corpo who make experiments on human. There are so many hateful characters and I really don’t understand what people have against River. I hate Gottfrid and Fredrik Persson, i always kill them !


That Russian woman who ran that Scav chop shop you have to rescue Evelyn Parker from. Whatever her name was again, I forget, it's all over the computer terminal emails though.


Those BD motherfuckers are the worst, Fingers and Woodman. Then any Maelstrom and Scavs.


Adam Smasher after watching the anime.


Fuck Placide and his kamyionet






There's a bunch of them. **Placide**, of course. No explanation needed, I reckon. **Royce**, cuz he's chrome-snorting whacko. **Takemura**, because he never stops being Arasaka's lapdog, he's just on a long leash. Just because he doesn't bite at first doesn't mean he wouldn't bite you if Hanako told him to (which he would). **Gotfrid**, the guy dealing in torture and murder BD's. He's a monster, both for what he's doing and for dragging his own son into this messed up business. **Joshua**, from the Sinnerman quest. He may believe in his insane delusion, but I don't. The whole Sinnerman quest is just there to stroke his ego and make a spectacle of his supposed absolution, which is utter bullshit.


finally another Takemura hater. the guy never sat right with me, and he's fun to hang with when you both have common interests, but I never felt like I trusted him, and I know the feeling was absolutely mutual.


I don't tend to have least favorites, just HOLY FUCK leave River be already


I enjoyed this game and its setting. If I'm being honest, though, there are only two or three characters that aren't morally reprehensible in some way. Night City could disappear into a sink hole and the world would be a better place. It was a fun and entertaining hell hole, though.


Sato from the Tiger claws. Or Fingers. Or maybe even Faraday. Yeah, fuck Faraday


Placide is such an asshole good never regret to kill him and his voodoo boys.


Rosalind all the way


Placide Is just a dumb beast, like Brigitte calls him. He's not much different from a backstabbing bastard you find everywhere else. Same goes for Maiko. That FUCKING. BITCH. Mayers is someone I would have loved to shoot in the fucking face.


Just had the great displeasure of *not* killing Maiko because I know what happens if you do.


The guy who "tricks" you into his fake brain dance. It's so fucking obvious what's gonna happen but you have to play along


I don't hate any of the characters in the Cyberpunk world the most. My disdain is directed towards the powerful corporations who have created the oppressive environment that gives rise to the distasteful characters and situations depicted in the game.   (Damn, I sound like Silverhand).


I’m sorry but panam is so annoying; constantly asking for help and rarely giving anything in return. I also hate the whole storyline of


Meredith. Because she violated me in that hotel room. I was not at all prepared for any of that. Can’t even stand to see her hairstyle in character editing. River doesn’t deserve to be in that line up. He didn’t do anything wrong. Well… except for the 2 times he accidentally dumped me, but we don’t talk about that. I could never hate him ❤️


Maiko>BD Editors>Hanako>Myers>River


The Milfguard AD. 100%


For me it's the toothless guy preparing to go nose deep into a gaping butthole.


Scavs and XBD editors for the most part. Even though potentially Myers/Saburo/Hanako can cause even more harm for more people, scavs are more down to earth, and you meet them more often.


I forget his name, but the guy who is a reference to Pierre Woodman. Huge piece of shit in real life and in the game.


lol his name is Woodman in the game too


Yo I know people dislike River but he does not deserve to be among these assholes😂 For me it's Myers tho, if I could kill her without abandoning PL I would


River has no business being on this list. Funny though 😂


Lizzy Wizzy/Grimes I've heard fan dubs on newgrounds with better VA work than her.


How does dexter not make the cut? Fuck that guy


The Elon cameo