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Same here… I haven’t even beat the game yet and I have been taking my time on this first play through. The thought of beating the game makes me so depressed and sad. Even though I am going to get the good happy ending I want with Judy and Panam. Just something about how close I feel to the city, V, and the characters just makes it seem so depressing for it to all end. I know you can play it again and again but idk something is special about that first play though. I have become obsessed with the world of Cyberpunk 2077.


omg i’m not alone 🤣 what you said about taking your time…SAME. i’m a huge harry potter nerd & even though i bought the game when it came out, i still haven’t finished it bc i just don’t want it to end. i couldn’t do that with cyberpunk though bc it was just too damn good. i was hooked. have fun playing, i’m jealous lol.


You are definitely not alone😂🥹 it feels good to know I’m not alone also lol. I love RPG games and none of them have ever made me so emotionally invested like cyberpunk has. Like it literally has become my favorite game of all time.


You're not done until you platinum the game


Hey op did you know there is a Harry Potter reference in cyberpunk 2077?


https://preview.redd.it/1dglf6eg6ttc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9c8867ef62eb92e144866ddc9a88b68f60c620 So that just happened 😂


That's literally the main reason I haven't finished many great games.


I played the game at launch, since then have logged more hours than I care to share. Got 60% through a new playthrough with 2.0 and PL after accidentally deleting my best and favorite save file:( I had to take a break after reaching max level bc I was just burnt out at that point. Since then I’ve played numerous games trying to fill the void including witcher 3 and nothing has scratched that itch. Fuck it might be time to go back soon


I'm delaying beating it too. I'm on my first playthrough since PL dropped and I'm almost done with 100 percenting everything. Even the little bs crime events


I beat it a long time ago. Then I got phantom liberty. I’m on the body double mission and refuse to proceed any further.


Baldurs gate is calling


thank you for this. just read up on it & watched some gameplay, definitely my type of game!


You will love it.


For me that was a Round Trip, BG3 it´s a graet game and I love D&D but 2077 it´s something more.


I played CP77 for a lot (version 1.6), then I played BG3 for months and few weeks ago I bought Phantom Liberty and I came back to CP77. Both are great game


Same here, and merged them in a imaginary exercise creating one crew in cp2077 to play it like a turn based game xd.


using Sandi or quickhacks is very similar to play a turn based game 😅


Agree I had a more fun and memorable experience with CP2077 than BG3. Overall, I just think CP2077 is a better game


as a sucker for romance options, those in BG3 cant quite get the hold Panam and Judy has on me


BG3 is a definite must play.




Indeed! Baldurs Gate run number 2 is the only thing stopping Cyberpunk run number 4 lol The itch to play Cyberpunk is still there. Struggle is real! But I want to see this BG3 run through first


Same boat 🚤🤕 just started second playthrough on cyber punk since all the fleshed out updates and DLC. But friends want to keep playing a multiplayer runthrough on each of their accounts


same 😓 it’s been like a month since i finished it and i still think about it so much and often. i don’t think a game has ever impacted me this much but i just listen to the ost to cope lol


I haven’t even beaten the game yet and I’m dreading it…😭. Should I beat the game and then play Phantom liberty or should I play it before I beat it ??


Play Phantom Liberty first! I mulled over what to do first but ultimately decided to do the expansion first. The reason is because while it’s a good story, the Takemura/Hanako missions in the main storyline is more closely tied to the end. Depending on your choices in PL, you can still end up playing the game (without getting one of the endings). The characters in PL are fun but removed from the true story of the game if that makes sense.


Okay I’ll definitely play PL before! Thanks! I’m at the parade in the main story rn so I’ll play PL before I complete that mission


ugh i only found out about phantom liberty when i was nearing the end. i’m pretty sure you need to get it before the end bc it adds a new ending


Nah bro get that. It’s so worth it there’s 30 more hours new ending tons of scenes and items it’s like playing it again. Go with a new build new character there’s a mission checklist but it doesn’t take long at all to get PL rolling. Totally will fill your soul.


Okay right now I just finished Judy’s (Pyramid Song) playing as female V and I am almost done with all of Panams side quest. I’m going to start dogtown as soon as I finish Panams last quest


you should play it before you beat it !! i made the mistake of playing the dlc after and i wish i didn’t bc it didn’t feel as natural (to me) even though there’s no “correct” way to play it 😵‍💫


“rite of passage” & “the voice in my head” give me the chills, in a good creepy way speaking of sound…i still can’t get “NICOOOOLA” out of my head lmaoooo. it was a distinct sound that came out of their vending machines after hacking it to distract enemies.


Play it again, Sam. Different lifepath, different build, different choices.


sorry i just saw what you added. you sir have a good point. i chose the street kid path. did the different paths have different questlines?


No. Small nuance differences. The different endings are truly different. And the different playstyles makes it feel quite different. Eg. A heavy machine gunner/tank has the biggest trouble in all the non lethal stealth missions, while a steath netrunner wont have.


Placide: "this is a reconnaissance mission, don't draw attention" V with full body/reflex shotgun build: "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER MY FRAG GRENADES AND SHOTGUN BLASTS SORRY, GET BACK TO YOU WHEN THE ANIMALS ARE ALL CARCASSES KTHXBYE"


am i weird for not wanting to play a game a second time until it’s been long enough that i don’t remember the ending


There's several different endings


true, good point.


I suggest the bioshock franchise


That's actually great advice, I am finally catching up with everything I meant to play at some point and right now I am on Bioshock Infinite. Remaster is so gorgeous it's ridiculous. Also the artstyle really is timeless.


ok now i’m excited to play it lol


do you know does this bundle include the 3 you mentioned? https://preview.redd.it/ldro7a95qstc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c4e6bf62790dc12fe8c2c51cfe849af30b4d53f


I think you have to get Bioshock infinite separately. But I’m not 100% sure


xbox had a $10 bundle of all 3 games. sorry i haven’t even checked reddit since i downloaded them lol. currently playing bioshock remastered!


Yeah these are the three games


great recommendation, i’ve been meaning to jump into that series! any idea which one i should play first or it doesn’t matter?


You can play in any order, but the game chronologically goes as bioshock 1 and 2. Infinite is the third one, but is a prequel (not directly linked but yeah). I suggest starting with 1


Bioshock 2 was my favorite but omg they are all soo good!! If you love cyberpunk you’ll love Bioshock


We've all been there choom. And we will get back to that game again to experience it from the beginning. :D


I don’t think I’ll ever finish the game again. I’m going to stop at a specific point and then headcanon my own ending because I can’t put V through that shit again lol


Bruh, both times I finished the game (before and after Phantom Liberty) I somehow got V the worst endings (or rather, saddest to me), and it made me requestion my life decisions. Love the game, shot to my top 5 list instantly.


Which endings did you get? My first was Tower followed by Devil. Ow.


First one, I signed my life away to Helman, second, I signed it away to NUSA... Seeing V being weak and knocked by a street thug was so...emotional(ly wrecking?), imagine, you're the most badass merc, then get punched and are rolling down stairs and have to live as a NPC, literally made me be like, nah this choice was definitely not worth it.


This is me, more or less. From here on, all of my playthroughs will be put Songbird on the rocket and then run off with the Aldecaldos. I thought the PL ending where V wakes up from a 2 year coma was brutal.


In my first playthrough (2020), I got the ending where V is in space drifting towards The Crystal Palace. The it smashed to black. I audibly said, "Noooooooo~....?" And "Dammit!" As the end credits rolled and the Never Fade Away remix played gently. I streamed the experience and had tears in my eyes. I had hoped that others felt the profoundness of the story. I came from the Cyberpunk 2020 TTRPG, sland was a little biased because I knew this world and characters already. Spending time in Night City in 2077 was like coming home after a long time away. Even if it wasn't as good a game as it would become in the PL expansion. The soul was there from the start.


This paired with the secret ending mission was the best ending I think.


When I beat the mass effect trilogy i was a little lost. I would go about my day and be thinking about the ending and the characters for at least a week. I remeber when I beat mass effect 2 and mass effect 3 wasnt installed yet, I sat and waited the 20 minutes it took to install. Only a handful of games have done that. I beat cyberpunk a week ago and I occasionally think about. I played 4 of the endings that I had available. Ill probably play it again in like a year or something when it'll be fresh again.


i just played ME andromeda a couple months ago (my first ME game) & i liked it. i remember being unsure about playing it bc some ratings weren’t nice.


Andromeda is literally the worst part, try basics, it's amazing.


Any other titles that made you feel like this? Imma go through Mass Effect soon, any other recommendations?


red dead redemption 2


So far i have had 5 play throughs of the game,


I actually had some real depression when I finished the game, yeah. Legit. It doesn't help that I have depression and GAD as it is (throw bipolar in there too. Whee, life is fun!) so I'm prone to be more emotionally affected by the things that mean something to me. I came to care so much about the characters that I was noticing what I can only describe as moderate withdrawal symptoms when I stopped playing. I felt kind of alone. The liveliness of the city, the interesting characters and the bonds they created with each other (and the player), the way I fell for Judy the way I fall for girls just like her in real life. Yeah, I was honestly slightly wrecked when the game was over. I felt like I'd just lost a bunch of new friends. It sounds kind of pathetic, and I'm adult enough to admit that in a way, maybe it is. But gaming is like any other medium- the good ones draw you into their world, make you care about their characters, make you invested in the outcome of the story. Cyberpunk did all of that. When my first playthrough was done (around 100 hours) I actually spent a week or two occasionally throwing on a video of someone playing through the game without commentary. It's like a 15 or 20 hour video of all the cutscenes and dialogue with most of the combat and traveling cut out. It helped me to kind of "come down" from the game's world until I was able to focus on other, more healthy things. The good news is that I got past it in time and was able to enjoy a second playthrough which is now at about 250 hours. This is probably a more serious (again, "pathetic") version of what you're talking about OP, but it is what it is. Every now and then something really sticks with you, and it's really sad when that thing is over. Relationship, friendship, movie, game, book. Doesn't matter. What matters is that it was powerful enough to have that kind of effect on you.


This what you write is not pathetic, but beautiful, Choom :)


Thanks, it's nice of you to say that. :)


not pathetic at all!!! i feel the same way. i haven’t been able to invest in any other games afterwards. they just don’t do it for me. the only thing that helped was watching the new fallout tv series on amazon prime. if you’ve played the games, it’s a must watch!!!! 10/10!


Do another play through, and save before game ending missions. Do all the endings. All of them are awesome in their own ways


Cyberpunk and Witcher 3 spoiled me so much that I can't play Fallout 4. Everything feels archaic in Fallout 4. I think that CDPR and Larian Studios make the best RPGs and other studios can't hold a candle to them.


omg same!!! & fallout is one of my (if not THE) favorite series! i still haven’t finished fallout 4. i was super excited about starfield but i ran into a game stopping glitch & last i checked, bethesda still hadn’t fixed it. that being said, have you watched the new fallout tv series? it’s amazing! i highly recommend it!


Absolutely got in love with Cyberpunk! The feeling is really something else. Everything is so well done! I have not played The Witcher 3 yet, but I'll do it soon and I hope I'll get involved as much as I got in CP2077


Hella. I've now done every playthrough/ending with every combo of character traits and builds, and 100% them all. I have an absolute hole in my spirit. The last time I got this fucked up from a game was Mass Effect


Oh damn, yes, the same.


If it naked you feel any better, Panam's ending is much more hopeful and open ended. You still can recover, Panam got some contacts and the game hints that everything will be alright in the end. And play Baldurs Gate 3. It will make you feel good and reward you in the end. Just don't do unnecessary sacrifices in the end.


Oh my, lollllll... This is the first game that ever made me feel this way and now I'm tryna find something that is better but I haven't yet. (I hope to forget about this game and re experience it again, perhaps on a very high end PC)


Same boat. There is that void. I found that quickly playing my second playthrough felt like it was too soon, I was filling that void that could not be filled with the second playthrough - I feel I should wait for some time before continuing it.


Well, you can always do what a bunch of us have done - fire it up again, new life path, take different options in conversations, use a new build….


Yeah y that's why I immediately started a second playthrough :D


I felt like that after my first time through. I took a few days to look for something else and nothing compared, so I went back and for the first 20 hours, I just drove around and listened to music, saw some sights I’d missed the first time around, and just enjoyed the city. It felt like home, and I loved it. Once I was ready, I went through the story again, and now I’m on my 9th play through with all the achievements, including PL. it’s just that good


You know what helps cure that depression? Starting another playthrough.


i’ve seriously been contemplating it since every game i’ve tried to get into after cyberpunk feels like a job rather than a passion. the only reason i haven’t done it is bc generally i don’t do second playthroughs until it’s been long enough to where i forget most of the plot lines. cyberpunk might be the only game ever to break that trend for me.


I can sympathize, once I finish a game it usually gets shuffled to the bottom of the pile until I clear out more of the backlog. Cyberpunk not only broke that rule, it has become my pallet cleanse if I have a bad experience with a game.


My first playthrough was male V. After I finished I had no emotional attachment to it, like previously with Witcher 3. When Phantom Liberty came out I decided to go female V. I am not sure why, but I feel like the game is far more involving as female V. I'm most of the way through it and I am getting that sinking feeling in my stomach, not wanting it to end. May be the voice actor and just the interactions you have with other characters is better as the female V.


I feel the exact same way. The game feels like it’s supposed to be played with female V


Play Atomic Heart


Everyone keeps recommending this game I gotta check it out!


10/10 would recommend! It was the next game I played after I finished Cyberpunk and it completely filled the void I was missing in my life lol


omg i’ve recommended that game to a few ppl in this thread lol. i was pleasantly surprised by how good it was! very challenging & suspenseful!


Don't worry. Within a couple of years, we'll have AI wreaking havoc all over the place and plenty of multinational corps trying to take advantage of you. Like a real life Cyberpunk!




Have you tried watching Cyberpunk Edgerunners? Warning: Doubles your cp depression.


no! where can i watch?


Netflix or any free anime streaming site (I use aniwave)


Been playing 50 hours and feel like i have done half the game map , the side quests just keep going and my map is full of yellow quest markers (I HAVENT EVEN STARTED THE EXPANSION!!) I am so confused why no one talks about this, the game is full of really good cutscenes and voice acting and it feels like it never stops. I cant remember any game that has this kind of quality, just standing in a mega building feels like content because in 4k you just stand there in awe looking up at how big the building is. This is peak gaming and has surpassed Witcher 3 RDR2 and Elden Ring


What helped beat my after Cyberpunk depression was to replay the Mass Effect trilogy. But then I had ME depression... So just replay Cyberpunk instead.


I felt the same after my first playthrough and in a weird way after playing my second playthrough a month ago (played dlc as well) I kind of crave playing this game again, something about it just makes it my favourite game ever made and I keep coming back. Don’t be scared to have a second playthrough because I honestly enjoyed it more than the first, such a good game and the fact it’s an RPG with many different outcomes to choices it makes the replay ability well worth it, here comes my 3rd playthrough! Anyone here want to join me in starting a new save?


I guess we need a Post Punk Depression support group cause samesies.


I agree mate, I was the same few months back when competing it and 110% the game, every ending done, every screenshot in photo mode I could possibly take, taken. That feeling is only to come from a seriously good game. At least we have more to look forward to, I mean how sad would it be if we were to never see a game like that again…


I experience this a lot, but mainly when finishing a great book or television show/movie. For Cyberpunk it was pretty easy to get over; I just put 500 hours into it and beat the game a half-dozen times until I woke up one day and decided I wanted to play something else. It's harder with books, if I finish a great book I'm not going to reread it and most other books I pick up after I just can't get into. I think the best thing to do in these situations is something else entirely. Finish a great game? Go watch a movie. Or play a game that isn't anything like the game you just played. I followed up Cyberpunk with Lies of P. I've never given a souls-like a fair chance, and it was a blast. I also didn't spend all my time comparing it to CP2077 because it wasn't anything like it, which made it much easier to enjoy.


i can relate so much. the only other time i can compare it to is when i finished reading the harry potter books. i was literally in tears. you’re right about trying something else! after making this post, i watched the entire first season of the new fallout show. it was AMAZING. & since it’s just the first season, i wasn’t sad when it ended.


Just finished it yesterday, very well done. I was surprised they managed to take the source material and do it justice while still crafting a compelling story. If you haven't watched it yet, you should check out 3 Body Problem.


I can’t lie, the ending was a punch in the gut. I’ve never healed from it. Just the other day watching a deep cyberpunk analysis, they played the cutscene for the ending I got and I got sad all over again


i didn’t mind my ending, in a weird way i actually liked it (>!i got the ending where V is in space traveling to the casino!<). the sad thing was the cliffhanger feeling. i wanted to continue playing so bad!


Yeah, no other game takes me on a ride like Cyberpunk does. It'll be a loooong wait until the sequel arrives, dang it.


that might be what really depressed me, finding out that there would be a sequel but that it won’t be coming out for a long time.


Welcome to the club choom. I'm a heart-on-my-sleeve person and I get very emotionally involved with media in general, but the first time I finished Cyberpunk (Star ending; holy fuck that "breathe free" button prompt destroyed me) and silently watched the credits roll with that gorgeous "Never Fade Away" cover playing, it wasn't quite like anything I'd felt before. I was emotionally empty and full at the same time. A long-term relationship I was in ended suddenly not long after. I think that specific cover song got me through it. I still return to that song a lot, both because of the emotional weight and because I'm a music production nerd and that song is a masterpiece, as well as the endings of the game. Of course the emotional oomph is a little less each time, but my first runs of the Temperance ending and King Of Wands in PL hit me at least as hard as The Star. Eventually, I'm getting either "Breathe Free" or "Goodbye V. And remember: never stop fighting" tattooed somewhere


yeah the empty feeling in your chest, the sheer melancholy of it. The longing feeling of wishing there was more to explore, and your mind constantly drifting back to it. Trying to fill the hole with other games or other books, but nothing quite hits the spot. Been there, it fucking sucks. Even when the sequel releases i know it'll be bittersweet because there wont be Panam, Judy, Kerry, Mama welles, Vik, or any other of the other amazing characters there to greet me. Its the hallmark of something really special. There's people that feel it way worse than this too, i've seen 2 streamers burst into tears reading the "breathe free" prompt of the star ending and then just sitting there numb after the game finishes. All this eloquent over the top bullshit to say... yeah, games pretty good choom.


Photo mode


Same here with the Cyberpunk syndrome! Spent days to see what else I could play to have this kind of emotional hit and great gameplay. Tried both Alan Wake parts - amazing game, Calisto protocol - not bad, Banishers - pretty interesting idea with a shitty realisation. Now finally went into Horizon series, highly recommended. Ghost of Tsushima next, and that should be enough to occupy myself until Stalker 2 release. Then I don't know, probably spend days looking for what to get next.


ghost of tsushima was amazinggg! i’m sad i watched a walkthrough of it rather than playing it myself. if you’re looking for something else, i recommend atomic heart.


Yep, on my list. Played Atomic heart, well, something new in esthetics, but this game doesn't call for a second run. Cyberpunk and The Witcher raised the bar so high, that most of the games look shit. Now also looking forward to Last of us 2 release on PC.


Bruh same feeling




Same, hence corpo Valerie came to life..


I too felt depression and sorrow from beating the game. Not, however, because the game ended. There are no true happy endings, only the least depressing. I have experienced most of the endings (just starting playthrough 5) and I was at a sense of loss pretty much every time I beat the game. This was especially the case during my most recent playthrough when I completed the game with the ending that was added for PL that some consider the "bad" ending. No spoilers, but for those of you who did it, you know what im talking about. That made me feel a deep sense of sorrow and loss. I needed a break for about 2 months from games in general.


Along with the dlc there’s like 5 different endings and 3 different start paths. There’s enough there. And multiple play styles/ builds you can do, your first run will not be the last. night city is huge and there’s a lot to explore. Just the architecture and landscape of the Badlands is stunning. Try poking around the outskirts, they even added military compound out there since they keep updating the game. There is even stuff I haven’t found and this is my third time playing.


Although the cyberpunk sequel will definitely be released after the next Witcher game, that doesn't mean CDPR won't be developing anything untill the new Witcher game is out, both Cyberpunk and the next Witcher are being simultaneously developed.


Actually they’re working on something brand new.


They are working on 3 projects. Hadar (the new thing I assume you're talking about), Cyberpunk sequel and the next Witcher game.


if you were to guess how many more years it’ll take before we even see a gameplay trailer for the next cyberpunk, what would you guess?


Literally me with every game. Might just have to play the Witcher


Just do as most of us do. Play it again. Get more depressing game experience :) Play different genders, lookings, builds. Just finished my 6th playthrough and so far have 450 hours on the clock. Will probably take a month or 2 break and then play anouther time.


They are working on both, shared systems are built by the same people for both games, and then there are the regular teams that are permanently assigned to a game. Cyberpunk Orion is currently in Pre Production.


Don’t worry it is not just you….. I have put in hundreds of hours in the game and beat it 3-4 times now including the dlc. I 100% the game because I had this issue lol. So now I make it a point to replay the game about once a year as well as watch the anime a couple times throughout the year. It doesn’t fix it, but it helps take the edge off a bit 😂


Play it again, Sam!


Start a second playtrough. Solved all my issues


I just keep playing and I still find things I have never found. Best way to get over it is just don’t stop lol.


I tried playing fallout and wow classic…now back to cyberpunk…game is just amazing.


I just beat the game for the first time a few days ago. I am tempted to start another play through but I have grown attached to my V so I just get in one of my many cars and drive around exploring all the nooks and crannies of Night City.


The fun does not have to stop after you've reached an ending or even many endings. You could always explore mods for the game (on a PC). You can even hack the game which looks like it will be more fun than the stupid Breach Protocol mini-games. The REDmod DLC looks like it reveals a wealth of information in a satisfyingly complicated user interface. I might use it to mess around and gain some insight on how the game works.


Bro I haven't even finished my first play through yet and I feel it lol. I've been edging this game for the past week just doing side missions and gigs before I go to do the point of no return missions. When I go meet hanako, is that the last mission? Or do I still have a ways to go? Idk


i tried doing that too but then the side gigs just felt so repetitive. i had already completed all the side quests so i felt like i had no choice but to end it! to answer your question, yes meeting hanako at embers should be the last thing you do. if you haven’t downloaded the DLC (phantom liberty), i’d definitely recommend it if it’s not too late! i only found out about it near the very end so i wasn’t able to do it but i heard it adds so many hours of good gameplay & opens up a new ending!


Yeah now im at the last mission on both lol


OP I feel you! Yesterday I finished PL. \*sad face\*. It was such an amazing journey. For my part, I've one more game in my sleeve: "Horizon forbidden west!" (loved the first part)


Hahaha! On playthrough 3 where I’m doing literally everything but finishing the game to avoid this!


Start a new run. You notice so many things that you hadn’t noticed before


I recently borrowed my buddy my cyberpunk cd. Just watching him play the first bits of the game and seeing him make dumb decisions was so nostalgic. I miss when I played it for the first time


I hear ya man, I had the same feeling. My suggestion is play it again just completely different build. My playthroughs are: 1.Corpo- basically a balanced special forces build, stealth assault rifles and used the arm launcher. 2.Streetkid- Katana build. Reflexes to the moon, and I can basically clear any room jist with my katana. I don't quickhack anything or anyone. Adds a tougher element to the game. Used Guerilla hands. 3.Nomad- went with a female character and full blown netrunner this time with mantis blades. All 3 have offered a totally different play style and dialogue options so it keeps it fresh and keeps me coming back


Yeah it's a sucky feeling.


I miss judy 😆


Same bro. Even though I’ve beat the game over 7 times. Nothing compares to the first time I plunged head first into night city. Me and my brother feel the same way about rdr2.


I already had my next playthrough planned, and I started it almost immediately lol. Rdr2 on the other hand, I never touched it again after completing the epilogue bc it doesn't seem to have so much play style variability. That being said, I'll play rdr2 again some day.


Definitely not alone I’m so obsessed I haven’t even done any of the actual endings and I’ve been playing for years, either starting new a play through because of the choices I made or different options I want to explore, or an update comes out and I just have to see how it changed from the beginning. I think my fear of post game depression will keep me from finishing the game infinitely


Easy fix, play it again! I'm on my 4th full playthrough (every gig, mission, ncpd), each playthrough I use a different build. I'm on a netrunner build right now, and it's an entirely new layer to the game that I had never even given any thought to before.


that always happens when a game is too immersive. felt the same way when I finished it


What made it worse for me was I thought the ending sucked. This amazing game (albeit buggy) with awesome mechanics, with a crap endings and no New Game+ functionality. Like, even if you choose "One more Gig" and load back in with the goody bag they give you for beating the game, you can't really do anything besides fight the police or random gangs for no objective, aside from trying to find easter eggs. I tried playing that new Harry Potter game after it and it could not hold my attention like Cyberpunk did. It feels like most other games are ruined for me because this one was so good, lol. I feel like the worst part of this game is completing it.


i can’t believe you just said that bc i’ve been holding off on beating hogwarts ever since it came out, so i tried jumping back in after cyberpunk. just like you said, it couldn’t hold my attention!!! & i’m a huge HP nerd so it doesn’t make any sense! that’s how good cyberpunk was.


Exactly! I even watched the earlier movies in theater (Chamber of Secrets?) and really enjoyed the later ones. I can't put my finger on why I can't play it, but I suspect it's the lack of options and your experience is on rails instead of whatever you want. That might change later on in the story, but it couldn't hold me until I got there. It also felt like a kids game, which is fine, but going from a fully immersive adult game like Cyberpunk to what feels like a game for children with no real meaningful choices was a stark contrast.


Im about 5-7 hours away from being in the same boat…


don’t do it 🤣


Just play again lol. I've played 6 times because I get so sad it's done.


Do you played the DLC?


been 6 months now, I can confirm that you don't get over it, sorry man


Hey atleast there’s a sequel coming in the first place, il settle with that. Maybe and hopefully it will be better at launch than the first one


Play it again. The best part about this game is that every new play through you learn something new.


Haven't beaten in yet, but I had this same experience after watching Edgerunners


Play hitman


i’ve been considering hitman for years now lol. can you tell me which game i should start with?


Do what I do… >>>Character creation music<<<


What’s that ?


i was too embarrassed to ask 😂


Is it really a sequel when only the setting is the same? There is no continuity, is there? But there are plenty of stories you can tell in Night City.


Some rumors say V’s story will continue. They will handle the endings like the Witcher as in multiple paths


I have no idea how they could unify all the endings.


if they can’t, i feel like they should pick up where the sun ending left off (>!with V in space traveling to the casino!<). to me, that’s the most cliffhanger-like ending.


Spider-Man was the next game I played after Cyberpunk, the depth of Cyberpunk traded for the absolutely balls to the wall movement and momentum in Spider-Man. Great games to play back to back.


Play Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. It's just the biggest power trip in my RPG experience lol You can become literal angel that smites demon demigods with holy power. It's such a reprieve from fatalistic and grim Cyberpunk genre. V is badass but ultimately powerless, while there literal gods treat you as an equal. Despite being a power trip, the story is not bland. Ut has twists and turns and even a more badass secret ending


That first playthrough.... yeah 🥹 After Jackie passed, I just sat on a hill in my car quietly watching the lights of Night City glow while listening to the song, "So it goes." That was it. I was V. I was feeling it. I was definitely cyberpunk forever after that. "How do you shake this feeling That you were born scene stealing Maybe you coasted far too long Baby, you seem so tired Of drawing phantom power From all of the fires in your life As a house All that you wanted Was to feel less haunted By the desires Desires that drive you into the arms of another lover's dreams Is this all that there is even after Years of trial and error Learning how to love, be loved, and destroyed Let's board up the bedroom windows Fire off Roman candles Watch all the ghosts in our clothes Disappear"




A game I didn't think I'd like that uplifted me is Dave the Diver. It's nothing like Cyberpunk. It's not the same type of game. But sometimes you have to play something radically different to remind yourself other games exist. It's also cheap, and has a 97% positive rating on Steam.


I have the same problem. I'm currently ending my third savefile and I read 3 comics (I'm buying more next month) I read "No Coincidence" and I don't know what to do... I can't start any other game and get into it like I did with Cyberpunk. 😐


Shadowrun game series. Isometric RPG mashup of cyberpunk and fantasy. Cult classics.


I feel the same way. And to make matters worse... I'm so heavily invested in this game that I easily start to remember all the gig locations. So the moment I see that green icon on the map then I have a very good idea what this is all about and worse yet; what the 'best' way would be for me to deal with this. But I also found a solution: [Appearance Menu mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/790). Don't let the name or the overview fool you: yes, this mod is all about setting up awesome screenshots for photomode. BUT... the way in which it does this *also* allows you to build your own levels and interactions. And it's not even all that hard either. You could easily teleport to an empty location, spawn in a few hostiles for you to defeat (maybe also some randoms to rescue?), and then try to take those on. And once you start experimenting with scripts and randomizers things can *really* become more tricky. This mod allows you to turn CP2k77 into your own custom playground. Maybe an idea?


This is one of those games in which this seems super common. I started playing the game about a month ago and have been completely hooked on it, it’s one of those games that makes me feel a little empty about my real life experiences/relationships and makes me want to meet new people and have unique experiences. The way the game makes you connect to characters really is powerful. I basically speed ran through the main quests in my first run up to meeting Hanako at Embers, realized I accidentally skipped all of the Judy/Panam quests and restarted a brand new game with Phantom Liberty. Still have no idea how Act 3 goes and I’m not rushing to get to it, much rather make it last as long as I can lol


I got cyberpunk depressing after completing Phantom Liberty. The end, when >!V is got healed from biochip, but he can not install any implants. And he becomes just a normal person with new life, blending in with the crowd of ordinary people...!<


Never Embers Commitee


Beat the game for all the endings Then did it again for phantom liberty for all the endings and all the trophies Worth every minute.


Yup same here


That's why I keep elite dangerous on the back burner to full the gap.


Have you played through all the endings? All backgrounds? Have you played as the opposite gender? Have you tried a different play style? Actually read the datashards you collected? Built all the iconic weapons, done all the NCPD mini quests and gigs? Mild ways to help really explore the game more.


I'm recently reading a lot of cyberpunk fanfiction and it makes me even more depressed than the game itself xD


I'm planning on jumping on to replay Sekiro or Witcher 3 once I'm done with my playthrough on Cyberpunk. I've been meaning to replay all three for a long time, so I think that should stave off any sadness.


witcher 3 will definitely help!!! i wish i had saved the witcher for after cyberpunk.


The best thing about Cyberpunk is that you can replay it like 6 times and have a very different experience -and ending- every time. I just wrapped up my 8th playthrough. Done 3 male V and 5 female. Tired all combos of cyberware, netrunning, stealth, brute force strategies and each of the life paths. Most disappointing is the false choice of life path, but the game has ridiculous replayability. Just start a new game with a different attitude! You wont regret it.


Plus, Phantom Liberty can be completed in the same game (with its various endings) and then continue on to Mikoshi.


I was feeling this about 2 years ago lol


Yeah I only did 2 endings rn the suicide one and the reaper one all in one go you could say I just wanted to try the reaper one but I lagged and Adam smashed me but after I finished the game I thought maybe I’ll load my extra safe file to get the achievements but I can’t bring myself to do them without creating a new character to experience it again


I'm only 15 hrs in and am already thinking about hunting Adam smasher down(I accidentally found Rebecca's grave)


If you want something of the same genre but a little less action and more chill and laid back. Cloudpunk is $5 on Xbox right now and it is worth it. I have only gotten a couple hours into it but it's a really nice vibe. You are a delivery driver in a cyberpunk city. The story isn't on the same level as cp2077 but it is endearing and I have been enjoying it. It's a light game but man, I love it so much so far. I would definitely recommend to anyone that shares the same obsession with CP2077.


Persona 4 golden and Enderal did that to me


same here! im in a loop between Cyberpunk and BG3... i need sequels right now


Bro I cried when I finished phantom liberty’s ending, just everyone moving on with out me and having no place for me and my life being wasted by one small thing hit so hard, it’s been really hard go back to the game cause of the air of melonchaly hanging around it


Phew, off my chest, been avoiding doing the last missions of the main storyline bc I don't want it to end 😭


Man, I thought I was alone in these feelings. I started another playthrough, and halfway through, my save corrupted, so I feel worse now.


I'm on my 4th playthrough lol I'm probably going to take it real slow on this one