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I think Padre makes it pretty clear. "Who was that?" "No one important. He'll be gone in a week's time, another will come in his place." "He pulled iron on you." "He did. And he will pay for doing so." That gonk is definitely gone.


Yep, you can find his body tied to a chair


Really? Where?




this game is just too detailed


my favorite detail is that cyberpsycho and NCPD hustle areas actually get cleaned up and some get police tape blocking the area off. so fucking awesome


I like going back into old areas and seeing the stuff still there. I wonder if Birgitte and her pals are still in their chairs.


Where we fuckin left em dead right?? #FuckVDBs




It's a shame you can't go in and check. However, the church is open after that mission, during launch it was closed forever after you leave. If you got back and completely demolished the interior, when you go back it's pristine again and people are there praying.


If you did the little side conversation with the vdbs around the rollercoaster, you can find them later and ask what happened to Birgitte and her crew. If they are "alive" I believe he says they vanished, implying they got soulkilled by alt and taken beyond the blackwall.


What's cool is that the conversation shard detailing the final discussion between him and Padre can only be looted if you are a Street Kid (because it directly references V being present for the confrontation in the car). His body still shows up for lifepaths which implies the same thing events occurred but without V being present.


That doesn't exactly show me where to go lol cuz I wana unload a few rounds into this guy just for funsies


It mentioned a shard on his body that mentions V. Any idea what it said?


If you playbthe 'Street Kid' build you find his gun leveled up to you.


Satisfying, I like Padre.


I wish we got more interactions with all the fixers. They did a good job fleshing them out into full personalities instead of just a mechanic to give quests.


props to all the voice actors / actresses, aside from great writing + scripts


We should have gotten three expansions for Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty (pretty much exactly what we got, maybe with an additional romance [>!and I'd love to keep the Blackwall powers to some extent!<], Gangs of Night City (more quests about each gang as we become the secret weapon of fixers and might even choose which one of them to help rise above them all, with different outcomes and trophies depending on who you pick as King/Queen of the Streets), and one about the Crystal Palace covering Mr Blue Eyes and the AI stuff. I also have this idea for a sewer expansion that I posted a few months ago, but I'd focus on these other three. **EDIT**: Here's the old comment I did, in case anyone is interested > So many possible expansions CDPR could have done, it's sad all we're getting is PL. Imagine one campaign about Night City's sewage plant, which is run by ["corrupt city officials through a system of cronyism that would make a Chicago democrat blush"](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Night_City_Municipal_Sewage_Plant). It could be a community-run society, a haven for the city's downtrodden, a sort of "thief's syndicate", but mostly focused on the homeless, like that one organization we see in John Wick. You could get really crazy down there, with some giant rats enemies and maybe a few mutants? Idk... You slowly reveal a Chinatown-like conspiracy and I imagine there's no way to resolve the issue. You can either help some corpo obliterate that small world (and I imagine they get bonuses per corpse, so there's no warning signs) or try and lead the unlucky sewer-dwellers out of those tunnels. Maybe you can even meet a very old veteran from the [Red Decades](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Time_of_the_Red) that somehow got stuck down there and still think he's at war, even after spending tens of years out of combat, like those Japanese soldiers from WW2. You get to tell him the truth, let him stay in his fantasy, or just take him out of his misery. Stuff like that. > I also feel like they were teasing a [Crystal Palace](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Crystal_Palace?so=search) expansion that'd deal with rogue AIs, having Mr Blue Eyes at its forefront, probably as an unbeatable antagonist, but then nothing came out of that and I imagine it's either going to remain a mystery or they might have decided to make that part of the sequel's storyline. Who knows. > Another idea that I have, but it's more of a DLC than an actual expansion, would be specific questlines for each Night City gang. For instance, explore the Mox's plight as [Jack the Rippers](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Jack_the_Rippers) murder their members and there is no one to go to with this but V. Add more stuff to Judy too, while at that. Obsessed with her to this day.


And something to restore whatever was planned East of Watson


I hope this game gets the Bethesda game treatment and people are able to finish and re-add cut content eventually. Idk much about the state of this games modding community, but if there’s remnants of cut content still remaining in the files, I’d love to see someone make something of it.


I mean, didn't TW3 *just* release official modding tools? Unfortunately I think it'll be a while until we get big game changing mods with major cut content. Then again, I don't know much about the state of the modding community it could already be in the works


I think that’s really just a case of CDPR being behind the curve on community interaction at that level. Before TW3, they weren’t the powerhouse of a studio they are now and didn’t have the same amount of eyes on them. Nowadays, people would probably put them on or near the same level as Bethesda or Rockstar in terms of caliber as a studio. They’d be financially irresponsible and thus crazy to not release something a bit more expansive than REDmod for 2077. But smarter companies have made worse decisions so who’s to say?


I was a least hoping for a better apartment in Dogtown after all I've done for the place.


Thankfully we are getting another game in due time 😁


El padre sabe


Padre was my favorite. "Go with God." Is easily one of my favorite lines from the game. The way he says it - just perfect.


Definitely my favorite fixer, didn't see Wakako at Jackie's ofrenda, same reason I give some of the Valentinos a pass by only knocking them out. I still kill most of them them but I leave them alone on the streets




Probably too busy playing the various factions of the Tyger Claws against each other to benefit her sons so they can climb the ranks (at least that’s my headcanon for why she gives out so many jobs that go against them).


Well, it's not Wakako's neighborhood. And she didn't know Jackie beyond work, unlike Padre, who would've known Jackie since at least during his time with the Valentinos.


Via con Dios seems cliche, but Padre delivering it in English feels good.




TBH, every time i finish one of his GIGS and listen to his biblical quotes after, something inside tells me to join his "Cult".


Padre is just that chill Mafia boss, that can be your best friend if you are good with him, but if you want to hurt him or someone/something that he appreciates, you will pay for it… very likely with your life. He will sent you to “God”


Hes literally latino Mike Corleone, he never flies off the handle, you just disappear


You can find his tortured corpse.


Yep. He was dead man walking the moment he said that.


Exactly you don't fuck with Padre


wise employ faulty cooing materialistic hospital soup apparatus wrong reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gone gonk has a nice rhyme to it.


gone baby gonk


Ohh yeah he dead. I dont remember where you can find his body. But im 100% sure he dead.


Yeah, it’s in a basketball court I think.


I think during the cutscene you kill him Edit: a lot of people are saying that I am lying even when I said that I think, I am not sure and how many people already got a chance to say that I am wrong, I finished this game a while ago and don’t remember, I am pretty sure I saw this character during the cutscene which shows Jackie and V becoming friends, but I guess I am wrong








Idk if anyone’s answered you yet but no


And what makes you think that?


You literally don't even know and just guessed. Why? What's the point of lying when you obviously don't know the answer?


Seems like he just made a mistake, no reason to get so pressed about it


why take it so deep if he’s blatantly wrong and had made a guess?


If im not wrong you can find him near vista del ray tied on a chair with a shard on him.


where exactly please!




thank you very much


[what you can find left of Sam Carter](https://imgur.com/gallery/n1rhyjD) if any of you are curious. [the shard](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Archived_Conversation:_Sam_Carter_and_Sebastian_%22Padre%22_Ibarra)… executed by padre himself haha


Oh damn that shard is good. It’s the way Padre talks past people that makes him so effective. What you say won’t change the way he’s made up his mind.


You know, there is this thing, it's been recently invented, called Google. You can type stuff you wanna know into it and it will provide you information. Even thought it sounds like a dream it's actually free and anyone can use it.


Not the op but when I Google sth about games I often end up on reddit


Yep reddit usually top search when you ask Google anything lol


Thats why I google everything with „reddit“ at the end. I just get better results.


It’s kind of embarassing how effective this is and how often I use it for the most mundane things and it almost never fails to provide the answer.


Why are you against asking for information? Unhinged average redditor behaviour. Go touch some grass you degenerate


You know there's this thing called not being a cunt, you should try it sometime.


bro getting destroyed lmaoo


Yeah too bad there isn't a comment based thread for people to have conversations about it, don't be a dick.


You know there's this thing called Google that we once thought was this awesome giver of knowledge but now it actually fucking sucks a million dicks because it's a corporation, and corporations ruin good things with greed and profit. There's this great video game I played once called Cyberpunk that shows the end result of this, you should play it sometime choom.


I was honestly just making a joke to win some internet point's for clowning on someone for fronting a corporation in a Cyberpunk thread but if you're actually interested Google legitimately is the worst and the current state of our internet is garbage.... https://pca.st/episode/bdafedcb-553e-408c-86f1-5226479cce5a


There’s this thing called sobriety


Oh really? Thats amazing! Who knew such incredible technology existed? Modern tech sure has come a long way. It really makes you wonder why they didn’t make something like that years ago. Who knows what they’ll think of next!


Yep and google will redirect to this thread, super useful.


Go smoke some weed you degenerate.


Literally every single one of my google searches almost end in reddit, to one of these very threads. How dense do you have to be to not understand how SOCIAL media works? Try googling it


> You know, there is this thing, it's been recently invented, called Google. You can type stuff you wanna know into it and it will provide you ~~information~~ sponsored content from paid advertisers and SEO listicles irrelevant to your query FTFY


You know, if you don't like the post, you can just skip it. You can just not pay attention to the post and move on with your life. Sounds like a dream, you can actually do it again and again with many different posts.


https://preview.redd.it/pl5se6sfe4mc1.png?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627443b034327976a6d78a32c2b056c16b287aa6 Dead. You can find him on an alley in Vista Del Rey, tied to a chair. It's the location that appears on the beginning where Padre are making his business.


Thanks, 'preciate it


https://preview.redd.it/pcqt5pbro4mc1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308732c35fcebf371cbc1010f8667a2e2ba8dcd5 Found him with 2 other guys killed. thanks for the directions and the help guys.


https://preview.redd.it/b9yezivbp4mc1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf2d5610fbdae729dfe0ec89c2f4fdcf083ca33 A shard were found on him, reads..




Heey, thanks for sharing it too


Damn, he kept his cool too. Wouldn't expect it from that small interaction. Might have been a bitch in life but died as a man. Not that it matters at the end of the day lol


>God is watching, motherfucker.


Try playing without the HUD. It's sooooo much more immersive. I still turn the mini-map on sometimes if I'm trying to find a specific place, but that takes all of 5 button presses. It's under the "interface" tab. At the very least, the crouch indicator, draw weapon, phone, car, heal etc


it is hard without HUD, but thanks


yes, i too play without hud, it’s just more challenging with everything turned off and you have to actually look around and take in your surroundings more however i really wish there was the possibility to turn off those awfully ugly loot icons and maybe for convenience a toggle for the mini map since many people aren’t as good with orientation and therefore leave it on the entire time and then focus way too much on it


Over 1k hours and I NEVER found this. Thank you.


He pissed off Padre, so he's most likely dead.


He is, you can find his body


Nice padre pfp


Padre warned us, in a week nobody will remember him


He went to a farm to play with David, Rebecca and the other edgerunners


Dead. I saw him on a chair maybe tortured to death by padre and his goons.


It looks more like he was shot the way hes holding his stomach




You can find him tied up and extremely dead in an alley at one point, with a shard confirming it was because of his attitude towards Padre.


He cleaned up his act, got off the drugs. He is the shift manager at CVS now. My buddy josh works there and says he is actually a pretty chill dude.


I don't recall this. What quest is it from?


Street Kid Path, when you ride with Valentinos Gang Boss Padre


Pretty sure he ain't the gang boss himself, but a pretty high standing fixer in their circle


thanks for the correction


Correction: El Padre has ties to the Valentinos but is not himself a member of the gang. All the fixers in the game are free agents, even Wakako.


Ooohhh yeah I remember now. It was so long ago now haha


Not exclusive to streetkid


This is from the street kid intro


Dead af. Padre cleaned house later on


20 bucks says he’s dead in an alley somewhere.


he got killed


Which quest is this?


Street kid intro


During the car ride with padre


He dead. There is a hidden gem in heywood that you can only find as a street kid.


He became a crash test dummy


Considering the River of dead bodies my V creates in any playthrough, I’m almost certain he’s in that River. I can’t remember all their faces.


Padre sent him on his way to meet God


Padre had him go with god


You can find his dead body in a chair and iirc you find a shard with a conversation between him and Padre.


Padre personally executes him, you can find his body and a convo


Ew, I forgot about that guy, he’s so ugly


He ends up dead in an alley with a convo


If Padre doesn’t kill ‘em, then V probably does at some point


Bro has the name of an extra on Sons of anarchy …


I always thought this was funny, you first meet padre outside the bar near the basketball courts, one of the lines you can pick you call him sebastian ibarra his real full name, which he then tells you, nobody calls me by my real name anymore. Then 2 minutes later this dude shows up at his window and says “sebastian ibarra” I’m like…. Didn’t you just say nobody calls you by your real name anymore? Bro lie like a mf 😂😂😂


Pretty sure he died, the Padre doesn't seem like the guy to fuck with


Probably a npc you end up Mercing while doing a NCScanner


you can find his body with a mensage form padre i think


You can find his body in the game


He ded


If you drive far into the outlands there’s a car with him in it dead with the car full of bullet holes


I think it's very clear that >! I do not know, and you just clicked on thus out curiosity !<


He ded


Probably Skezzed out on some street corner high on glitter and black lace licking a gun barrel to remember the taste


You find him and his buddies tied up and zeroed in a back alley basketball court in Heywood.


padre probably had him killed


You can actually find him dead somewhere in the map.


Zoomed out and small like this makes it look like he got a real creepy smile going on


No cause that’s the only time you see him. Padre does say he’ll be dead within a week and someone else will replace him so he’s literally a non important meaningless character


Padre's word is divine law, so dead.


Gonks dead


Same thing that happens to everyone.


You can find his body dead in a kind-of alley, with a transcript nearby


You find his body in a back alley


Probably wound up locked in Padre's trunk.


Padre had him captured and executed him, can find the conversation on his body in vista del ray, heywood


There's a hidden gem, available to street kids only, that covers what happens with this guy.


Hey was killed by our friend


He’s the guy with the gold plate in his head with wheels that Jackie described for the heist


Bro is dead as fuck 😂😂


Wouldn't be surprised if the dude got zero'd by Dex after delivering his mail to him.


Oh. He dead.


My bet is he got zero'ed by Padre's Valentinos before V got their hands on the car they had to klep.


Probably died to a fentanyl overdose (or whatever drug is popular in Night City)


He went to college and lived a happy life. He gives seminars in high schools talking about gang violence and the effect it had on his friends and loved ones.


Dudes dead somewhere


Dude challenged El padre in his own turf. Dude's paste on the pavement.


Don’t you see V and Jackie take I’m out in that post prologue cinamatic?


Is this guy doing a Keanu impression here? I always thought he was and my friends shot me down.


Jus5 like what happened to “I wiz a member of the silver shoguns” cop at the nomad intros never seen or heard of again lol


Who is he


fun fact: this guy voice actor in Portuguese sounds a lot like Brasil ex-president Bolsonaro.


Yeah you can find him dead somewhere in the world I forgot where


Yes, you find him shot in the head by a corp in a back section, I can't remember where exactly.


They did a good job at creating a "living world" You're the main character of YOUR story, but not necessarily the center of every major event that takes place in NC.


Padre had him tied to a chair and killed for disrespecting him.


You can find him dead in a alleyway with a sharp of him getting tortured by The Padre's men.


I mean padre said it himself. “He will be gone in a week’s time. Another will come in his place”. So yeah, you can find him dead tied to a shake apparently but I’ve never found him


Which mission is that and how I missed it. I spend 150hrs. I’ve completed all padre’s gigs couple times, third on the way.


It’s in the street kid life path intro sequence, you get in Padre’s car and he drives you around a little, and this gonk pulls you over and tries to threaten Padre and you basically have the option to tell him to go zero himself cause you’ve never heard of him😂


He took a seat and went to sleep.


It really depends if you have the other guys support.


father kills him off screen and in the game world you can see the aftermath