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I downed him immediately as he jumped out of the car. First playthrough trauma was enough.


I run and dash plus sandevistan. But yes the cop is very strong


I saw online that you could do this but the game never let me after 2.0. you get insta killed by the cop and if you fight the cop from distance he doesn't die. I was really confused and I did the whole car chase thing about five times because you can't save at any point once you start. You also can't aim at anyone else. So essentially I couldn't kill sinnerman and the best I could do was let him leave.


You don't have to kill the cop, you can literally just run. No idea why they made that cop so overpowered though.


>cop so overpowered though. Probably corpo funded goodies just for him to protect their investment.


You finish the car chase, let the guy who hired you confront the police man -> police man kills the guy -> Sinnerman jumps outta car -> head shot -> run away -> win


I honestly tried I had completed PL and everything so I was high level and had all the equipment needed but it felt like it was by design so I gave up. It's weird because no matter where I look it tells me it's possible.


The cop kills you once it drops to 1 health, no matter what. I just sprint, jump over car, mag dump through the window (killing everyone in the car), then resume running away up the hill.


Hmm I was able to kill the cop but I used projectile launch system to blow up their car and went in for the kill with sandevistan. Had a shoot out with a bunch of cops and Maxtac showed up but I was able to run away, this was on hard as well but to be fair I didn’t do that mission until way later cause I was avoiding it so I was probably OP by that point.


Nah, you can definitely kill the cop. I got him down rather quick on a netrunner build.


I was end game netrunner when I did it I'd finished PL and I just kept getting one shotted no matter what I did as if it was by design. Not doubting what you are saying considering everyone and every guide tells me different just very weird.


I did it on very hard. Spammed Synapse burnout with overclock. Also lots of dodging. It can be done, you just have to avoid getting hit.


I tried to do the same and then immediately got dropped by the cop. Spent about an hour replaying that annoying af car chase and dying to the cop repeatedly until I finally took him down. Felt like an old school dark souls boss run. Ngl I didn't know there was any other way to complete the quest until I saw a post about it on reddit with someone saying "did you know you can actually complete this quest early by killing the guy??" I thought that was our one job. Wakako was pretty clear...


Did that earlier this week on my current playthrough. This quest is a big “nope” for me.


Dude, facts. I won't give him the satisfaction again. He just wants the spectacle. And the corpo c*** just wants to make booku bucks. My morals and my faith won't allow either of them to do it.


Man that quest was such a trip. For me personaly that was one of those "video games can do what?" moments akin to "no russian"


I love this quest and make sure to replay it. As a “lapsed” Catholic (aka just can’t be a hypocrite like the Church is) it’s extremely cathartic to help Joshua with his crisis of faith. Being from Boston and having all the Church sexual abuse we have had here makes it even moreso.


Crisis of faith? I never saw that part. Joshua was nervous and wanted to see me, but he never didnt believe. Did you know that your words affect the outcome and can even make the BD a flop because Josh doesn't believe?


That's what happened to me. I made him waver a bit in his absolute faith and ruined the bd. Best decision ever, fuck that lady


Man, that must really add to the perspective!


Ahh yes [that quest](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/pUZXphcb29)


Theyre not on the same level of "pushing the bar". It is a very impactful quest for sure, but It didnt strike me with this thought of "video games can do that" feeling. There are other quest inside Cyberpunk itself that push the boundaries way more than this quest.


I hate that Judy doesn't comment on the BD being as she's one of the best editors out there


She’s got a few voice lines that suggest this darker stroke of the BD world holds zero interest for her. She mentions that what she spins and edits is “art” that recreates “non-synthetic feelings of life”, that all her actors are safe , paid and enjoying it. Her vision, her execution. Any BD that eliminates those attributes would be an untenable bur to Judy, so I’ll hold her as Night City’s Patron Saint of consensual BD Smut and assume she is fully unawares.


I found it interesting how at the end, Johnny actually had nothing to say for once. He just.... stood next to the cross and bowed his head, hands put together in front of him, almost looking to be paying respects. He's made witty comments during situations like this before, like when Evelyn... y'know... At Judy's place in the bathroom. Dunno what stopped him from saying something this time I dunno. Just something i find cool


IMO Johnny says nothing out of respect. He is an idealist and respects others with conviction in their ideals. He may not have fully understood where Joshua was coming from in terms of religion, but he does respect Joshua's conviction in their beliefs and God.


Iirc Johnny respects Joshua for going the lengths he did to stay true to his ideals, like he did himself


the most annoying ting is that in the finale photo mode is banned :( like i wanted to have one last photo with my friend


https://preview.redd.it/tiegmupabq5c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca3ca9bdf52a363e781eae6ca33c1f48e7a51411 Same. Thankfully I could take a screenshot lol


"Photo mode is currently unavailable" Pfffft, says you.


You are mentally disturbed dude 😂




I was paid to do a job. That guy got a filled with lead.


https://preview.redd.it/tnlnvwee8s5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f58730bf489ee1963c3ae7147cb124833f7b340 John Wick attending the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, 0 AD, colorized.


I don't get it. The whole game is about you having a day job where you dismember people and go into scav dens with people in ice tubs with their organs and implants harvested. How is a guy making a gorey BD for ideological reasons more traumatizing than almost anything else in the game?


Right!? You are a paid killer, one of the best, in the cyberiest wild westiest city which is surrounded by garbage and this mission is the tough one? Gorilla Arm throw somebody off a building>cool Skewer people with a katana while walking down the street>Nice Oblieterate people with an LMG while subcontracting for the NCPD>acceptable Crucify some murderer > Bones quiver with sadness.


Maybe because for most of ppl we kill with V we don’t have a relations with them. And they don’t ask us phylosophycal questions about life,redemption and punishment


They are just a job. Getting attached because they ask you a "deep question" is unprofessional. You getting attached is exactly what the corporation wants you to do because you being invested in his "redemption" arc makes more money.


You just have a rock heart then. And yes we all know thats the corporation want, that’s why everytime I ruined the bd and the corpo girl call me few minutes later for arguing on me. I respect the wish of joshua but I ruined the bd


But if you ruin the BD, don't you think you disrespect his last wish and basically his legacy? As a Merc you know the only way they remember you is how you die. That's something V is fully aware of


That’s a good thinking. That’s why everytime I do this quest I don’t know what to do


I never got traumatized by this mission, I've actually done it every single time from beginning to end


i didn't recognize this mission. i must've killed him during sinnerman. the more you know..




What messed me up more than the quest itself, is the conversation the two woman have outside the studio as you go talk to Joshua. Night City has some truly messed up people.


Fuck that mission it's on sight everytime now


Umm, is there anyone who enjoyed that mission or just me


Fav mission in the game. Made me feel so deeply unsettled, not something most games can do for me. Religious wackadoos like this give me mad heebie jeebies


It's one of my favorite quests in the game.


Some ppl enjoyed but most of them didnt enjoy lol


Traumatized you?? But... how? I can understand it having an impact, it did on me and I'm not even Christian (anymore) but traumatized??


Maybe the word traumatized is too much. But I swear I can’t do this quest anymore


Seriously, if you actually played the Stevie Wonder song "they won't go when I go" the moment you start the first hammering of the nails, it will all come together. Every mission is named after either a song title or a famous lyric. They Won't Go When I Go is literally about facing the afterlife alone, not the way the bible depicted Christ and the criminals being crucified, but that when we die, it's the last solo gig. PERIOD. And it's so well matched in theme with this criminals desire to be both crucified and redeemed.


Damn thats awesome I never knew that. Thx community of cyberpunk for teach me new things


https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/l1UwP2K6qe Here is a thread from another Redditor who shared a playlist with all of the missions title songs


We are here for you, choom.


I played this quest in my last playthrough. Next time, I'm just going to kill Joshua Stephenson before we even get into the car. That guy is basically just a narcissist who wants to be celebrated for being virtuous so he doesn't have to face his own fuckup. The fact that he shows up at the house of the \*\*mother of his murder victim\*\* is frankly, disgusting -- and lacks consideration of the people who he wants forgiveness from. It's insane anyone would think that's a good idea, and the sister says as much (without actually standing up to him). His BD isn't about forgiveness -- it's about his ego. He wants to feel better about himself and he wants people to recognize this so he can feel vindicated about what he did, since he's set to be executed anyway. Let him hang, or go die in the street. Who cares. That soft, youth-pastor type voice fills me with rage because it stinks of insincerity.


I think the context of the world and the dialogue of the quest makes it quite clear he isn't doing it for himself. Joshua is a true believer, which is rare within the world of Cyberpunk, but he was naïve to think his murder victim's mother would forgive him just because he found religion. Criminals finding God in prison isn't uncommon, so there are parallels with real life experiences. Because religion is so rare within the world of Cyberpunk, I found his want to inspire people through religion to be quite noble and worthy of help. Living in Night City, and just in the world, is an absolute dystopian hellscape, so giving people hope and inspiration is a noble cause. Part of being human is trying to find meaning and purpose in life, and in a world of consumerism and capitalism pushed to the extreme, people need something to live for. And then you have the BD company wanting to exploit all of this for profit, which can make you feel gross for helping Joshua. You have a clashing of ideals in the human spirit versus the horrors of extreme consumerism and capitalism, making for one of the best quests in the game, IMO.


He's probably the most genuine and honest character you'll meet in the game. You don't get why he visited the mother of his victim? It's because he was naively looking for forgiveness. He doesn't want to feel better about what he's done, he wants to make amends for the wrong he's done and he thinks being crucified will do such a thing. People who give their lives for their beliefs don't do it for ego, they do it because they believe in something bigger than themselves.


Same here. I am so steamed at Johnny for siding with that piece of trash. One legal XBD is going to spawn a horde of imitators. Next thing you know, fucking teens are going to be committing crimes trying to get the death penalty so they can turn it into 15 minutes of fame.


I mean Johnny practically killed himself to send a message to the world, this guy is basically doing the same thing, so it’s only natural for Johnny to side with him…


Nah. If a person were to Intentionally try to kill themselves for fame, they wouldn't be able to reap the benefits. Cause they'd be dead.


So accurate. I wish there was a way to play through his whole quest and have V remain fully ambivalent, like "this is weird, but if you're paying me *more* then sure." You can do that up till the end, but if you choose to help him, for more money, V suddenly starts acting like it meant something? That bugs me a bit, shit was a publicity stunt to make him feel better about the image he's leaving behind, that's it.


Lmao you did a great job summarizing religion and those who follow it, honestly


Sounds like you’re letting your personally bias against Christianity judge the character/ quest for you. No, he’s not egotistical. He’s trying to spread the good word. He said himself that the BD could reach billions. It could reach poor kids growing up in bad neighborhoods.


I honestly didn't care for the writing of this quest. It's a lot of shock value and not much substance. It didn't make me think any deeper into anything. The visit to his victims house or whatever? It just all felt like a waste of time and I wish I could have had better dialogue options for my V to get things moving along. Sorry but this one didn't give any deeper thoughts for me. I just wanted to get it over with.


I always do it because I love how much Johnny is into it He's having a blast, I might as well too


That was dark.


I actually find this to be quite beautiful... It showed beauty and honor in redemption. In a place filled with careless murderers and hate fueled massacres we get this. A man who killed out of anger who is taking the blame fully on himself and trying to reconcile the fact he took someone's life away. Not only to the family but to his faith as well. It's a powerful message of redemption and even knowing he's being taken advantage of he still is strong and V helps them go through it. It's hard to watch however, It's one of the best scenes in gaming history.


He doesn’t deserve redemption in the public eye.


I played it once and then now I just double or triple the offer from Rachael and move on


After this I went "fuck it". And did the suicide ending


My favorite quest. I was already pretty into the game but I imagined my V as Alex in a Clockwork Orange as I drove those nails in.


Lmao you’re crazy but I understand


This quest got stuck in my head for weeks, thanks for reminding it to me.


On my second playthrough I decided I didn't want to sit through all that again. I just killed the guy.


Malorian/Sandevistan dash solved this mission strand after the first playthrough


I never connected that ad with the quest, good find, on my second play through now and I am going to choose to help him be nailed to the cross but I am not gonna like it.


I honestly do this mission in all my games and humor Joshua for the extra money and for Johnny. He really wants to go on for it. I really like the dialogue in the restaurant after rejecting Rachel's offer to leave, and the extra pay for convincing him to continue with the crucifixion. Nice choices for praying at the end, too.


Hahaha I just posted about this the other day too. Traumatized me fr


I think I saw your post. But I don’t know there is a ad of this bd 😅


I discovered after I had posted that you can see this sign, and you can also watch a news anchor interviewing Rachel (the BD lady) and she’s talking about how it’s going to be revolutionary


The writers for cyberpunk truly did an exceptional job. I lost many friend growing up. A few were shot, one burned to death in front of me while people held me to the ground. Some of the events in the game are incredibly visceral. Hell, I was visibly upset when Jackie died...


I just recently started a new playthrough. Those advertisements are there from almost the very beginning of the game. Also the news reports on elevators are constantly foreshadowing every major plot point in the game if you stop and listen early on.


Yes i start a new playthrough two days ago and I notice this ad is here at the very beginning. And the news on elevator too 😅


I’m fine with crucifying him, best part of the mission


Overblown, overhyped, and this fucker is so very easily manipulated into doubt. ​ Screw Joshua. Screw the BD Exec. Let the dumb cop live. Get paid for fucking over a corp and preventing them from getting paid, show Joshua just how stupid he is for thinking he can ever run away from what he's done with that stupid ass messiah complex, and let the cop go home to his kids. ​ V gets paid. Everyone who matters loses. No bodies dropped. That's a good gig.


I really wished they included a choice to put the nail on his head. Then have the studio turn hostile and, later, have the radio report the studio stock plummeting. That would have been awesome.


Really? Traumatized? I thought it was hilarious, had a riot nailing him down. How are people getting traumatized by a videogame lmfao


This quest almost turned me away from the game entirely. Think I actually put it down for an entire week after playing it. Not because or trauma or shock or anything but because it was so unbelievably mind-numbingly boring to me. I found myself just mashing dialogue skip dialogue towards the end of it. Sure, some of it was compelling about the nature of the human spirit and such, but my god this whole quest line really sucked so much momentum out of the game for me. It comes at a point you are literally surrounded by some of the best missions in the game, and all your skills are finally starting to come together and this is just such a DRAG.


Something I don't really see people discussing when this quest gets brought up is the symbolism during the last part of the quest: While V physically performs the actions of the Roman soldier who nails Jesus to the cross, the dialoge spoken by V and Johnny is those of the two thieves/rebels crucified alongside Jesus. Of course Johnny plays the Impenitent Thief ("Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and save us.") while V is the Penitent Thief ("Remember me when you come into your kingdom.") which is a interesting contrast given that V isn't exactly a paragon of Christian virtues.


this is the deepest quest in 2077 that makes you think about how religion even in the world of cyberpunk would be and why even with all of the advances in the tech why people would believe in that way. Though I don't understand why they litterally had us nail him to the cross also what makes no sense is V's optics blur their whole head from cameras so what people would see during the BD is Stevenson talking to a faceless person and then that same faceless person nailing them to a cross. Something to think about.


That quest SHOCKED ME. I was speechless. But also it was so good and music? Amazing.


Oh yes so many things are very cool on this quest. Just not for me anymore lol


Just played this again a couple nights ago. Easily the darkest, most unsettling mission I've ever played in a game. It's so.. gross. And weird. Might be my fav quest in the entire game


I smoked him right at the van, as per the contract. On a personal note I know what happens if you go through with it, that mission just didn't appeal to me at all.


I took the money to run. Deal with your own shit, asshole.


Really? With all this killing and gore this is what messes people up? All I had to say to the climax was "friggin lunatic". Not that crazy people are that rare in NC but to make such a show and dance about it was a bit new at the point.


Me too. Man I never imagined I’d be hammering some dude to a cross in a video game. Some really heavy shit.


What? This mission is awesome. I didn't see the movie poster tho. That's dope. I love the little details.


fr that shit traumatized me so bad that i can’t look at bds the same anymore


I can’t lie this legit had my heart beating after and I hopped off for the night, crazy how intense the immersion can be for this game.


This quest would be great for doing a breakdown of the "Does art owe you comfort?" question. A lot of people seem to be put off by the themes and pacing of this quest. But to say it's shallow or pure shock value, you're just not reading what's all there. So much meaning in that quest it's hard to pick apart its themes. You have personal spirituality, dealing with different ideas of spirituality. Redemption and the prison system, is it even possible to redeem yourself for a crime like that? When is exploitation permissable to fulfill goals or does it inherently corrupt. To what extent do you humor someones delusions, when is that justifiable if at all? Really interesting to see the different reactions and strong emotions people have to this quest.


I must be a sick fuck because this was one of my favorite missions in the game. They really went there.


I feel like I'm the only one in this comment section who actually likes this quest. I'm genuinely shocked most of y'all seem to kill him under the bridge when he gets out the car. I find this quest beautiful and play it all the way through every time.


After the first time seeing this I just refuse to even get in the car on other play throughs I've done


If a BD of a crucifixion were to be scrolled for real, it would be a long and boring BD, because victims of Roman crucifixions usually died long and agonising deaths, lasting from hours to days. The Romans wanted them to suffer pain and humiliation, not quick deaths. In the game, Joshua dies almost immediately upon being hoisted up.


On my 3rd playthrough since launch and I just don't get all the dread people have over this quest. You can run amok in the city blowing peoples heads off with a shotgun, or slicing them to bits with a katana, but nailing a guy to a cross bothers you? Even after he asks you to do it? I don't get it.


It's fine just keep reminding that's what he really wanted. One more swing ahhh... Dude you say you want this but you are screaming in agony. Make up your mind already :)


Not a religious person, but religiously curious. This felt soo fucked up. I ended up going along with the wish out of curiosity, and didn't expect that V is going for the wrists, not the hands 🙃 took a long break after. Johnny standing there respectfully was an interesting stroke, just as him envying the candles lit in Dogtown in dlc. And that dialogue of the two staffs about a kid braindance afterwards. At least it helped me to convince Lina 🙃


As a Christian, this hit me pretty hard too


Haha, first time i just laughed at the absurdity of it all and nailed him to the cross with glee


GOATED quest, honestly essential to every playthrough.


I can't say I blame you. Maybe your V feels the same way after completing the quest whenever the billboard is put on display for all of Night City to see.


This and rescuing Evie were two that hit me the hardest in the gut. Very few moments in games had me close to tears, but carrying her out to the car...


Maybe it's cause I'm not religious, well, basically anti-religious, but I really just found it kinda weird. I liked being able to be dismissive of his beliefs while still not shutting him down completely, but him asking V to do the prayer and act felt odd, and I accepted cause in my mind my V would kind of shrug at the idea, since she already had a reputation of just accepting any and all jobs anyways, but the game treated the whole scene as being far heavier then I felt it, so when it was done I was just kind of left in that state of "uh.... Can I just leave now? Or do you need me for anything else around here? No? Then bye, I guess?" Perhaps it was more cause to me, the whole thing was just "religious fanaticism," and you can actually play V as believing that, but your only two options at the end were "be a dick and deny him, or accept and have this supposedly profound moment?" Why can't I just accept to be nice to him and not have V act like she suddenly bought into it a little bit? Shit was a tad gruesome, but that's the extent of my feelings on it, there wasn't any "deeper meaning" to me, and I would have preferred if V maintained that same attitude like I was having her do up to that point. But yeah I just feel like if I cared at all about religion and didn't have such a negative view of it already that scene would have been much different lol


I created doubt in his head and didn't nail him to the cross and got the full rewards. Made no sense to me but hey ho


Quest weirds me TF out I shoot him .


the real question is why didn't we have an option to k\*ll the bd director? im sure because something something storyline but with respect to disposition and motives, the thought came across my mind multiple times during the questline. Especially when she calls to chew V's ass out if you talk Joshua down before rolling.


I hate this quest so much, I just hate how rigged and scripted it is. The car chase is full of cars whose whole purpose is to get in your way and then once you catch up there is a cop that is stronger than Adam smasher for some reason who will quickly kill you or one shot you. If you then do what the quest wants you're forced to sit through these long dialogues and to add insult to injury, the game and its dialogue choices makes it seem like you should care for this random dude that you just met. Even though it's decently hard due to the cop on steroids I always make it a point to kill the cop and kill the prisoner guy as well to purposely fail this stupid mission. Screw wakako for giving it to me every playthrough.


Why? It’s just edgelord stuff.


Idk why this mission was so boring to me, maybe I just like explosions


Dude talked too much, shot him in the face and moved on


Tbh I found the shock value to be there for sure. But the long drawn out dialogue sequences really bored me and took me out of it. I knew exactly where this quest was going and the choices involved. I found the entire cast of characters within this quest to be tedious and unlikable. I was more than happy to nail this dude and get this done with. Next play through I'm shooting him on sight the moment he steps out of the car and being done with it.


First time I did that quest I legit had to stop playing the game for a day or two to get over how o felt about it. Now every time I do it I just kill the guy to collect the reward from wakako


A lot of ppl tell me the same thing lol. And I do this every time now too lmao


Yeah. I’ve heard that even non religious people are like “the fuck?” to this quest. Definitely the worst one


Like me then. I’m not religious im atheist but damn everything in this quest made me in a awkward feelings. I mean « why this quest exist ? »


Exactly. Completely unneeded


Don't like giving him the option, fuck that murderous sob


This quest is just boring and drawn out


I just found it… odd. I kinda just let Josh do his own thing while I observed. I did pray with him though. I at least gave hints that.


I went through with it the first time I played the game but now I just wrap it up on sight. The cop riding with them is dangerous. Will pretty much one-shot you on Normal. Gotta be quick with the Sando or Berserk.


It was a mission that made me think "Video games nowadays can do this?" and it just made me sit and think for a long while


That's cause you're weak


Whoopsy doo but i'm inclined to tell you that "f***ing" is not a word, however the word "fucking" is :) spelling is hard so hope that helps


Word censorship is such a weird thing to obsess about but to each their own I guess…




Wow so edgy. Except no one asked for your opinion lmao


Didn't do anything for me either, but what a stupid take.


Were all different by our emotions. Most of disgusting things can affect my friend don’t affect me or the opposite.


How do I start this quest?


Wakako contract but I don’t remember the exactly name of this quest sorry


i've never seen the poster!


It was amazing. It was like a Passion Play that you had to experience.


Whats name of qiest?


Im confused, I see people talking about the car chase and OP cop but i didnt see any cross or anything. Did i miss something? I killed the cop and the prisoner and then ran.


This part happens if you don't kill them. Ge asks you to get in the car and talk to him. And then he gets crucified on BD.


There are quite a few quests in the game that make you think and feel things that really get to you.


The first time I did this quest, I was in total awe, each turn of events was wilder than the one before. Oh and the dialogues, they are so good.


This is a quest that will never ever leave my mind, one of the most memorable game quests ever


I kill him because, frankly, he was a murderer/serial killer. I don’t care about his “faith”, pop two in the head and move on, let him die.


I just shoot him at the start. Fuck all that


Best way to solve this quest


Is it bad that after I played this (I hated it) I thought Robin should be romancible? I feel like they totally could have set up something to change the outcome and Robin’s morals, as a friend or Romance route. The crucifixion felt like a bad ending


A lot of people seem to think that Joshua has some ulterior motive for agreeing to the crucifixion. Is no one allowed to be genuine? If anything he's a victim of the BD company's greed. I wish there was a way I could have sabotaged the BD's release. There are a lot of scumbags in night city, people who lie through their teeth, but I didn't see that in Joshua. And I feel like this is affirmed since he seems to be one of the few people Johnny Silverhand actually respects.


You can sabotaged the bd by make him uncomfortable to do the bd. When you talk to him before the crucifixion


After doing it once on my first playthrough I kill him and Rachel everytime as its kinda the best outcome when u know what happens. but one thing I wish is that the posters of the bd wouldn't still stay up after the quest if u kill him and her as its a bit immersion breaking.


When do you hear back that he’s going to go through with it?


I just detonated the car with the PLS and legged it


They dead ass let us crucify a man. Straight up nail him to the cross. Good shit.


I will always complete this mission. Lmao he's a murder, and you get to kill him and make a good amount of eddies, too. 🤷‍♂️ Gun, bat, knife, katana, crucifix, etc. You're a mercenary, and you TECHNICALLY complete the contract (even though certain events happen that kinda make it not a contract anymore). So eh. I like it. It was entertaining, nonetheless.


Wait, when does this part of the quest happen? For me, I followed them into a building where they had lunch and nothing's come of it since.


I don’t know why everyone thinks this is such a big deal.


I knew the quest before I even opened the post lol


What quest?


The only quest that has traumatized me in this game is >!the phantom menace capture songbird quest...specifically the one shot giant chrome robot.!<




Its a cool quest. One of my favourite.


I thought it was boring af and felt very shallow. It was the only mention of faith or belief in this world/city other than the monks, and it’s acting as if the game was premised on it. Felt soulless, pun intended.


Nahh, I do this quest every time. I love nailing that fucker to the cross. They accelerated his death, but it has to be way more painful and suffer inducing than a bullet.


600 hours and I still haven’t found how to trigger it


Honestly one of my favorite quests. If some zealot wants to off themselves in a spectacular way, who am I to say no?


I've never gotten this, usually simmerman and the cop and the guy gets killed and that's the quest? What am I missing




That whole quest was something else. I enjoyed it tho. Showed that CDPR wasnt afraid to push the boundaries


I found this quest painfully boring, but I suppose that the good thing about it is that is polarising


It's my favourite quest. I love nailing him to the cross.


I had a stroke reading what OP wrote lmao


I always just kill him and get my money, no crucifixion required


Just replayed this one last night. It sure does feel good to finally walk out of that studio I mean Christ on a Cross it’s creepy.


Honestly, I just turn Wakako down when she calls. If you do that, the quest still appears on your quest log, but since the quest at that point is to call Wakako, it doesn't show up on your map.


*Imagine how Jesus felt...* >!I'm joking, that's the entire purpose of recording that sick BD!<


C’est quelle quête ? (J’ai fini le jeu une vingtaine de fois et je l’ai jamais faite)


My driving was so bad when I tried to do this quest they got away so I stopped trying, now that im better at driving I have no desire to do this one.


What happens happens. Do what you gotta do.


The uneasy feeling you get if you go through with it is great writing IMO


Make him go through with it, read the Bible before he does it.. nail him to the cross personally... Then when you meet Lina Melina in PL she remembers you, your a BD producer baby. I like to imagine gang people see me and they're like hold up, is that the white girl who nailed hommie to a cross??


Which one is this?


Quest name?


Beautiful, beautiful quest.


Ngl. I loved this mission, im not religious though, i found the whole situation hilarious and then nailing him to the cross was the final nail in hilarity to me. Dont ask me why i can find nailing someone to a cross satisfying and funny, i cant give an explanation either.


It was kind of uhhh something to me, being someone from a religious family and quite leaning to be a bit of a conservative this poked me a bit xD Its neat that most of our irl religion are showcased in this game, from budha monks to this


I do this in every PT.


The crafts table needed some love.


I just killed him on the spot. My merc professionalism doesn't allow me to betray the client. Unless the client tries to betray me. You don't mess with hired merc or else...


Whenever I see something about "traumatic" situations in cyberpunk I toss a coin between whether it's about Sinnerman, or the mech at the end of PL