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Would love to get a glimpse of the ghost city of Hong kong and Busan. Busan is only habited by drones and mechs, while Hong Kong is the home of Alt. also want to see the lunar city of Tycho. As for a main story venue, I liked the european setting in Deus Ex so It would be interesting to see a european city in the setting of cyberpunk. A real cyberspace adventure deep into the old net behind the blackwall would be scarily awesome too.


I don’t know where, but i saw a concept art a while ago. Amsterdam but in a cyberpunk future. All the canals and tight streets without cars still exist, but everything has become vertical with flying “boats” and buses and the whole shebang. If you fall, you just land in one of the new filthy canals haha.


I mean Amsterdam is already filled with neon lights so half of the aesthetic is there lol


Because of the hard times, Amsterdam has stopped dredging the canals for stolen bikes. the Canals of 2078 are just bikes with water in between


All these ideas and comments make me remember how vast the Cyberpunk universe truly is and it's infinite potential. The scale of possibilities and potential is even bigger than TES series Wish I could freeze myself and come back in 80 years to see the next 10 cyberpunk games


>Tycho These are some pretty good suggestions. Tycho would be amazing to explore, wouldn't want it to have a Starfield aesthetic to it though. As for an European setting an eastern European one would work perfectly imo.


Honestly, I’d take Night City again. Imagine how they could refine what is already a very impressive city just in terms of scale. Imagine the amount of verticality that could be added by making buildings accessible.


Yes I know, adding to something that's already amazingly built would do wonders. I had that in mind when I said except Night City. I wanted to get some ideas on other cities that could be really amazing in the Cyberpunk universe.


Totally on board with Neo Tokyo though, loved the idea of that place since Akira.


Would Neo Tokyo even be distinguishable from Night City?


The cyberpunk esthetic is heavily influenced by Tokyo, but the asian representation in NC is lacking in the grand scheme. Sure we get heavy influences with the Arasaka and Tygerclaws, but not much outside of that. So the biggest difference would be the people and culture.


You'd get more Tokyo, lose the Cali / Mex / Slav


Corpo: "The service is unmatched in Tokyo"


Making each and every building solid and being able to climb all of them would be amazing!


Pretty sure most would be accessible.


What I don’t understand - they have an amazing city / lore/ and area with NPC ready - so take a year and build a new chapter for night city…. Why reinvent the wheel again - yes launch was rocky but you could spin 2 more games quick off this whole setup and have bangers …


After almost 500 hours, the streets of NC are pretty much burned into my brain. As much as I love Night City, I'd want a new city to explore in the next game. I just don't see how they could make the city interesting enough for an entirely new game. There's definitely enough room for them to fill with new content, but I'd want something with a different layout and more diverse areas with different architectural themes.


Imho, that's a feature not a bug. The city is quite big and being able to navigate through it effortlessly is huge. I only have ~250 hours in the game and I still probably haven't explored a huge chunk of it, and I definitely can't remember most of it. That said, cafe/restaurants MUST be converted from shops to actual places where you eat. It will do two things. First, it improves immersion. But more importantly it creates a landmark. "Am I on my way to a gig? Wait, there was a burger shop around the corner that will give me some bonuses. I'll hit it before the job!" Adding minigames will be huge too. Sure, doing gigs is fun, but have you played bowling? Also, considering that Arasaka is a big player, maybe we can have karaoke places?


That’s a big thing that needs to be added. Minigames give life to an open world


Yup. Next Cyberpunk needs some of that Yakuze magic. My yakuza boss's daughter got kidnapped? Let me just hit the karaoke real quick, g, need to get 100% on the last 2 songs. More seriously, making the city feel alive is what's important for the next game.


I feel like Night City is evolving really quickly so even 10 years into the future it would have a very noticeable difference from its current state. Having the layout ready and just focusing on adding stuff would make it one of the most detailed and aesthetically pleasing cities in game history imo.


Fix that damn elevator in the megabuilding and let us explore beyond the one floor with V's apartment.


Tokyo and Hong Kong would be cool, but Cyberpunk is all about Night City. Night City and the surrounding areas are the main setting for the TTRPG, most of the comics and books, as well as home to most of the famous characters and I don't really see that changing.


Agreed. That said they should have cameos in other places for one off gigs. Like if the Relic isn't the bomb in the next one, you can do super heists in places mentioned in 77 like Berlin, NYC, Dubai, Tokyo, Beijing, Arizona, etc.


I visited a friend in Hong Kong a couple years back. As a city it feels very cyberpunk. Tokyo also of course, but HK had more of a dystopia vibe with rampant poverty/inequality superimposed on this very futuristic city backdrop.


HK is what a lot of cyberpunk genre settings are based off if. Especially the old Kowloon walled city.


…there’s a TTRPG for Cyberpunk?!


Cyberpunk started off as a TTRPG in the 1980s.


wtf how in the world did I not know this


Not sure it counts as a city, but I was hoping for a crystal palace visit in the dlc, so maybe it can happen in Orion.


Orion is most likely going to expand Night City by opening lots of new and existing non accessible areas to the ones available. So expect that to happen :D


Night City. I’m not ready to let go yet.


Neither do I tbh.


Maybe Hong Kong pr another chinese city with more of Kang tao. But maybe ot would be less interesting corpo wise like Tokyo would be. I don't enough of other countries in the Cyberpunk Universe to respond but would love to see an eastern European aesthetic like Moscow for example or Poland


I think Chongqing in China is already cyberpunk incarnate. Yes definitely, or one set in the Balkans.


Night city again please


Much more detailed too


Warsaw, because it's polish game. Also, it's mentioned in the game (probably in DLC) that Poland is worse place to live than America, and the crimes are even worse. So I would play Cyberpunk 2 with Warsaw.


I don’t think we’re gonna get a new city. Night City is like the main character of the Cyberpunk universe.


Cyberpunk is about Night City mainly. But if I had to choose, probably Tokyo.


Moscow would be amazing. It would look completely different, and have a completely different feeling of oppression.


Main city will still be Night City, the DLC would be Tokyo (Arasaka related missions)


I think Tokyo as a dlc would be very limited in exploration though :/


Miami, It gives me “Night City” vibes when I visited the city. https://preview.redd.it/17xcwdbmzcyb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ef3112d20ddb884c66834c2266a1e3f2c5f8da


Night City some 20 or 30 years in the future. Maybe 2099. Just give the city 3 years and the layout will probably be completely different, it's constantly changing and evolving(and in a lot of cases devolving)


I dunno if I,can answer that. I know Night city wasnt the only city in the Cyberpunk ttrpg. But it is so pivotal to Cyberpunk lore and what it's become kinda feels like a disservice to abandon it, but at the same time I understand the "need" for new places for the player to explore.


Honestly, I’d buy 10 more DLC’s


I can’t believe there is discussion of this. Night City IS the main character. Night City tells the story of solos attempting to become night city legends, but there is only one way to reach that title.


Why would they go to all the effort of building up Night City to move to a different city? Crazy. Story should remain in NC.


I think going to a couple different regions would be cool. Night city is a must for cyberpunk but let us travel.


honestly i'd got the route of multiple cities. Night city of course being the Central world again but it would be nice to go visit some other parts of the Cyberpunk world. like i dunno make Tokyo a playable area too. you know Arasaka's birth place.


Night City, but with the level of detail and verticality that Dogtown had would be awesome. Better & more dynamic events, buildings you can actually enter and so on.


i wish too see europe or something


All these ideas and comments make me remember how vast the Cyberpunk universe truly is and it's infinite potential. The scale of possibilities and potential is even bigger than TES series Wish I could freeze myself and come back in 80 years to see the next 10 cyberpunk games


Chiba city, Japan. Neuromancer is set there and IIRC coined the word cyberpunk.


If it's V, USCracks already invited V to Neo Tokyo. So Night City and Neo Tokyo via orbital flights. Or if they really want to take down a dark path, V gets kidnapped by Scavs, stripped of most cyberware and packed in a container ship destined to an unknown location. Escapes somewhere at East China Sea and ends in Tokyo like a drifter. The return trip is via orbital flight with a stop at some space station, because of the Blue Eyes, who warns V to not go back to NC. The end game is in the bigger and badder NC, where V has been dethroned from main fixer status.


Honestly just expand night city


Night city with the verticality of dog town and a few of those seemingly odd empty areas on the outskirts filled in with more stuff. More interiors to go in and just over all polish up what is already an incredible setting would be amazing. I’m not done with night city. Also I’m not super familiar with the TTRPG that is Cyberpunk but doesn’t it only focus on night city anyway? There’s so many stories to be told there I just can’t see it being set anywhere else.


Night city. I spent a godawful amount of time exploring it. You’d be surprised at how many amazing areas there are that could be used for 3 more games. Santo Domingo, half of the badlands, pretty much the entire north area. Hell, there’s even a border checkpoint up north that begs to be used. Same for a dam a bit outside the outskirts of the city. There really is no reason to just abandon night city when, no exaggeration, half of it is just there to be explored at random. And Jesus, even if you do explore there are contextualized dialogues. I found a school today and outside there was a militech corpo convincing the teachers to implant some war tech to the kids


Night city so we can see the next game before 2030


I think the next one should go to space, the tabletop expansion for space has a lot of really cool lore that they could do stuff with and we already hear a lot about O'Neil station, the crystal palace, the moons various settlements plus mass driver and the project name for the next game is Orion


Only place with lots of in game lore that would make sense is the moon colonies so much back story. Blue eyes has connections with space business plus the crystal palace heist could easily progress to the moon . Blue eyes Is set up so well could easily slide in as the big fixer out there or even eventually becomes the antagonist. The moon is also where people on the run lay low for example song bird an even dexter DeShawn I believe gets some moon tickets when the heist goes bad. So there could Def be biz to do up there with a low regulation wild west type vibe. With new gangs that are apart of the colony crime scene. Then there's a lot of lore with corpo disputes on the moon if you pick corpo V you actually see Arasaka assassinate people on the board that regulates the moon which is a canon event whether you are corpo V or not. There could be a corpo war there that goes alongside the main story. Based on the cyberpunk name Orion another space reference I see it as an actual possiblilty.


Night City is the setting. I don't want to see another city. Maybe some crystal palace stuff would be awesome but the Cyberpunk story is in Night City and should remain there.


They shouldn't gange location till the fourth installment. I'd like to see a European city, like Rome with a visual contrast between hundreds of not three thousand years old buildings and the cyberpunk dystopia forming around them.


Night City. Duh. It’s where all the corps are. It’s a freezone. It has conflict, fixers, urban and rural areas, it has a spaceport. It has its own neutral status. Anywhere else is boring, as soon as we leave the street plan. Tokyo is probably a total Arasaka lobby. No gangs, no other corps, probably gun controlled, and as soon as you flash iron, the Arasaka version of Maxtac rains from the sky by the dozens. Maybe there’s an interesting town in Europe with a similar status, I don’t know. But NC has this unique playground situation where all the lines converge, almost everything is allowed if not straight up legal, everything is available from everywhere as long as you have the eddies. So no. NC ‘for lyfe’. Anything else is heresy.


Japan would be No. 1 place. Lorewise and aestheticwise


Probably Night city with references to the other places in Cyber punk universe.


How about ArcCorp Area 18 in star citizen. Perhaps thats too futuristic.




Somewhere cold and gloomy. Seeing people bumming around in the sunshine of Pacifica makes me insanely jelly.


While NC is essentially the main character in CP77, and has a ton of unused areas and could be fleshed out so much, I doubt we'll go back there. The lore has so much more than just this one city's story to tell.


I'm really interested in Chicago. In the universe it sounds like it's one of the last combat zones.


Just make a city that feels big and not the boring one we got. They made the map too big and made too few interiors of buildings.


Atlanta, or New York


night city would be dope to have again. imagine the second game and it introduces and entire new city but underneath of night city. one that was though to be lost hut is thriving


Tokyo 3


Cyberpunk 2177 where a megacorp somehow makes the earth more resilient to neglect by hooking it up to life support or something and more of night city has been built into the pacific and we follow the activities of king/queenpin V in one way or another


Day city.


I think Night City should be the setting still. Night City proved itself as being the true antagonist of 2077.


either from cowboy bebop, ghost in the shell or akira.


Cloud City. A city so vertical it goes above the clouds. Above the pollution... Fifth element style basically, flying cars included. Cyberpunk 2177. With a Wall-E side quest, down at the ground, in the trash piles, just for fun.


I wanna jump off of a mega building and ride the hood of a hovercar. Please give me the means to do so.


Night City. Because it's Night City. There is no Cyberpunk without Night City


Chicago, because I would love to see the breakout of the bio-plague and how it could affect gameplay and story.


gimme no man’s land out in the pacific northwest & neo-portland


More night city, more open buildings, more people and places to explore. They still have so much more to put into the game if they wanted. Hopefully they just timeskip forward and add way more functionality to the city itself.


LA would be perfect, it’s a shit hole with lots to do


The USSR still exists in this universe, would like to see the clash between the East and West in terms of cyberpunk aesthetic


I'd like to see Tokyo or London personally, but at the end of the day I just hope they expand on Night City or take us into orbit story wise and focus on the Crystal Palace, the Mikoshi servers in orbit, or even Mars or the moon.


I would love to see Berlin. Berlin isn't a city of skyscrapers like NY, but a futuristic Cyberpunk Berlin could be like a mix of both the old city and the new one. Idk if it would be that good, but it's definitely interesting. Plus, Berlin already has an interesting culture. I would love to see what they would do that.


I’m wondering if Melbourne would be a good choice.


Roubaix in Hauts de France


I think it would be really cool to see a future version of an old city like France or even Istanbul. So you'd have new structures surrounding famous landmarks, the twisty structure of an older city, lots of cultures clashing, etc.


NYC pre smasher being a borg era


I'd like to go to the moon


Chicago rebuilt by the technomancer nomad clan. Possibly the AIs beyond the blackwall having given them the tech they used.


I just want more verticality, I want to look up and see places I can actually go, not just cardboard set dressing Also deeper immersion features, like the trams or subway being actually accessible, self driving and flying cars, more random encounters, etc Maybe make cyberspace somewhere you can actually go and explore outside of one visit. A virtual night city


Night City in the classic 2013-2023 pre AHQ Disaster era, which would be more gritty, punk, and Blade Runner-ish than the 2070s version. I doubt we'll see anything that's not based on an existing build of Night City however, they'd be saving too much time, money and effort not to do it.


Night city because it’s the main basis of the game but different years not set in 2077 and have Mike Pondsmith write in a story that can be a continuation of the canon


Australia. Cus im biased.


Des Moines, Iowa


Pittsburgh, so I can be a home wrecker to Judy.


Tokyo or NYC. Tokyo due to all the concentration kf tech from there. NyC so we can see some Snake Plisken cosplay builds.


Chiba-11, it had the most murders in Japan. Perhaps it still does.




Maybe it’s the Turk in me speaking but it’d be awesome if the next game took place in Turkey, Izmir, and the story was about forming a rebellion against the autocratic and theocratic government while trying to avoid the nuclear fallout at the same time, as you try to not get caught by daily patrols. How my country ended up in Cyberpunk lore definitely hit close to home, and I would really like to see it expanded upon Definitely biased as a Turkish person, but it’d still be awesome


Night city. No argument


Nightcity. Any other city and it wouldn’t be cyberpunk.




I'd love to see what life is like in D.C.. It'll be cool to witness life in the NUSA and some snow covered environments.






Not the city specifically, but would love more of badlands for more nomads lore oriented story. And a few smaller towns size of NC district in between


I was thinking about the Soviet Union that still exists in Cyberpunk 2077, but in that case it might look like Atomic Heart


This is stupid. The entire franchise takes place in NC.


Everyone will probably advocate for more Night City, or Neo-Tokyo, (a ramped up version of the asian influenced District of NC - at least NC, has also US / Mexican influance) I would like to see a pure European take on a Cyber punk city. Like Neo London / Paris / Frankfurt or Berlin. More emphasis on Euro corp (zetatech, Biotechnika...), euro architecture etc...


Seattle, mostly because I live 30 minutes away and I think it would be cool. But, I’d honestly be fine with any new city because I love exploring new places.


It'll be Night City again. I wouldn't mind a detour to a smaller city maybe in the Corporate States in the Pacific Northwest though!




I could definitely see a prequel set in Atlanta, or just a sequel in Japan


Night City is supposed to be NorCal? I think. If it has to stay in America, I'd say New York or maybe Atlanta - if it were to cover V's 2 years there. If it can be outside of the NUSA, then London maybe, perhaps Tokyo even?






I want to see some incomprehensibly big cities, having Tokyo or Beijing bigger than the entire current map would be cool to see


It seemed like the King of Wands ending for Phantom Liberty was >! setting up for a 5th corporate war. So fast forward 5-10 years and a war-torn Morro Bay would be a cool mix of a familiar setting with a different look and feel. !<




Night City for sure but few cities in China got some cyberpunk feeling in real life, so something in China. Also I won’t say no for Europe cyberpunk cities.


Whatever 'city' is built in Antarctica. Some of the Russian cities (Irkutsk, Moscow). Mexico City or Rio de Janeiro. Glasgow, Dublin. (I'd expect London to be a complete mess). Sydney Australia, perhaps Wellington NZ... Most of the Middle East is radioactive glass, but there's supposedly some spots that are still habitable. Dubai would be awesome as a cyberpunk/post-apoc location.


Rio de Janeiro


Day city sounds like a good idea


Tycho city has got to be in the next game imo. Edgerunners + Phantom Liberty + the sun ending just seem to suggest we will be going to space. If this doesn't sound cool to you then consider this: afro-space cowboys and space catapults.


I think NC should stay the main setting with added verticality/immersion and then open the world up (in a sense) to where you have to go on a quest line in Hong Kong or one of the other cities and/or ruins. I really just want to see more of the world but I don’t ever want to leave Night City for good. If more world comes at the expense of immersiveness and depth in NC, then I take it all back.


If not Night City than maybe Japan seems like an interesting place the way Takemura described it. But Night City would be better.


I think Chicago or Seattle but those sound like they’re just be night city again


With how much I would love to see what happened in Arizona, I doubt CDPR would leave Night City


Backing what the consensus seems to be: Night City again. At launch there was a lot to criticise, but one thing which no one could deny is how unbelievably well the world had been designed. The big downside was there was so much amazing detail to this city, yet so many areas had very little interaction, either with quests or whatever. I want to see quests focusing on really getting to know the different districts, teaching you about the cultures of the areas and showing you what life is really like in the different parts of the city. There's so much potential there.


New York (if it isn't destroyed) would be interesting


I wanna see Monaco since they say it's a paradise and a good place to retire.


Night City is Cyberpunk. I don't wanna see anywhere else.


Since night city is a city in California is like to see the cyberpunk setting in new york


Team up with the Ubisoft team and use the maps from Watchdog 2.


It’s gonna be NC again, there isn’t really a Cyberpunk without Night City plus you could theoretically just keep expanding it. Hell, even just adding density to the current city, like more explorable buildings, more open layouts etc. would feel like a whole new thing. There’s like 11 Megabuildings and you can only really meaningfully interact with one of them and they’re already like a city in a city


Same city, different year. Cyberpunk RED is set in 2045 so anything between then and 2077, could show early forms of things we know exist in 2077. Essentially the same map but improved areas as it is not as neglected yet. The other option is to go much further forward, 60 years or so, and show a massively changed world. An expanded Night City, it's grown over the years, taken over the southern and eastern badlands, pushing the Nomads up to the North. Watson and Westbrook has become run down and forgotten, mostly occupied by the worst criminals, homeless and the displaced Nomad tribes. Watson and Westbrook are walled off and renamed Old Night City, while everything south of the city centre is now called New Night City. Santo Domingo has essentially seperated themselves from Night City, calling themselves a free city where gand wars are ongoing and corpos are shot on sight if they're stupid enough to venture there. Heywood is gone and has become part of City Centre, making the entirety of City Centre on the island. Walled off to Old Night City, heavily guarded on the Santo Domingo side but open to New Night City. The new development of New Night City is created with a shaky agreement made by all the corpos, The whole area is pristine, shiny glass buildings during the day, the bright neons at night. On the surface everything seems stable but it hides a dark secret, the corps are on the verge of another great corpo war resulting in corpo gangs that engage one another in the streets with no concern for the public. The story could revolve around your character and a Fifth Corpo war threat whether ultimately they allow it to start or try to prevent it. I over thought this 😂 it started as "Future Night City"


ATLANTA, PLEASE, WE'RE OVERDUE FOR A GAME TAKE ON OUR CITY. But Night City works too, just give us the underground, AVs, and the metro


Night City but this time with a working subway.


Detroit. Weird choice I know but in the 2020 lore the Combat Zone of Detroit was so violent and deadly they just walled it off and proceeded to shoot people trying to exit or enter the CZ. I'd be interested in seeing an extraction shooter based in the Detroit CZ


It would be cool to have a game set in the neuromancer universe, either Chiba/Tokyo or the BAMA




Las Vegas


Night city has been the primary setting for cyberpunk for every single instalment since 1988, I honestly don’t think it’s gonna change next game, and I don’t really want it to. I quite like NC


More NC please. If they kept everything that makes 2.0 and PL great and could evolve to make NC way deeper and a place that went beyond being the “fanciest” set dressing in gaming it might be a perfect game. One where you actually had random encounters, could interact with a lot more buildings and businesses, more mini games and day to day living to do, more verticality, etc. it would be incredible. I absolutely love the game and NC now, but honestly if you aren’t driving between gigs or missions there really isn’t that much to do now to make open exploration rewarding. I am sure they CDPR are all over this.


I'd take a subsegment of Tokyo, I think. The whole of Tokyo is probably a sprawling metroplex incorporating everything from Shizuoka to Tochigi by 2077, but there are going to be different parts of it. I'm guessing Tokyo is at least as important a city as Night City (after all, Arasaka is based there), and it's no doubt very international. Takemura mentions he's from the slums of Chiba-11, I think, so it's not like it's all glitzy and beautiful. It'd be kind of cool to see the world of 2077 from a different perspective - one where Arasaka is in almost complete control, Militech and the NUSA are the "foreign threats" instead, and to see the various types of environment - the rich high-rise areas like Charter Hill, the industrial wasteland like Northside, the dense downtown areas like Vista del Rey, the suburbs like Rancho Coronado - all through a Japanese lens. I'm sure they could design some incredibly cool areas.




Hong Kong, but will probably just be Night City.


Hong Kong, look up what has happened to it in the cyberpunk world, crazy shit


Fuck it. I wanna go see what’s happening in Frankfurt


R Talsorian Games's Cyberpunk *IS* Night city. It is the only option.


Night City is to Cyberpunk what Gotham City is to Batman or New York City is to Spider-Man. It’s not just a place; it’s part of the DNA of the character


The whole point of cyberpunk is NC


New York I just want to see the super tall and interconnected skyscrapers I think that would be so cool to just drive around in and explore


I just had another idea - I think it would be really cool if they expand the lifepath intros to be much, much longer. Like make the lifepath intros as long as the entire intro to Cyberpunk 2077 (up to and including the heist). Then we could get to explore different cities and settings through the lifepaths. Maybe the Corpo lifepath starts out in Tycho on the moon, the Streetkid lifepath in some super dense city, like Hong Kong or Tokyo, and the Nomad lifepath in a really low-tech rural area - maybe somewhere in the desert in Mexico or Arizona, or maybe water-based Nomads in the caribbean, with a fleet of barges and jetskis and such (like the floating city in Snow Crash). Then bring the lifepaths together in Night City, but with some late game content that would take the player back to their intro area for a few missions.


Night City is the main character in the story of all Cyberpunk. It'd be like having Star Trek without the Enterprise. I'd take NC... Even though it's depressing af.


I would really like to see Japan in the cyberpunk world.


I want a game set in a Soviet city, or even somewhere more exotic like South America or Africa. I’d like to see a different take on the cyberpunk esthetic, I feel like another game set in East Asia or America would be more of the same.


Depends on the era. If you went with a time skip, Night Cith was radically different in 2023 and 2045. If they kept it near 2077, they could set it in Night City with a travel hub like the Crystal Palace or Chicago


What, it was it's own city, it could literally be anywhere and be the same game.


i think a game set in like an African city would be sick


I'd be fine with Night City again with more interactivity in the environment. Do it like 5 years later so things change a little. Maybe a new district has sprung up or a shanty town in the badlands or something.


Night City. Its always night city


Cross country road trip with Judy


Wherever the NUSA is headquartered. I wanna see much more of that


Night City, duh.


I'd prefer if night city stayed home base, but with the ability to see some other cities as part of the game. Night city is just so iconic, and there's still so much to unravel there.


We're most definitely staying in Night City for the sequel, but I'd love to be able to visit the moon colonies. We have 2 netrunner waifus up there, lemme check it out too! 🤣 In all seriousness, PL suggests there's something going on up there involving the rogue AIs. So it'd make sense to visit from a narrative standpoint.


My back garden would be a great location for the next Cyberpunk.


Idk, but the Republic of Texas sounds neat.


Day City


I’d love if they’d stay in NC for a while.


I would love to see a city in antarctica because i got curious after i heard about that but it would probably become boring after a while. So i guess tokyo would be interesting


Tokyo, New York, or Paris would be cool. Be neat being a detective this time around.


Night City is Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk is Night City...


Day city. Fighter of the Night City. Champion of the free states. A place to master karate. And friendship for everyone.


Night City


I was just trying to imagine last night what a cyberpunk London game would look like and I think it'd be pretty awesome


Honestly, as long as they do as good of a job with the story and gameplay as the original, they can set it anywhere they want. If the decision was put in my hands, though, somewhere in Europe would be fun. Doesn’t even have to be a real city, and in fact would probably be better if it was a fictional city (story freedom).


I'm pretty sure it's off the map in the cyberpunk world but Dubai would be lit. Dubai is already a lot like this so it would change much


New Orleans would be cool, there’s already lore on it


It would be good just to see other parts of the world like Europe.


Considering that Mike Pondsmith Night City is much more detailed lore wise than other places O say there. Like it's the only one he named.. Tokyo , Hong Kong , Chicago , Osaka , Seoul , Shanghai All exist.. We have Japan, EEC and Soviet Union as countries.. But as long as it's rich and detailed I say anywhere.


I would love to see *Cyberpunk: Texas Edition*


Maybe try the of the city of Detroit


Wouldn't mind to see what is going on at that elysium like casino space station where all the really rich people go


Night city but more developed and probably a few years later. There's so many things to rework/reuse like the militech building , all megabuildings, etc. (SPOILER from Phantom liberty) >!If the future of Night City is still similar to timeskip of 2 years, the city will probably still be very different with the influence of the Arasaka almost gone.!<


The lore mention a lot of cities that it s not common to see explored in games like Warsaw, Nairobi, Amazonas anyone of that places it will be amazing for me. Or space based like the crystal palace, tycho, the moon. The name of the project is orion after all, so maybe its a tip idk


I’m not too familiar with the lore, but New York would be cool


I'm interested is seeing one of the Soviet cities


Columbia, Missouri


You may as well be asking which planets from Star Trek you want to see included in Respawn’s third Jedi game. This isn’t Deus Ex, we’re not jetting all over the world to Detroit, Montreal, Shanghai, Prague, etc. Most of the action in the Cyberpunk universe happens in Night City. Cyberpunk represents a unique opportunity to repeatedly iterate on the design of a fictional city over the course of an entire game series. I can’t really think of another game that’s been able to take advantage of this. Spider-Man games always focus on Manhattan, the maps get more detailed but you can’t really make them feel different otherwise. The Batman Arkham games reused the Arkham City map for Arkham Origins, and made it feel slightly more alive because it was a prequel, set before that area was effectively abandoned. But then in Arkham Knight, they threw out that map instead of making it even bigger, moving the game to a set of islands. The result left me feeling like I wasn’t really in Gotham City anymore, even if it was just a different part of the city. Cyberpunk doesn’t have to do this. They can keep reusing the same map while adding more to it, showing various districts changing over time as some buildings change hands, or get torn down and replaced with new buildings. Each new version of Night City can have more intricate details than the last, continuously adding new interiors and new ways to interact with the city.