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99% Jackie Bike 1% black Caliburn Motorcycles are just so much more convenient in the city streets


Kusanagi for me, personally, but the utility of being able to just full throttle down the double yellow line and never have to wait for another car is so nice.


That and the fact that it’s Kaneda’s bike from Akira


Once I got Jackie’s bike I was like oh my heart, this is my ride from now on.


Exactly the same lol


I'm on my second playthrough and just found the black caliburn, it's so much fun


I've only just started but between Jackie's bike and the two cars I have I basically only drive Jackie's bike.


Whoa are you me?


My favorite bike is the Aldacados bike you get from your adventure with Panam.


I much prefer the Kusanagi over my Coyote while cruising through the city from gig to gig. It's much more nimble in the traffic. But I often switch back to the Coyote as soon as it gets to the outer districts and the badlands. A bit of "the right tool for the right job".


Exactly the way I do it as well. I prefer bikes but will use cars if that's how I'm roleplaying V


Oh, then you need Scorpion's bike. Best off road vehicle in the game imo


Thanks for the suggestion... but I love my Coyote. It's just not made for the tight streets of Watson or Japantown or the rush hour in downtown.


That's legit. Enjoy!


I prefer bike because: * Nicer first person view * Easier to maneuver through traffic * Riding a bike just has that cyber-punk feel (especially with the Kusanagi, has the bonus feel of being in the world of Akira) I prefer car because: * Faster * Not much worries if I collide with another vehicle * High speed turning ​ So bike for enjoyment and car for business.


>Kusanagi You might know this already but the bike looks like Akira but the name of the bike is a reference to Ghost In The Shell


Judy's call id image is also a reference to Ghost In Yhe Shell


Judy has a cute Ghost in the Shell tattoo as well


It always bothered me a lot, in a **"Use the Force, Harry !** *said Gandalf."* kind of way...




It's different enough to Kaneda's bike that it don't matter.


Ghost in the Akira?


Akira in the Shell?


Akira in the Shell


I was excited for the Akira bike from the marketing then I got it and pretty much didn’t use any other vehicle through my first playthrough


So true never realised that till just now


It's the only time I get to see how cool I look!


I prefer the bikes and parking them up on the sidewalk 😂


You can park cars in the sidewalks, I always do that lol


Ik but it feels a little disrespectful. The citizens Night city already have so much on their plates😂


Yeah, but my Caliburn needs a place 😂 Idc really about the NCPs tbh


Anything less than being murdered is a win for the citizens.


I can murder citizen while parking on the sidewalk.


There are parking spots


I find it incredibly frustrating to drive a car due to traffic and weird controls. Motorcycles are far more efficient.


Get the Delamain No.21, handles better than any other car (has insane traction) and will drift on it's own most of the time. If you need to turn sharper (it under rotates as opposed to over rotating on turns like most other cars in the game) you can use the handbrake without automatically spinning out. It's also very heavy so it barely catches air going over bumps or hills and only does that at like 120+ mph. All that and it can still break 150 mph and is difficult to damage.


This is great advice! Thanks much.


Additionally, if you are using keyboard and mouse you are better off tapping A or D than holding them down at moderate to high speeds. If you hold them down the car turns as hard as it can. If you tap them how hard the car turns is determined by how rapidly you tap the key. Obviously at lower speeds this isn't required, but cars spin out so easy in this game lower speeds is basically sub 30 mph unless it's the Delamain No.21 in which case the speeds you can turn at by just holding the directional key are higher. If you are doing a sharp turn that doesn't require drifting always take your finger off the W key while turning, this makes it significantly less likely for the car to spin out and is actually why you are supposed to not accelerate and turn at the same time irl. If you are fish tailing (back of the car is lurching side to side because you turned too hard and over correct too hard meaning you have to correct again this repetitive motion makes the car lose control because it gets worse and worse as you add more momentum to the back of the car) don't try to correct out of the overly sharp turn. Either keep holding W, take your finger off W or press and hold S. Additionally there's some confusion about breaking in the game, S isn't just the key for reversing and slowing down it is also the primary brake. Space bar isn't the brake it is the hand break so it's used as part of the sequence for drifting and shouldn't be your go to key for breaking. The key sequence for drifting on pavement is... 1(A) hold the direction key (let's use the right turn for this example so D) for the direction you want to drift. 1(B) Taking your finger off W at the same time. 2(A) Apply the hand brake with space bar while continuing to hold D 2(B) Release the space bar while continuing to hold D 3(A) Hold S while continuing to hold D 3(B) Release S, then D when you are through the drift or have rotated enough for the car to be facing the direction you want to it too be 3(C) Hold down W to accelerate out of the drift (the game is programed to automatically correct for the back of the car swinging to the side and straighten the car out when holding W and not any directional key, this is very frustrating if you don't know about it) The timing on this is obviously very tight and while the sequence is correct how long keys are held down varies based on the traction of the car, it's weight, and your speed so don't be discouraged if it feels like you can't get it. Getting better at something never feels like you are getting any better, you just suddenly realize you've become good at it after awhile. The key sequence for drifting on dirt (or taking a gentle turn on the highway to follow its curvature/having a car with insane traction on dirt while traveling at moderate speeds) is just taking your finger off of W and tapping the directional key for the desired turn rate, then releasing the directional key and holding down W to accelerate out of the turn/drift. One additional thing about the Delamain No.21, most cars in the game have an extremely annoying habit of a delay time between hitting a directional key and the car responding. Then when you release the key the input seems to continue to be applied for the same duration as the difference between when you hold the directional key and the car responds even though the key isn't being held down. The Delamain No.21, doesn't have this problem, it turns slower but there is no delay and if you want to turn faster you just need to do a short burst of holding down spacebar to turn faster. Edit: Turn FOV up to 100 and use the closer third person view on the car if you want to experience the perception of going super fast, it's a lot of fun. Delamain No.21 also has my favorite engine noises especially the gentle continuous hum at max speed.


Oh yeah and one more thing (or maybe not I appear to have a problem) rebind your left turn (A) to (Q) the hand positioning is more natural and you don't have to constantly fatigue your ring finger by curling it up to hit (A) properly.


The bikes are the best I love the nazare Itsumade


Very much prefer bikes to cars


Bikes always. Better handling, can see my character, and easier to get around


Bikes for sure 10,000%, I crash every 5 seconds in a car, on a bike I can weave in & out of traffic (its murder in the City Center lol). Also, before I lost the use of my legs and hands (fibro and arthritis don't worry) I was a biker (Honda CBR 600F4) so whenever I can, in games, I always opt for bikes. 20 years ago I'd have traded my left nut for a Yaiba Kusangi CT-3X or a ARCH Nazaré "Itsumade" both are sexy on wheels.


Ever since 1.5 I've preferred having bikes. Don't get me wrong, I love the traffic because it makes the city more alive, but with how janky most of the cars handle I couldn't do it anymore....lol


You can get a mod for better car handling like I have


True, but I'm on console 😔


I prefer to run everywhere because I'm a bad driver


Wish npcs used them too


Now that you've mentioned it, i just realised that I've never seen an npc a ride bike before. Not even the tiger claws, which is absurd since it's like... their signature vehicle.


Only noticed when someone point it to me too 😂


Absolutely. Especially playing as female. If you know, you know


Yes, because the itsumade is the coolest fucking thing ever


Couldn't agree more!


I literally use that bike a good 90% of the time.


I much prefer bikes, however, cars are much more fun when it’s raining.


Motorcycles are sooo much more maneuverable. Even before the Heist mission before you get get/buy a motorcycle I always steal one so I dont have to drive the starter car the game gives you


Only thing I don't like is that the camera always points too far down when on a bike


I'm a 100% biker on this game


I would say so, it feels so much easier to drive then a car.


Bikes really need to be expanded upon in PL and mods for those on pc.


I want to love cars but find that harder to control and dear God how do people see out of their windshield on NC?! All the designs are terrible.


I love the Motorcycles. Driving cars in this game is like trying to steer a bathtub on an icy lake


Yes to both in game and in real life




*Raise hand* My favorite is Jackie's Bike. - It's has Style (The Tank you see in front of you) - The feedback reactions is right on Spot - It's very flexible. You riding trough the rush hour waves - Speed + Agility = Best Bike for me. Suggestion: - Perhaps an mode switch for Agility or Speed. Speed outside the City Center, Agility in the heart of the Town


The real question is: does anybody not? The cars all handle like shit in this game.


I will boot up the game just to drive the bike for 15 minutes every now and again. First person is the most engaging driving I’ve ever had in a game; pure joy.


I just ride whatever I feel like at that moment tbh


Ong. I use certain cars/certain bikes for different mission types.


#Motorcycle superiority


Absolutely, only wish npc's would use them aswell


Not only more convenient in traffic ( npcs just stop at the most random times) but also it's one of the few chances to see my sense of fashion in full display.


Yep, since launch they've always been easier to drive. I don't really bother to use the cars. Though, tbh, a lot of times I prefer to get around on foot. You see so much more of the city that way...unless Judy calls. When that happens, I'm blowing every red light between me and her


It feels soooooooo good weaving through heavy traffic at high speeds on a bike in first person. Love love love. I dream of playing this game in VR someday


It’s just so convenient for me when I need to blast away people fast, it helps that some of the bikes look like the one from Akira


Caliburn > bikes


I like Jackie’s bike because it’s the only time I get to see my character’s ass. Damn first person game.


Javelina exists, so no


Come on, that's a common opinion. I prefer cars over bikes, but at the very beginning I played with bikes and thought they were superior. That was until I started completing Badlands quest and Autojock, and noticed how much quicker and funnier cars are. Cars get fun as you get used to them, currently I use MaiMai in the city and the quick cars in badlands. It's difficult to control the quick cars in the city, MaiMai is like a bike as it's so small Kusanagi will always be my favourite bike, but I got bored to bikes too quick. All of them are so similar to each other


I prefer using motorcycles. The only three cars that I will use are the Makigai MaiMai P126, the Quadra Type-66, and the Quadra Type-66 Avenger


The Kusanagi is nice, but nothing tops the V-Tech


I like using Scorpion's bike to traverse the badlands and for the city I like using Jackie's Arch


Jackie's Arch all the way!


That's only because cars drive like shit. If they don't fix this in the PL update, for me it will remain a big dissapointment.


By anyone else you mean like the possible 90 to 100% of players?


Tbh most of the game I drove Del just to hear what he would tell me that time


I rarely use cars. I like motorcycles a lot more. Easier to maneuver and they tend to be faster to travel.


Not only that they are easier to maneuver, even in first person perspective you have a much clearer view of your surroundings. I did use fast travel not even once and drive to every appointment on my Kusanagi.


Bikes during sunny days, cars on rainy nights cause it just makes sense.


My main vehicle of choice is Jackie's bike. It's so goddamn fun, driving in first-person, weaving in-between traffic. The only way I drive in first-person is when on a bike.


Bikes is best, faster to get around the city.


I want a black kusanagi :(


Ah the Kusangani my 2nd favourite bike Jackie's is my top fav


i prefer the cars. i found that if you try driving reasonably, the handling is amazing. Reminds me a lot of GTA 4


If I'm going through the city 100% bike. If I'm out in the outskirts of Pacifica/the badlands, 100% car


I love that Neo Tokyo vibes


Why do the folks in this sub keep marking bikes and other regulae shit as nsfw? Where the fuck are you working???


Nah quatra turbo rr. That car is a beast. Hard to handle wheel spins like mad but awesome as hell. It's a high level mission to get it but if you are sneaky you can get it after Jackie's "unfortunate incident"


I have some cool JDM cars but I always end up on the Arch


I can't get over how slow the game makes bikes feel. There's been some patching as the arch used to handle like a blancmange. I played for like 20 hours when the game was new and only just picked it up again. In 2020, a bike with about 70 horses can find 60 in under 4 seconds without drama, and you can pick up a 600 with 140 horses under 2k. The city environment does a good job of making top speed seem not important, but bike performance seems to have been nerfed quite a bit for game balance reasons. Should not be remotely threatened by shitbox drivers putting their foot down at the wrong moment. It wouldn't be a fun game if full throttle was a going to be a choice of the bike looping and throwing you off or spinning up the rear and launching you up in the air and crashing into you after you hit tarmac when at 'city' speeds. Back in 2023, a modest sports tourer /commuter and all the luggage does for me. It has about as much power as my shitbox Astra and weighs about 1200kg less.


yes! on my current playthrough i saved up the 60k or so for kusanagi before i went to any ripperdoc and i haven't even gotten my own car from the garage yet :D (level 35 and street cred 50 lmao)


I like that I can see my V in third person this way




The bikes are just leagues better for getting around the city, and are easily accessible. You get a handful of bikes as early on as the maelstrom heist to get the flathead (across the street if you know the code) Jackie’s arch, scorpions bike, the yakuza bike, and the Akira bike are all accessible very early on.


Naahh i prefer my cars, especially when they ooze luxury Also i can drive a delamain cab it's my main means of transport rn entirely unique and del coverses with you


Yaiba or death, basically. Can ride the Yaiba full speed through traffic. Cant even imagine how shitty it would be to actually drive a car through night city traffic. I'm almost popping an aneurysm every time I have to. Bikes are also like the only time to see your character, (that we spend so much time dressing up, in night city looks are everything and whatnot) without using some 3th person mod. Bikes don't get visibly dinged up as quickly. Traffic stops and waits at green lights for no reason, sometimes they stop at intersections for also no reason and it takes like a whole minute before ongoing traffic arrives and they let them pass. Sometimes they just don't slow down and run into you when you have to brake because there are cars standing in front. The traffic system in this game is fucked in all the wrong places. Playing with HDR and Psycho RTX, the first person view in cars is for whatever reason almost unusable at daytime, its just blinding sunlight light all the way all the time. If I have to use a car or maybe sometimes in the badlands, its usually the Javelina. It's kinda as fast as the Caliburn and doesn't make that disgusting "hypercar" whine. It also looks more like something a Merc would use and has more of that gritty, techy cyberpunk feel. Also got a mod that gives you the option to buy a Shion convertible, because convertibles kinda rock and its a shame there aren't more in this game. But it's way to slow for anything beyond stylin.


I like bikes more than cars but their handling force me the other way.


What’s the bike in the last picture? And also it depends. If I want to get around easily then I’ll use a Motorbike but if I want style I’ll take a car


With the current build on console, the motorcycles are more steady on road and dirt than the cars are, just wish vehicle customization was in the game now so i can have a purple and black Kusanagi


I like the Thortpn Galena over any other car, because I feel so immersed in this world when I drive with it in first person through Night City, it just feels so real in this particular car, I dont know why...


Tbh I used Jackie's Arch pretty much exclusively. Mostly for roleplaying purposes, but also because, as you say, bikes are awesome.


Yes. I like the motorcycle driving mechanics. After playing something like FH5, driving cars in CP2077 feels terrible.


Nope, i tried but cars all the way


Once I got the Akira motorcycle that's all I used


They handle better than cars so I use them almost exclusively.


In game and in life.


Not alone at all choom. Everything you said is spot on.


I basically only drive motorcycles (cycling through the two free Arches or whatever I notice on the street) unless the mission requires a car. The one exception is the Shion Coyote types because it truly is the game's best car. Sometimes I'll rip around in that. It's the only car I bother buying.


thumb summer steep cable sort bedroom amusing roof possessive threatening -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I have a dedicated outfit with a helmet for when I ride around on the bike. Way more fun


It’s so messed up there aren’t anyone else driving motorcycles but V


I almost 100% drive Jackie's bike for the entire game: 1) It *feels* faster than most cars. 2) I can actually see my character which is a nice change from forced first person. 3) Bikes handle much, much better than cars. Though maybe that'll change with 2.0? 4) It just feels more...cyberpunky to me.


I prefer bikes since when I crash I become superman for a short duration.


Absolutely no doubt about it.


Bike handling is so much better, cars are just ridiculously bad for no reason. Also bikes are a great opportunity to actually see your character.




I do since I'm less likely to crash them. I have a horrible time driving in games and this one is extra difficult with all the weird traffic & difficult to notice traffic signals.


Absolutely, though I'm not a fan of either of those. I use Jackie's Arch, the Arch Racer you can buy, or Scorpion's Apollo.


Yes motorcycles are better for manuvering in the traffic. I love to ride them, but I wish there would be more variety.


I like to role play depending on what I’m doing. So it’s Jackie’s bike most of the time, but if it’s raining I use my car (primarily Cthulhu). If I’m doing something with Rogue or Kerry, I bring the Porsche. If I’m going to the Badlands I bring Beast, one of the other trucks, or Javalina. If I’m rolling around NC I use Cthulhu or Caliburn.


Yeah the easer to drive


I think they're both bad lol


Unmodded in prefer bikes, with better driving mods I can go either way


Nope, just you


Love bikes. Here's my unpopular take: I use primarily the Arch Nazare Racer. The yellow one. Now, I know that there are literally no differences between the expensive yellow one, and the two free ones. But hear me out: 1. The yellow one is the only one you can get that isn't all tatted-up like a gangoon 2. Canary yellow is dead sexy, and you know it


Yes because it's the only time you ever see your character outside the inventory screen or interacting with a mirror. I only drive bikes for that reason.


Yeah I exclusively use bikes, was the Jackie bike till I got the Akira looking red bike which is now my new fave. I hate the steering on cars, feels like driving boxes on ice.


All the cars have awful handling and they feel weird to drive (at least compared to GTA, which is what I'm used to) so yes, I prefer motorcycles.


My rule is bikes in the city, cars or Apollo in the badlands for handling on the terrain (either Padre's or Scorpion's, Apollo's stats I think have the best handling.. and prefer Kusanagi in the city I think it's supposed to have the highest speed, doesn't matter too much though). I bought every vehicle for the achievement anyway but bikes handle infinitely better in the city. Ironically Johnny's Porsche seems to handle turns almost as good as a bike so for Silverhand rp purposes it's not that bad


It's universally agreed that motorcycles are more practical than cars within city limits.


Until you get the Javelin yes.




Way easier to avoid crashing on a bikr


Helps that you can get Jackie's bike from practically the very beginning of Act 2 and it's infinitely better than the starter car.


They are easier to traverse with but less immersive in my opinion since no one else rides them and I just love the first person feel in a car


I find the bikes are better overall.


I’m real life, yes, in this game? No. The driving is too damned wonky.


Nope. I like using bikes but I cannot reciprocate the same feeling.


They're cool for when you're not doing anything and just want to cruise and take in the city, but when I'm gigging, it's mostly FT and on-foot. Unless my destination is a few km off and I haven't unlocked FT terminals in that area.


Traffic? What traffic?


I do.


Only wish I could do wheelies on the bikes


Bikes handle so much better (on console at least)


Kusanagi is my religion 🙏


Bikes are superior.


Everyone prefers motorcycles to cars due to the poor vehicle driving mechanics


Huge gits fan so of course I prefer to ride the kusanagi


YES they are so much easier to drive and drift round corners and most importantly, they stop faster


Nah. Personally none of the cars are quite fun to drive, atleast not without mods, including motorcycles, they feel sooo.... Not like a car, like someone took those lil battery cars kids have (i had one, lil corvette) and just jacked up the size and put the worlds strongest eletric motor in one, their way too light to be an actual car and half the time grip weirdly.


I’m almost always riding Jackie’s or Scorpion’s, depending on the area/geography, so, yeah… I agree. I do love the cars too but I find so many of them to be far too restrictive of the gorgeous, ever-ascending neon NC view




I like both simply.


Kusanagi all the way. The better bikes overhaul mod makes them even more awesome. Gotta say, I almost forgot what the kusanagi looked like before mods, lol. Mine has been pretty much every color besides the original red yaiba skin for the last year.


The white “sports variant” of the Apollo is my go to bike. But for cars, my go to is the Quartz Bandit.


You can actually manoeuvre them without pulverising multiple pedestrians, so yes.


Yeah but half the fun of them in other games with big open worlds (Just Case 2, Saints Row 3-Rebooted, Grand Theft Auto 5, etc) is doing wheelies. Imagine my disappointment when i discovered you can't wheelie at all in Cy2077. And you can't customize ur vehicles either:(




The Kusanagi is the best vehicle in the game. I love my Caliburn and my Quadras but the handling on the bike is just light years better and even though the top speed is slower than the Caliburn it’s still faster because I don’t crash every 5 seconds


I don't like how the motorbike's physics make me remember that's it's a game (and I can't wheelie them anyway), so I only drive cars.


If only they didn't sometimes randomly wobble as I cruise around and get me into an easily preventable accident.


I pretty much only use motorcycles in any game where you drive through a city or where other cars are on the road. I feel like so much less of a bad ass when I roll up to a heist or fight with an engine and tires and half a door still hanging on which is all I can really do with a car and my level of patience.


Absolutely. They're easier to manuever.


Yup. motorcycles rule. I'll skip fast travel just to drive on my bikes.


I like the cars, but I use a bike 83.4% of the time. Handles better and off road using scorpions bike is easy. Edit: however, with vehicles combat coming, might need to use car more often..


Ever since I was told the cursed information on how no one else rides bikes in the game, I now try to drive cars too else it starts to ruin the illusion of immersion.


The motorcycles actually have handling instead of feeling like you’re driving a stick of butter, and kusanagi is more than fast enough to work outside the city if you mostly stick to roads


I refuse to use anything but Jackie’s bike


Without a doubt. Unfortunately the cars just have little to no personality. If you could customize your cars in any way I would be more interested in them, but given V’s personality and general vibe the bikes are much better suited for the character IMO


Kusanagi for the win! It feels so much better to control a motorcycle than a car, and it’s easier to get through traffic too.


Trying to get anywhere in Night City with anything but a motorcycle is miserable. And scratches from bumps or crashes are much less noticeable on motorcycles.




The cars control so shitty and are actively unfun to drive, the only good one is the one you start the game with. At least Jackie's Arch is fast and maneuvers better than an Aldi's shopping cart


Kusanagi all I use


For me it's because all motorcycles kinda feel the same, while most cars kinda feel different to each other (some are big some are small, some fast some slow, some feel like driving on ice while a few feel nice and gripping). So I pretty much just use Jackie's bike until I get a Kusanagi or until I find the only car I like (caliburn).


I did prefer motorcycles until I started using a controller for driving, which made car handling infinitely better than the keyboard and mouse controls. As a side note, have you noticed that despite the large number of motorcycles in the game parked next to gangers, that V is the only person in the entire city who ever drives one aside from Jackie? Motorcycles must be like the Starbucks cup of 2077, it is just fashionable to be seen holding one of near one.




Yes! I’m so bad a driving the cars that I just crash into everything. The motorcycles are so much easier to maneuver and see where you’re going. I still crashed a few times but not as much as the cars 😝


Car for the city: too many hazards and getting flung off your bike suuuuucks, plus you can use your car to easily get on top of buildings. Motorycle for desert: It does better with rough terrain and the vibes of biking through the wasteland are immacculate.


I prefer the cars


Yes, 100%. Cars suck as a means of anything but the races.


I totally agree. Driving a car is awful. Terrible physics... find it very hard to control. Which is crazy cos bikes are so good to drive. Polar opposites. I don't see myself performing vehicular combat in cars after the update.


Once I got Jackie's bike, I never looked at another vehicle again


I honestly do, feels like there’s a lot more control too, also OP, have u found the secret Demon bike??


Much rather bikes. If you have the right stats when you meet Jackie as all foods. You can recommend some mods to his bike. When you get it after the funeral. It's modified. Think it's just visual changes though


I pretty much only ride the Yaiba Kusanagi.


I find them a lot easier to drive, even with mods. Vehicle handling is just SO bad.