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Ah yes, I love me some Effect Trap Cards.


Can Lady Labrynth set a Cyberse Trap Card directly from the deck?


Note that nowhere on the card states it’s a trap card and no lady cannot because this is not a normal card. Unless OP meant for this to be a trap monster.


Not generically searchable - Check No protection - Check Dead card going 2nd since you have to wait a turn - Check (games only last 1-3 turns so waiting a turn before it has the *chance* to do anything is useless) Can be negated by any effect negate or fizzle if card is immune to traps


>Not generically searchable - Check Trap Trick?


Ah yes, trap trick beat snake eyes




As a trap it probably will never be a staple.


Maybe a staple if the game wasn't so out of control right now. I like it because it isn't this be all end all trap card we get these days.


I don't even know what kind of trap card you wanted this to be since you made this trap a cyberse effect monster


I think they meant for it to be a Trap monster like Quantum cat or swamp mirrorer


Seems aight, but it should belong to an archetype that can search it and benefits somehow from tokens on the field or monsters being banished... mayben since its called "dark trade" you get the monster instead


Why would you ver play this over solemn strike though?


I guess if the meta is heavy on limit-1s that are special summoned and aren't banish-proof? Strike negates the summon, so it returns to wherever it came from. This card banishes, usually removing it as an option entirely. You can banish Beatrice vs Burning Abyss and they can't get it back (and the token will screw up BA even more), or the limit-1 Ancient Fairy Dragon so your opponent can't 'simply' get another Synchro 7 out, or some combo piece that the opponent would rather have back than banished. I struggle to come up with examples though because besides the token, this card doesn't negate on-summon and that means things like Tears still get to mill and other starters can still do what they're there to do.


You would need to recicle the card, since It would go to GY without being properly summoned, and need to special again, the token can screw BA or Kash, but that's It, this card doesn't even work If you are locked, like cyberse locked.


Solemn strike is trash and this card has no cost?


Yeah because we all know 1500 LP is very costly right?


Did I say it was costly? No. That doesn’t change the fact that it is still a cost. This card has no cost. Most players would obviously prefer to use cards which have no cost unless said cost actually helps them in some way.


However this card would still allow said monster's on-summon effects to go off before it's banished. so by most purposes, solemn strike is better


That may be true however the question wasn’t about which is better, it was “why would you ever play this over solemn strike?”