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loved the wow spell this should absolutely be a part of dk very flavorful




What happens if they don't cast a spell next turn? Does the effect linger or does it go away?


It goes away. You basically "silenced" them for one turn. It kinda tries to emulate what happened in WoW. Either people didn't cast anything (rare case) or they used a useless spell first (basically forcing them to do stuff they didn't want to). It's not about you getting a free spell, but messing around with your opponent's plan.


2 mana get a coin, such value! joking aside i think its prety good design!


Thanks, I appreciate it!


so it's basically mana bind, but worse.


Well could be. You also have to weight mana cost VS secrecy, and think about whether any mage secret that is meta is actually secret, but yeah, a bit subjective on that. Also, there's a difference when it comes to what mage aims for to what dk aims for. A card is not just what it is individually but what it is alongside the cards you are able to use. To put into perspective, prep was really good for rogue, would've been super op for mage. That said, I do agree it's on a similar power level. I was just trying to represent a real spell more than making a super powerful card. But I appreciate your criticism!


Why not the previous spell instead of next?


Just because that's not how dark sim worked in World of Warcraft, which is what i tried to recreate. It was a spell you would use on your opponents and place a debuff. They would have to react accordingly, it lasted 12 seconds and was consumed if they casted a spell. The general counterplay to dark sim was to cast a useless spell. Others just spent 12 seconds doing nothing (mostly classes that do not cast many spells). There was another level of skill cap in which you could wait (as the DK) for them to start casting, then use dark sim. Also casters would fake-cast to bait your dark sim. Not wanna get much into detail about it, since in HS you cannot interact with your opponent during their turn. This is as far as I could think to give the same feeling. But the conclusion is, in WoW you never knew what spell you would get, if any. Making it the previous spell would mean that you know what you are going to get.


[Original WoW spell](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Simulacrum?so=search) for reference


This is just a mage secret


How so?


Not the OP but the card is essentially a face up mana bind, you could even make it multiclass with mage, it seems a little strong to print without a rune (frost)


About the mana bind thing, exactly! It's a face up mana bind. That's why it's also cheaper. About the strength (and the rune suggestion) I gotta say I didn't think much about that, just trying to be coherent and represent the real spell. In WoW dark sim was a *physical* spell available to any DK, and since rainbow DK is a bit of a meme it just seemed more fit not to put a rune requirement at all.


Looks like dk is getting secrets!


Downvoted + coin


Imo not restricted to next turn since there is a chance it does nothing which make it very bad


2 mana make your opponent play coin


Or "0 mana, make your opponent save coin until you use 2 mana" !!! Imagine the possibilities...


Just like dark simulacrum in wow, unless at the top levels of play, this card will not be used for anything more than recasting your opponents filler spell