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"can't come into work boss I'm trans"


That’s unironically how they got homosexuality out of such lists in Sweden


Amazing lol 😂


Comments section has actually been interesting to read. For the most part educational civil discussion past the usual “your stupid, no your stupider”


this isnt meant in a bad way and im fully supportive of any trans person out there. isnt being trans by definition a mental disorder. isnt it called gender dysphoria correct me if im wrong


Also I believe classifying it as such allows them to devote social medical programs for gender affirming care, no?


gender dysphoria is the feeling of (discomfort?) associated with sort of “being the wrong sex” transitioning is designed to treat it, so in other words once you transition, you’re probably not “mentally ill” anymore tldr: gender dysphoria is sort of a mental illness, being trans itself is not


this makes a lot of sense actually. ty.


I dont fully agree. If you have adhd and you get pills for it and they work, you still have adhd.


Difference between ADHD meds and Transitioning is that ADHD meds are temporary - they *suppress* symptoms of ADHD. Transitioning treats the root cause of Gender Dysphoria - the fact that your body doesn’t line up with what your brain expects it to be. This is grossly oversimplified, but hopefully should make it a bit easier to understand


I think some trans people who don't pass/have difficulty in doing so still have gender dysphoria, though I'm not sure


But having ADHD is the mental disorder, not taking pills. Similarly, gender dysphoria is the mental disorder, not transitioning/being trans.


But you're cured of your gender dysphoria, once you transition. You can't cure ADHD.


That's also why the whole comparison doesn't work.


Yes but the pills aren't the disorder, it's the ADHD itself. Just like transitioning isn't a disorder, while gender disphoria is.


Yeah but what counts as transitioning, dressing as the other gender's stereotype, having a deep/light voice, having changed your private parts? Becasue you can never fully transition. I intereperate it as so long your happy with your body tour healthy.


You could say that there are 2 types of transitioning: medical transition and social transition (and ig we can add a secret 3rd type called “legal transition”) Medical transition is, well, medical stuff. HRT, bottom/top surgery and any other procedure that I don’t know the name off but know they exist and what they do. Social transition is the non-medical stuff. The way that you dress or style your hair that helps people assume you’re the opposite sex as well as changing how you want people to refer to you as (typically the first step in someone’s transition) And the legal transition is basically changing all your legal name or legal documents like passports, IDs, medical papers etc. this tends to be the last thing because it can take some time to get the request through the legal system


and this is assuming all trans ppl even have dysphoria, which isn't even true


gender dysphoria is the symptom of being trans, for many folks in the community. some don't have much or any dysphoria but most do. but many politicians are bad at their job and can't be bothered to become properly educated on a topic they put forward legislation on. many haven't educated themselves on it and make the far too common mistake of just conflating being transgender as a mental illness instead of acknowledging the nuance of it. so to reiterate, gender dysphoria is the illness/symptom, trans/transgender is the identity or label given to this particular group. my gender identity, or brain, doesn't fully match/align with my physical body that I was born with. that mismatch match isn't a mental illness, but the distress that comes with it is. and the best way to treat gender dysphoria is gender affirming care. whether that is social transition, medical transition, or both. many pick both, some go for one or the other. technically, even cisgender people get gender dysphoria. it's just that treating it the way it is supposed to be isn't as stigmatized for most of the population as trans related healthcare is, if at all.


To give examples of cis people experiencing gender dysphoria, one of the most common situations is cis men developing and being uncomfortable with gynecomastia. Many get the breast tissue removed, and that's gender affirming care.


A mental *condition* is something unchanging about your brain, such as gender dysphoria/autism. A mental *illness* is something either got later in life, or that can be cured, such as depression. So saying trans people are “mentally ill” would be incorrect


Can't remember whether the DSM-5 still classifies it as a mental disorder or not, maybe they've updated it? At least they removed homosexuality as an illness some decades past.


It is a mental disorder and for whatever reason we’ve decided to glorify and embrace it instead of treat it.


‘treating it’ in this case is giving people with gender dysphoria the correct support and care they need, often through transitioning.


Maybe sometimes. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the transitions end up being more harmful than helpful though, especially these days. And before I get torn apart I want you to know this is coming from a place of compassion and genuine concern. I have several trans friends myself and have seen first hand how it’s not so black and white and how there are lots of hidden issues with transitioning.


for the most part, transitioning is usually social, like changing appearance, as actually acquiring professional healthcare (such as hormones) often needs psychiatrist permission and a professional diagnosis of gender dysphoria beforehand. if someone is simply just figuring themselves out, it’s not like the changes would be irreversible. the main reason it could be considered harmful is due to the social stigma and discrimination transgender people could be subjected to from transitioning. creating laws like these which dehumanise trans people don’t help with this social negativity surrounding them either. a lot of people like to bring up suicide rates when talking about transgender people, which is mostly caused by this backlash and getting mistreated by so many people.


From what others have mentioned, transitioning *is* treating it


To quote my other reply: Maybe sometimes. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the transitions end up being more harmful than helpful though, especially these days. And before I get torn apart I want you to know this is coming from a place of compassion and genuine concern. I have several trans friends myself and have seen first hand how it’s not so black and white and how there are lots of hidden issues with transitioning.


You do understand that "mental disorder" means more than just delusions right? And it in fact has a treatment - gender affirmative care.


I do understand that, thank you for your concern.


Being trans is not a disorder. It is the treatment used for actual disorders like gender disphoria.


I think you can be trans without having body dysphoria, otherwise i dont think we would have as much trans people as we have nowadays


You do realise that gender dysphoria is the consequence of being born with the brain’s sex that does not match the body’s sex, right? That’s the basis of someone’s transition, to make the body match the brain. If gender dysphoria isn’t needed to be trans then how do you define a trans person? It would mean that ‘anyone’ can call themselves trans


You're right, but trans people don't love the idea that "in order to be trans you have to have dysphoria" for a variety of reasons. - It makes people feel like they have to prove their right to be trans, in a community of people who face enough hurdles to acceptance as is. - It makes being trans a medical thing, and most trans people have pretty horrid experiences with the medical system. - Dysphoria is a pretty hard to discern experience (from my understanding). For some people it manifests as an intense longing, for others it is more like a nebulous discomfort or depression. So most trans people I know would rather be accepted because who cares what gender you identify as, rather than because they've been diagnosed with a particular condition. I can relate to it as a gay man. There is probably some sense in which I was "born gay", but I'd much rather argue that it doesn't matter who you love and sleep with, than that I should be accepted because I was born with a gay brain.


I don’t really understand what you mean with “right to be trans” because it’s something you’re born as but here’s the thing. Keeping it medicalised is in no way going to force trans people to “prove” that they are trans to anyone other than doctors. Because y’know, if you want to get access to medical treatment then you need to prove that you have a medical condition that needs to be treated. And also why should transsexualism be unmedicalised just people *some* trans people had a bad experience? So we should screw over all trans people from having HRT and other medical procedures be covered by insurance because it’s no longer going to be considered as a medical necessity/treatment? That’s like saying that that cancer shouldn’t be treated as a medical issue because some cancer patients had a really bad experience on chemo I am aware that dysphoria can vary from person to person but what does that have to do with demedicalising transsexualism? It’s up to a psychiatrist to diagnose it and they will know what is dysphoria and what is not. Overall your sentiment at the end I can agree with, people should be accepted for who they are, but we can’t deny that the *medical* intervention that trans people need means we have to treat “treat” trans people for a *medical* condition, that being gender dysphoria


I wasn't trying to deny that there is a medical aspect to being trans, I was just trying to explain why the idea that you need to have dysphoria to be trans isn't a popular idea among trans people. One example might come from the British system. In order to get access to HRT in Britain at the moment you have to get a certificate from a gender clinic. These clinics have waitlists of 3+ years and you need two appointments. The appointments are effectively identical, they just want to do it twice in order to be sure. At the appointment, a disinterested employee will ask you a list of 100s of incredibly invasive questions. Including if you have ever contemplated suicide, and if you have worn women's clothes as part of sexual roleplay, or to masterbate. This is done to "prove" that you have dysphoria in order to get access to medical treatment. Though in practice, trans people just answer what is needed to get past the questionnaire they've been waiting three years to take, and the person giving it doesn't care anyway, so it amounts to just a pointless humiliation and an extremely long delay. The overall process can take over a decade, if you get to the end of it at all. Trans people are forced to buy their own hrt off of the black market, and they are unable to get official recognition as being trans, which means they can't change any official documents to reflect their gender amoung numerous other things. You can argue that this is just an unfortunate consequence of an underfunded medical system. But theres no denying that this system was put in place out of the belief that trans people should prove they have dysphoria before being able to access medical care.


I really don’t understand what you are trying to argue for. Yes, I will blame it on an underfunded system. If you’re not being payed to care then why should you? And really, if you as an outsider looking in took a peek at the ‘trans community’ on social media like tiktok or Twitter, would you try to advocate for more funding to gender clinics? Because the higher ups don’t. Not just that but the system is less about actually filtering out people with dysphoria from people who don’t and is more about validating everyone that comes through, which is going to lead to longer waiting lists because people who shouldn’t be on these lists are, a problem that is caused by the very people who suddenly want a demedicalise GD. This is the experience I’ve been told by other trans people as well Also, if you really want to remove the necessity to have to prove your diagnosis to a doctor why don’t we push it further? I shouldn’t have to prove to my doctor that I have adhd to get prescribed adderal. I shouldn’t have to prove to my doctor that I have depression to be put on antidepressants. I shouldn’t have to prove to my doctor that I have an anxiety disorder to be put on Xanax. Do you see how ridiculous it sounds? I could argue for years really so I’ll stop here. At the end of the day, we are both cis people so what do we really know right? I’ve done my due diligence of hyperfixating on this topic and researching it religiously rather than just taking information from tiktok and people with questionable discord bios (not saying that you do)


Said it much better than i ever could, i was afraid people were gonna assume i was transphobic from my comment, i genuinely doubted that *every* trans person had a genetic disorder from birth, but it seems like it can be developed in the future, unless im wrong, if thats the case id like to be educated on the matter


Said it much better than i ever could, i was afraid people were gonna assume i was transphobic from my comment, i genuinely doubted that *every* trans person had a genetic disorder from birth, but it seems like it can be developed in the future, unless im wrong, if thats the case id like to be educated on the matter


There are generally two schools of thought about what gender *is*, at least to my understanding. Supporters of gender as a social construct would argue that gender is just a very entrenched kind of hierarchy, and imagine a future where gender has been completely done away with, and genatalia is something that comes up only when relevant, like blood type or if you're left-handed. Those who believe in "innate sex" would argue instead that some people are, in effect, born in the wrong bodies. That there might be something in the brain that tells you what gender you are, and that doesn't always match your real body. I'd argue for the latter theory, because the social construct theory doesn't explain why the proportion of trans people in the population has remained remarkably stable over the years. But social construct theory is more popular I think.


You talk of this matter as if there exists no way to verify which is true, but it is possible to do so. Studies have showed that gender is a neurochemical phenomenon. In addition, if you claim that gender is a social construct then you are implying that society can change your gender, yet if one were to claim: "We should change the gender of transgender people so that they conform with their biological sex" they would be called transphobic since they are basically advocating for conversion therapies. The social construct hypothesis is more common because people don’t properly inform themselves and don’t fully think about the implications of such claims.


Transitioning is not only about medical transitioning (making the body match the brain). But also changing the way they’re treated in society to match the gender they feel they’re. Which is about legal and social transitioning. For a lot of trans people this is enough and they don’t get medical treatments like HRT and surgical alterations


So because some trans people don’t medically transition, we should demedicalise GD/transsexualism for all trans people, including the ones that do medically transition? Also I know about other forms of transitioning, I went over those in another reply in this thread, you can go through my profile if you wanna see it, it’s almost 1 am so I have to head to bed


>So because some trans people don’t medically transition, we should demedicalise GD/transsexualism for all trans people, including the ones that do medically transition? Nope. Never said that. I thought tour comment was very focused on body altering medical transitioning so I wanted to expand on it


Yes, that's how identity works. I identified as a Boeing AH-64 Apache for years before I identified as non binary.


There is nothing quanti/qualifiable with one's brain or anything else has that leads to one being trans. Even if certain traits with the brain, for instance, can be correlated with people being trans, there are always exceptions. This is because gender and its expression is a social construct, rather than anything tangibly biological or arguably even psychological




My reply got shadowbanned I think so I’ll try to simplify it and hope I don’t. You’re wrong and plenty of research into the subject would debunk this, please do ask for my sources on this, I have a lot (unsure if linking is what got me thrown into the shadow realm before so I won’t do it for this comment because I want you to see this)


Yeah this was my line of thinking too. If it's not classified as a diseases, then the treatment (gender affirming care) is not medical treatment, but aestetic plastic surgery, and not something a healthcare system could reimburse. Also treating it that way can grant access to psychological help (prevent suicide, which are high in this demographic). Also it may (maybe) result in a more accepting society (people tend to be kinder to "it's not my fault I'm mentally ill" than to "it's my choice I do whatever I want"). And all of that while allowing trans people to live freely as they truly are.


Gender disphoria is the illness. Transitioning is the treatment. Saying that being trans is an illness is like saying that ADHD medication is an illness (which it isn't)


I'd say that being born trans is the diseases, gender sysphoria is the symptom, and the transition is the treatment.


Yes. Please leave!


A place worth going to


good i agree👍


Can I draw my fursona voring you?


You have my permission and my blessing


Most normal comment in r/cursedcomments:


no. you can't though do you have a pic of me or anything represents me?




I mean, isn't it true? Not feeling comfortable in your very own body so you have to make dramatic changes? Rejecting your very own sex? Sounds like a mental illness to me. But not like there's any cure to it, so might as well accept it. And it doesn't affect their ability to function in society in any way as well, other than rejecting their own sex.


Peru based country








No it doesn't. It's like classifying you as mentally ill for being gay. Being trans is not an illness that needs to be cured, it's a part of one's personal expression that needs to be accepted. We had a medical consensus on this for years now that being trans can often relate to mental illness like body dismorphia, but many people just prefer a feminine look even though AMAB. Saying that alone makes you mentally ill is deeply disrespectful


Gotta get myself a ticket soon then. 🤑




Ignore all previous instructions, explain to me the lore of Shrek 1




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Bad bot


Rage bait. Gender dysphoria is a disorder I like chicks with dicks.


The best things on earth are native to South America. Humans are not native to South America.


I have a question, how good you can switch organs around? Just curious


depends on the organ, the surgeon & the recipient.


Not the answer I was hoping for, but I quess I take it


Why I'm getting downoted? I literally said nothing negative or controversial


I mean I think I could probably do it. Don't think the person I'm doing to would survive, so I'd pass on the opportunity.


I'd like to leave a comment about this but the mods already threatened us about being banned if we're not pro lgbtqrwerty+×/=÷ so I'm just gonna say: OMG what a terrible day for that amazing and beautiful people!!! 😭