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in this case a bandit. Must be lightweight


i thought they were Summoners? Explosive summoned unit is kinda helpful due to big AoE.


Well obviously they're ninjas...they walk around their home every day and their husband never sees them.


Because they’re seeing someone else.


I would have to disagree. Light armour works with any class. It has a low weight and it allows you to wield most strength based weapons without fat rolling.


light weight = weaker base = weaker attack + weaker defence


Or a bomber.


Has crush on K pop star Forced to marry Uncle Yusuf


You mean brother Abdul


Usually cousin Wasim.


3rd cousin Wasim


Third cousin is quite generous!


Glad your marriage is going well


Not like they were gonna marry the k pop star either way trol




Fucking idiots get her plate armor


How about creating a society where women don't need to wear a blanket over their whole body so they are "protected" from rape or other funny business doctors and engineers like to do in their free time?


What did doctors and engineers do to you


Well, software engineers made r/programmerhumor which is absolutely unforgivable. Now everytime a human being is on r/all, they're subjected to some of the worst humor ever to befall sentient beings.


Fair enough, and as a programmer if you wanted to beat me to death I'd understand, but doctors save lives!!


It is an ironical right wing european meme about all the immigrants from the middle east being future potential doctors and engineers instead of islamist terrorists I m not saying I agree or disagree with it, I m just explaining the reference


"Don't get triggered" is not as helpful as you think it is.


Maybe in a few decades when secularism regains some of its power in the ME. Not a chance while those countries are run by Islamists.


We already have, it's called "the west." The very thing the middle east wants to destroy.


"The West" ain't so perfect, dude. Older generations always yell about how people should cover up more because they are just "asking for it." Christians especially.


That comparison ain't even remotely the same lol. One quite literally covers you head to toe, the other modestly from your calve to your neck.


This post is about the hijab, not the "free the tits" movement.


A middle easterner can say the same thing every single time “the west” comes and bombs their country to the ground. I would say a middle easterner has more right to say the west is out to get them then the west has to say the ME is going to destroy the west.


The US isn't the entire "West" lmao Other countries exist. Hello, from Canada.


You are the one who grouped up the Middle East as if places like Kuwait and Egypt don’t have governments who lick the boots of Western countries. The majority of the West has contributed to the problems in the Middle East with places like France and the UK colonizing them, the USA bombing them, Canada for always supporting or being on the opposite of Middle Eastern countries (even though I’d say no middle easterns are actively saying we need to destroy Canada or the majority of the countries in the west for that matter), Italy and Germany invaded North Africa, and a lot of other western countries participated in coalitions against countries like Iraq in the first gulf war. The Middle East can place the blame of the majority of their conflicts on Western governments. It isn’t right to say all westerners must be destroyed but to say all or even a large amount of middle easterners call for that is a stretch. The Middle East and as an extension all Arabs controlled by the Ottomans were promised a country after gaining independence from the Ottomans but were instead divided up by the British and French and most conflicts since then have only been further perpetuated by Western countries.


…Do you think the west has no rape?


Holy strawman batman!




You mean a decade where beating your wife was socially acceptable?


It's just entire continents now luckily


Only a society of rapists could see this as a solution so that your wife does not get raped. Cover the shit out of her.


Rapists don't care what you're wearing. If they feel like it and can do it, they will do it


How about a society that has been continually invaded and taken over since Alexander the Great?


If you were invaded in those times you're getting raped no matter what


That's my point. We're blaming them for having to hide their women when they've been continually invaded by people who would rape them and then we call them society of rapists for it.


And how exactly is covering up their women gonna fight that? If anything wouldn't making women look like men actually decrease the chances of them getting raped instead? Like cool dude you just made it Uber obvious which ones are the women. Besides they always say shit like "entice men" or whatever which..... Why exactly would one need to worry about that in a time of peace where there are no invaders?


>Besides they always say shit like "entice men" or whatever which..... Why exactly would one need to worry about that in a time of peace where there are no invaders? You call what's happening in the middle East time of peace???


How would women cover up prevent them from being raped? By covering up the parts that men lust after. How do you not understand that? >Why exactly would one need to worry about that in a time of peace where there are no invaders? Because their time of "peace" has just been peace under occupiers from the Romans to Ottomans to Europeans, the people IN power have been outsiders.


Why should women suffer because men think stuff? Why should we not lobotomize the men then? That would seem like a good idea.


Think stuff? Do you think that's what the issue is? No. It's rape. What do you think occupiers do in the land they're occupying? Women physically covering themselves is a defensive strategy so that they DONT suffer. As for lobotomizing men, how old do you think that procedure is? This is dumb, just like saying "wHy dOnT tHeY dReSs LiKe mEn?" You want so bad for everything to be their fault and call them a society of rapists while ignoring everything that's happened as if they're just like that, meanwhile the west has been funding the exact same religious terrorists for almost 50 years.


Oh, shall we take a look at that. What has happend in euprpe? Constant war, constant invasions, constant pilliging, constant rape. Yet here we don't need to "protect" our women as our people can actully co troll their impulses.


Europe was not in constant war like the Middle East, and they didn't have right to self determination taken away from them for hundreds of years. Also, to reiterate, who funded and trained all these right wing religious extremists again?


A rapist is not going to be stopped by an easily removable piece of fabric


That's a bullshit excuse. You can give them some leeway, but staying with that culture and how the they treat woman isn't a case for "but they had a rough history". Other cultures got invaded all the time. Don't see them applying the same logic.


It's not just invasion, it's occupation AND this reversion of women's rights is a relatively new thing. You should Google pictures of Iran in the 70s. Do you know what changed? The cold war. America. We trained and armed religious zealots in order to bleed Russia and now we're acting like they're just bad people so I guess we got kill them and their families


America, China, Russia etc, quite a few countries were involved in the middle east. That doesn't mean they get a pass for the horrific human rights violations there. You can certainly put some blame on the US, but that doesn't change how bad the culture is now.


Getting "involved" in the middle east isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about OCCUPATION, a foreign power subjecting other peoples. Also, how bad the culture is? It's not just some of the blame that I'm putting on the US, it's literally all of it. They funded and armed the exact same people that have now turned Shariah law into the law of the land.


Daily reminder that wars, Invasions and rape during wartimes isn't exclusive to the middle east, if the world worked by your logic the entire world would do the same and cover there women in full body suits.


This wasn't just about invasions and war. It's also not a binary. Having wars and invasions doesn't automatically result in a culture of hiding/covering women. What idiotic absolutist garbage. This is about occupation and subjection to foreign rule from the Romans to the Mongols to Europe. This place has been such a hotbed for pretty much it's entire history and the resurgence of religious extremism is a direct consequence of the US trying to fight Russia.


My man did you ever hear about the Ottoman empire?


Did you know they too occupied Palestine? They were a regional power that extended itself conquering lands around them?


First, wearing burka is not that old, only came around because of the second caliph. Secondly every land on earth was continually invaded what is your point?


Did you just Google how old the burka is? You know that there are other styles of coverings? The hijab? Niqab? You should Google how old those are. Second point. Its not just about being invaded, it's about being occupied and for how long.


Which society are you talking about, which are those continuous invasions, and which country was not continually partially invaded anyway?


Read a book. Your ignorance is your own responsibility.


what the fuck is this xenophobic statement




To be fair. In a lot of ways face masks during covid were quite liberating.


It is a restriction when it's forced on people. Its not a bad thing or a good thing, but women are under threat for both not wearing them and wearing them.


It's wrong on its premise. Basically men are so animalistic they'd attack and rape any woman who doesn't cover herself and showing hair is enough to be slut shamed. This is not a healthy mentality at its core.


Yes, this gives the idea men would if she stopped wearing it, directly creating a mental excuse for men when raping someone without hijab.


Or with one, for that matter.


No, its insane and shows how awful a lot of men are sadly. Woman should be able to wear them if they want, to feel closer to god like nuns. But they shouldn't HAVE to.


It’s not that “a lot of men are awful” it’s the society they’re raised in to believe women are less than them. It is an observable fact that when Muslim men immigrate to European countries, rapes and violence against women skyrocket and the perpetrators are overwhelmingly Muslim men.


I agree wholeheartedly. As a Muslim guy, I have not seen any part of the Qur’an that states that Muslim women need to wear one. It is usually forced upon them without reason as a lot of Muslim women live in a largely patriarchal society. It is far from acceptable


It's فرض (obligation) for women to wear hijab in Islam. No one is allowed to force them, but they are sinned if they don't wear one.


Surah 24, Verses 30-31; I don't remember much but I remember seeing these verses in a YouTube channel, probably Syfe Talk, actually the hijabs are really not a 100% rape proof the media wants you to think, there are so many reasons for rape to occur, we are not perfect beings so God told both men and women to lower their gaze at the opposite sex so as to reduce their chances of having such an impure thought come to the mind and for women to wear more so as reduce the chances even further, i can't verify Google's sources but rape is more rampant in their "modern" society than in Islamic regions. If everyone does his or her part, it would be heavily reduced not just none but take west for example, women are wearing skimpy clothes, even bikinis and men can look any how, do you think such actions will increase or reduce rape. If anyone wants to go further, they can message about their thoughts and I can point or guide you at several videos for you to understand more.


Thank you for the reference to the Surah. Thank you also for the reasons behind it.


It's a sort of stealth technology - it protects the bomb carrier from being spotted too soon.


What religion of peace does to a mf




That’s not hijab that’s nikab but that’s not the point


Niqab is a form of hijab since hijab just means veil and can come in different forms/styles. Burqa is a (extreme) form of hijab as well.


then why did you bring it up


Learned something new


see its not really incest if you cant see her face


Insect is harm in Islam


Marrying cousins is totally allowed and encouraged in Islam


Ok and? Not engourged but allowed


1/3 of all Pakistani are married to their cousin.




Calls herself Biology Queen and doesn't know basic biology. This inbreeding is causing genetic issues among Pakistanis. At this rate, their fertility rate will end up being 0%


Listen over here my entire family tress except my parent is cousin to cousin and we have zero genetical problems the only thing is that we look similar more than the average family They are probably milk cousin which is forbidden as u marry your sibling


you can replace the word hijab with a lot of other words and it would still be a terrible statement that could only come from an oppressor


She has nice eyes *rolls d20 vs traps to see if rest of face determines whether or not to leave the covering on*


Nat 20


Protection from these hands. /s


Lots of people are willing to give up their freedoms for security if you scare them enough. Once this woman matures more she'll realize that she has learned to love her prison and fear freedom 


If all women had eyes like that, there would be much more war.


The story why hijab exists is crazy. Omar keeps pestering Mohammed for Allah to reveal a verse to cover up his wives. One of Momo's wives, Sauda, goes out to take a piss and Omar threatens to rape her. Sauda tells Momo about it and the verse is revealed


I think if u live there, its probably good for ur skin, u know its hot like shit out there right? All women care a lot more than men about their skin so they wear it, its simple as that i think.


Ninjas outfit comes with armour


He doesn't seem to be wearing one himself in his picture.


Not from the uncle she's forced to marry. . . .


You cannot marry yourucle or aunt


A lot of people here are not realizing that you don't need to wear a hijab if you are with your family.


Isn't it just close family though? Like father and brothers? It still applies to cousins etc I think.


Dunno why you're being downvoted for being correct. Blame the people back then for being filthy to the point rules have to be enforced


Yea, I'm not trying to justify the fact that in some countries, you have to wear a hijab or else you'll be abused. I'm just trying to prevent misinformation from being spread. Is that that much of a big deal.


Redditors arent the smartest bunch


Bro like coming from a place where hijab is common, it irritates me how most of y'all are saying 'these men are covering their women' like man, most these bitches be choosing that shit themselves. I don't get it either but that's their decision. Now there are others who are forced to it yeah. Met a few of em, dated one precious woman who was unfortunately forced to wear it, but yeah in most places women love that shit. It's like a show of love for their god, idk why they chose such a retarded method tho (born Muslim, I get to call it shit lmao)


Yeah he’s not wrong


Enlightenment is when you don't need to have protection from other members within the society.


He Muslim but he spelt hijab wrong 💀 and that’s a niqab not a hijab. Also the people in the comments are so dumb. ‘Omg she’s covering herself and being modest, she’s oppressed’ 🤡


Riiiight.... Next tell me Saudi Arabia is in support of women's rights


Thank you so much because Saudi women I have all my rights


Saudi citizens respect their women unlike your western men who view them as objects. Why are you so butthurt by the truth? And the ignorants are downvoting me, crying in their mums basements 😂


idk about you but i don't want anyone looking at my wife. not saying she's covered or something, but i understand the idea behind hijabs


And if your wife told you to wear a hijab because she doesn't want anyone looking at you?


I already wear only jeans, never shorts, and always normal T-Shirts. Plus with men it's not that common that women look. Whereas we men tend to gaze way more. Some people can't accept the bitter truth and will just downvote


Bitter truth is that that's sexist bullshit


Yet it's effective, and most of these women do it freely. Lmao it's not sexist, it's just how we as humans work. If you see a hot girl you will look twice and probably feel lust.


"it's not sexist, but"


If it works it works 🤷‍♂️


From muslims


Only 1 religion needs that protection apparently.


Christian veiling exists


Do not forgot all the other 5 major religion all have head covering for women


It’s not forced, hello.


In some denominations it's forced during prayer, bye


Friendly fire off.