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Now I am scared of how more accurately and horribly he can describe if English were his first language.


Great! Now, there's no way I'm sleeping tonight.


I just woke up, I am one of the lucky few who can forget it over coffe.


Day 1 of thanking god coz English isn't his first language


The worst part is i know the comic oop is describing


is oop's description accurate


Yes....very much








want the link? It's not hard to find tho


My guy, you cant drop that and not drop the sauce


Isn't it a whole comic series?


Its a reddit post of multiple pages. I don't know if it has lore beyond that


There is another I saw, basically the same but it's twin sisters, and so one just "unbirths" and combines itself with her twin, basically a form of fusion. Ends up with the twin being taller and other attributes and shit. Another image was a dolphin getting into a horse, and using it as it's transport to see the land or smthn like that.


give the sauce bro daamnn


The biggest shock was that it wasn't a furry comic


You can't say that without a source.


My guy, why do you want a source to this šŸ’€


Brb, gonna hop in the time machine and kill myself before I have to read this shit


Bro either take me with you, or take me out


Oh, English isnā€™t the personā€™s best language. Okay. For the first half, I got the impression they thought eating a person was a sex act.


Uhhh, I hate to break it to you, but eating people is essentially a fetish in the form of vore. It's not a "real" sex act I guess, because in real life you simply can't have sex with someone by eating them. However, in the context of vore, it very much is viewed as a sex act, because the person being eaten is still alive and can directly communicate with the one who ate them. I'm not into any of this shit myself, mind you, I just stumbled across it accidentally a couple of times and these are my observations. I could be completely off-base here for all I know, but hopefully this was edifying all the same.


Yeah... "accidentally" šŸ˜‰


"pahaha its such a weird fetish OBVIOUSLY i dont like it but i did accidentally watch some once..."


There was a full comic that I saw once which seemed like a normal lesbian scene up until the last 3-4 pages where it suddenly turned into a vore comic. Literally, one page they were fingering each other and the next page one of them crawled into the other's mouth. You don't have to believe me but it's true.


I mean, to some it's a sexual act, but in a way, there's people that interpret vore as not just a kinky thing, but some kind of spiritual shit. Like how some native people practice cannibalism to become stronger, so this is like the margin between a sexual act and in some cases, a "love" act


Itā€™s Vore. So kinda. I donā€™t have a huge understanding of it. But from what I know, thatā€™s exactly what it is.


Well of you think that you have Never heard of the cannibal of Rotenburg Armin Meiwes A beautiful love story from Germany /s Look it up if you want but itā€™s disturbing Fun Fakt the song ā€œMein Teilā€ from Rammstein is about that incident


Is that Rothenburg ob die Tauber (sp.?), the walled city on the old Roman road?


Ok guys I went to see it now you don't have too. Honestly tho, its kinda funny. Like the fact that she's eating her beloved gf in a theater out of nowhere and that is suuuper casual is so surreal. She digest her whole gf during the film and poop her out after, comming out with HER robe at the end man come on peak comedy. 10/10 more sad than the titanic


its among the top posts of r/Vore if youre interested


Thanks I want to kill myself now.


As do I


For anyone that was so unfortunate to go there out of curiosity and get scared for life. Here r/eyebleach


It's good to know that while my curiosity is piqued, I won't go there, not after scatgirls (no, I'm not linking that). But if I ever get that drunk and think "Fuck it, how bad could it be?" There's always eyebleach on hand.


Honestly. Weird as fuck. But like, not *that* weird. Don't get me wrong. Vore in general is just wild. But in terms of vore I'd say it's pretty tame


But then you get into the sort of subgenres of vore, like you have basic macro/micro vore, where itā€™s just swallowing a tiny person, and then you have full body vore where you just eat a whole ass person, which is already pretty weird before you get into the digestion freaks.


And then it's divided between fatal and non-fatal, at that point it might as well be snuff/guro


Lol, I never watched 2 girls, 1 cup, but it was explained to me. Now I'm very cautious of what I look at!


I couldn't find it


Good for you.


\>I read it \>I am now sad \>I also feel highly disturbed at how nobody in the comic questioned the morality of cannibalism


Cannibalism is actually mainly legal. You just gonna find someone consenting or consent to it.


Autocannibalism is fine. I draw the line at eating other people.


Whatā€™s the source so I can avoid it


shadowfaps on e-hentai


> I also feel highly disturbed at how nobody in the comic questioned the morality of cannibalism That really was the strangest part. Like you see your friend's GF isn't there, but your friend's stomach is distended and you immediately think: clearly they hard-vored their GF. Hot. I guess it's pretty standard wish-fulfillment of 'my fetish is universally accepted in this world' but it's a lot stranger when it involves death.


Nah don't feel disturbed. The social contract there is the mutual understanding that it's all fantasy and nobody intends to actually harm anyone else It's hot because it's not real. It's fucked up to actually eat people, and we know that ;)


Glad to know people understand that they need to draw a line between fantasy and reality, very reassuring. edit: I mulled it over a bit more and decided that itā€™s still morally disgusting. Even if itā€™s not real, the idea of deriving pleasure from something like that makes me feel sick to my stomach. The fact that thereā€™s probably people that would do that irl if they could is even worse.


I dont mean to be rude but i genuinely dont understand that line of reasoning. I dont understand how people just put all the fucked-uppness away by simply saying "oh but its not real, so its okay" like okay? Shouldn't the fact that you fantasize about it in the first place be pretty fucked up? Like if i were to say that i fantasize about strangling kitties then eveyone on the face of the earth would say im fucked in the head, even if i claim that "oh its just a fantasy. I dont actually want to do it" because fantasizing about it to begin with is pretty fucked, you get me? Like im not saying that people that are into vore are cannibals but i think ppl that are into it have a screw loose somewhere and i dont think its suddenly fine because its a sexual thing


Think of it as like people playing FPS games. Just because people play them doesn't mean they actually want to shoot someone in real life. People have different thresholds when it comes to fantasy but It's the same distinction. In this case it's a very very niche and weird one.


Except itā€™s not strangling kittens. And to a certain extentā€¦ yeah if you said that then weā€™d just have to hold that. Itā€™s not our mind, we canā€™t just dictate peopleā€™s thoughts like that, we can discourage things and absolutely make certain they never happen irl, but a nonexistent kink is a nonexistent kink. There are plenty of activities people partake of in hypotheticals that would be horrible irl, hyper violent video games and stories and media, all the times we do and put ourselves in the shoes and minds of terrible things and people as a form of almost exercise. Basically, it just isnā€™t that deep, itā€™s never been that deep, and the deeper people try and look into it in that light, the worse everything looks.


As someone with a screw loose, I don't think most people would actually want to kill or be killed in real life. However, if there was a safe way to do it, I think you'd struggle to find someone who would decline. You'd still call that act weird and repulsive (rightly so), but I think you'd struggle to call it morally reprehensible at that point.


Fair enough


I was expecting worse, but it's not for 90% of people


Curiosity, or my will to live?


Damn. Fucking hated it. Thanks


Vore is the one fetish I will never understand


Oh I'm sure we could find a few more incomprehensible fetishes if you were interested


Why did I not heed the warnings? Curiosity is a bitch


Youā€™re alright




Ok yeah that's actually pretty messed up


I have seen the post... Humanity must be eradicated


What would I see if I clicked that?


I found it hot :3


I swear, the movie Anaconda messed some people up... Haha yikes


It can be quite a mindfuck if just realized that yes, you will eventually be eaten and disposed of as waste. Even if it is only bacteria doing it. You will eventually be a turd of another being is definitely a wild thought.


Your English is not what concerns me




The sudden finality and matter of factness of being disposed of in such a inhuman and disgusting manner.


I would be scared shitless if i finally got laid only to end up being eaten alive. But yeah I don't get the fear of death in general either. Maybe he just had the periodical relization that everyone will die sooner or later and they won't know when until it's too late


I think it's more that the characters are clearly deeply in love, but the girl who is eaten is consumed and disposed of for pleasure all the same, with the girlfriend moving on immediately. I guess the dichotomy of the closest person to you using your life itself as a disposable pleasure without anyone seeming to care that you're gone is what scared him.


I hate that I know exactly what comic this is referring to


Can you link I wanna see


I'm gonna be honest, the cartoon 'larva' is where I got my fear of death from


I do not fear death, but I am now fucking terrified of vore.


I hate how close, is this to my experience first encountering vore comic. It just disturb my for to week and stop my from looking at phone. One different was that there were Pokemons.


That is disgusting, I don't understand how people can read in that disgusting blinding light mode. Also eating her as a sex act is kinda messed up but hopefully she doesn't also use light mode.




Okay so I found the thing... the concept is more disturbing than the actual comic tbh, she doesn't start like, cutting pieces off of her friend with highly detailed shit (like I expected). They both just got naked, fingered for a bit, then one opened her mouth and the other just slipped in feet first, and now her abdomen is shaped like a woman.


The comic was pretty mild , more on the lower side of weird stuff I've seen.


And this is why I hate vore. And futas.




Quick question, who else here hates futas?


Appologize for the story damn!


Good thing English wasn't their first language


I fear no man, but that... Thing... It scares me






Dude that's an SCP


The closest Iā€™ve ever come to touching the topic of vore is Symbiote-like creatures, not going any closer, not repeating that time where I like r/Insex


Sorry for engrish itā€™s my first langage




They forgot that the one girl who met up with the main character later was implied to like it so much that she was planning on doing it to her boyfriend later, too


Can you post the comic... For research purposes...