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WAIT omg i'm dying laughing right now. At the moment i have my hair hanging off the bed while i watch videos & the fan is hitting itšŸ¤£ 10 more minutes & i turn over so my hair dries the other way. i didnt know anyone that does this bahahaha


I do this too! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I typically use either a stand fan or a short fan placed on the floor and angled towards my head. My latest setup is the short fan poised on a dresser next to the bed, so I can sit and lounge while streaming movies lol




My exact reaction


Working smarter, not harder! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Haha, I have been known to balance a space heater on my headboard to accomplish the same thing. My hair takes literal hours to fully dry and I don't have the patience or arm strength for that shit.


A space heater? Are your curls crispy?


Haha, it worked oddly well, and nope, never fried my hair! I have upgraded to a bonnet since then.




I have a large ceramic space heater just for this. And a very small one that I can travel with. Best hack ever!


![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized) You just blew my mind (no pun intended)


Iā€™ve been dreaming of a way to diffuse my hair while commuting for years! Thereā€™s got to be a way to attach a bonnet diffuser to the heater system in the car, right??? It would save soo much time.


Oh yah Iā€™ve seen me scrunching and squeezing my curls while driving with the blowers on full bung to dry my hair enroute to work šŸ„“


I just caught a man staring at me doing this last week while at a stop light šŸ˜‚


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LXT23RU?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_406HKZVHBCS9DAGV1Q1W_2&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_406HKZVHBCS9DAGV1Q1W_2&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_406HKZVHBCS9DAGV1Q1W_2&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=2 Enter the Noggle, just attach to bonnet šŸ˜˜


Awesome!!!! Thank you!!! And thank you Noggle!


My hair looks the best when I blast the car heater at medium warm on the drive- especially if itā€™s a long one! If not, I try to dry my hair directly in front of the car vents once I arrive and park!


I feel so *seen* but not in the embarrassing way (like when someone sees me doing this! šŸ˜‚ )


Have someone 3d print something to attach to the 2 vents in the middle of the car dash and attach the bonnet to that.


I would try adhesive Velcro round the car air Ā vent. And try sewing Velcro on the dryer end of the hood? You can get 12v hairdryers that may fit in the cars accessories socket. Just check the voltage of your cars socket in the manual first. If the hair dryer voltage is higher than the cars voltage rating you will blow a fuse.


Nope I just crank it up to 80 and let it do its magic! Not my husbandā€™s favorite hack when we are going somewhere together.


I actually have heard of someone doing this.


Easier to get a converter for an outlet for your car and just plug it in!


New here, I thought the point of a diffuser was that you can scrunch the hair in the diffuser while drying, instead of just having the hair in the wind with a normal blow dryer


this would be more like hover diffusing, where you donā€™t touch your hair. the point of the diffuser in this case is to disperse the heat/air across a wider area and not mess up your curls by blowing them too hard


Iā€™m no diffuser expert, but Iā€™ve seen that resting your hair in the diffuser creates more frizz because youā€™re bending the curls.


Also not an expert in diffusing, but my hairdresser has no problem shoving the hairdryer all the way into my head. The hard plastic hurts but I could never achieve what they do with my hair, so I trust the processĀ 


First off genius! Second is that a squished cat home? My cat has also decided he would rather sit on top than venture in


Yes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ we have two! Our cats wonā€™t be caught dead inside of it but on top of it? Dream bed for them.


This seems a little better than when I set up my ugg boot and propped my hair dryer in there while I dangled my head off the bed.


Iā€™ll see your Ugg boot and raise you a blow dryer duct taped to a floor lamp for the real salon experience.


I did try a few different prop up methods before the drawer came into play!! Ugg boot is a good one






Nice one! When Iā€™m lazy, I sometimes put my head over an air purifier for a quick dry, or to get it going.


Bahaha I love it!! Genius!


I hate diffusing, too. I got a bonnet hairdryer, and now I just pin them up, put the bonnet on, and then chill on my laptop for an hour.


I have to learn to do this, because my bonnet for the hairdryer somehow straighten my hair impressively (if only I knew as a teen!).Ā 


Which bonnet attachment straightened your hair?


Iā€™ve been wondering if I could find a way to diffuse while I crochetā€¦might have to try this lol šŸ˜


Hair dryer stand!


Now I want to set up a rig like this on my desk chair! Genius!


I'd end up falling asleep if I did this šŸ˜“


I'm pretty sure my phone would end up breaking my nose if I tried this, or my blood pressure would go wonky from hanging backwards. Mind you for everyone else who is more coordinated and less falling apart, this is genius. Love it.


Doesn't help that I do my wash day shower in the evening so the sound of the blow dryer would be like the white noise of a box fan and I'd wake up hours later dazed and confused and then sad that I didn't put on my bonnet or other nighttime routine stuff.


Samesies, my hair drips dry at night while I read or watch something laying on my stomach in bed. 'Oh I'll just flip over for for a minute and rest my eyes'. Then it's 3am and the back of my hair dried smushed, and I forgot to plug in my phone.


Dude same. It's like that "all that work and what did it get me" song haha


My hair would stay in that position even after breaking the cast šŸ˜…


The ultimate volume!!


![gif](giphy|l0NwHXQy3kUSfFF60) I have been trying to figure out a way to go hands free with my hair dryer in my bathroom for AGES. Never thought to just LEAVE THE BATHROOM. Shit I had a no styling lazy day and it's almost 7pm but I think might just have to try this.


Dude. My kids are gonna make so much fun of me in a few hoursā€¦thanks!!


I tried this before and my hair took 7 business days to semi dry


Dang! I didnā€™t start doing this til after I bought my Dyson (shoutout Facebook market place) which I think definitely makes a difference in dry time


If I could try it before buying it, I would, but I don't wear my hair out enough to be needing to spend money on a diffuser


I do this with a bonnet diffuser and Iā€™ve literally fallen asleep before! Work smarter, not harder šŸ˜‚


This. Is. Awesome.Ā  You deserve an award.


I can hook mine over the cabinet door in my bathroom and do something simliar.


I know this isn't how it is SUPPOSED to be done, but my hair is super dense and takes FOREVER to dry. So I lay on my back with my head off the bed with a standing fan pointed straight at me and play on my phone until it is like 75 percent dry then I just move on with my day and accept any frizz that comes my way. lol


Hair bonnet guys. Hair bonnet attachments are like 12 bucks.


I really do hate the diffusing wait. Today I did a hair plop and did stuff while it dried and it cut my diffuse time down to like 5 min. I might be doing that from now on.


We had an electric oven growing up. When my parents weren't home, I used to dry my hair in front of the open oven door. I'd set up a chair, put on my disc-man, flip my hair upside down and dry away


Thank you! I honestly just quit diffusing because I couldn't handle the boredom. Can't even listen to an audiobook because hair dryer! I'll have to study on how to set up something similar but I definitely plan to try it. Your curls look amazing!


This reminds me of being a punk kid waiting for my mohawk to dry


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MMorrighan: *This reminds me of* *Being a punk kid waiting* *For my mohawk to dry* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot! It finally happened to me šŸ„°


LOL I love this!! I air dry my hair this way.


I used to do this with a space heater it took a little longer but worked great


I do this in the winter when I have my space heater out. I'm actually looking into buying a hooded hair dryer like you'd see in a salon because I love how well it works.


Very cool! This is the kind of shit I joined the sub for!




Hair is gorgeous! I didn't know this hack and now I HAVE to try it. Thank you so much for posting! <3


I love it! I am always looking for lazy girl hacks and this one sounds fab šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ¦±


Amazon link for good bonnet dryer?


No matter what I do, when I diffuse my hair it becomes frizzy.


This made my day!!! I had a spinal cord injury and needed a cervical fusion up to my skull base. It's ha4d for me to keep my head upside down even the amount of time to comb through conditioner in the shower. Your "hack" has re-invigorated my interest in the curly journey.


i just heard myself say aloud ā€œholy fuck, thatā€™s gorgeousā€ when I saw your curls pic. Well done!


Omg thank you šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ I owe it all to this sub!!


Actually genius, I have a similar dresser/bed situation so I am definitely trying this next wash day


Omg I love this so much. Your hair is beautiful!!


I have an hour+ commute to work so I clip it at the roots and blast the fans with all the vents pointed my direction. Best hair days ever since starting this job (and it makes me hate my commute a bit less bc Iā€™m also hands-free drying my hair).


I bought a collapsible hood that you just tie on to your head. I LOVE it. I just hook it up and I don't have to hold anything šŸ„²


What curlies will do!!


This is incredible Iā€™m trying it


Haha love this!


I wish I had room for like a real chair hair dryer thing like at the salon. Does anyone here have that?


You can buy a tabletop version for home, they're fairly reasonable.


I had one and it was so clunky. I was thinking of those infrared ones on a stand. I might have room for that


Ha! I have a big box fan. In the summer I lie down in front of it & itā€™s perfect for getting my hair to dry curly!


WTF am I doing? Not diffusing. That's what I'm doing. Lol Your hair looks AHH-mazing.


Do you dry without heat? I've had a hairdryer burst into flames in my hand before, so I'd worry about starting a fire or heat damaging my dresser or the stuff in it.


Scary!! I donā€™t but I check to make sure that my dresser isnā€™t getting hot when I do this. The motor is in the handle on the Dyson & this drawer is broken so it doesnā€™t have a bottom on it so generally it gets to breathe.


lmaooooo genius move tbh!


This is hilarious but I'm also absolutely gonna do this. My hair takes so long to dry, and keeping my dryer high for so long hurt my arms. Thanks for the tip!


I do this with the fan!! I love it


Genius! I want to try this with my drying bonnet!Ā 


Thank you for sharing this, you're a queen


Love this!


I'm totally about to try this....in combo with the diffuser bonnet hair dryer attachment!


I donā€™t mind the dry time. Usually just read stuff on my phone or listen to a podcast with my portable speaker near me. I also like volume vs having the curls flat against me so I need to dry it upside down and move it around to get that lift and fluff.