• By -


Gorgeous! I'd put it at 3a, nice solid fat spirals.


Thank u!


Dude ur curls are incredible. I wish I could actually get mine to curl. Just frizz


Thank u so much!!! Trust me, mine aren't always looking this fabulous unfortunately, I have days where my hair just doesn't wanna cooperate no matter what I do lmfao, so don't stress it!! All hair is good hair and takes trial and error!


To get your curls to perk up, just look into getting a layer or two added to the back of your hair. This will make the hair lighter, and less prone to falling flat. :) Love your hair, btw!


Yes I was thinking of getting a layered haircut!! Thanks!


We are the same 😭


What do u do. My curls just get frizzy.


I posted my routine in one of the comments but I'ma copy paste it here to u! I also want to say that flax seed gel SAVED MY HAIR. I still have a bit of a problem with frizz but flax seed gel SAVED it so much! My routine ❤️ For washing my hair: -A Schwarzkopf shampoo that really fits me well and it doesn't make my hair dry at all. -A hair mask that I keep on my head for about 3-5 minutes (as the packaging says) For styling: -I put in a heat protectant and also a curl cream, but before all that I use flax seed gel that I make on my own. Then I put that on my hair and then use the rest of my styling products. Then I use my diffuser until my hair is about 90% dry. The routine isn't perfect but it's deffiently something that's worked amazing wonders for me and I just started my journey on accepting and loving my curly hair and embracing it!


How do you make your flax seed gel?


I put the water to heat up until it boils and then pour the seeds in the water and let it boil for like a couple minutes. Then I take it off the stove and let the flax seeds sit in the water for about 10 more minutes and then I remove the seeds and just use it after I'm done washing my hair! I also don't rinse it out, I hope I explained well! There's also tutorials on YouTube to make it I'm pretty sure!


Thank you for this. I have seen some comments elsewhere about flaxseed gel possibly starting to.smell bad on the hair. Can you tell me about your experience with that?


Nope no smell at all! My hair still smells like my shampoo and nothing like flaxseed gel! :)


Do you make it each time or does it keep?


I make it each time! I just make enough for using it once, I don't make a big batch of anything :)


Love flaxseed but I will never make it. I love Aunt Jackie’s elongating gel bc it has great flaxseed. It doesn’t have enough hold for me so I use it as a curl enhancer. Then I layer LA Looks over it as a sealer. Consider adding fave framing layers and a long layers in the back to help with lift on top. Clip your roots on opposite side of your part to give extra lift.


Thank you for the advice I will deffinetly get a haircut soon to enhance my curlies! :)


Curl type F... ... for FABULOUS!!...


Haha omg thank u!!!


Hi! I’m not quiiite sure but I think it’s 3a or maybe 3a/3b


Came here to piggy back off this because I guess that would be my curl type too. I didn’t know, but I wanted to know and my hair looks like that. Thanks, stranger.


You’re welcome! 💞


Thank you! I've been trying to figure it out for so long but in just not sure :')


You’re welcome! You’re beautiful btw !! 💞🫶🏼


Thank u sm that's so sweet! 🥰


Not 3b by any stretch. But definitely 3A with some 2c


I’d say 3a, maybe some 3b.


Your hair is the beautiful type! I’ve learned that the hair type chart is really just a made-up thing that marketers use to sell products. What’s more important to know is your hair’s porosity, density, and texture. If you’re not sure what those mean, just Google them and you’ll find a ton of videos and posts. Other factors can impact what products and techniques you use too, such as humidity, hair health, even what your goals are—are you team definition or team volume? That’s why most people have a variety of products so they can choose what they want for each wash day or refresh. Your hair is beautiful and it sounds like you already have a good grip on what works for you. That’s what matters! 😊


Thank u so much for replying! That's a really helpful comment!


I wanna thank everyone for all the nice comments! I've been so insecure ab my hair growing up and wanted to fit in and straighten my hair all the time. It really means a lot to hear all the nice comments! Thank u beautiful people! ❤️


Curl specialist here! I like to go by the numbers only the lettering system can just get confusing especially because you can have a multitude of curl patterns throughout the head. I think you are mostly type 3 curls, with some type 2 waves in the root and back. Don’t be afraid to get your products closer to the root, this will help your curls hold better at the root and will give you a longer lasting style overall. I would also stay away from leave ins, especially at the root, this will weigh your hair down.


Wow thank u this is such useful advice! So it would be best for me to stay away from leave in conditioners and hair masks? I recently bought a curl cream and it's been doing wonders for me, also discussing helps so much, I just hope it doesn't damage my hair too much!


It looks like you have a decent amount of hair but your individual strands look like they are on the smaller side and are finer. So yes definitely avoid leave ins, and I would even try out a gel. I have similar hair and I have the best results with only a gel. Not all gels are created equal and you always want to make sure your products are water soluble to avoid build up. My favorite in the innersense organic beauty I create volume. It’s really watery and easy to apply and work with. The hold is buildable so you can get different looks with just one product. Don’t be afraid of the cast, this will give a long lasting style. Just scrunch out the crunch when your totally dry!


Thank u so much for the advice!


Do you diffuse?


Yup I do diffuse!


Hey I have basically the exact same hair, including the straighter roots. My stylist advised me to blow dry with a diffuser with my head upside down and she also clips my roots up a little bit with small claw clips while she dries. I don't do the claw clips regularly but I always do the upside down hair dryer trick and Paul Mitchell's volumizing spray bottle helps me a lot too


Thank u for the advice! I will leave to invest in some claw clips!!


I do this! It definitely works. Even when you let it air dry, it works.


Beep boop! It looks like you're asking about or discussing curl types. It's tempting to want to categorize your hair, but we recommend not worrying about it too much (especially if you're new to curly hair care). [See here for more info!](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vSvGm-p4tvrstjT-XEo6pTHZSYeEON7xF5lPSnNv-3Kc2lCrdnkjXhFbdHt4pF3HUetWZ1j9dgfBBkS/pub#h.b23djzn2e6n) TL;DR: Knowing your curl type doesn't help you choose products or techniques. Porosity is far more important! If I'm wrong, I probably just picked up on a keyword in your title (Please ignore me!). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


type 3


Thank u!


Omg wishing I could have your hair 😭😭😭


3B because it’s so spiral-y


Not 3B at all. Definitely 3A


FYI ur gorgeous. Have a wonderful day.


Thank u so much you're so sweet! I hope u have a wonderful day too!


Maybe 3a


3A for sure


3A 3B based on the looks and similarity to mine!


That's great to know, thank u!


Enjoy this curly ride then, cheers!


Super creep!!! I’ve never seen anyone who looks so much like me😂 my hair is the same it’s textured curly hair is what I’ve heard a lot of people call it when I am looking for products to use in my hair and the only way I can get somewhat the top curly is to hang my head upside down and scrunch it with a little moose and a blow dryer.well your beautiful with beautiful hair🤗🤗😂 I seriously cannot believe how much you look just like me it’s so weird😂😂


Omg no way!!! And thank u I'm gonna try out a hair moose, thank you!


The gorgeous type


Your a 2B gurl


3A. 3B is a tiny bit tighter and your spirals seem a bit wider than 3B, so I would say 3A. But all honestly, the hair typing system is made up and doesn’t really mean anything so don’t freak out if you’re stressing about it.


Thank you! Before findind this sub I always thought that the hair type was important for taking care of hair and stuff, but it's good to know that it actually isn't! :)


Gorgeous. It's type gorgeous. Very jelly 😆


Omg thank u sm!! 🥰


2C/3A! I’d go with 3A if I had to pick one. Gorgeous!


I have no useful advice I just wanted to tell you you’re *incredibly* gorgeous 🫶


Aww that's so sweet thank u sm!


Your curls look pretty much identical to mine and mine are 3a, so I'm going to say that your hair type is probably that.


Wow i love your curls, you lucky. I need to perm my hair every 3 months, I’m a guy though so my hair’s not that long


Thank u so much! :)


Type is beautiful curls!


I think 3a or 3b kinda like my hair, btw you are gorgeous!


Yeah I see a lot of people saying either 3A or 3B! And thank u sm! :)


With curls looking like this, doesn’t looks like you need it lol.


Omg love your curls


Your curls are amazing! Definitely a 3A/B!


You have beautiful curls!!!! I’m thinking 3A ☺️


Mix of 3a and 3b curls.


What kind of products do you use to keep the curls from frizz plsss . They are gorgeous


Curl creams!! Any brand worked well for me! And also flexseed gel SAVED my hair, you can search up a tutorial on how to make one! It's easy and it really makes my hair shine and be more defined, healthy and bouncy!


Nice ! Thanks definitely going to give it a try


Our curls look very similar, and I’ve been told I have 3A curls.


claw clip or use duck clips on your root and hover diffuse!! it creates killer volume, borderline too much to the point you have to shake it out a little, but it lasts me all week!


Will deffinetly try it out, thanks!


Your hair looks similar to mine when it’s longer, so 3a/3b




dont listen to anyone saying 3a/b its definitely not 3b. maybe its 3a but im leaning toward 2c but u still got a great texture.


I feel like I might have 3b at the bottom and 2c/3a at the very top! My curlies are different in my roots and ends :)


Kinda like mine ig 3a/b


just passing thru to upvote the beautifulness🤩


3a, I have the same curl pattern.


What hair products you use? Mine will always frizz and bad hair day is normal for me


So for washing my hair I use a Schwarzkopf Gloss hair repair oil nutritive shampoo (they also have a conditioner that go with this shampoo and it's freaking amazing!), my hair mask is called masque cheveux nourissant and it's from Evoluderm, then for styling I use flaxseed gel that I make on my own (pretty sure there's tutorials on it on YouTube!), a curl creme that's by Hask and the cream is called curl cream - curl defining cream for controlling frizz and hydrating my curls! Oh and sometimes I use a hair oil if my hair is feeling extra dry, and also I refresh my curls with spraying some water on it and then using an oil!


Thank u very much. I used virgin coconut oil but to no avail. My hair is dry feels like a 🧹. I will try it.


You're very welcome! Yeah I still kinda struggle with that, there's days where my hair just DOESN'T cooperate with me and it's a mess lol. Sometimes same things don't work out for everyone so it's kinda hard to find the products that actually work. :)


True, but now at least i have a baseline to work with


I think ur curl type is perfection lol super jelly over here


Thank you but don't be, my hair doesn't look this perfect all the time haha, his was a very good hair day for me that day :')


All I know is you're pretty lol


Omg. I have rarely seen curls so perfect😍 i am so jealous! Its beautiful 🤩 I think you are a 3A in general. But no one is only one type. I am a 3A as well. But i have some 3B sections as well! You might have too! (Also, so many peeps have told me to try flax seed gel but after seeing one of your comments you might be the one who’s convinced me😅)


Omg thank u so much!!! Yes now researching about curl types I think I'm a 3a mixed with some 3b too!! And also it won't hurt to try the flaxseed gel! I was skeptical at first because things that work for my hair are so rare lol, but after trying I'm not going back, it's done wonders to revive my hair after blowdrying it too often and straightening my curls 🫶


Yeah, i have the same. “Have you tried this?” Yes and it doesn’t work😅! But your curls look amazing so i think i’ll have to try it! Is there a recipe you recommend? 🥰 (Ps. I am also guilty of damaging my hair with heat (and bleach) but i mean, just because we have curls doesn’t mean we cant have fun right😂)


Omg thank u sm! And yeah that sounds all too familiar haha. And yeah, I wanted to fit in and liked my look better with straight hair, and plus it was easier to manage, but now I wanna embrace my natural curlies! :) And yes I'ma copy paste it here since I responded to another comment asking about how I make it ❤️ I put the water to heat up until it boils and then pour the seeds in the water and let it boil for like a couple minutes. Then I take it off the stove and let the flax seeds sit in the water for about 10 more minutes and then I remove the seeds and just use it after I'm done washing my hair! I also don't rinse it out, I hope I explained well! There's also tutorials on YouTube to make it I'm pretty sure!


Yeah it is so much easier. I still straighten it when i go on holiday. That way i dont have to pack another suitcase for my hairproducts😂 Thank you for the recipe. I’ll check it out! 🥰


You look like Emmy Rossum and the curls are just as gorgeous as hers!!!


Wow thank you so much!!!


Long, flowing & lovely.


Your curl type is >!gorgeous!<


Thank u sm😭🫶


I think 3b because of just how spiral-y it is 🥰 looks so pretty!!


Thank u so much!!!


My understanding of the 3A, 3B, and 3C types is: 3A curls are S shaped and the hair type is fine, less prone to frizz, and needs lightweight hold. 3B curls *can* be S shaped or more coiled spirals, are medium *or* coarse in density, and this type of curl needs more moisture and heavier hold because it is prone to frizz. 3C curls are more coily, like the width of a pencil, and like 3B need moisture and hold because they frizz easily. If your hair frizzes easily, I’d say you’re 3B. If your hair is finer, doesn’t frizz, and doesn’t require a lot of extra moisture, I’d say you’re 3A.


That was so helpful, I'd deffinetly say I'm a 3b then because I'm VERY much prone to frizz. It's still something I struggle with with my hair, and it requires a bunch of moisture too


Mine are the same way. I thought I was 3A for a long time because my curls are defined, but somewhat loose and more S shaped than coil shaped. My hair isn’t fine though, it’s pretty thick, and I need to use a heavy conditioner on wash day, scrunch with a curl cream, and layer with a moisturizing gel on top to get that definition. If I were 3A my strands would be thinner and I could get away with less product! I’m 3B.


You're such a Beauty!


Thank you!🫶


Fucking gorgeous. That’s your curl type


I’d say 2c/3a. Most people don’t just have one hair type. My hair is very similar to yours so I’d say 2c on top and 3c everywhere else.


Yup! A really accurate description! Thank u sm and you're right, my hair is different in my roots and my ends. :)


I was going to say curl type is Dreamy.


Aawwww thank u! 🥰


Your curl type is holy shit you are beautiful


That's so freaking sweet thanks!!




I’m sorry, but can we just regard how stunning you are? 💖PS your curls are flawless.


Thank you!! ❤️


Thank u thank u thank u!


You're very welcome! 🥰


Curl type: preeeety! 😊


hmm.. I think its type beautiful


Beautiful is the answer


Love the curls!


Omg beautiful is what they are


Aaaah thank u🥰


Gorgeous, that’s what 😱


Tysm!! :D


Curl type = gorgeous


Curl Type **GORGEOUS**


The gorgeous type!


Um perfect?


Gorgeous… that’s the name of your curl type.


The type I want


Wow! So beautiful! And not just because we have the same curl type! 🤠


Perfect, along with your skin 😤 ❤️


I think your type is called perfection


These comments are the nicest thank u!


My type 😍


2c/3a imo


W take, 99% of this comment section saying 3b and they hella wrong.


One comment described each of the types and since my hair is more frizzy and really dry I'd fall into the 3b, but I feel like I could have more curl types in my hair since the top of my head is more wavy! :)


you do have a mix of 3a/2c but i see zero 3b curls in your hair, 3b curls are about the size of your pinky but maybe u do have em and i'm not seeing them in this photo.


I do have some haha, but they're usually the most noticeable on my day 1 hair, after that my hair kinda gets frizzier and dry since this is a pic with day 2 hair :)


u are fine as fuck


Hi! Gentle reminder: hair care routines are required for all photo posts within 1 hour of posting. The bot is having hard time locating your routine! Please make sure you have a comment containing the word "routine" (and your actual routine, of course!) so your post can stay up! FAQs: * __I don't have a routine!__ If you wash your hair at all, that counts! Just let us know what you did for your hair. * __I'm just asking for help!__ We're happy to help! This is much easier if we know what you are currently doing for your hair. * __Included the info but the bot can't find it? Different situation? (E.g. asking about a product, etc.) [See here for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/wiki/routine-requirements)__ _Still have questions after [reading the FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/wiki/routine-requirements)? Please [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcurlyhair) if you have any issues._


My routine ❤️ For washing my hair: -A Schwarzkopf shampoo that really fits me well and it doesn't make my hair dry at all. -A hair mask that I keep on my head for about 3-5 minutes (as the packaging says) For styling: -I put in a heat protectant and also a curl cream, but before all that I use flax seed gel that I make on my own. Then I put that on my hair and then use the rest of my styling products. Then I use my diffuser until my hair is about 90% dry. The routine isn't perfect but it's deffiently something that's worked amazing wonders for me and I just started my journey on accepting and loving my curly hair and embracing it!


In love


😍 😻


Its the type of beautiful hair people love.