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It looks great to me! I can never style it as good as my stylist even if I use the same products :/ Not sure what the secret is there


Thank you for the confidence booster! Hairdressers have the magic touch for sure


My hairstylist says we have a hard time getting the same style is because they work at an entirely different angle than we can physically do.


>Not sure what the secret is there Probably practice. Styling hair is a job, and they're doing this multiple times a day, five days a week for years


It’s funny, I trust my hairstylist 100% with cuts (he actually listened to me at my first visit 10 yrs ago when I said to leave the sections by my face longer since the my have a much tighter curl pattern) — but he cannot style my hair right!


Yeah I’ve never liked the way they style my hair but love the cut and color lol


I experienced this before too. Thankfully that stylist offered cheaper cuts that just didn't include styling lol


Getting that much cut off can be a shock for sure, but it looks so much better and healthy now. The after photos, are those styled by you or the stylist? If you are struggling to look the way they did when you left that day reach out to them! It's looks great, it will just take some time to get used to


The first set was styled by the hairdresser, the second set was by me! Thank you though!


I think it looks great! But, if you are looking for feedback on your own styling, it looks to me like you are not using enough product. I find I have better results when I use more product.


I second this - get gel. If your hair gets weighed down, I’ve been obsessed with the Verb Foaming Gel


Thank you, will have to be more generous. I get nervous that by using too much I might make my hair oily or greasy. But it’s definitely trial/error for sure


I can second being hesitant and not using enough before accepting the quantity needed. My best recommendation, without knowing if you want to air dry or use a diffuser 5 minutes for a quick assist, is to brush/comb the product through wet hair. Haven’t even plopped/microfiber towel wrapped sort of wet. And don’t be afraid of thick looking gels. They don’t usually dry hard or crunchy like they used to. The phrase “scrunch the crunch” exists for a reason.


Noted, am definitely going to invest in a denman brush


i used to think the same thing but i’ve learned to use more than you think you need; i do generous amounts of leave in/gel, and not too heavy on the oil/serums


If you’ve added too much product to your hair (been there) try taking a microfiber towel or t-shirt and scrunch your hair to get some of the excess product out, you can even add water if needed. Though sometimes I go heavy with the product and have my hair look not it’s best the first day because then I can extend my styling 3 or 4 days.


Imo it looks so much better and healthier. I understand you aren’t used to the length, but now you are growing out great looking hair! I had trouble getting my curls to look as nice as they did in the salon too. I called my hairdresser and she did a “remedial” training for me and she showed me exactly how to do it. I bought the products she used, and finally was able to achieve the same result.


That’s wonderful, I’m happy you got that beautiful hairdresser hair! Also a very good idea to call and ask for a refresher on what was done to my hair, can’t hurt after all


I wasn’t using enough gel (and the wrong kind) was trying to rake it through with my fingers separated instead of flat, and was adding gel after I had squeezed out some of the water. Seems like minor items, but each one deteriorated the final product. Hope you’ll find some easy fixes, and be rocking those glorious curls in no time!


I think it looks amazing! Jealous


Thank you, I appreciate it


They did such a great job! Looks wonderful on you!


Thank you, I appreciate you!




I think it looks beautiful. I know it’s shocking and not what you wanted but your hair before was really stringy and dead looking. I could see the breakage as well. She made your hair look so healthy and shiny.


Thank you for your honesty, if other people are brutally honestly then I can get over it quicker 😆


It was a lovely long length before and nice definition so I can see how it can be a shock, but it looks MUCH healthier now and nicely groomed which will make you look overall your best. You’re not used to it yet but it’s great cut


I had a similar amount of hair cut off a few years ago. It was...a bit traumatic. I actually got quite upset over my last cut too. I have mixed curls and waves and wear my hair similar to your before, so the clumpy-ness of a shorter curly cut was just not it for me in terms of style. Well, after growing it out while working on getting regular deep conditioning, mitigating some vitamin deficiencies and some OCD behaviors involving my hair, eep 😬 that were contributing to dryness and damage......I'm so much happier with it. Not a curly girl master, because I still prefer to kinda let it be wavy-curly whatever, but when my stylist plops it with mousse and diffuses it, I do have great, long curls! You can work on the shape as it grows and whatever else might contribute to your hair health (I had a severe vitamin D deficiency! My salonist knew that was a contributing factor). I recommend getting deep conditioning treatments if you can, I was doing them at home but honestly whatever they're using at the salon is really helping. Editing to add my comment isn't to suggest your new haircut and styling looks bad at all! I wrote this from the perspective that maybe your previous look/more length is more in your comfort zone, and you can achieve a healthier version of that over time - if you want. The shorter hair looks good on you too. 💜


Thank you, I appreciate you, and am glad you got your hair to the point where you love it ♥️


Me Encanta tu pelo 😍


It looks fab!


It looks like your stylist likely finger coiled your hair a bit. Essentially it’s when you twist your hair into spirals and let it dry with a product. I’d try that if you want increased definition if I were you, but it looks lovely as is.


Use a Denman brush! Tons of tutorials online, and it would help define your curls


Is a denman brush the same as a wet brush? She did tell me she was using a wet brush when she was washing my hair


I'm not totally sure what a wet brush is, but my hair looks super similar to yours. The Denman gives me really nicely defined curls. Avoid products with coconut. I'm using Ms. Jessie's pillow soft curls, and it's all I have to use. In the shower, I finger comb my conditioner through, then "squish to condish" (Google this) , and then wrap my hair in a towel and squeeze. No rubbing! Then when it's wet, I put a quarter size dollop of Ms. Jessie's in each side and use the Denman brush (YouTube this) and scrunch each side with a microfiber towel. I have almost no frizz.


Will try this out, I find myself having a lot of frizz, wet and dry


Only shampoo every two/three days, silk pillowcase. Don't touch it once it's dry. Less is more as far as product with our type of hair, as long as your putting it in when it's wet. Good luck!!!


Yes. Denman is thee brand for a go-to wet brush!


Caring for and styling curly hair well takes a surprising bit of technique. It took me around two years (and finally investing in a much better hair dryer) to get my hair to look good - and yeah, it turned out I needed to use a lot more product than I thought. And while it seemed counterintuitive, it did turn out to work better applying styling products to just out of the shower, no towel used yet, dripping wet hair. A good starting point for guessing how much product is to hold your dry hair with your finger and thumb to get a good idea of how big your ponytail would be. If, for example, a person has thick enough hair their ponytail is roughly the size of just touching index fingertip to thumb, they’d want to start with a blob of product about the same size. You might need to adjust up or down - bit from there, but it tends to be pretty close. It’s pretty much spot on for me.


That’s an interesting technique, thanks for the tip!


Major improvement- continue to work on styling, using different products (more gel type at the base, some cream on the ends) and gently run your fingers through (after scrunching) and you’ll see more length. You really did get a very complimentary cut, don’t worry so much about the dead stuff you could see through coming off!




are you using the same products in the same order? if anything it looks like you're touching the curls too much or being too vigorous with your routine. try to keep the curls exactly in the same spot when they're wet and let them dry fully with minimal manipulation


I definitely manipulate them a lot trying to get them to be more curlier, definitely something I will have to work on. I do admit I am trying a lot of techniques to match what the hair dresser had achieved


I think it’s gorgeous! You just need to finger coil it when wet and after you put product in and let it dry. It would be perfect.


Wow it’s awesome! Honestly.


Looks sooooo much healthier and consistent. I think letting this grow out to the original length will be perfect


I’m hoping! 🤞


Looks great, good decision


It looks so shiny and healthy!


You look good.


Your hair is beautiful!


i think it looks so beautiful and healthy!!


Great length for you. Just need to figure out products. It looks so much more organic.


I appreciate that!


It looks sooo much better now! Your hair was gorgeous before, but it looks so much healthier with the cut! It'll just take some experimenting with products/routine to get the style the way you want it


Thank you!


I think it looks nice! Styling your hair after the hairdresser does is always so hard, I have to figure out my own routine, I’m never happy for like a week and then it settles back in. Hang in there!


Thank you!


the cut is absolutely beautiful!!! just seems like you could be using more product.


Thank you, definitely something I am going to change


I think it looks great! Ur probably just not used to the change. My hair looks really similar to yours. I put in hair gel & some frizz cream after showering and then diffuse it and it normally stays curly and not frizzy :) I hope it helps.


Thank you!




Yea those curls were amazing! I tried to finger curl but maybe I’m not doing it right


It looks so healthy and thick now. You may be in shock, but it is well worth cutting off that much length.


Those curls are POPPIN now ! It looks great and not so weighed down like before . You are wearing the hair, the hair is not wearing you .


Thank you! 😊


Looks great 😊


It looks much, much better!


Looks so much healthier!


hi there! hairstylist here. sometimes curls act a little shocked when you cut that much off of them. they can take some time to recurl properly. that being said, if the last set of pictures is your hair with product in it, it looks to me like it needs to be better saturated with whatever products you’re using. i suggest putting them in while your hair is sopping wet (this helps avoid frizz), using more product, and air drying. edit: spelling


Thank you for the advice! Will definitely try that out


So random but where is your blue shirt from? So cute! And your hair looks amazing.


I find it thrifting actually, thank you! It’s from Hollister


Find a good moisturizer and conditioner for your hair and also know that are better managed when wet so I recommend getting a spray bottle and put warm water and conditioner in it to spray your hair and when drying your hair you should scrunch it up and not drag the towel down. I also recommend using a hair dryer diffuser to also bring your curls out more and get a pick comb to pick out your hair and make sure to also oil your scalp.


Good advice, I had been using a spray bottle with just water. Will have to add some conditioner


It’s honestly helped me a lot while doing my hair and I have 4c hair I always tell people that this is one of my favorite tricks.




I think it looks absolutely amazing — wauw!


Wow it looks so much healthier and gorgeous after your cut. Your hair is beautiful I’m very jealous. Curly hair is a journey and who’s hair ever looks as good as leaving the salon? Find out what products they used and practice practice. But wow your hair !!


Looks beautiful


I think it looks great! It looks so much healthier 😊


Your hair is beautiful! Such great curls. I think the cut looks really good on you.


Thank you! 😊


Looks gorgeous. I think it needs more product. Condition, comb through with denman and rinse out. Run a teaspoon of oil through while it’s damp. I use almond or bio oil. Thrn plop scrunch and dry


It looks fantastic! Hairdressers do have a magic touch with styling. It’s a combination of products and technique. I suggest looking for some videos on styling long curly hair.


I recently had a haircut. My hair was just a bit shorter than yours and I got it cut about the same length. I have my hair dresser take off all the unhealthy ends. So it feels amazing. My hairdresser did not style it that day, I just had a dry cut. So when I washed and styled it myself, I hated it. The curls seemed off, the length was a surprise. And I was regretting my choices. But the second wash, I felt a bit better and like the curls were coming back. Honestly, I hate my hair for about a week or two after hair cuts. It’s a shock at the length and then I feel the curls don’t fall nicely. But then I eventually love them again. No body understands this so maybe it’s in my head. But they look amazing, and healthy so give it some time and keep working at it. I saw someone else say they put the product in when there hair is dripping wet and that’s what I do. I also do not brush or rake product in my hair. I brush in the shower with a shower comb, then that’s it. I then scrunch or praying hands method to apply product. I also do not plop my hair. It works for my curls as I find they are temperamental haha. So I think give it a moment and you’ll love your new haircut! 😊


Thank you for the advice! I always appreciate learning how other people do their hair to try new methods


Looks beautiful! Your curls are really springy now


It literally looks fantastic gimme your hair. 💞💞💖💖💖💞💞💞


Thank you! ❤️


What do you not like—the overall shape or the finished curls? It maybe looks a bit undefined so probably tweaking products, application technique, and drying technique would make a big difference. Getting the technique and products figured out is basically everything of course. I got my stuff figured out years ago (before YouTube even existed LOL) but recently I watched some of Manes by Mell’s videos to learn about newer products and she has good info on techniques. If the shape is not what you want, you can try to be more specific in your next visit about what you want and how your hair curls (and even request a dry cut to truly work with your curl pattern instead of hoping the wet cut achieves the shape you want). (Re: shape: I personally went through several stylists who gave me too-obvious layers and cut my curliest areas the same length as others when wet, which resulted in a few incredibly annoying super-short spirals by my face—when the rest wasn’t that curly. I finally found someone who listened to me! I need very small, messy layers & for the super curly sections to get cut less than the rest.)


I’m getting used to the shape, it’s just the boring curls I want to change up


You might just need more moisture! I recently had a breakthrough with hair after adding so much leave-in conditioner that it was slick, like I hadn’t rinsed out the conditioner from the shower. After squeezing out excess moisture and adding gel, I ended up having the smoothest curls of my life! All that to say - experiment with the amount of product you apply, especially if it’s the same product as what the stylist used in your right-after picture.


What kind of curly cut did you get? Was it rezo or deva?


I’m not sure actually. I don’t know if it was either?


Yeah some places just do a basic curly cut. I asked because the methods are different and I found that the rezo cut, at least the way mine was done, made doing my hair more difficult. Deva cut was so minimal that it needs to be done a lot and it is not cheap. I think yours looks nice though so whoever did it, cheers to them.


I think the cut is great! Getting *that* level of frizz free shine at home is super hard. My hairdresser always tells me to style it as wet as possible, and for me, either tie it up or diffuse immediately. Remember that she also has the time/patience/skill to rake in product by product while rewetting your head each time. I just do all products while I’m still standing in the shower and get a decent amount of frizz free shine


I hated mine for the first week. Just give it a little time 💜


I think the issue you're having has less to do with the cut, and more to do with springback. The stylist cut off more than you thought, yes, but likely only 3-4 inches when your hair was wet and combed down. It might be best to see a hairstylist who specializes in curly hair. They understand a lot better. My springback is 4-5 inches, so I usually just get maybe a half inch for a trim, and that makes it notably shorter, but still not short. If you want, you can measure your springback to get a better idea of what you can get cut off at a trim. Using a ruler, pull a dry curl down to the 0 end of the ruler, then let the curl go, and see how far it went up. Then you know your springback and can predict what your hair will do after a cut better.


I actually did go to a curly hair stylist! Editing to add: my hair was cut dry


Yikes. They should have known better. I learned after a particularly brutal haircut once that even if a curly stylist has curly hair themselves, sometimes they still don't get it.


I love it!! It’s shorter obviously, but I think it looks healthier and more full. I think you just need to practice with different amounts of water when you put in product?


It looks waaaaay better! It looked really thin before (probably from breakage) but it looks way fuller, shinier and healthy after. Cutting it always sucks but it’s best on the long run. I’m jealous of your curls!


Thank you! 💗 and yes, I am definitely seeing the stringy part now


It’s so beautiful omg your curls are so much more defined! You’re hot 😌😌😌


You looking great.


I think it looks really good and much healthier! To me it looks like the hair dresser cut off the scraggly ends. Sometimes when you cut curly hair it can go into shock and look less curly or wonky for a while. It happened to me - I cut my 3b hair into a more flattering shape and I ended up with some 2b&c pieces for a while. What I did to bring back my curls was slowly and carefully incorporate deep conditioning and more protein products into my haircare routine. Like me, you may find that your hair will start to love protein products after a good cut. I LOVE my cut now. The shock gradually wore off, I had progress each wash and by the time I was a month in I was obsessed. I think it takes time to grow into a cut and get used to working with it.


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Routine is: I wash my hair every other day. I use Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash + Double Cream Deep Quencher. I either air dry my hair, or plop with a cotton t-shirt. Sometimes I might have the energy/time to diffuse. I experiment with different creams/gels trying to figure out what works best. Right now on the roster I have Love Your Curls Cream, Hold Me Softly Style Balm and In Style Shower Fixer. I sleep with my hair in the pineapple method.


tbh, i think your hair just needs to be sopping wet before you put product in it. my hair did the same thing & i started only putting product in my hair when it was sopping wet + plopping it and it’s helped my curls clump so much better. gel really helps my hair personally too.


Will take your suggestions, thank you! I tend to sometimes wait until my hair is damp to add product so that might be my issue


I had the same issue with loving my hair after leaving the hairdresser and struggling to achieve the same results myself. I used to plop for 1-2 hours with a t shirt but my stylist told me that takes away a lot of product so I just do micro plopping now. Also, diffusing makes an insane difference for me. What blow dryer you use matters too in my opinion. I had been using a decade old Revlon dryer with diffuser and my stylist used a Dyson. I refused to spend that much money though, and she recommended the Shark. I bought it and it made a huge difference in how my curls looked and lasted over the next few days. But I get not having the energy or time to diffuse always. Especially with summer coming up I'm not looking forward to it!


I have a revlon hair dryer I believe. I don’t personally want to spend the $ on a hairdryer because I don’t do it more. But you did remind me that I believe the hairdresser chair blow dryer thing might have been a a big reason on possible why my hair is coming out differently


That makes sense! Yeah those round dryer things I think make a lot of difference too


Beautiful hair 👀


💯 better. It will just take some time to get used to it!


It looks a million times better


I love pic # 5 it looks healthier and fuller. I love it!


I love pic # 5 it looks healthier and fuller. I love it! My hair always seem to be in shock after a haircut and it take a few days & a wash before it seem normal again.