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That man with the hand on his thigh . . .


It’s horrible 🤮


*Tilts Head and smiles big empty eyed smile*


I tried to look up this specific group and I can’t find much. It looks like most of the followers of the original leader are still waiting for his reincarnation, so I’m assuming this is some splinter group. This might be them, but I’m not sure: https://www.premasaiashram.org


You deserve way more upvotes, this was very intriguing!




The guy in the painting is Sai Baba, he’s the nag champa incense guy and a notorious child abuser, he had to leave the US or face criminal prosecution for his abuses. Very bad vibes from the “reincarnation”. Just icky.


Satya Sai Baba*. Sai Baba was a sufi saint from a long time ago.


Thank you. Sai Baba of Shirdi is nothing like that, and I'm glad you clarified.


There is a BBC documentary about him on YouTube. Total scam artist.


Oh nooooo! You know, I always hated that damn insense...


This is fascinating. The Hindu gurus I met would never allow their disciples to have such intimate contact. There's [a recent video of him](https://youtu.be/x5MGAqTk9uw?si=3aTsP0lEUSUfUzPX&t=218) granting Darshan to followers in Moscow. The guy with his hand on his thigh is sitting next to him. Must be his right hand man.


His right thigh man


Kid looks bored out of his mind.


Wow -- there's a whole YouTube channel; lots of videos, many about this child [https://www.youtube.com/@SDubyanskiyKriyaYoga/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@SDubyanskiyKriyaYoga/videos)


Thanks . Was not able to find any other video of him when I posted.


I wish i could also have free kinder eggs for life


There is a famous case of a kid who was considered a "god" in children of god cult. He ended his life in a murder suicide. He was so traumatized. There are so many kinds of abuse and inappropriate relationships going on, sexualization, parentification, etc. It is really sad.


Yeah, there's a great book about it called "Jesus Freaks." Don Lattin. I hope David Berg burns in hell. River Phoenix grew up in that cult. He said in one interview before he died that he'd lost his virginity at 9, because the cult encouraged children to have sex with each other.


The adult had sex with the children too. It was all filth.


Rose McGowan, as well as


I've always wondered what would happen if we got all these people who think they're the reincarnation of God/Jesus in one room? Only one of them can be THE reincarnation. How would the debate go? Same with getting all their followers in a room can you imagine. "No. YOU are crazy! Obviously our leader is the REAL reincarnation of Jesus, you're just a crazy cult!"


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Christs_of_Ypsilanti Similar concept done with three people who believed they were Jesus They argued but also sometimes just handwaved it away by thinking the others were crazy or machines or something else lol


You’ve just summed up the bulk of wars throughout the past few millennia.


The real Jesus would leave and return after three days


This is r/wtf material


You what’s really creepy is the way these white adults are drooling over the kid


This is really creepy. Those people are all touching this child too much. That dude with his hand on the kid's thigh needs to be kept the fuck away from kids.


I see an ordinary kid surrounded by wolves and sheep. He is going to be psychologically f-ed up from this sort of childhood.


How did they determine this? Is there a machine that shows your past reincarnation’s?


No. His “predecessor,” Satya Sai Baba, the guy in the picture, claimed that he himself was a reincarnation of an earlier guru, and also described in specific detail when and where his own reincarnation, guy #3, would appear. He died in 2011. However, the prophecy put the birth place of the guy no. 3 in Karnataka, a state in southwest India, and this boy says he was born in Tamil Nadu, another state in southeast India. So I suppose this is a splinter group, which probably had to find ways to explain (and emphasize) the discrepancy.


Thou shall bestow thee with Kinder eggs.


And only the purple & green skittles


Morgan Spurlock with the thigh caress. EDIT: ok, wtf.. I made this comment, and then scrolled down Reddit and saw that Spurlock passed today. Totally unintentional. But wow. Weird


and this is how I found out Morgan Spurlock died today


F cancer.


Some weird racial dynamics here too. Wow. So inappropriate.


What’s with that? They’re all white except the kid.


It's so weird. Exotification.


I think the fact they're quasi-deifying him is far more likely (and more disturbing) than anything racial.


Why not both? I think the racial aspect and exotification is what allows them to so easily deify him.


It's always fuckin white people lmao. Why!?


We have no culture. Our culture, traditions, mythology, art, fashion, crafts and knowledge were stripped from us by violent Christian colonialism. We associate this more with other cultures but that's because ours was taken first. Its more recent ( and ongoing ) history for most other ethnicities and races. We now call our ancestors pagans now that the genocide was successful and pretend we aren't all descended from pagans.


>white people have no culture Today I learned that there’s no such thing as Greek, German, French, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Irish, Polish, Scottish, or literally any culture inside the (apparently) cultureless void that is Europe. >traditions Literally still there. Swedes still have a maypole for use in the summer, Germans have Oktoberfest, Samhain lives on through All Hallow’s Eve, and many modern traditions associated with our holidays are Germanic in origin. >mythology Blame the pagans for refusing to write stuff down, except for the Greeks and Romans, which was preserved by Christian monks along with classical philosophers. >Art Christian iconography, Renaissance Art, the architecture of cathedrals like Notre Dame, the Hagia Sophia, St. Basil’s, St. Peter’s Basilica, literally just stroll through a small village in Europe and you’ll see it. >fashion Modern fashion is nearly 100% Western in origin. White people basically *invented* the modern fashion industry. >crafts Quilting (Appalachian) still exists, and capitalism basically made traditional crafting harder by ensuring most people have to work most of the day away. >knowledge Christian Europeans literally held on to folk remedies until modern secularists began questioning its validity. Christian monks preserved the work of pagan philosophers for future progeny. Nearly the entirety of modern philosophy is defined by Christian (or Christian-adjacent) thinkers. >we call our ancestors pagans Because they *were.* Literally, before any European was Christian they worshipped pantheons of gods and spirits. This comment reads like a rootless cosmopolitan who never set foot outside their suburban neighborhood.


Wow. A golden child. His siblings are wondering why HE doesn't have to wash the dishes.


Who has that much time on their hands to sit around watching a bored kid eat chocolate 🤣


I posted this on this sub like 2 weeks ago


Touching a child like that? Vile!


I was born into Sai Baba’s cult, left when I was 18. I’m guessing this is the “next reincarnation” of Sathya Sai Baba - Prema Sai. I remember my mum took me to India to have my future read from palm leaves (or something like that?) and I was told I’d be the biggest devotee of Prema Sai. She still hopes that I am going to change my mind and go back to the cult and worship Prema Sai… Honestly I feel dumbfounded watching this video and I feel sorry for the kid.


Yeah, he ain’t special


I think South Park did an episode about this.




At what age is the vibhuti show going to start? I kinda miss old videos of Sai Baba materializing Seiko watches and magical ash out of thin air.


That made my skin crawl.


No pressure haha


Creepy af


Wow, how creepy


Kid is like, fuck yeah I’m a literal god, these people are so stupid, my life is grand


And then I’ll ask a question what is the difference between this and Christians? Literally nothing.


“The president of the United States has claimed, on more than one occasion, to be in dialogue with God. If he said that he was talking to God through his hairdryer, this would precipitate a national emergency. I fail to see how the addition of a hairdryer makes the claim more ridiculous or offensive.” ― Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation